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Sep 15 ,2024 Author: D4gold

Some changes in Diablo 4 Season 5 not only exceeded my expectations, but also showed that the development team paid close attention to the needs of players. However, I have to admit that there are still some activities in Season 5 that are difficult for players to understand, such as having to upgrade a character from level 1 to level 100. In fact, many players prefer to play in Eternal Realm.

In this article, I will share some of my expectations for Season 6, and these improvements may make the player’s gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable.

How To Make Season 6 Legendary With 7 Key Improvements In Diablo 4? - My Personal Opinion

1. Add An Armory

In Diablo 4, if players want to try different builds, you must switch all Uniques, Aspects, and reallocate skill points, which is a very time-consuming process. In Diablo 3, because of the existence of an armory, players can use different builds in team games and single-player games, because the armory can save different builds of professions. In Diablo 4, there is no armory, which is a glaring flaw.

Perhaps introducing an armory system that costs Diablo 4 Gold to allow players to easily switch between different builds. Many players often spend a lot of time trying new builds, only to find that they don’t like it. If we can pay a certain fee to switch back to the original version, it will be worth it for many players.

2. Unlock Waypoints

If you have already maxed out Renown in the previous season, you don’t need to repeat it in the following season to get additional skill points. However, many waypoints are still locked, and unlocking them to participate in activities faster feels like a cumbersome task. For many players, if it can save time participating in Legion events, we would rather skip it and spend gold.

3. Strongholds Require Changes

Some Legion events, dungeons, and waypoints are locked behind Strongholds. In a season where you start a character from scratch every three months, Strongholds and their unique mini-quests can quickly become boring, especially when there are no major rewards at the end. If one is in Helltide, you can’t even get Cinders by fighting enemies in it until Strongholds are completed.

Making Strongholds a Season Chapter Step, such as completing 3 Strongholds for a small favor, or rewarding the player with something really useful for completing them, can make Strongholds an activity that players actually want to do. Imagine that you can complete Strongholds at a higher difficulty in World Tier 4 to get Glyph XP.

4. Bring Back Conquests

Conquests are seasonal challenges in Diablo 3 that are harder to complete than our current game challenges. To complete Season Journey and other activities, you must complete 3 Conquests. For example, get 50,000,000 gold, kill all bosses on a specified list in 20 minutes, kill 350+ monsters in a cursed chest event at torment difficulty. They require some time, planning, and even changes to the build to complete. These Chapter Steps that require mixing at higher difficulties are satisfying to players.

5. Free Battle Pass

Each season will have a Battle Pass, with both free and premium paid tiers. Of course, all of this is optional. You can get free rewards from Season Journey and the free pass. But the free rewards at the end are not exciting enough for players.

Not offering truly attractive cosmetic rewards to players in the free season is a very wrong move and will turn off a lot of players, especially considering the outstanding items we got for free in Diablo 3 Season Journey. It wouldn’t hurt to see free headgear and player titles in Season 6. It won’t make paying players change their minds about having the premium pass.

6. New World Boss

We will explore Nahantu in Vessel of Hatred. Players will not get a new World Boss in this new area. But many seasons players are very excited to get a new World Boss. I also hope to see a variety of new World Bosses, and the rotation will change every season to keep things fresh.

Season 5 has improved the new World Bosses with a new Resilience mechanic that prevents them from dying in the 0.5 second explosion of a Chain Lightning Sorcerer, but players want more.

7. Lobbies

One of the most pleasurable moments in Diablo 4 is stumbling across a group summoning Blood Maidens and then having a rain of loot. But this rain of loot means you have to teleport back to town to salvage it, but when you return, you and your friends are placed in different instances.

You can use the emote wheel to invite players you meet in the world to join your party to get an XP boost. But designated lobbies are also a way to find like-minded players.

In addition to the above-mentioned exciting improvements, we are ready for more exciting changes in Season 6, and I believe Vessel of Hatred will do the same. Whether you are excited about the current season or have a wish list like me, you can’t deny that future seasons may bring us more surprises and joy.

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