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  • Blight Golem Minions Necromancer

    Diablo 4 Season 5 will be officially released on August 6, 2024, and players may need to return to the fiery depths and fight Uber Bosses again. If you are preparing for the new season and trying to defeat Lilith as soon as possible when entering the endgame, there are many ways to build your character to achieve this goal.

    Of all the classes, Necromancer allows players to build an Army of the Dead and use dark magic to fight hordes of enemies.

    There are many ways to build a Necromancer, but building around the many Blight Golem Minions you can spawn and control can make for a pretty interesting experience. Whether you are trying Minions Necromancer for the first time or you are a seasoned veteran, following this build guide will make your Necromancer a successful boss-shredding killer.

    Skill Tree

    With all the options in Necromancer skill tree, some specific skills are best suited for you if you want to build an Army of the Dead.

    In the first branch of options, the base skills offered by the skill tree, both Reap and Bone Splinters, are available. Enhanced Reap is usually the first choice for this type of build. Just invest one skill point into whichever skill you choose, and invest another skill point into the improvements.

    Saving skill points for more powerful skills later is key to using this build to its full potential, especially since minions are so strong in the early stages of the game.

    Once the core skills are unlocked, you can choose either Sever or Blight and only invest one skill point into either. Sever is strong against physical attackers, and the additional skill Paranormal Sever allows a third cast to make enemies Vulnerable. Blight is also strong as a ranged magic option, as the addition of Supernatural Blight allows your Minions to deal a lot of extra damage to Blighted targets.

    If you can’t decide between the two, the bonus to minions damage from Supernatural Blight is usually the stronger choice. But be aware that abusing this ability will cause your Essence to disappear quickly, so use it with caution.

    As for Corpse and Macabre skills, you just need to focus on improving the buffs they bring to your build.

    Skeletal Warrior Mastery will only make your Warrior Minions more powerful, while Grim Harvest and Fueled By Death will make future synergies even more powerful. Feel free to invest as many skill points into your Harvest skills as you want, but make sure to fully upgrade Warrior Mastery.

    Next, unlocking Curse Skills will give you the newest key ability: Decrepify. It slows down enemies and reduces their damage output for 10 seconds, but its Essence cost is a negligible 10.

    When you max out a Curse Skill, you have a chance to gain Abhorrent Decrepify skill, which gives you a chance to reduce the cooldown of all your skills when hitting a cursed enemy. In the same branch, max out Skeletal Mage Mastery for the same reasons as Warrior Mastery.

    The second branch of Corpse and Macabre skills offers Corpse Tendrils, an excellent Crowd Control ability that doesn’t consume any corpses. Invest a skill point in it and unlock Plague Corpse Tendrils to add some Vulnerable effects to your enemies. Then, max out Necrotic Carapace skill to increase your overall tankiness.

    Last but not least are Ultimate Skills and Key Passives. Army of the Dead is what we desperately need, so max it out. Then max out Golem Mastery, Inspiring Leader, and Hellbent Commander to increase the power of your Minions.

    Of course, you can also get Kalan’s Edict Key Passive to increase the attack speed of all your Minions. After that, you just fill out the rest of the skills to your liking to complete your skill tree.

    Uber Unique Items

    In addition, there are Uber Unique items that players can rarely get. Many of these Diablo 4 items are applicable to almost any gear, but Harlequin Crest Unique Helm is particularly useful for Minions gear, significantly reducing damage and improving skills.

    Other good choices include Ring of Sacrilegious Soul, which automatically uses powerful Corpse skills for you without consuming Essence.

    Book Of The Dead

    For Necromancer, Book of the Dead is how you customize the damage output of your Minions, from Shadow to Ice or Blood damage, and it’s broken down into three sections that connect to different types of Minions: Warriors, Mages, and Golems.

    Each Minion then gets to choose a damage type from three choices, and then one of three effects from each choice. For this specific Blight Golem Minions Necromancer build, the best choices are:

    • Reaper Warriors with the second effect: 15% chance to form a corpse when attacking.
    • Shadow Mages with the first effect: 3% more damage per Shadow Mages.
    • Blood Golems with the second effect: Shared healing and more damage reduction.

    Of course, there are other good choices, including Cold damage for Mages, and Iron Golems for stuns.

    Paragon Board

    Once you’ve completed your Skill Tree, the only thing left to focus on and customize, aside from your inventory, is how to use your Paragon Board. Understanding how to allocate your Paragon Points wisely is the best way to improve your build after level 50.

    The way to incorporate Paragon Board is through the different types of Skill Trees, and the best glyphs are centered on enhancing your Golem or all of your Minions. In short, look for glyphs that benefit your Willpower, Intelligence, and Maximum Life.

    Legendary Aspects

    Finally, we’ll look at which Aspects are best for Minions Necromancer builds. In Diablo 4, Weapons, Armor, and Shields all have a chance to have Aspects, which are unique buffs that usually belong to a specific class.

    Necromancer is no exception, and has a number of useful Aspects that can make specific builds more powerful. To obtain them, you can either collect them through random loot or by destroying gear with Aspects at Blacksmith, then adding them to items with Occultist.

    If you want to see what Aspects you have available, go to the in-game menu and click on Collections. Codex of Power will list all Aspects you have unlocked. Some of the best Aspects for this build include:

    • Reanimation
    • Hardened Bones
    • Blood Getter
    • Grasping Veins
    • Unyielding Commander

    Each of these provides a significant boost to your gear, such as Reanimation increasing Minions damage and Unyielding Commander giving an enormous boost to your Army of the Dead ultimate.

    That’s all we know about this Blight Golem Minions Necromancer Build. Follow this guide and you’ll be able to use it to its full potential and excel in Diablo 4 Season 5!

    In this guide, we’re going to talk about how to craft the most powerful Blight Golem Minions Necromancer Build to help you get a much better start in Diablo 4 Season 5!
  • Bone Spear Necromancer

    Do you wish you could encounter everything at once in Diablo 4? Do you have a Necromancer who is currently in AFK status and looking for dead bodies in the local Graveyard? Then this Bone Spear Necromancer build must be for you.

    Bone Spear Necromancer build is a very powerful build. You can use it to kill Uber Lilith and clear premium content, including Nightmare Dungeons. So, we’re going to share with you a complete guide to the equipment and skills this build will need so you can get the most out of the game!


    First, we Sacrifice Skirmishers to increase your crit chance by 5%, but you can no longer breed Skeletal Warriors. Second, Sacrifice Cold will increase the damage you do to vulnerable enemies by 15%, but you’ll lose the chance to summon Skeletal Mages.

    Then we also Sacrifice Iron, which gives you 30% more crit damage, but you lose the ability to summon Golems. Let’s take a look at what makes it one-hit and even kill Uber Lilith.

    Build Explained

    First, we have Bone Splinters, which are our main resource builders. We use this to make sure we never run out of Essence. It’s important to weave them into Bone Spear.

    During 1v1 fights with bosses and elites, it ensures that our supply of Essence remains the same. In larger swarms, you can gain Essence by destroying nodes.

    Blood Mist is our defensive ability of choice in this build, as well as in many Necromancer builds, because it provides immunity to your character. If you find yourself stuck, you can always use it to get out of it.

    Decrepify reduces the damage of creatures affected by it and provides some Lucky Hit Chance to further enhance the build. But it allows us to reduce the cooldown of every enemy we hit.

    Corpse Tendrils are our primary source of Crowd Control. It can help us quickly gather a group of mobs and kill them to harvest Diablo 4 Gold. This is a big deal in advanced Nightmare Dungeons. When it’s combined with Barber Heart, enemies pulled by Corpse Tendrils will die shortly after being pulled, taking anyone near them with them.

    Also Read: How To Target Farm Specific Diablo 4 Unique Items And Double Unique Drop Chance?

    Bone Spear is the source of almost all damage output in this build, hence the name. Bone Spear allows us to hit targets from a great distance, making enemies vulnerable. We can damage the target on the way to it.

    Bone Spear’s primary attack hits the enemy with the first weak point for 1. 5-2. 5 seconds. Bone Splinters from Bone Spear deal 30%-60% more damage to vulnerable enemies and impale them.

    This means that all enemies hit by Bone Splinters become vulnerable, and enable Splinters to return and do more damage.

    Key Aspects

    In addition, there are some important Aspects. These include the Sacrificial Aspect, which increases your Sacrificial rewards by 15%-25%. There is also Aspect of Exposed Flesh, which gives you a 10% chance to drop unique Diablo 4 Items when you hit vulnerable enemies.

    And Aspect of Serration can increase the power of this Ossified Essence Key Passive. It will also increase the damage of your Bone Skills by 1%. Now we’ll move on to Malignant Hearts.

    Malignant Hearts

    For anyone who likes Wrathful Malignant Heart, I would recommend Caged Heart of The Barber. Your target absorbs the critical strike and all subsequent damage for 24 seconds. The absorbed damage then bursts to surrounding enemies.

    Next up is this Caged Heart of The Malignant Pact. Get a reward for every 20 kills. You will gain some attack speed, and basic skills have a 16% chance to fully restore your primary resource.

    Finally, we have a Caged Heart of The Great Feast. Each minion drains 12 Essences per second, but deals 80% increased damage. With no minions, this bonus applies to you and costs 5 Essences per second.

    This concludes my Bone Spear Necromancer build guide. This build is perfect for high-level play and will help you beat your opponents with ease! Good luck.

    In this Diablo 4 Necromancer build guide, we'll teach you everything you need to know about Bone Spear Necromancer build. We'll also provide information on the equipment and skills needed for this build so you can get the most out of your playstyle in Diablo 4!
  • Blood Lance Necromancer

    Blood Lance is back, and it’s going to get very interesting in Season 1. Now, I obviously haven’t been able to try out the new seasonal gems and I don’t have the new Gore Quills Aspect, so this will cover the build that I have planned out.

    There are two versions, both are the same except for the paragon boards. One is for leveling from 50 to 100, and the other is for having all of your paragon points unlocked. Regardless of the build version, a lot of Diablo 4 Gold is required.

    Gear & Skills

    For the skills, we’re running Blood Lance, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils, Decrepify, Hemorrhage and Bone Storm.

    Importantly, we now need to run both the Aspect of Hungry Blood and the Gore Quills Aspect to propagate our Blood Lances. Previously, we only needed one aspect to do this.

    The Aspect of Grasping Veins bonus crit does apply to overpower for some reason, no other crit bonuses do, so previously this was used to scale our damage. With the nerfs to it, I’m initially going to skip out on this modifier. I figure that without any crit on our gear, with a max roll we would have about a 30% chance to do 40% more damage on an overpower or 50% chance with Bone Storm up.

    That just doesn’t quite cut it in my opinion, so I’ve replaced it with the sacrificial aspect for now. This greatly increases our overpower damage, damage reduction and even our life, which also provides more damage. I could be wrong on this, so be sure to keep any good Grasping Veins aspects in your stash.

    I’ve put Rathma’s Chosen on the amulet for a massive 75% Attack Speed. With Overpower scaling with so few stats, making them happen more often through attack speed is one of our best ways of scaling our damage.

    You could get away with running a focus and having your Grasping Veins or Accelerating aspect on it for easier content. But for pushing high nightmares, a shield is mandatory. It can roll health, which is amazing for us, and the Block Chance provides much needed defense for this season.

    It doesn’t matter exactly where these go. We just want the Aspect of Explosive Mist to help blend in some infinimist elements that provide massive cooldown reduction for our Bone Storm, Tendrils and Blood Mist.

    Exploiter’s Aspect gives us Crowd Control Duration, which is amazing. CC’d enemies aren’t smacking us for all our health. The damage bonus against unstoppable enemies is one of those weird exceptions that does increase overpower damage.

    Aspect of Might provides excellent Damage Reduction that is easy for us to apply.

    Aspect of Disobedience is still mandatory despite being nerfed. The armor it provides is invaluable.

    Aspect of Shielding Storm is a great way for us to generate a strong barrier to keep us healthy and keep our fortify topped up.

    Aspect of Potent Blood is an excellent Essence Battery for this build and I saved it till last for a special reason.

    The Gore Quills Aspect makes our Blood Lances consume nearby Blood Orbs, proccing any Blood Orb related effect, so we don’t need to walk through them during a fight.

    Our Blood Lances will consume them for us, providing us the Essence while we’re standing still turreting.

    And more exciting still is The Sacrilegious gem. “Walking near a corpse automatically activates an equipped corpse skill every second”. This obviously needs to be tested first.

    But my understanding is that this will cast our corpse tendrils once every second, without putting it on cooldown, on top of being able to manually cast tendrils, too. So, we would be generating a ludicrous amount of Blood Orbs during a fight with the 35% chance per target to create a Blood Orb.

    If this interacts the way I think it will, our Aspect of Potent Blood will provide Infinite Essence, and we’ll be firing off a ridiculous number of Blood Lances with our Gore Quill Aspect. If this does work, we could free up some Essence related rolls on our gear and some nodes in the paragon tree.

    If the Revenge gem is a flat damage reduction, then it’ll be a great choice. And the Malignant Pact gem provides some nice benefits. Attack Speed, Essence and Barrier are all great for a Blood Lance build.

    If one of these gems doesn’t work the way I think it does, the Decrepit Aura gem could be a solid option. This means we could take Decrepify off our bars, and potentially replace it with Reap for the instant corpse, 15% damage reduction and the 30% attack speed buff.

    The Barber gem could potentially be incredible, too. But I have way too many questions about how it works to confidently put it into the build without testing it first.

    Also Read: How To Calculate Damage Increases In Diablo 4? - Damage & Defense Mechanics Explained

    Paragon Board

    For leveling through your paragons, I’ve set up these boards to provide the most important things first, so you can have a smooth power progression.

    When you get to 100, or really when you reach the last board, you can swap to this end game setup. I’m honestly really proud of this paragon board.

    Down to the last point, I was able to slot in every single thing I wanted, without pathing through bad or wasted nodes. I’ll go through the main points here.

    We get both life clusters and activate the Blood-Drinker glyph, which will provide the bulk of our Fortify. We path through the Overpower Damage and put in the Amplify glyph. This damage bonus works on Overpower, and the bonus to magic nodes is perfect for boosting the Overpower nodes. The Willpower and Blood Orb healing doesn’t go astray either.

    Next we put in Dominate. Fully leveled, this provides a massive 320% Overpower Damage, before any sacrifice bonuses. We take Scent of Death for the damage reduction, the bonus damage doesn’t work. We take the life nodes before pathing into the Bone Graft board, where we take more life and armor.

    Next we slot in the Control glyph. The damage to CC doesn’t work on Overpower, but the additional bonus does. Any source of Overpower Damage is extremely valuable to us.

    Then we take the Essence on the kill cluster. This provides a great Essence economy. But if our Potent Blood interaction works out, we could potentially free up these nodes.

    And finally, we take more Overpower Damage from the Powerhouse rare node, then take even more damage with the legendary node (Bloodbath).

    Then, we get some more life before ending the board with the Undaunted glyph. Once again, the damage doesn’t work, but the extra Damage Reduction is very welcome.

    This build is a safe bet for clearing high tier end game content and the Barrier for entry is very low. It will help you clear enemies better and collect the Diablo 4 Items you need. Also, we don’t need perfect rolls on our gear or any uniques for it to function.

    Blood Lance is back in a big way in Season 1 of Diablo 4. This build leverages the new malignant hearts seasonal mechanic, and the new Gore Quills Aspect to create an incredibly robust build to conquer all end game content.
  • Mendeln Minions Summoner Necromancer

    Welcome to my Mendeln Minions Summoner Necromancer overview and update. After back-and-forth testing, I’ve had a major rethink of how damage and survivability are measured.

    For this build, I implemented a further upgrade to Pure Minions Summoner Necromancer I showed you earlier. So here I’m going to explain how the build works and why I chose certain things.

    Paragon Board

    First, I made a larger change to Paragon Board for this build. I realized it was important that we scale damage to get more Minions damage. Because there are more damage nodes, and their damage output is larger, its damage path is more efficient.

    Because this Minion Board has a separate Warriors and Mages cluster. So we need to note that Mendeln doesn’t proc inside the shield. We actually need to do the damage myself. We still have to use Cult Leader Board, but it’s mostly for Minions damage reduction.

    Legendary Nodes are still good because it’s a multiplicative modifier. I also put a lot of Diablo 4 Gold on Blood Board, since the build can use Blood Mist to spawn Blood Orbs for healing. Because of Transfusion Passive, Minions survived. So, I don’t need to cast Skeletal Priest manually.

    Finally, all level 5 glyphs deal multiplied damage, and some also deal bonus damage. I think this works better than using two separate Minion Glyphs, which only deal additional damage.

    Skills & Aspects

    I also made a big tweak to the skills and Aspects, which are all related to skill rotation.

    The first skill is Abhorrent Decrepify. It slows enemies down and reduces their damage. But it helps reduce cooldowns. It will also activate Amplify Glyph’s damage mod. Also, the stun will activate the damage mod on Control Glyph.

    The second skill is Ghastly Bone Prison, which applies to Vulnerable enemies. It does 0 damage to apply the debuff, as it can trigger Mendeln explosion with a Lucky Hit. It also spawns corpses from Hewed Flesh.

    Next up is Plagued Corpse Tendrils, which can gather enemies in one place and apply Vulnerable. Slow and stun will activate Control Glyph’s damage mod. And Aspect of Grasping Veins also gives you extra critical strike chance and damage.

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    After that, I use Bone Storm to reduce damage and crit chance, and my Minion also gets these damage bonuses. Aspect of Ultimate Shadow can convert Bone Storm into Shadow damage. So it also triggers Shadowblight, and activates Blighted Aspect of a huge damage boost. 

    Shadow DoT will also activate Scourge’s damage mod. I also have Osseous Gale Aspect to increase the duration. Also, Aspect of the Embalmer will also spawn Blood Orbs from corpses that are consumed.

    The last skill is Blood Mist, which prevents damage and removes all negative effects such as poison. Blood Mist will activate Aspect of Explosive Mist to trigger Blight Corpse Explosion. Simultaneously trigger Shadowblight and Blighted Aspect. It activates the damage bonuses of Scourge and Aspect of the Embalmer to spawn Blood Orbs. 

    While this is happening, Blood Orbs are healing my Minions, so I don’t need to cast Skeletal Priest. And all skills and trigger effects can also trigger Lucky Hit, resulting in more Mendeln explosion.

    Important Stats For Gear

    For gear, the stats that really matter are Lucky Hit Chance, Cooldown Reduction, and Critical Strike Chance. I can also reduce the cooldown of Bone Prison and Corpse Tendrils by applying some Diablo 4 Items. There is also the usual Life, Damage Reduction and Damage.

    Sacrifice Golem

    In the end, I sacrificed this Iron Golem because the sacrifice bonus buffs all Warriors and Mages, and I couldn’t get it on the cast bar at all. Anyway, that’s my detailed guide to upgrading my Mendeln Minions Summoner Necromancer build. Hopefully, this guide helps you better balance damage and survivability with this build.

    Here I'll give you an overview and update of my Mendeln Minions Summoner Necromancer build in Diablo 4, and how the build gets higher DPS and increased survivability. I'll explain how this build works and why I chose certain things.
  • Shadowmancer Necromancer

    Here I bring you my Shadowmancer Necromancer Endgame build. I’ve upgraded this build to level 96. I will detail Skills, Aspects, Paragon and some tricks of this build in Nightmare Dungeon.


    The basic attack of this build is Reap. When you upgrade it to Acolyte’s Reap, it spawns a corpse every 4 seconds. So you need to get into the habit of using it every 4 seconds, because having extra corpses will only hurt you more.

    Also, you can choose Blight because it has a high Lucky Hit Chance. It does pretty decent damage, and he also slows down enemies. Then you can use Supernatural Blight, which also increases our damage by 15%. There is also a Blighted Aspect, which can be another form of CC.

    Corpse Explosion is our core skill. This is a major factor in our damage. Grim Harvest will keep our Essence fully loaded while we consume corpses. Then Fueled by Death also increases our damage, which is good for the build.

    I also use Blood Mist, which is the only defensive ability for this build. It makes me immune to direct damage for 3 seconds and then spawns a corpse with Ghastly Blood Mist every second.

    The next skill I chose was Corpse Tendrils. This is a great CC ability. It attracts enemies, blocks them, and then deals with damage. Then we can use Plagued Corpse Tendrils to make the enemy vulnerable for 3 seconds. So whenever you can explode a corpse with Corpse Tendrils, it will do stacking damage for quite a while.

    For Ultimate, I chose Bone Storm with Aspect of Ultimate Shadow. It is a Darkness skill, so everything will enhance it in this build. And I prefer the passive skill here, since we can use Momentum independently.

    Paragon Boards

    Next we’re going to talk about Paragon Boards for this build. The first board we got was Wither Node. Your Shadow damage has a 5% chance of dealing 50% more damage. For every 50 Willpower, this value increases by 1%, and the bonus damage increases by 2.5%.

    Glyph I got here is Territorial. You can also increase the damage buff by 10% by using some Diablo 4 Items. But this is damage to enemies at close range.

    The next Board I grabbed after that was Flesh-Eater Node. After eating five corpses, we increase our damage by 40% for 6 seconds. But after you’ve consumed five corpses, you need to get five more before you can start stacking the next one.

    There are about 13 Intelligence Nodes here. This way I can do double damage to elites. Then I put Scourge Glyph in there. Over time, this increases our shadow damage, which is our main damage dealer.


    For our Aspect picks, the first thing you’ll need to look out for is cooldown reduction. So what we want to use here is an Aspect of Shielding Storm, which acts as a shield for your Bone Storm. So, every time it deals damage to an enemy, you get up to 5% Barrier in life.

    Also, I have Aspect of Disobedience. It grants you 0.5% bonus Armor each time you deal damage, up to a maximum of 50% absorbed. You can do damage reduction in almost every form. I think this is the uniqueness that is important to this build.

    For defense, I chose Aspect of The Protector. When we damage the elite, after Aspect of Shielding Storm drops, or if you’re between the shields, you get a barrier. This will give you an extra hurdle to allow you to take some hits.

    Finally, Blight draws you to Aspect of the Void. There are also Corpse Tendrils rings that reduce cooldowns. And it moves fast and has a chance to dodge. So it’s a pretty good choice.

    Nightmare Dungeon Potions

    Bonus tip on this build, I just wanted to put out the best potions for this build. These are good potions when you’re running Nightmare Dungeon. So I suggest you can use Diablo 4 Gold to get enough potions before starting the adventure, just in case.

    Any Slaying Strike is good, as anything above 20% damage is pretty amazing combat wealth. And Curative Elixir can make you unstoppable for a second, and then your resistance to poison will also proliferate. The two work together to allow you to win the challenge. Then there’s another potion that enhances Fortitude, which increases your health by 30%.


    I am happy with this Shadowmancer Necromancer build. We can pair it with Bone skill in your Necromancer. While it doesn’t deal instant damage, Shadow damage it gives you must be amazing if you give it enough time.

    Here I will present my endgame guide for Shadowmancer Necromancer Build from Diablo 4 Season 1. I will detail the Skills, Aspects, Paragon and some tricks of this build in Nightmare Dungeon.
  • Pure Minions Summoner Necromancer

    This is my Endgame Pure Minions Summoner build. It’s a true pure minions build because the minions do all the work while you just curse and crowd control. There’s no Bone Spear or Corpse Explosion here. 

    But it’s still a minion build. So, it will have problems with suppressor shields and not being able to focus fire. The build is built around the unique Ring of Mendeln, which gives your minions a big damage boost. But it relies on Lucky Hit. 

    Note that you need to get a Lucky Hit first before it triggers the 10% chance to explode. 

    Skill Tree 

    Here is the skill tree. And note: you need to prepare enough Diablo 4 Gold in advance to upgrade the rank of these skills.

    The build doesn’t use a basic skill, so 2 points in anything. 

    The Core Skill is rank 1 Supernatural Blight to get slow and more damage. The build actually uses the Bone Prison Blight Aspect, so Blight isn’t on the cast bar. 

    There’s also rank 3 Hewed Flesh to get Fortify from Corpses. 

    In the 3rd tier, rank 5 Ghastly Bone Prison gives Vulnerable. This is the main spell for triggering Lucky Hit for the Mendeln explosions. Extra ranks from gear will help reduce the cooldown.  

    There’s also rank 3 Skeletal Warrior. The Curse is rank 5 Abhorrent Decrepify for slow, damage reduction, stun and chance to reduce cool downs. Your minions can trigger the cool down reduction.  

    There are also rank 3 Skeletal Mages and rank 3 Death’s Embrace, which I’m using for the 9% damage reduction. 

    In the next tier, it’s rank 1 Plagued Corpse Tendrils for the pull, slow and Vunerable. Extra ranks from gear will help reduce the cooldown. 

    There are also: rank 3 Necrotic Carapace to get fortify; rank 1 Reaper’s Pursuit and rank 3 Crippling Darkness for the stun

    The Ultimate is the Supreme Army of the Dead. While it’s not a strong skill by itself, the build uses the Aspect to get a big DPS boost. The high Lucky Hit chance will also help trigger Mendeln explosions. 

    I also take all the minion passives:

    • Bonded in Essence
    • Death’s Defense
    • Golem Mastery
    • Hellbent Commander
    • Inspiring Leader

    Lastly, the key passive is Kalan’s Edict. I’m still not sure about this because it can be very hard to not take any damage. The other option is Shadowblight, which I think triggers from the Bone Prison Blight, but I’m not sure. 

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    Paragon Board 

    Here is the Paragon Board.

    In the starting board, I have Warrior, with some extra Dexterity nodes, to activate the increased Armour. At lower character levels, I recommend socketing Control here instead and getting the Intelligence nodes to activate the additional bonus. 

    The second board is the Cult Leader. I picked up all the Minion nodes except for Armour Clad. The Glyph is Dead Raiser, which gives a big bonus to the Minion Damage Reduction nodes. This glyph should be the priority for levelling up. 

    The third board is Hulking Monstrosity with the Mage Glyph and extra Intelligence nodes around the socket. 

    The next board is Scent of Death, which is just for the Legendary, which is just for the Legendary node and socketing the Control Glyph. The damage bonus should be active all the time because this build has many sources of slow, chill, stun and frozen. 

    Lastly, I think Bloodbath with Amplify might be a good choice if you have more Paragon Points to spend. Or, you can go back to the other boards to get more minion damage or stats. 

    Book Of The Dead 

    For the Book of the Dead, I chose Reapers with corpse generation to build Fortify from Necrotic Carapace, Cold mages with Vulnerable, and Blood Golem with 15% damage absorb. 

    Legendary Aspects 

    There are two important Aspects for crowd control and triggering Mendeln explosions: Bone Prison spawns Blight and Blight pulls nearby enemies.  

    So, with one cast of Bone Prison, all your enemies will be pulled into one spot. They will get vulnerable from Bone Prison, slow and stun from Blight, and you should get a Lucky Hit to trigger the Mendeln explosions. 

    I also have Bone Prison explode Aspect. The idea is to trigger Lucky Hit a second time, but I’m not 100% sure about this. 

    The other useful aspects are: extra Skeletal Warriors and Mages, Minion Damage Reduction, Cold Mage Blizzard, Minion Attack Speed on the amulet, and Army of the Dead for the DPS boost. 

    Stats For Gear 

    It’s important to get as much Lucky Hit chance as possible on your gear.  

    Wands have Lucky Hit base stat, and you can get a Focus with Lucky Hit from the rare monster in Kehjistan. You can also get Lucky Hit on gloves and rings. 

    For the other stats, focus on survivability. Look for Maximum Life and Damage Reduction, as well as Maximum Minion Life. I also highly recommend Movement Speed on boots and amulet. 

    Skill Rotation 

    The typical skill rotation is: 

    1. Decrepify (curse)

    2. Bone Prison (CC + lucky hit)

    3. Bone Prison (break BP)

    4. Corpse Tendrils (CC) 

    I’ll also cast Skeletal Priest for healing and damage boost, and the Golem ability for extra AoE damage. Against tough Elites or when a boss is staggered, I cast Army of the Dead for the DPS boost. 

    And the rest of the time, I run around avoiding damage. 

    Overall, I think this build is very comfortable to play and both you and your minions will have good survivability and damage.

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    The Endgame Pure Minions Summoner Necromancer build in Diablo 4 is built around the unique Ring of Mendeln, which gives your minions a big damage boost. But it relies on Lucky Hit.
  • Shadow Minion Summoner Necromancer

    This is about the Shadow Minion Summoner build, which is a Necromancer build. It does a lot more damage than my other build, but it’s a lot harder to manage the essence pool.

    I’ll go over the Skill Tree, Paragon Board, Book of the Dead, key aspects and key stats for the gear. I’ll also go over how I play the build.

    Skill Tree

    Here is the skill tree.

    The basic skill is level 4 Reap. I think it works better than Decompose because it can hit multiple enemies in one attack.

    The core skill is level 5 Supernatural Blight, which also slows enemies and boosts minion damage.

    The third tier has level 3 in both Skeletal Warriors Mastery and Grim Harvest. The curse is level 1 Abhorrent Decrepify, which gives a small chance to reduce the cooldown on the Golem’s slam. There’s also level 3 Skeletal Mages. By the way, some skills in this build require gold to level up, please prepare enough Diablo 4 Gold in advance.

    I take 5 passives in tier 5, all with 3 points: Necrotic Carapace, Reaper’s Pursuit, Crippling Darkness, Gloom and Terror.

    The build uses Reapers to generate corpses so fortify builds up pretty quickly. And all the darkness passives help scale damage from the Skeletal Mages and my Necromancer.

    The ultimate is Supreme Army of the Dead, which I’m using to easily resummon minions after dying or when there are no corpses.

    Lastly, the key passive is Shadowblight.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: Why Do You Need To Dive Into The Lore Before You Playing? - 5 Reasons

    Paragon Board

    I’m still working on the Paragon Board. The starting board has the Mage glyph. The next board is Cult Leader with Warrior glyph, and the damage rare nodes. I’m not sure what the second board is yet. But I’m thinking about Wither and maybe the Darkness glyph or Scourge.

    Book Of The Dead

    For the Book of the Dead, I have Reapers with corpse generation Shadow Mages with extra attack and Iron Golem with vulnerability.


    There are 4 key aspects for the build:

    Blight vacuum to stack all the monsters into one spot - Sovereign Vambrace of the Void

    Shadowblight stacking and Shadowblight increased damage to scale the damage from my Necromancer and Shadow Skeletal Mages - Gargoyle Greatsword of Decay & Blighted Band

    Skeletal Mages on amulet to get +3 mages - Viscous Amulet

    Here are all the aspects you need:

    • Aspect of the Embalmer (Helm)
    • Aspect of Hardened Bones (Chest Armor)
    • Blood Getter’s Aspect (Gloves)
    • Aspect of the Protector (Pants)
    • Aspect of the Void (Boots)
    • Aspect of Decay (Weapon)
    • Viscous Aspect (Amulet)
    • Blighted Aspect (Ring 1)
    • Aspect of Frenzied Dead (Ring 2)

    Key Stats For Gear

    I think the key stats are: Darkness Damage, DoT Damage, Minion Life and Minion Attack Speed.

    Skill Rotation

    Here’s the skill rotation.

    Firstly, cast Blight. This will pull all the monsters into one spot.

    Next, use Golem slam for stun and vulnerability.

    Then, cast Decrepify to get the cooldown reduction.

    After that, spam Blight until the Essence pool is empty.

    There are two ways to regenerate Essence. Against regular monsters, you can use Reap. And against elites or bosses, stand at a distance and spam Raise Skeleton to get 6 essence from each corpse and also healing your skeletons.

    If you want to make all kinds of powerful builds to strengthen your characters like me, you must first achieve a quick leveling. Because you can only unlock some powerful skills if you reach a certain level. If you are busy and don’t have time to spend on boring leveling, you may wish to take a look at our Boosting service. We are very looking forward to your arrival!

    Diablo 4 Shadow Minion Summoner Build is a Necromancer build that focuses on Minions and Shadow Damage. To help you understand this build better, I'll talk go over the Skill Tree, Paragon Board, Book of the Dead, key aspects and key stats for the gear of it.
  • Blood Necromancer

    Here I explain how I built my Necromancer in Diablo 4. I’ve completed World Tier 2 and completed many side quests in just two days.

    If you want to challenge Hardcore, then definitely follow this guide. I’ll let you know what’s changed in this build and what to look out for. We’ll start talking about skills, and I’ll save gear for last.


    In Diablo 4, you can change your skill points at any time. So I will explain not only the different types of builds of Necromancer but also the different settings for these builds for different purposes. This is mainly useful in Hardcore.

    Here, we’ll focus on my favorite Blood Necromancer build. We’ll start with a generic multipurpose skill set. This is a very tanky building, as we will have almost permanent fortifications. We’ll use all Potion Orbs we get to replenish them.

    Basic Skills

    Starting with our basic attack skill, Hemorrhage, we need to keep spending Diablo 4 Gold to get Fortify effect plugin. If you’re not playing on chief difficulty or Hardcore modes, or if you use one-handed weapons and shields. Maybe you’d prefer Fortify attack speed addon. But for me Fortification option is much better.

    Core Skills

    Now moving on to the core skills we built. We’ll take a Blood Lance and develop it into a Supernatural Blood Lance. Because the buff damage is much better compared to this build’s attack speed and Essence cost reduction.

    Then we also learn Blood Surge and Supernatural Blood Surge add-ons to augment our Fortification. And keeping it increases damage by 20% while we are healthy.

    Most of the time, I find that another option, Paranormal Blood Surge, is rarely triggered when you need to cast it. Because it takes 6 casts to activate Empower effect, which is very unusual for a mana cost. Because usually with 2 or 3 casts, you’ll kill all the small normal mobs around you. Lastly, is a multi-target skill, so you won’t be using it on elite mobs or bosses.

    Passive Skill

    Then we’ll learn two passive skills, Unliving Energy and Imperfectly Balanced, to increase our Essence and our damage. Although we will consume more Essence, it is really worth it. Because Essence has a lower cost and can greatly increase our damage when we deal with critical hits.

    In the next set of skills, we will only need to learn level 1 Blood Mist. We can use it as a defensive skill if we need to run and heal, or if it caught us between mobs, or a dangerous and hard to dodge skill to avoid a boss.

    Now we’ll learn Death’s Reach and Death’s Embrace to increase our damage again and increase our defense against enemies at close range. We’ll leave the curse to the other settings for this build.

    Then we need to learn all the passive skills related to Blood skills. But we won’t be learning those passive abilities that heal our minions because it poorly built those or are more minion-focused.

    Ultimate Skill

    Surprisingly, our Ultimate skill is not a Blood skill. Even though we’re focusing on Blood build, I think its Bone Storm is much better than Blood Wave. It does much higher damage. It is not only against us but also against our Golem. So the damage is doubled, and the add-on increases Critical Strike chance by 20%.

    Even though this is not a Critical Strike chance build, our gear add-on and Dexterity modifier can easily hit 30% Critical Strike chance. Dealing with Critical Strike on activation, as the duration is long enough to also use multiple abilities on activation.

    At the same time, the skill does more damage at the end. But if that wasn’t enough, the add-on gives us 15% damage reduction, allowing us to deal with massive damage attacks. I think the total damage we can do due to this skill can be three times or more than Blood Wave. Especially if we do Critical Strike with Empowered skill.

    Now we will learn the passive skill of Standalone. Even though just one minion gives us 16% damage reduction, two points of our Golem Mastery are enough. Or you can also try Boosting service here to help you quickly increase your level damage.

    Finally, we’ll pick Rathma’s Vigor to increase our health by 10%. And give us an Empowered effect every 15 seconds during our next Blood skill.

    Also Read: Why Diablo 4 Might Not Be Right For You? - Four Reasons

    In our Book of the Dead, we’re sacrificing Skeletal Warrior for 15% non-physical damage resistance. Because it’s not built based on Critical Strike rate damage, and we don’t do Shadow damage. Then we will also sacrifice Skeletal Mage to increase Empower effect by 40%, because this Bill is based on Empower.

    Finally, we’ll use Blood Golem and add-ons to make the enemy take 15% of the damage we’ll take. Blood Necromancer’s second skill set focuses on buffing its tank and single-target damage. It’s great for Hardcore or really hard single target content. To do this, we just need to swap out Blood Surge ability for Curse Decrepify and invest a point in passive amplification.


    Now let’s talk about gears. The key attribute I like to boost in this build is Intelligence.

    Then I prioritize add-ons in the following order: skill ranks, Blood skill damage, Elemental resistances, Empower damage, reduces base skill cost and damage reduction.

    The Aspects I use are:

    • Aspect of Might
    • Blood Seeker’s Aspect
    • Aspect of Explosive Mist
    • Aspect of The Protector
    • Edgemaster’s Aspect
    • Aspect of the Expectant
    • Aspect of Disobedience

    All in all, that’s all I have to say about the abilities and gear that Blood Necromancer build. What are your thoughts on Blood Necromancer? Hope it helps you.

    Here I will explain how I created my Blood Necromancer build in Diablo 4. I'll tell you about the skill and equipment choices for this build and what to look out for when using them.
  • Minion Army Necromancer

    Diablo 4 is coming out pretty soon, so I’ve been working on the build I plan to use. Since I quite like using minions, so this will be a minion focused Necromancer. I’m not sure how good the build will be later in the game, especially in World Tier 3 and World Tier 4, but it wasn’t too bad in World Tier 2 during the Server Slam. Anyway, you can try the build yourself or maybe it will give you some ideas for your own build!

    1-50 Skill Tree Progression

    Here’s the full skill tree at level 50 with extra Renown skills, and I’ll go over the level 1 to 50 progression. You also need to note that this process will involve skill upgrades, so you must prepare enough Diablo 4 Gold.

    To start, put 1 point in Hemorrhage, Enhanced Hemorrhage and Initiate’s Hemorrhage. I like Hemorrhage as the basic skill because it’s an instant hit, lets me stay mobile, and gives me Fortify and Blood Orbs for healing.

    Next is 1 point in Blight, Enhanced Blight and Supernatural Blight. This is the main self-cast damage spell that also slows enemies and buff minion damage.

    After that, put 3 points in Skeletal Warrior Mastery and 2 points in Blight to unlock the 4th cluster. Here, put 3 points in Skeletal Mage Mastery, and 1 point in Decrepify, Enhanced Decrepify and Horrid Decrepify. This curse slows enemies, reduces their damage and gives your minions an instant kill when enemies are at 10% life.

    The 5th cluster will help with minion survivability. Put 1 point in Gruesome Mending, and 3 points in Transfusion. This will give healing from Blood Orbs to your minions.

    Then, go back to the 2nd cluster and add 3 points to Hewed Flesh. This will help with corpse generation in boss fights in case you need to resummon minions or use the Skeleton Priest for minion healing.

    The Ultimate cluster should now be unlocked. Put 3 points in each of the small minion passives: Inspiring Leader, Hellbent Commander and Bonded in Essence. This will then unlock the Key Passive cluster to get Kalan’s Edict. Then go back to the Ultimate cluster to put 3 points in Death’s Defence and Golem Mastery.

    And as you level up, finish Blight, take Grim Harvest, Necrotic Carapace, Spiked Armor, finish Hemorrhage and finally take Army of the Dead, Prime Army of the Dead, and Supreme Army of the Dead. I’m leaving the Army of the Dead ultimate skill to the end because I don’t think it’s very strong for minions.

    Re-specing isn’t too expensive, so it might also be a good idea to change the progression.

    Book of The Dead

    Here are my ideas for the Book of the Dead.

    For the warriors, I think Reapers will do nicely because they can make Corpses. This helps a lot in boss fights for resummoning and healing minions, and combines with Necrotic Carapace and Sapphire jewels for extra tankiness.

    For the mages, I like the Cold Mages for Chill and Vulnerability for extra damage. And I like the Bone Golem for taunt, and extra Thorns.

    Aspects And Gear

    Here are the Aspects for the build. It’s mostly just taking all the minion aspects and putting them in the best places.

    It will probably be hard to get all of them quickly, so focus on the most important ones: damage reduction, extra minions and minion attack speed.

    I like to put the extra skeleton warrior in the amulet to get the 50% bonus. Also, I’m not quite sure if it’s better to play with a 2-hander or 1-hander with shield. So, I’ve just put the bubble aspect in the offhand slot as an option.

    For the gear, the usual balance of stats and resistances is useful. I also think it would be good to look for Minion Life and Thorns. And try to get extra Evade Charges on your boots because the Necromancer doesn’t have any mobility skill.

    For the jewels, I put Sapphire in the armor because the build has a lot of Fortify generation, and Skulls in the jewelry for extra Armor. I think Topaz in the weapon should be ok, but not sure if minions get the benefit.


    I’m not too sure about the Paragon Board because it’s only the start of the game. But I’m thinking it’s best to start with Cult Leader, build into Hulking Monstrosity, then finish with Blood Begets Blood.

    I think it will be hard to get the right glyphs, so it’s better to build towards the Rare, Magic and Legendary nodes first. Then add in glyphs and the extra nodes around them when they have enough levels.

    I’m really not sure about the 3rd board. I think Blood Begets Blood could be really strong if the boosted Blood Orb healing works with Transfusion passive skill.

    Getting the rare and magic nodes gives 25% healing from Blood Orbs, so your minions can get 11% healing, which will help a lot with minion survivability.

    So, that’s my pre-release Minion Army Necromancer. I’ll play it during the Early Access, and post updates about how I’m progressing!

    In Diablo 4, I like using minions, so this Minion Army Necromancer Build focuses on scaling minion damage and survivability. To help you better understand this build, I'll discuss 1 to 50 skill progression, Book of the Dead, aspects, gear and paragon of it.
  • Blight Commander Necromancer

    I’m going to be showing you the Blight Commander Necromancer build, which is a Necromancer build that focuses on summing lots of minions and building up dots over time on enemies so that they bleed out. If you’ve been looking for an alternative to the Corpse Explosion build, which is probably the most made a build in the game right now, then this build is for you.

    Blight / Supernatural Blight

    First let’s take a look at Blight, which is the namesake of this build. This is the core ability you’re going to be using and you usually want to lead off combat with this ability in order to create a pool of poison around on the ground.

    Once you have this upgraded, it’s going to slow enemies and your minions, and you are going to deal increased damage to enemies standing in this Blight.

    Keep in mind that damage over time effects in this game stacks. The more you can stack up damage over time effects, the more damage you’re going to deal in a hurry.

    Blight is a really good way to begin combat because it’s not only going to get that dot on the ground early. It’s going to slow enemies, which allow you to deal more damage to them, if you have any damage to slow on your gear, which is not hard to find and also because you and your minions are going to deal with extra damage. You want to lead off of that if you can.

    Bone Splinters / Initiate’s Bone Splinters

    Bone Splinters is your basic attack for this build. It sort of shoots up bones in like a cone in front of you and we’re going to upgrade this all the way up to Initiate’s Bone Splinters.

    This makes it so that it has a 20% chance per hit to make enemies vulnerable for a few seconds. This, of course, increases your damage against them and your minions damage against them. So, it’s good to have.

    You won’t need this all the time, but it’s a good way to add damage when you’re using all the Corpse Explosions you can use and you have. All your Essence drained on whites getting damaged over time on the ground. This is kind of the way you’re going to add to your minions damage while you’re kind of generating more Essence.

    Corpse Explosion / Blighted Corpse Explosion

    Then obviously, we also have Corpse Explosion here. I don’t think you can pretty much play in Necromancer without some form of Corpse Explosion because the corpse resources on the ground pretty much go to waste if you don’t have some version here.

    However, we have a different set up than the Corpse Explosion build and it’s just part of this build. It isn’t the focus and we’re actually upgrading it all the way through the Blighted Corpse Explosion build, which actually does Shadow Damage over time.

    Once you have it upgraded, obviously, it does it in a wider radius as well, so you’re going to be exploding corpses all around there are going to add to this damage over time. So, you’re also getting with your Blight. So, you’re going to have lots of dots on your enemies that are just gonna slowly quickly bleed out depending on how much dots you have staff on them.

    Hewed Flesh / Grim Harvest

    When it comes to your passives here, you can either use Hewed Flesh, which makes it so your Lucky Hit has a chance to create a Corpse when you deal damage, which will give you more corpses to use or you can use Grim Harvest, which will give you back resources when you consume a Corpse with Corpse Explosion or by summoning like a Skeleton or something like that.

    And you will be using that periodically, so that’s a good way to generate Essence, as well. I recommend taking either one of those. It’s kind of up to you. I recommend using Grim Harvest, but you can use Hewed Flesh if you want. That way, you can use your Blight more often and stack dots harder.

    Corpse Tendrils

    Corpse Tendrils is another really good ability for this build because it folds enemies in and stuns them by using a Corpse and this works really well when you’re stacking up dots from your Corpse Explosion and from your Blight that are pools of poison.

    You can pull enemies into those pools of poison and stun them inside of it. It works really well for damage, so this is not a bad ability to have. It’s kind of a one-point Wonder here. You don’t really need to add any more to it, but just getting one of those off periodically is really good for the spell, as well.

    Army Of The Dead / Prime Army Of The Dead

    The ultimate ability we’re using for this build is Army of the Dead. It has a very long cooldown, but what it does is over seven seconds. It summons these skeletons that explode when around enemies. This is a screen clear.

    And if you’d have the Prime upgrade of this, it’s going to make it, so they have a 15% chance to leave behind a corpse when they explode. And since this is a lot of skeletons, this can generate a lot of corpses, which you can then use to stack dots all over the screen with Corpse Explosion and you can use it to use your Tendrils as well in order to pull enemies in. So, this is really good for this build.

    Raise Skeletons

    Obviously, besides these abilities, because this is a minion master type over and have Raise Skeleton and Summoner build would be complete without these.

    When we’re setting up our Book of the Dead, we’re going to go for what the Warriors. We’re going to go with the Skirmisher setup with the first upgrade that allows you to have an extra Skirmisher. This is going to give you five total and then if you have the Blood Getters aspect, this is going to give you seven Skirmishers on the screen all dealing damage, which is absolutely fantastic.

    Skeletal Mages

    And when it comes to our Skeletal Mages, we’re going to go with the Cold version of them. We’re going to go with the first upgrade that allows you to gain two Essence every time they hit with their primary attack.

    This is going to help build up your resources for you so that you can use Blight more often. It’s a good way to gain more Essence and you kind of you go through your Essence very quickly with this build, as most Necromancers do. So, it’s a great way to gain Essence.

    And just like with the Blood Getters aspect for Skeletal Warriors, there is a Viscous Aspect that gives you two more Mages. So, you’ll have a huge Army between the addition of a single Skirmisher, two more Skirmishers with Blood Getters and two more with Viscous Aspects. If you have all these things set up this way, you’re going to giant army, which is absolutely deadly to enemies.

    Skeletal Masteries

    Besides these abilities you’re obviously going to want to take passives in Skeletal Warrior Mastery and Skeletal Mage Mastery. But this is going to increase the life totals of these and as well as the damage that they do since a big part of your damage with this build is coming from them and your dots you want them to have increased damage.

    So, any extra points you can spare for Skeletal Warrior Mastery and Skeletal Mage Mastery are something you want to do.

    Again, the idea with this build is to get lights down on the ground early to get damage over time on enemies, slow them and also make it so that they take more damage from you and your minions and verge on them with the minions and then drop more Corpse Explosions and Tendrils to group them up on there. Just wipe them out with damage over time with the minions and stuff.

    Remember that you can use the abilities of your minions with the active abilities on your bar. So, even though you use the ability to summon your skeleton minions, you can also press it again to heal them and make their attack speed increase for a short period.

    So, make sure that you do this when you’re in like tough fights where there’s a big crash pull. Use the active ability on the skeleton minions.

    As you know, if you want to become stronger, then use Diablo 4 Gold to upgrade the skills in this build would be a good choice. So, gather enough gold before Diablo 4’s official release!

    This article introduces how to build a Blight Summoner Blight Summoner in Diablo 4 that specializes in summoning an army of undead while spreading Blight.
  • Shadow Flurry Rogue

    Diablo 4 Season 5 is almost here. Are you eager to upgrade your character and build as soon as possible to get a better start when entering the new season? Here, we will share a top leveling build for Rogue class, Shadow Flurry Rogue.

    But that doesn't mean it can't be used to clear the endgame. This build is able to deal a lot of AoE damage by firing Imbue Flurry, allowing you to easily clear groups of monsters. Besides this, we have used many of the same concepts and pushed them to the extreme. So if you are looking for a best Rogue leveling build in Season 4, don’t miss this guide!


    Shadow Flurry has always been a fun build that can quickly clear enemies, and since Season 3, it has a lot of additional clearing power in the form of Icy Alchemist’s Aspect and Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect.

    What’s more, these now trigger simply by using Shadow Imbuement skill, rather than requiring the enemy to be affected by Ailments. Combined with Aspect of Elements, we are able to deal massive amounts of damage.

    On the defensive side of things, we’re going to rely on Daze and Knockdown enemy abilities as our primary forms of defense. We’re also going to utilize Concealment and Aspect of Lethal Dusk for stealth. Not only will this give us some passive healing, but it’ll also give us more uptime on Shadow Imbuement with Nightstalker glyph.

    To round out our defense, we’re going to use a combination of Momentum Key Passive and Aspect of Stolen Vigor. These skills, when stacked, will give us a ton of damage reduction as well as a ton of in-combat healing. Since we’ll be applying Dazed constantly, we’ll often be maxing out this effect.


    Next, we’ll discuss each of the skills we use and explain what each one does and how they fit into the build.


    Puncture is always a solid base skill for Rogue to use, giving us an easy way to apply Vulnerable. Depending on the situation, in most encounters, we probably only need to use it a few times to win.


    Flurry is an exceptional skill, and paired with Aspect of Encircling Blades, we’ll hit the entire area around us multiple times. While its Lucky Hit Chance is low, the number of enemies we can hit and the number of hits we can get more than make up for it. This allows it to trigger our Lucky Hit effect frequently, giving us a lot of damage and utility.

    Shadow Step

    We mainly use Shadow Step for movement. It has a low cooldown, and it only gets shorter as we stack cooldown reduction, making it very reliable.

    More importantly, its Lucky Hit Chance makes it a great tool for triggering Alchemist procs. The only downside is that Shadow Step is a single-target, so you only get one set of blasts.


    Concealment isn’t always the best option, but on-demand stealth can go a long way in defense. We mainly use it to lower the cooldown of Shadow Imbuement and trigger a guaranteed crit to daze enemies. We’ll also get a nice boost to our defense thanks to Resistant Assailant’s Aspect and be able to reduce its cooldown fairly frequently.

    Shadow Imbuement

    Shadow Imbuement itself increases AoE potential of Flurry, as any enemy affected by Shadow Infection will explode when defeated.

    Shadow Clone

    Shadow Clone is our ultimate of choice. With Aspect of Imitated Imbuement, it will not only echo our Imbue Flurry casts, but will also provide more opportunities to trigger Icy Alchemist’s Aspect and Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect.

    Unique Items

    This build makes use of multiple Diablo 4 Items, but here we’ll only discuss the few that provide the strongest effects to the build. These are the ones you really want to slot into the build if you have the chance. You can unlock most of these items at World Tier 3, but once you get them, the build gets a nice upgrade.

    Cowl Of The Nameless

    Cowl of the Nameless is a Unique Helm that gives us easy access to cooldown reduction and increased Lucky Hit Chance. It even has a now-rare melee damage reduction.

    However, the trade-off here is that we lose Tempering, which means less overall cooldown reduction for Concealment and generally lower defense.

    Grasp Of Shadow

    Grasp of Shadow is a pair of Unique Gloves that also provides most of the features we want from gloves, namely Attack Speed ​​and Flurry Ranks. If you are lucky enough to use it with a higher Core Skill Rank affix, it will greatly increase our damage.

    Worst-case scenario, we only lose Critical Chance and a little Max Health. This is usually okay though, as the buffs it brings are usually more important.

    Yen’s Blessing

    Yen’s Blessing is a pair of Unique Boots that provide many of the features we want from boots, mainly the movement speed buff.


    Next, we’ll look at some Legendary Aspects that can maximize the potential of this build.

    • Aspect of Elements
    • Aspect of Encircling Blades
    • Aspect of Initated Imbuement
    • Icy Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Aspect of Concussive Strikes
    • Aspect of Stolen Vigor
    • Resistant Assailant’s Aspect

    Paragon Board

    Paragon Boards are a feature available at level 50. These boards allow us to spend Paragon points gained from leveling up to enhance our character.

    • Starter Board: Like all Starter Boards, this one provides general damage and defense.
    • Exploit Weakness: This will allow us to apply a stacking damage bonus when hitting vulnerable enemies, and this will affect almost every enemy in our vicinity at all times.
    • Eldritch Bounty: When we use Shadow Imbuement, Eldritch Bounty increases our Shadow resistance and Shadow damage
    • Cheap Shot: This gives us a damage bonus to each crowd-controlled enemy nearby, and we will be constantly Dazing enemies, so this helps a lot in our siege.
    • Cunning Stratagem: It does provide some conveniently placed armor and core skill damage that is also useful.

    That’s all you need to know about this Shadow Flurry Rogue build. Mastering this guide will help you maximize your damage and overall performance. Anyway, I hope this build brings you some new fun. See you next time!

    Here we will be sharing a top leveling build for the Diablo 4 Rogue class, Shadow Flurry Rogue, and this guide will cover everything you need to know about this build.
  • Heartseeker Rogue

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn update has changed the way we play, and some classes that weren’t great before often outperform other classes when it comes to collecting loot, and Rogue is one of them. So here we are, talking about one of the best Rogue builds in Season 4, Heartseeker Rogue Build.

    For most of Diablo 4’s lifespan, builds like Rapid Fire and Death Trap dominated the meta-game. But with the rise of Loot Reborn and the introduction of new bosses, Heartseeker Build came into being and has skyrocketed in the rankings.

    This Heartseeker Build revolves around its namesake skill. Heartseeker is a bow skill that shoots a Seeking Arrow that tracks the nearest enemy, deals damage to it, and increases your critical strike chance against affected enemies.

    With Twisting Blades being nerfed in Loot Reborn, it seems like Rogue players have fewer ultimate build options than ever, but Heartseeker has quickly become the go-to build. Paired with the right Diablo 4 items, aspects, gear, and rotation, Heartseeker Build can help players clear enemies and bosses faster.


    Heartseeker Rogue is one of the simpler builds in Diablo 4. The goal of this build is to deal the majority of damage by setting up the Heartseeker’s basic attacks while getting as many Victimize bonuses as possible.

    The second key to this build is to make the most of your mobility. Since Rogue has less life than other classes in Diablo 4, it’s crucial to keep your distance from your opponents, and skills like Dash, Shadow Step, and Caltrops make it easy to do that. Here are all the skills you need to unlock to get this build to its full potential.

    • Heartseeker: Deals damage to a targeted enemy by firing a Seeking Arrow and increase your critical strike chance at the target.
    • Stutter Step: Critical strikes increase movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds.
    • Caltrops: The player jumps backwards and throws Caltrops on the ground to damage enemies and slow them by 50%
    • Shadow Step: The player becomes unstoppable and gains 50% movement speed for two seconds. At the same time, any attacks from behind will deal more damage.
    • Dash: Dash forward, pushing the player and dealing damage to any enemies in the way.
    • Dark Shroud: This is a protective shroud that reduces damage by 8% per active Shadow, and there are 5 in total.
    • Smoke Grenade: A projectile that stuns enemies for four seconds.
    • Victimize: There is a 50% chance to cause an explosion when damaging a vulnerable target.
    • Inner Sight: Certain enemies will be marked, and attacking marked enemies will fill your Inner Sight meter. Once the meter is full, the player will gain unlimited energy and increase critical chance for four seconds.

    Regarding rotations, your Heartseeker Basic attack will be your primary weapon in almost every encounter. Caltrops and Smoke Grenades are effective defense mechanisms, while Dash and Shadow Step can be used both as a means of escaping and dealing extra damage. Considering that Rogues usually have low health, it’s best to keep Dark Shroud on at all times.

    The main synergy for this build is between Heartseeker and Victimize, the latter of which is only unlocked at higher levels to achieve the ultimate purpose of this build being able to be invincible in the endgame.


    In Diablo 4, Aspects are items that can be attached to equipment, even ordinary items can gain legendary traits or effects. Players can obtain Aspects by completing dungeons, quests, or seasonal events.

    Once you have an Aspect, you can visit Occultist in any town to attach it to your equipment, provided you have enough Diablo 4 Gold and Veiled Crystals.

    There are currently over 114 Aspects in the game, and you can choose from them based on your class and play style. For Heartseeker Rogue, Aspects you can choose from include: Aspect of Might, Undying Aspect, Aspect of Concussive Strikes, Umbrous Aspect, Frostbitten Aspect, and many more.

    Best Items

    Since most of the best rare and legendary items in Diablo 4 rely entirely on random drops, it’s best to aim to farm Aspects rather than specific gear.

    Here, the best unique item we can get is Harlequin Crest. This unique item is particularly useful for Heartseeker Rogue as it rewards the player with 20% damage reduction, making the class more resilient.

    Again, this is a completely random drop and could come from Duriel, King of Maggots, Echo of Andariel, or any random chest in World Tier 4.


    Gems are another type of item in Diablo 4 that can be slotted into gear to gain additional buffs, similar to Aspects with passive effects. The three best Gems available for this build are Royal Ruby for Armor, Sapphire for Weapon, and Diamond for Jewelry. Of course, you can also explore other options.

    Sapphire Gem is by far the most important Gem in this build, as it provides 20% Vulnerability Damage, which synergizes well with Victimize passive effect you unlock.


    Elixir is a consumable item that can be used in leveling and endgame activities. Elixirs that increase XP are very useful for reaching max levels quickly, but once you reach endgame content, Elixir of Poison Resistance and Elixir of Advantage become your two best options.

    Elixir of Poison Resistance increases your resistance to poison as well as the rate at which you gain XP, while Elixir of Advantage benefits Heartseeker Rogue by providing Lucky Hit. To win in the endgame, you have to accumulate all the advantages you can get, and Elixirs are definitely a great way to increase your strength.

    Those are all the tips and tricks you need to know to complete this Heartseeker Rogue Build. Try it now and stand till the end in the endgame!

    Here we are, let’s talk about one of the best builds for Rogue in Season 4, the Heartseeker Rogue Build. This guide covers everything you need to know about this build.
  • Cold Imbuement Twisting Blades Rogue

    Get ready to delve into the Uber Cold Imbuementment Twisting Blades build. It’s absolutely mind-blowing how well it performs. Surpass my initial expectations, this setup has enabled me to single-handedly navigate through 4-man Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons with relative ease. I’ll cover everything from skills and the skill tree to gear, the seasonal mechanic, paragon boards.

    How It Works

    In terms of skills, our lineup includes Concealment, Dash, Twisting Blades, Cold Imbuementment, Caltrops, and Puncture with the specialization in combo points. Opting for Cold Imbuementment in this setup essentially replicates the effects of frostburns. A single strike with Cold Imbuementment and Twisting Blades instantaneously freezes enemies, resulting in substantial damage against frozen targets and offering significant Crowd Control.

    Moving on to our utility skills, Concealment serves as our crowd control break and enhances our overall resistance, granting an 80% boost to all resistances upon exiting stealth. Additionally, it boasts a 10-second cooldown reduction on elite kills, ensuring it remains readily available for use.

    Next, Caltrops proves to be a valuable asset, dealing considerable damage to enemies within its vicinity. When faced with a large pack of elites, deploying Caltrops will swiftly diminish their numbers.

    For our Agility skill, Dash provides exceptional mobility and grants a critical multiplier against enemies we dash through. Combining Twisting Blades with Dash allows us to move quickly through enemy forces, leaving devastation in our wake. Twisting Blades and Puncture serve as our primary combo point generators, offering reliable damage output and ensuring our combo points remain consistently available.

    Skill Tree

    Just quickly go over the skill tree. We’re going 1 into Puncture with Fundamental Puncture, maxing out Twisting Blades with Advanced Twisting Blades, 3 into Sturdy, 3 into Siphoning Strikes.

    Next, We’re going 2 points into Rugged, 3 into Weapon Mastery, 2 into Dash, picking up Enhanced Dash for that critical strike damage multiplier, 1 into Caltrops with Methodical Caltrops, making them chill, 1 into Concealment, and only picking up Enhanced Concealment.

    Moving on, allocate 3 point into Exploit, 3 into Malice, 3 into Precision Imbuementment, maxing out Cold Imbuementment with Mixed Cold Imbuementment to make us do even more damage against frozen enemies. 3 into Frigid Finesse, 3 into Innervation for some more energy sustain, 3 into Second Wind, 1 into Adrenaline Rush, 3 into Haste, and finishing it off with Close Quarters Combat.

    Gear Setup

    Next up, we have our Diablo 4 Items. Starting with our helmet, we’re going to go with Harlequin Crest, giving us a ton of life, some cooldown reduction, +4 to all our skills, and a 20% damage reduction on top of that.

    For the chest piece, go for life damage reduction, and for the last 2 rolls, you want to get 2 resistance rolls, excluding cold resistance, with the Resilient Aspect - Resilient Assailant's Doom Armor, giving us +10 to all of our elemental resistances and max resistances whenever we break Stealth. It also reduces concealment’s cooldown by 10 seconds whenever we kill an elite, making it come up super frequently.

    For the gloves, you want to get ranks to twisting blades, crit chance, attack speed, and decks, with the Accelerating Aspect - Accelerating Runic Gloves.

    For the pants, I decided to go with Tibault’s Will since we get Concealment up super fast. We can really take advantage of that 40% damage multiplier that Tibault gives whenever you become unstoppable, as well as it’ll give us another 50 energy back whenever we use Concealment.

    Lastly, for the boots, we’re going with Penitent Greaves, allowing us to constantly chill enemies and give up to a 10% damage multiplier against chilled enemies, so it just fits right into this build.


    Next, we have our weapons. For the crossbow, we want decks, all stat damage to crowd controlled, and for the last roll, you have a few options. I recommaend use the Bladedancer's Cross Axe. Go for either crit damage, damage to close, or damage with core skills. And for the aspect, we’re going to put Bladedancer's Aspect.

    As for our melee weapons, on one hand, we’re using Condemnation, having some solid base stats and a 30% chance to provide us with 3 combo points and up to a 40% damage multiplier when we attack with 3 combo points. And on our other hand, we’re going to be going with Doombringer. This makes us an absolute tank, giving us a ton of life and reducing enemies' damage with a shadow explosion on a lucky hit.

    If you have enough Diablo 4 Gold budget, my recommendation is to upgrade all these weapons to their maximum level. By doing so, you will significantly enhance your strength in the game.


    Last up, we have our jewelry. For the amulet, we use the Juggernaut's Amulet. You want to go for movement speed, Dex percent, cooldown reduction, and ranks to Frigid Finesse. For the aspect, you want to go with Juggernaut Aspect, giving you all the armor you’re going to need for the build.

    Next we will talk about our rings. For one ring, you want to get the Ring of Starless Skies. This ring has very good base stats and comes with an amazing, unique effect, allowing us to stack up a 40% damage multiplier by just spending energy. And it’s on top of that, it reduces our energy cost.

    For your other ring - Rapid Circle, you want to go for life, crit chance, damage to crowd control, and crit damage with the Rapid Aspect. I prefer using rapid for some more attack speed, but you could swap this out for edge masters or expectant for some more damage.

    Seneschal Constructs

    Next up, we have the seasonal mechanic. For the first set of stones, we want to get Flash of Adrenaline and pair that with Tactical support, Duration support, and Genesis. Having these three supporting stones gives us 100% uptime on Flash of Adrenaline, giving us always 50% more damage.

    For our other stone, we want to get Tempest paired with safeguard support, bridgid support, and lastly, Evernight. Tempest has a very low cooldown, making it have 100% uptime on safeguard and Evernight, giving us plus four to all our skills and an additional 15% damage reduction. Frigid support could be swapped out with Fortify support if you feel you have enough freezing capabilities or if you’re wanting some more defense or energy sustain, you can swap it with an different stone.

    Paragon Boards

    Next up, we have our paragon boards. So we do have a 6 board setup, and starting with our glyphs, we’re picking up closer in the first board, Combat in the Cheap Shot board, Chip in the Tricks of the Trade board, Exploit in the Elrich Bounty board, Control in the No Witnesses board, and finally, the Deadly Ambush board, we have turf.

    As for the legendary nodes we pick up, we’re getting Cheap Shot for increased damage for nearby crowd controlled enemies, Tricks of the Trade because we’re alternating between Puncture and Twisting Blades all the time, we get this damage bonus for Twisting Blades, Eldrich Bounty so whenever we use Cold Imbuement, we just get some more cold damage, making Cold Imbuement hit even harder than it already does, and then finally Deadly Ambush giving us that critical strike multiplier to any enemies that are in our Caltrops.

    We’ll be talking about the Cold Imbuement Twisting Blades build in Diablo 4 Season 3. This build is crazy and has performed far better than I expected it to with this setup. You can easily solo Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons.
  • Poison Black Hole Rogue

    Today I’m going to be bringing you a Poison Rogue build, which I’ve named Poison Black Hole Rogue build. This build has super fast attack speed, is tanky, and fun! You can use it from level 1 all the way to the endgame.

    We should note that this tutorial is suitable for players with certain gaming experience and sufficient budget for Diablo 4 Gold. If the response is good, I will do a more beginner-friendly in-depth explanation of this build and each category and subcategory. Let’s get started now!

    Skill Tree

    This Skill Tree includes earned Renown points, so if you don’t have enough points, check your reward progress.

    Basic Skills: For Puncture, Enhanced Puncture and Fundamental Puncture, I used 1 point each.

    Core Skills: Invest 1 point each in Improved Twisting Blades and Master Sturdy.

    Agility Skills: Used 1 point for Dash and Master Weapon Mastery.

    Subterfuge Skills: I used 1 point each for Poison Trap, Countering Poison Trap, Exploit and Malice to get more poison damage. Because after you get Countering Poison Trap, your Poison Imbuement time has a 30% chance of being reset immediately. And thanks to Enhanced Poison Trap’s knockdown effect, you take less damage.

    Imbueable Skills: It is very important to master skills such as Poison Imbuement, Blended Poison Imbuement and Deadly Venom. Among them, I spent 3 points on Alchemical Advantage and 2 points on Debilitating Toxins.

    Ultimate Skills: In this build, we will be using ‍Death Trap. In the passive part, I got Alchemist’s Fortune, Innervation, and Second Wind. I used 1 point on Adrenaline Rush and Haste.

    Key Passives Skills: In this build, we will use Momentum. For the last Specialization, we need to be ready to reset the skill and reduce the cooldown of Death Trap.

    Item Setting

    For Diablo 4 item selection for this Poison Black Hole Rogue build, the priority is as follows:

    • Helm: Aspect of Stolen Vigor
    • Chest Armor: Aspect of Might
    • Gloves: Aspect of Pestilent Points
    • Pants: Aspect of The Protector
    • Boots: Penitent Greaves
    • Rings: X’Fal’s Corroded Signet and Bladedancer’s Aspect
    • Amulet: Aspect Of Disobedience
    • Crossbow: Accelerating Aspect
    • Sword: Aspect of Bursting Venoms and Aspect of Corruption

    In this build, you will get extra poison damage due to equipped Aspect of Pestilent Points. Aspect of Bursting Venoms, Countering Poison Trap, and Preparation will reset Poison Imbuement, causing a large amount of stable poison damage. In addition, Jewels, Paragon Board effects, and Aspect of Corruption will also increase your damage.

    Paragon Board

    We create Paragon Board based on level 15 Rare Glyphs. Glyphs used on each board are:

    • First Board: Devious
    • Second Board: Canny on Cheap Shot
    • Third Board: Efficacy on No Witnesses
    • Fourth Board: Turf on Tricks of the Trade
    • Fifth Board: Versatility on Leyrana’s Instinct
    • Sixth Board: Control on Eldritch Bounty
    • Seventh Board: Bane on Deadly Ambush

    Vampiric Power

    Undying for viability, Ravenous for attack speed, combined with Hectic, allows you to make more use of your Poison Imbuement. in addition. Flowing Veins can use Vampiric Curse on mobs, and combined with Accursed Touch, can cause more poison damage to enemies.

    How To Play Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon?

    This build is really easy to play. Use Poison Trap in conjunction with Death Trap, and mobs will be pulled to the center of Death Trap, while Poison Trap will knock them down. Using Puncture and Twisting Blades continuously and making sure to keep using Poison Imbuement without a cooldown will help you clear everything quickly.

    If Poison Imbuement is on cooldown, use Death Trap to reset it. Don’t forget to keep track of the cooldowns on Poison Imbuement and Death Trap. They will reset soon. I hope you enjoyed this build guide and found it helpful or interesting, and have a nice day!

    I'll be bringing you a Diablo 4 Season 2 Poison Black Hole Rogue build. This build has super fast attack speed, is tanky, and fun! You can use it from level 1 all the way to the endgame.
  • Poison Imbuement Twisting Blades Rogue

    We’re doing an update on the bossing poison Rogue build for Season 1. This build allows you to skip all of your mechanics and his super cheese. But if you don’t care to learn the fight and just want the mount and the title, I’d recommend using this build. This build is fairly easy to gear. The only things that may be difficult to get are D4 Unique Items that are used, those being Penitent Greaves, Asheara’s Khanjar and Condemnation.

    As normal, we’ll be going over skills, the skill tree, gear, aspects, and the Paragon Board. At the end, I’ll also talk about some tips and what to avoid when skipping her mechanics.


    For the skills, I’m using Poison Trap, Dash, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Smoke Grenade, and Puncture.

    We use Poison Trap for the damage multi and Smoke Grenade for the extra Crowd Control. And we use the Combo Points as our Specialization.

    The idea is to stack as much CC as we can so that we can quickly stagger her and skip her phases and mechanics with our damage.

    Skill Tree

    As for our skill tree, it’s pretty much your standard Twisting Blade skill tree.

    We have Puncture.

    We have Twisting Blades with Advanced Twisting Blades.

    We put two skill points into Sturdy and three skill points into Siphoning Strikes, three skill points into Weapon Mastery, one skill point into Dash. But you don’t really need Dash for this.

    We have Smoke Grenade with Subverting Smoke Grenade for even more Crowd Control.

    We have Poison Trap with the Subverting Poison Trap for that 10% increased poison damage multi.

    Then, we put three skill points into Exploit and three skill points into Malice.

    We have Poison Imbuement (Rank 5) with Blended Poison Imbuement.

    We put three skill points into Deadly Venom, three skill points into Frigid Finesse, and then three skill points in Innervation. This is where we get our energy sustained from.

    We put three skill points into Alchemist Fortune and three skill points into the Second Wind for even more lucky hit chance.

    We put one skill point into Adrenaline Rush and three skill points into Haste.

    Finally, we’re using Close Quarters Combat.

    Also Read: How To Target Farm Specific Diablo 4 Unique Items And Double Unique Drop Chance?


    Onto our gear and aspects, I want to start off with our armor.

    On our helmet, we want Basic Skill Attack Speed, Life, Crowd Control Duration, and Ranks of Poison Imbuement with Mangler’s Aspect to help stagger her.

    The chestplate is your normal defensive chestplate with Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies and Armor percent. But the aspect we have here is an Aspect of Noxious Ice. So, when we stagger her, we have another damage multiplier for our poison.

    On our gloves, get Ranks of Twisting Blades, lucky hit chance to slow, Critical Strike Chance, and Attack Speed with Aspect of Bursting Venoms. Aspect of Bursting Venoms allows us to constantly have unlimited Poison Imbuement just to keep stacking poison damage on her.

    On our pants, we have Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies and Armor percent with Aspect of Disobedience.

    For our boots, we have Penitent Greaves for the extra chill to stagger and extra damage for when she is staggered and the Crowd Control Duration.


    For our weapons on our crossbow, we’re using our normal Bladedancer’s Warcaster crossbow with Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Core Skill Damage and Dexterity.

    For our daggers, as mentioned before, we have Asheara’s Khanjar and Condemnation. The Asheara’s Khanjar is insane because it gives us up to 16 and a half percent lucky hit and so much Attack Speed to help stagger and build up poison faster. And Condemnation is also insane because it’s a huge DPS boost.

    If you have enough Diablo 4 Gold, I suggest you upgrade all these weapons to the highest level. In this way, you will be stronger.


    Lastly, the jewelry and hearts. I really cheaped out on the jewelry. There is only a few rolls that you really need.

    On the amulet, you want at least to have Ranks of All Imbuement Skills and either Malice or Deadly Venom. If you want to go all out and min max this, get Dexterity percent and Crowd Control Duration as well. The aspect we have is an Aspect of Corruption to increase our Poison Imbuement Damage.

    For your rings, you want to have at least Critical Strike Chance, and Lucky Hit Chance. If you want to have more damage, get Vulnerable Damage and Poison Damage as well. The aspects we have are Accelerating Aspect and Rapid Aspect.

    For more Attack Speed, we get our energy sustained from the passive Innervation. With so much Lucky Hit, if we run out of energy, just hold Puncture down for a second and you’ll be full.


    For your hearts on your jewelry, you’ll want to have at least two Devious sockets and the last can be any color.

    We have The Calculated because we attack so fast that we spend that 150 energy very quickly so that five seconds done is a huge boost to our stagger.

    Next is Clipshot. Again, because of our Lucky Hit Chance and Attack Speed, it’s amazing for our stagger.

    The last one is Creeping Death. When she’s staggered, our damaged to skyrockets, allowing us to just do so much damage that we skip phases and all of her mechanics.

    In order to help you understand our build more directly, I will directly list the aspects and gems I use.


    • Mangler’s Aspect (Helm)
    • Aspect of Noxious Ice (Chest Armor)
    • Aspect of Bursting Venoms (Gloves)
    • Aspect of Disobedience (Pants)
    • Penitent Greaves (Boots)
    • Bladedancer’s Aspect (Ranged Weapon)
    • Aspect of Corruption (Amulet)
    • Accelerating Aspect (Ring 1)
    • Rapid Aspect (Ring 2)
    • Asheara’s Khanjar (Dual-Wield Weapon 1)
    • Condemnation (Dual-Wield Weapon 2)

    Gems: Emerald, Ruby, Creeping Death, The Calculated, The Clipshot

    Paragon Board

    Lastly, we have our Paragon Boards.

    Starting off with the glyphs, we’re picking up Closer, Tracker, Chip, Turf, Control, and Ambush.

    The legendary nodes that we pick up are Exploit Weakness, Tricks of the Trade and Eldritch Bounty.

    Mech Skip Tips

    Finally, we’re going to talk about some mechanics of skipping the mechanics.

    So, some things that you should be aware of starting with the first phase, there really isn’t anything specific here. If you don’t stagger and phase her, then just run out of the ring and reset. For the most part, the first phase is super easy.

    However, in the second phase, there are a few things to note here. As soon as she spawns in, you need to stagger her as fast as possible so she doesn’t slam down. If she does her slam, then when the area starts to break and she’s flying around to destroy it, she’ll start spawning Fireballs and makes it very difficult to finish the fight with those Fireballs because they do one-shot you.

    So, what I do is I’ll drop two Poison Traps on her spawn point and then start attacking to build up some Attack Speed. And when her stagger bar is about 60%, then drop the Stun Grenade and then you’ll just DPS as normal.

    If you’ve done this, then you’re set for the most part. She’ll fly around the area, destroying it. Do not stagger her again until she’s destroyed the top at the right and the left and comes back to the middle.

    When she’s back in the middle, you’re free to finish the fight. However, if you do stagger her before, then she’ll start spawning her minions and Fireballs will start to spawn again.

    Lastly, sometimes when she’s destroyed the arena right at the end, she’ll summon her Shadow Clone looking thing and it’ll attack you and it will one shot you.

    So, when you kill her, just start running around in a circle kind of close to the edge to avoid getting hit by it. And if you’ve done all that, then you’ve officially cheesed the Lilith fight.

    If you want an easy way to get the achievement and the mount in Diablo 4 Season 1, this Poison Imbuement Twisting Blades Rogue Build is for you! I will also talk about how and what you need to skip the Lilith mechanics.
  • Icy Shadow Rogue

    Today, we have the Icy Shadow version 2. I’ve been having so much fun with this build and I’ve made a few changes that really make this build stand out.

    We’ll be going over skills, play style, the skill tree, gear, and the Paragon Board. 


    The skills we’ll be using are Shadowstep, Dash, Twisting Blades, Shadow Imbuement, Smoke Grenade and Puncture with Combo Points as our specialization.

    Smoke Grenade got a buff recently, going from 15% to 20% damage to enemies affected by it. And with the use of some aspects, this becomes an absolutely insane utility skill. Not only does it allow us to daze, it will freeze and give us a 43% damage multi that we can have up most of the time.

    This build is on the squishier side. We want to take advantage of our Crowd Control and our Mobility to avoid getting hit too much. We do take up some defensive aspect slots with some utility aspects. But trust me, it is worth it.

    When you’re diving into a large pack of Elites, use Dash and instantly drop your Smoke Grenade to daze and freeze, giving you plenty of time to finish them off. This way you can easily get a lot of Diablo 4 Gold.

    Use Shadow Step when you get Crowd Control. Use Shadow Imbuement whenever it’s up. And use Dash to engage, reposition, and move around the map quickly.

    Skill Tree 

    Onto our skill tree, starting off with Puncture. Pick up Fundamental Puncture.

    Max out Twisting Blades with Advanced Twisting Blades.

    Siphoning Strikes did get a nerf recently, making it on a Lucky Hit, instead of always on Critical Strikes. So, our sustain has gone down tremendously because of that. But because of how much Crowd Control we have in this build, it does make up for it. 

    Pick up Shadow Step with Disciplined Shadow Step.

    Then we should pick up Weapon Mastery and then Dash with Methodical Dash.

    Pick up Smoke Grenade with Countering Smoke Grenade, giving us huge cooldown decreases and having that up more often for more dazes and freezes.

    We should put one point into Exploit and then three points into Malice.

    We should put one into Shadow Imbuement with Mixed Shadow Imbuement.

    Then, we should put three points into Precision Imbuement, three points into Frigid Finesse.

    Go ahead and max out Alchemist’s Fortune, Second Wind, Innervation, Impetus and Haste.

    Finally, put one point into Adrenaline Rush and Close Quarters Combat.

    Now, I do want to note that you can pick up Victimize here. It is fun to play with, but Close Quarters Combat just feels better with the Attack Speed and that 30% increased damage to Crowd Control because we’re always crowd controlling. It’s just nice to have that up. 

    Also Read: Diablo 4: Why Necromancer Is The Most Powerful Class In Season 1? - Reasons And Some Analysis


    Onto gear, stat priority, and aspects, start off with our armor. 

    For our helmet, go for Life, Armor percent, Cooldown Reduction, and either ranks to Shadow Imbuement or Basic Skill Attack Speed.

    For our aspect, we’re using Frostbitten, giving us up to 25% increased Critical Strike Damage to Frozen enemies. And on top of that, it synergizes with Smoke Grenade, allowing it to also instantly freeze our targets. If you want to be more tanky, you can definitely swap Frostbitten out for Aspect of Might for some more damage reduction. 

    For our chestplate, look for Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close, and Armor percent with the Aspect of Explosive Verve. This just amplifies our Smoke Grenade and with the Lucky Hit cooldown, we have this Crowd Control Damage stem up very often.

    For our gloves, get rings to Twisting Blades, Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed and Lucky Hit chance. You can also go for Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills. But we don’t get much Lucky Hit anywhere else and we’re going to be using Icy Alchemist for the aspect. This got buffed in Season 1, giving us 25% chill instead of 20%, so we freeze a lot faster and more often.

    For our pants, we want Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close, and Armor percent with the Aspect of Disobedience.

    For our boots, we’re using Penitent Greaves. This is how we apply chill in order for Icy Alchemist to work. 


    For our weapons on our crossbow, we want Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Dexterity, and Core Skill Damage with, of course, Bladedancer’s Aspect. By the way, In Diablo 4, some Diablo 4 Items are very difficult to obtain. If you encounter such difficulties, you may wish to visit D4gold.com. There will be professional players to help you.

    For our weapons on one hand, we have Condemnation. The extra 20% to 40% multi-on Combo Points just can’t be beat here. And on the other hand, I am currently using Asheara’s Khanjar. The amount of Attack Speed and Lucky Hit we get from this weapon allows us to proc Icy Alchemist more often. And with more Attack Speed, we get more activations out of the imbuement heart. 

    With the nerf took Critical Strike Damage on swords, giving up 14% Critical Strike Damage for 30% close and more Attack Speed makes daggers a little better in my opinion.

    So, if you are not wanting to use Asheara’s Khanjar, go ahead and pick up a dagger with Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Dexterity, Core Skill Damage and the Edgemaster’s Aspect. You will hit a lot harder with this, but you also lose a lot of Attack Speed. 


    Lastly, I want to talk about jewelry.

    For our amulet, we need to have cooldown reduction and damage reduction. For our third roll, we have some options. Frigid Finesse is the best for clear and Malice is a good all-rounder for both clear and boss damage. And for the last roll, you want either Dexterity percent, Armor percent, or Movement Speed, depending on what you feel you’re lacking.

    For the aspect, we’re using Aspect of Expectant for that 15 to 30% increased damage when we’re alternating between Puncture and Twisting Blades.

    As for our rings, we want Life, Critical Strike Damage, Crit Strike Chance and Vulnerable Damage.

    For the aspects with one ring, we want Accelerating Aspect and the other with the Aspect of Umbral for energy sustain. I would also recommend getting a third ring with Energizing Aspect. It doesn’t have to be perfect by any means, but our energy sustain feels really bad when we’re fighting bosses without it. 

    Gems & Hearts 

    For our gems, we want Rubies in our armor and Emeralds in our weapons.

    At the moment, having the extra life feels better than running Topaz and with Shadow Step up so often, Topaz doesn’t feel super needed right now. And with Emeralds in our weapon, we have the extra Critical Strike Damage against Vulnerable Damage.

    For the socket colors for the new Malignant Hearts, we want a Vicious, a Brutal and your last socket can be any color. 

    We’ll be using Tempting Fate for the huge crit damage boost. We’ll be using Revenge for the damage suppressed. This helps our survivability a lot and makes Smoke Grenade look super cool when we cast it. Lastly, we’ll be using the Vile Apothecary. With up to a 15% chance to attack with all imbuements and our insane attack speed, we can get Icy Alchemist to proc pretty reliably without even having Shadow Imbuement up.

    Paragon Board

    Lastly, we have our Paragon Boards.

    The glyphs that we’re using are Closer, Combat, Chip, Turf, Control, and Exploit

    The legendary nodes that we pick up are Tricks of the Trade, Cheap Shot and Deadly Ambush. This is the reason why we Aspect of Explosive Verve on our chestplate. So, our Smoke Grenade also counts as a trap skill, giving us the 20% from Smoke Grenade and on top of that giving us another 22 and a half percent increase to our Critical Strike Damage, allowing Smoke Grenade to just be an insane damage stem. 

    Other than that, we pick up some Rare and Magic nodes around the board, giving us even more Critical Strike Damage and Vulnerable Damage. 

    This Ice Shaodow build for Rogue is definitely my favorite build so far in Diablo 4! This is version 2 that I made for Season 1. To help you better understand the build, I will go over skills, play style, the skill tree, gear, and the Paragon Board of it.
  • Rapid Fire Rogue

    Welcome to one of the most action-packed, fun, and effective builds in Diablo 4, Rapid Fire Rogue. It will take you to the final stages of the game and play Hive Nightmare dungeons.

    I have multiple guides for this build detailing all the build’s offensive and defensive mechanics. I’m going to cover the leveling guide from level 1 to level 50 for this build here. If you are going to start playing Diablo 4 Season 1, then you must not miss this guide.

    Skills & Key Aspects

    Let’s start by reviewing the skills in this build. We’ll use Puncture, Rapid Fire, Penetrating Shot, Dash, Shadow Imbuement and Dark Shroud for leveling.

    We’ll eventually get rid of Dark Shroud as we gain power and move into the late game. We’ll be using Umbrous Aspect, which will allow us to summon an additional Dark Shroud shadow without using Dark Shroud. But when leveling, I still recommend that you invest more Diablo 4 Gold in Dark Shroud first. Because this will bring us faster movement speed and improve our upgrade efficiency.

    And Dash is really useful for moving faster around the map for faster clarity. Then it’s back to Penetrating Shot, which allows us to have more AOE cleanup ahead of Rapid Fire.

    Another Aspect I suggest you try early is an Aspect of the Protector. Next, we need Aspect of Repeating, and put it on our Amulet. Because when you level up, you don’t want to change it every time you get a new weapon. But when we level up, just wear the amulet instead of replacing it.

    Skill Tree Progression

    When you level up, you don’t build a real target farm and get all the aspects you need. You will only use what and skills you have acquired. So, I’ve put together a guide here that tells you exactly which skill we should place points where at each level.

    We start with Puncture first, then Penetrating Shot and Enhanced Puncture. This way we get Fundamental Puncture.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: Are These Silent Chests Worth Your Obols To Open? - My Personal Analysis

    Then we’re going to get Rapid Fire, then we’re going to Enhance Penetrating Shot, Enhance Rapid Fire, Advanced Penetrating Shot. Finally, come back here to maximize the damage output of our Penetrating Shot.

    Then we need to use Dark Shroud to get some Mobility. Next, we go here for an AOE cleanup to clear our Shadow Ambient while also giving us energy. Finally, we keep going back here to buff Dash so we can get a little crit damage. But even more important is Disciplined Dash, which allows us to dash through the slows and stuns of enemies for additional Crowd Control.

    Next, we’re back here again with more points for more damage in Rapid Fire. Then we can choose five different options here, and I’m probably going to close quarters combat. Because high accuracy is only helpful if you have a good chance to crit. And until we get better gear, we may not have that opportunity for a while.

    If we need some healing, melee combat is probably the best option overall. So when we use Dash to pass through enemies, this is considered Cutthroat Skill. Because it helps us in close quarters combat. It increases hit damage when you dodge, and Rapid Fire increases critical damage, which is very helpful.

    Addition Build Notes

    I have some additional notes to help you with other questions. So first go from level 10 to level 15. I’ll go to Lost Archives for Aspect of the Protector. This eases the hurdle for you when you run into elites and reach level 35.

    If you’re still using Penetrating Shot, go to Bastion of Faith for Trickshot Aspect. Once you get Aspect of Repeating, I would recommend getting rid of Penetrating Shot and picking up Poison Imbuement and maxing out Poison Beam.

    I also suggest that if you get any boots that attack with cooldown reduction at movement speed, you definitely use them. Until you can replace them with similar or better boots or other Diablo 4 Items. This will help you a lot with dodging and healing.

    Malignant Hearts

    This season brought us a new mechanic, Malignant Hearts. So I went through all Malignant Hearts and picked out the ones I thought might be useful.

    So, in the ancient game, first we had Picana, so the critical hit would give enemies an electric shock, causing an Arc Lash between them and other charged enemies. Then we can cast AOE from other aspects. So this could turn our single-target Rapid Fire into a potential AOE ability. Then AOE may burst with our Shadow Decoy Trap.

    The above is my guide for leveling 1-50 in Rapid Fire Rogue in Diablo 4 Season 1. Hopefully, this guide will help you understand how Rapid Fire Rogue works. Finally, I hope you have a good start in Season 1, and see you in the game.

    Here I will share with you the upgrade guide for Rapid Fire Rogue build in Diablo 4 Season 1 from level 1 to level 50, including the skills and key aspects needed for this build.
  • Cold Imbue Flurry Rogue

    Today, we have my take on the Cold Imbue Flurry build. When I first started with Flurry, this is not how I saw the build going. I was expecting a similar but weaker version of Twisting Blades. But to my surprise, this build plays completely different to any of the Twisting Blade builds I’ve done.

    The mobility and crowd control of this build is insane being able to fly through packs of enemies freezing and stunning them while you hit huge bursts of damage. This also means that we can use this build to harvest a lot of Diablo 4 Gold.

    Skills & Playstyle

    For skills, we will be using Shadow Step, Dash, Flurry, Cold Imbuement, Caltrops, and Puncture, with our specialization being Combo Points.

    Using Combo Points with Flurry doesn’t just give you that damage increase, but it also gives you a very nice attack speed bonus, giving us 30% attack speed for up to four and a half seconds.

    Because of this, I really leaned into focusing on attack speed for this build. Because attack speed doesn’t only let us spam faster, it also speeds up the Dash, Shadow Step, and Caltrops’ animations, letting us cycle faster through skills and keeping up on our Crowd Control.

    Most of our damage comes from the stunning and freezing our enemies. We stun by evading through enemies and then attacking with Flurry to get our two and a half second stun off. We then will use Cold Imbuement or Caltrops to freeze the targets, giving huge damage bonuses against them.

    Caltrops is great. Because not only do we get a jump backwards and reposition, it also gives us more freezing and a big damage increase when they’re inside the Caltrops because of Ambush master.

    Your most common skill rotation will look something like Dash in, Flurry for attack speed, Caltrops to jump back, Shadow Step back in if they threw and Flurry spam, using Cold Imbuement when it’s up.

    For bosses, since our damage comes from stunned and frozen enemies, you’ll see that boss fights are off to a slow start. However, we can Crowd Control bosses super fast by evading through and flaring to build up that stagger bar. And once the bosses are staggered, you finish them up pretty quickly.

    Armor Stats

    First, we’ll talk about gear and stat priorities and then we’ll move on to our aspects.

    First up, with our helmet, get ranks to Cold Imbuement, Life, Cooldown Reduction, and Armor percent.

    For a chest, get Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies, and Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies.

    On our gloves, we want ranks to Flurry, Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, and Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills.

    On our pants, we want the same thing as our chest that being Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies, and Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies.

    For our boots, make sure to have the Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown. This is very important to have up, so we can constantly evade through enemies and get our stuns off as much as possible. Once you have that, then go for Movement Speed, Energy Cost Reduction, All Stats and Damage Reduction while Injured.

    Also Read: How To Calculate Damage Increases In Diablo 4? - Damage & Defense Mechanics Explained

    Jewelry Stats

    As for our jewelry on our amulet, we want Cooldown Reduction and ranks to Weapon Mastery. For your third and fourth rolls, you can either go more defensively with some Damage Reduction rolls or go for Movement Speed with Dex percent.

    For our rings, we want Life, Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Vulnerable Damage.

    Weapon Stats

    As for our weapons on our crossbow, we want Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Core Skill Damage and either Dex or All Stats. I was using All Stats to help hit some node bonuses on the Paragon Board. And as normal, item power doesn’t matter for a crossbow, just aim for about 725 to get those stat bonuses.

    For a one-hand sword, get Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Core Skill Damage and Dex.

    For our offhand, we can either use another one hand sword or condemnation here. I did some testing with another one hand sword that was item power 816 with similar stats as my main sword and overall condonation did feel better. Not only did it feel like more damage, but you also get more attack speed out of using a dagger here.

    Defensive Aspects

    Finally, the aspects.

    First up is defensive aspects. In this build, we are only using two defensive aspects, those being Aspect of Might and Aspect of Disobedience. For our third defense slot, we pick up Frostbitten Aspect here.

    Frostbitten Aspect is super strong, especially when we stack both a stun and a freeze onto an enemy, but it’s not 100% needed. So, if you want some more survivability, go ahead and pick up Cheat’s Aspect, instead.

    On our boots, go ahead and get Ravager’s Aspect for an extra Shadow Step charge.

    Offensive Aspects

    For our offensive aspects on our crossbow, I went for Accelerating Aspect. Having this here really makes all the skills of the build flow together nicely.

    On our amulet, place Aspect of Retribution here. This aspect is a must-have, giving us up to 60% increased damage against stunned enemies.

    For our last slots, pick up Edgemaster’s Aspect, Aspect of Encircling Blades and Trickster’s Aspect. Trickster’s Aspect has great synergy with Frostbitten Aspect, allowing for the Stun Grenades that come out of the Caltrops to freeze the targets. But if you’re not using Frostbitten Aspect and you’re using Cheat’s Aspect, go ahead and get Aspect of Expectant in place of this.

    I want to quickly talk about Grenade Aspects in combination with Frostbitten Aspect. There’s an aspect called Aspect of Surprise that allows you to drop Stun Grenades when you evade or Shadow Step. For some reason, these grenades weren’t freezing like I thought they would. They seem to be the same grenades that come out of Trickster’s Aspect, so it might be bugged. It’s still a really strong aspect to have as we’re constantly evading and using Shadow Step. So, you can use this in place of Trickster’s Aspect.

    As of right now, I do prefer using Trickster’s Aspect. But if they fix it to make these surprise grenades freeze, then I would swap for it.

    Energy Aspects

    Lastly, our energy sustain aspect.

    This build does fly through our energy, so I do recommend having two rings to swap out. One would be Aspect of the Umbral and the other would be Energizing Aspect. Use Aspect of the Umbral when you’re running through the dungeon and when you get to the boss room, you’d swap out for your Energizing ring. Put Umbral on whichever ring is better. And if you don’t have an extra ring that you can use, just use energizing. Because if you get to that boss room and you don’t have energizing, fighting that boss is gonna be a nightmare.

    So, if you want to get some special Diablo 4 Items by defeating bosses, prepare Energizing Aspect in advance.

    Skill Tree

    Below is a quick rundown of our skill tree:

    • Puncture (Rank 1)
    • Fundamental Puncture
    • Stutter Step (Rank 3)
    • Sturdy (Rank 3)
    • Siphoning Strikes (Rank 3)
    • Flurry (Rank 5)
    • Enhanced Flurry
    • Advanced Flurry
    • Shadow Step (Rank 1)
    • Disciplined Shadow Step
    • Rugged (Rank 1)
    • Reactive Defense (Rank 3)
    • Weapon Mastery (Rank 3)
    • Caltrops (Rank 1)
    • Methodical Caltrops
    • Dash (Rank 1)
    • Enhanced Dash
    • Exploit (Rank 3)
    • Malice (Rank 3)
    • Precision Imbuement (Rank 3)
    • Cold Imbuement (Rank 2)
    • Enhanced Cold Imbuement
    • Mixed Cold Imbuement
    • Frigid Finesse (Rank 3)
    • Innervation (Rank 3)
    • Adrenaline Rush (Rank 1)
    • Haste (Rank 3)
    • Close Quarters Combat (Rank 1)

    Paragon Board

    The glyphs that we’re using are Closer, Turf, Chip, Combat, Control, and Exploit.

    If you are at a lower level, go ahead and pick up Exploit. Exploit is a really strong glyph, probably the best rogue has, and it’s definitely a must get that up as soon as possible. Other than that, we are picking up a bunch more of Rare and Magic nodes throughout the board, giving us a lot of Critical Strike Damage and some Vulnerable Damage.

    This is a crazy, fun, and fast flurry build in Diablo 4! It is called Cold Imbue Flurry Build. It's a build for Rogue. I will analyze the build from various aspects, such as skills & playstyle, Paragon Board, Skill Tree, etc.
  • Twisting Blades Rogue

    This Twisting Blades Rogue build in Diablo 4 has hardly any special gear and is very easy to pick up. There is no burden, even for novice players.

    So I’ll explain how this character works, what setup and gear I use. I’ll also end this guide by sharing some tips I’ve learned the hard way. I hope you know these tips before starting the game for a better experience.

    Build Mechanism 

    The way Twisting Blade’s work is you attack your target, doing some initial damage. But after 1.5 seconds, Blades will return to you. Doesn’t do a lot of damage but will do significant damage to enemies after you get Bladedancer’s Aspect.

    Blades will spin around you when they return and deal with a lot of damage. This will be your major source of damage. Next, you can throw Poison Trap to knock enemies down, poisoning them and dealing with damage. During leveling up, you can boost your Trap-related damage later on by throwing in more Diablo 4 Gold.

    I also tried using Shadow Imbuement, which does massive AOE damage. But then I found out that Poison Trap is much safer. Because it knocks down enemies, Crowd Control Effects and Shadow Step skills are good. During a boss fight, use it to become Unstoppable the moment the boss is about to attack you.

    Often you’ll walk in the opposite direction from the boss hit and end up avoiding getting hit. You can also use Puncture as your base skill, making enemies vulnerable to 20% damage. Puncture slows down enemies and gains energy on cue time.

    Skill Tree

    This is a 50-level Rogue skill tree, and the fundamental skills can be developed according to the main points. You’ll use Basic Puncture, Advanced Twisting Blades, Methodical Shadow Step, Disciplined Dash, Enhanced Poison Trap, and Subverting Dark Shroud, which are very good defense mechanisms.

    The above skills need to give priority to the study of Damage Reduction Siphoning Strikes, and return blood when critically struck. The tanky Concussive of this build increases critical chance. After knocking down enemies, we can gain movement or attack speed and Debilitating Toxins with Malice and huge damage boosters.

    Two Most Important Things

    No matter what Diablo 4 Items you need, the only thing that matters is getting Bladedancer’s Aspect. You can get it from legendary drops, or early game priority from dungeons. You’ll place it on a Crossbow to maximize. When you get this effect, you’ll finish the campaign with ease.

    The second most important thing is after you reach level 15 of Inner Sight Specialization. When you attack a marked enemy, a mark will appear on the enemy. Once it fills up, your Inner Sight bar fills up and you gain infinite power for 4 seconds. This will allow you to spam Twisting Blades in combat, especially useful for taking down bosses quickly.

    When I finished the campaign at level 50, I cleared Cathedral of Light dungeon without a problem, unlocking Nightmare difficulty. I felt a bit overwhelmed at first because I had hardly any resistance. I need to avoid many ground effects such as Poison, Fire, Ice. Once I did that, I could survive without a problem.

    Beginner Tips

    First, at first I just used Twisting Blades to attack. I find my energy drains quickly. Then I just have to run around and wait for the energy to recharge. Instead of waiting, you can actually use Puncture to help regenerate energy faster.

    Second, you can go to options. Then control uncheck the combo, move the interaction base skill bar and change your base skill to another key that is more convenient for you to use. You won’t get stuck when you want to move around in combat, or you won’t get stuck if you miss clicking on a target you don’t need.

    Also Read: Diablo 4 Season 1 Gameplay Guides - Season Of The Malignant Overview & Seasonal Characters

    Third, you can right click on the map of your destination, and a red route will appear on the map. Then you can follow it to get where you want to go easily. If you stray off the track, you can undo it by right-clicking again.

    In the end, Diablo 4 is an open world. So you don’t have to worry about where you can go on the map. Enemy levels also adjust to your level. This also means that you can complete actions out of sequence. So explore and don’t worry about missing anything.

    Here I explain how my Twisting Blades Rogue Build in Diablo 4 works, what setup and gear I use. I'll also end this guide by sharing some tips I've learned the hard way.
  • Penetrating Shot Marksman Rogue

    When I was playing Diablo 4 recently, I noticed that a lot of rogue players were focusing on the melee playstyle, both leveling up and endgame. If you’re looking to try a ranged playstyle that utilizes a bow or crossbow, then the Penetrating Shot Marksman Rogue Build I’m going to cover next is just what you need.

    Skill Tree

    *The basic skill we’re going to pick up is Forceful Arrow, which fires a powerful arrow at an enemy and every third cast makes them vulnerable.

    Enhanced Forceful Arrow increases the Critical Strike Chance on that third shot as well.

    Then, you should pick Fundamental Forceful Arrow, which will keep you alive by knocking back enemies if they’re close and even sometimes knocking them down for one and a half seconds.

    You don’t want to level this beyond rank one out of five at least early on in the game, as there are far more important skills to unlock and there’s very little return gain from that skill point.

    *Our main ability is going to be Penetrating Shot, which fires an arrow that pierces through in a straight line.

    Enhanced Penetrating Shot increases the damage of the arrow by 10% each time it passes through an enemy.

    Then, Improved Penetrating Shot increases your Critical Strike Chance by a whopping 20% for your next Penetrating Shot if you hit at least three enemies with it.

    At level 15, you gain access to the Rogue specific questline, which I recommend you do as soon as possible. It unlocks Combo Points, which further enhances your Penetrating Shot.

    Your rotation will become simple at this point. You accumulate three Combo Points for every three Forceful Arrows you fire. You can also activate Penetrating Shots and unleash this skill. All in all, these Combo Points not only do massively increased damage but also give you a 30% chance to hit a lucky hit.

    Trust me. It’s way better if you use Penetrating Shot at three Combo Points rather than two or one. I see a lot of players making this mistake early on and that’s unlocking tons of offensive abilities of which you won’t be able to use them all on the battlefield. That is because you have limited energy resource.

    *The next ability you want for this build is Dash, which gives you two charges that lets you maneuver the battlefield effectively while dealing some damage.

    I would definitely get Enhanced Dash by using Diablo 4 Gold as that increases Critical Strike Damage for 5 seconds for any enemies damaged by your Dash.

    *Dark Shroud is going to give you even more damage reduction up to a maximum of 40%. You gain five charges of this and each time you’re hit you lose 8% damage reduction. Before an engagement, make sure Dark Shroud is up for maximum survivability.

    Enhanced Dark Shroud gives it a 10% chance that on a hit you don’t actually lose a ball and lose the damage resist.

    Then Countering Dark Shroud is super nice because when you have four or more active Dark Shroud, you gain a whopping 8% Critical Strike Chance.

    Also Read: Diablo 4 Patch 1.0.2d Update Notes! - Changes & Nerfs

    *You definitely want to pick up Weapon Mastery fairly quickly as well. With bows, we get 12% increased damage to vulnerable enemies. And for crossbows, you get 15% increased Critical Strike Damage. This build heavily focuses around doing massive crits. So, my preference would be for a crossbow. But a bow isn’t too far behind.

    *You want to pick up three ranks of Exploits, which helps you do increased damage by a mass of 18% when enemies are either at the top end of their health bar or at the bottom end. Remember, for any passives, when you’re leveling, don’t prioritize them early on. It’s way more fun to unlock new abilities before you start making them three out of three.

    *For this build, when we’re dealing with large groups of enemies, we’re going to be using Shadow Imbuement. Because Shadow causes explosions and are great for taking out groups of enemies.

    What Shadow Imbuement does is powering up your next two attacks with Shadow energy. In this build, that will be your Penetrating Shot primarily, but also Dash can be imbued as well.

    Enhanced Shadow Imbuement gives you even more Critical Strike Chance of warping 15% against injured enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement.

    Then Blended Shadow Imbuement makes enemies affected by the initial explosion vulnerable. Honestly, you can make whole crowds of enemies vulnerable because of this.

    *We also pick up Poison Imbuement for this build. Because when you want to deal with bosses or you want large single target DPS, Poison Imbuement is going to be a lot better because it applies damage over time.

    Enhanced Poison Imbuement increases the poison damage over time by one second longer. And more importantly, it unlocks Blended Poison Imbuement whereby Critical Strikes deals 75% increased poisoning damage.

    *Precision Imbuement here is great and increases your Critical Strike Chance by 9% when three out of three. You will eventually make Poison and Shadow Imbuement 5 out of 5. But again, you can leave them one out of five until later on when leveling.

    You want to unlock your key passive Precision as soon as it’s available. It’s going to progressively stack up Critical Strike Damage bonuses and when you reach maximum stacks, it’s going to guarantee a Critical Strike that does 40% increased damage.

    *Again, we’re stacking so much Critical Strike chance and damage just by the build itself. You’re going to hit some pretty big numbers. Then, finish off the build by getting one point in Adrenaline Rush. So, you can unlock Haste, which 3 stacks of which will give you a bonus to movement speed or attack speed, depending on how your energy resource levels are.


    In terms of aspects, the main aspect you want is the Trickshot Aspect, which you get a little later in the game in the Bastion of Faith dungeon. But you can roll this early on using the Obols Curiosity Vendor. If you want to try your luck, I’d recommend going for gloves as they cost the least Obols and can roll the aspect.

    Trickshot is going to create two further penetrating arrows perpendicular to your initial shot, which just makes the skill ridiculous, as it becomes so much easier to hit multiple enemies. This means that you can activate all the effects of Enhanced and Improved Penetrating Shot much easier.

    An aspect, which I’d recommend getting earlier on is the Aspect of Inner Calm, which you can get in the Raethwind Wilds Dungeon in Scosglen. It increases your damage by 5% for each second you stand still, up to a total of 30%.

    You’re often going to be firing arrows from a distance while standing still. This is a great aspect to get put this one on your dagger or sword. So, you don’t need to replace it very often. Because your damage is going to be determined by your crossbow or bow for this build, which means you’ll be upgrading it often when leveling.

    As we all know, some of Rogue’s skills can only be unlocked after reaching a certain level. It doesn’t matter if you don’t meet the level requirements, you can take a look at the Boosting service on this website. This way you can skip the boring leveling process and make all kinds of powerful builds to strengthen your characters.

    This Diablo 4 Penetrating Shot Marksman Rogue Build has humungous single and AOE DPS along with great manoeuvrability. It has amazing crit damage and we combine both poison and shadow elements to create a perfect ranged class to level with!
  • Cold Assassin Rogue

    Here is a build for the Rogue class that focuses on melee and cold skills. This build will be both fun to play but incapable of dealing significant damage. It excels in both offense and defense. This is why I selected a combination of defensive skills and aspects along with powerful damage dealing abilities.

    Skill Tree

    Let’s start with the skill tree and look deeper into this build.

    *For the basic skill, I picked Puncture and allocated points all the way to Fundamental Puncture. I think this is a must-have skill for a melee Rogue. I was taught by throwing blades first and making enemies vulnerable before using my core skills.

    *As for core skills, I maximized Flurry and picked Improved Flurry. This skill will make all enemies vulnerable if one of them is already vulnerable.

    Flurry is a fun skill to play in close combat, and it’s faster than Twisting Blades in my point of view. This build is a high level melee Rogue. But here is a problem. While I was playing the Rogue class in betas, I realized that Rogue was one of the weakest defensive characters. This was because I always lost my life easily.

    So, as the game gets tougher and after level 50 or when you play on World Tier 3, you need to put some skill points into defensive skills. Therefore, I maximize Sturdy, which grants me a 12% close damage reduction. And I also maxed Siphoning Strikes, which heals me for 3% when I critically strike a close enemy.

    *For agility skills, I maximized Weapon Mastery for increased damage and picked Dash for mobility. I want to speedrun dungeons and be able to get out of tricky situations quickly. Also, I picked Methodical Dash to reduce the cooldown a bit.

    *Now, let’s go over the Subterfuge Skills. Here, I maximize Dark Shroud, which I think is one of the most critical skills in the endgame, especially for the melee Rogue that fights in close combat. I picked Countering Dark Shroud to gain an 8% Critical Strike Chance when I have at least 4 active shadows. This skill will make my melee Rogue more resilient, which I believe will play a major role in world title 3 and 4.

    Additionally, I maxed Exploit, which gives me an 18% increased damage to healthy and injured enemies. And I also maxed Malice, which deals increased damage to vulnerable enemies.

    *Moving on to imbuement skills, I picked Cold Imbuement. I maxed this skill and also picked Mixed Cold Imbuement, which gives me a 20% increased damage to chilled or slowed enemies and doubles the damage if they are frozen. This is a very useful skill, especially when combined with certain aspects that I will show you later.

    Furthermore, I picked Frigid Finesse, which increases damage against shield and frozen enemies. Lastly, I selected Precision Imbuement, which increases Critical Strike Chance by 9%.

    *For the ultimate skills, I chose Shadow Clone and upgraded to Supreme Shadow Clone. Initially, you can’t imbue this skill. But there’s an aspect that will make it immunable, which I will show you later in the gear section. I also selected passives like Adrenaline Rush for increased energy regeneration and Haste, which gives me movement speed or attack speed, depending on how much energy I have left.

    *As for the key passives, I picked Close Quarters Combat. This skill increases my attack speed by 10% when damaging a close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skill. When both bonuses are active, I deal a 20% increased damage against Crowd Controlled enemies.

    So, if I cast Puncture and then Flurry, I will activate both bonuses, which will give me a 20% attack speed and an additional 20% increased damage against Crowd Control enemies.

    To conclude, this build focuses on melee, cold skills, offense and defense, which I believe will be a strong build for World Tier 3 and beyond. I might consider changing Flurry to Twisting Blades if I’m not completely satisfied with the Cold Flurry. However, that’s a decision I will make later as I progress in the game.


    Now, let’s go over the gear.

    Here, we have all the skills I picked for this build: Puncture, Flurry, Dash, Dark Shroud and Shadow Clone.

    And the specialization for this build is Combo Points, which I think will create a nice chain effect with some aspects and key passive skill, like Close Quarters Combat.

    For gems, I chose an Emerald for increased damage to vulnerable enemies on my weapon, a Ruby for maximum life on my armor and a Skull for 250 Armor on my jewelry.


    Now, let’s go over the aspects.

    First, let’s start with the helm. I chose Aspects of Disobedience. This aspect increases my armor for 4 seconds when I deal damage, which makes my Rogue even more resilient.

    For the chest armor, I picked the Aspect of Might. This aspect gives me a 20% Damage Reduction. When I use a basic skill, it will come in handy as I’ll be using basic skills in combat.

    As for the gloves, I chose Frostburn. these gloves are great for a cold melee Rogue with the lucky hit. I have a chance to restore energy and can freeze enemies for 2 seconds. Since I picked passives that increase damage against frozen enemies, these gloves will be very useful.

    For pants, I picked the Aspect of the Protector, which basically grants me a barrier when I damage an Elite. It’s also great for defense.

    As for boots, I chose a pair of unique boots (Penitent Greaves) that leave behind a trail of frost, chilling enemies and increasing damage against shield enemies. And this pair of unique boots is fantastic in combination with the Cold Imbuement skill.

    For the ranged weapon, I picked the Aspect of the Expectant that increases the damage of my next core skill when I use a basic skill.

    Now, moving on to the Amulets, I selected the Aspect of Corruption that gives my imbuement skill 20 to 40 percent increased potency against vulnerable enemies, which I consider is a very powerful ability.

    For the first ring, I picked the Aspect of Unstable Imbuements, which triggers an explosion around my character. When I activate Cold Imbuement, this skill will chill enemies around me and deal damage. It’s amazing because I would chill enemies and then use Cold Flurry for additional damage thanks to the passive skills that increase damage to chilled and frozen enemies.

    On my second ring, I chose the Aspect of Imitated Imbuement, which grants my Shadow Clones imbuement skill. As I mentioned before, Shadow Clones is not imbueable at the start. But this aspect applies the imbuement skill and now my Shadow Clones will do cold damage to enemies.

    For my dual wielding weapons, I picked the Accelerating Aspect. When I critically strike with a core skill, it grants me increased attack speed for 3 seconds. Additionally, there’s the Aspect of Encircling Blades, which makes Flurry damage enemies in a circle around me and deal with increased damage.

    That’s all for the Cold Assassin Rogue build. Please note that this is a Level 50 build, and some skills require gold to upgrade. So, you’ll need to have plenty of Diablo 4 Gold ready to consider this build.

    If you are looking for playing a melee Rogue that focuses on cold skills in Diablo 4, then Cold Assassin Rogue Build is your best choice. In this guide, I'll expalin the skill tree, gear and aspects of this build.
  • Shadow Sniper Rogue

    I’m going to be showing you my Shadow Sniper build, which is another Rogue build in Diablo IV. I really like Rogue builds for some reasons. That is a burst DPS build that focuses on the use of the Shadow Imbuement, which makes enemies explode when you kill them when they’re under this effect.

    Penetrating Shot / Shadow Imbuement

    The general strategy with this build is to employ Penetrating Shot and then when you imbue that with the Shadow Imbuement, enemies are infected.

    If they die while they’re infected, then they explode for more damage and what happens is enemies will die from this Penetrating Shot because it has very high damage.

    It travels through enemies and then it’ll cause a chain reaction of explosions where everything on the screen typically gets wiped out except for the very hard to kill Elites and you kill almost anything in one or two arrows of this.

    Trickshot Aspect

    What makes this even more deadly is a couple of things.

    First is the Trickshot Aspect. If you can get this on your equipment, then your Penetrating Shot is actually going to split when it hits enemies and it’s going to shoot arrows off to the side, which will deal a percentage of that damage.

    That damage will be higher if you get it on your bow then it will be if you get it on any other piece of gear. So, try to get Trickshot Aspect on your bow or go to the Occultist and put it on your bow for increased damage from those arrows that come out of the side.

    Enhanced Penetrating Shot

    Additionally, once you have enhanced Penetrating Shot, you’re going to gain 20% increased damage per enemy at pierces. That is a lot of damage that can add up very quickly.

    Improved Penetrating Shot

    Finally, when you have improved Penetrating Shot, if you hit at least three enemies with your Penetrating Shot, then your next Penetrating Shot has a 20% increased Critical Strike Chance.

    It’s even more likely to critical hit, which then in turn deals with more

    Also, keep in mind that if you’re in the combat point specialization and you have three charges of combat points built up, then your penetrating arrow is going to deal even more damage before you fire it off. So, that’s definitely what you want to do if you can. Hit with your basic attack whatever you’re using.

    Forceful Arrow

    In this case, I’m using Forceful Arrow, but you don’t have to pick Forceful Arrow. It’s not necessary for this build, it’s just the one that I like.

    But if you hit with your basic attack three times, then fire off your imbued Penetrating Shot. It’s going to deal even more damage, which is even more likely to result in a chain reaction of explosions.

    And one of the things I really like about Forceful Arrow is that every third shot makes an enemy vulnerable. When you’re fighting bosses, this chain reaction doesn’t typically happen because there isn’t typically a lot of trash around bosses.

    Some boss fights do, but not most of them. So, this strategy doesn’t work as well against bosses. When you get vulnerable on them, it helps to increase your damage against them even if you just get a little here periodically. That’s why I like Forceful Arrow.


    Another ability we use for this build is Dash.

    This is a really good mobility skill. If you’re playing a bow build, you obviously don’t want to be any nearer to enemies than you absolutely have to be, so having Dash on your bow allows you to get away from enemies when you need to and create separation so that you don’t get hit and you can attack them from a distance.

    Another good thing about Dash as well as it can be imbued with Shadow and Human. I don’t think it’s as good to use as Penetrating Shot because you just don’t deal with the same sort of damage. But you can use it in a pinch. If you need to like to get away from enemies and it’s imbued, maybe you trigger some reactions with it.

    Dark Shroud

    I’ve also added Dark Shroud to this build just because I like the theme of Shadow here, but also because it gives you eight percent damage reduction for each orb around you when you start with five. So, that’s a 40 damage reduction.

    This helps keep you alive because you’re kind of squishy as a Rogue. Each time you get hit that, one of those orbs is going to disappear and you’re going to have less and less damage reduction.

    But this skill is a 20 second cooldown, so you can just basically use it before you go into each trash pull and then you’ll be able to be protected from damage for a few hits and reduce that damage so that you don’t die.

    Aspect Of Volatile Shadows

    A good synergy for this build is the Aspect of Volatile Shadows.

    It makes it so when one of your orbs gets removed. You actually do an AOE Shadow explosion around you.

    Consuming Shadows

    And that works really well with the Consuming Shadows passive, which you should also have in this build because that makes it when an enemy dies to Shadow damage, you gain energy back.

    This is a very energy hungry build, so you want to be able to get that back. And obviously, Consuming Shadows also works very well with your imbued skills. So, if you view a Penetrating Shot and then wipe out everything, you usually refund the entire cost of that skill, which is great.

    Ultimate Skill

    Lastly, we have our ultimate skill. I recommend either using Death Trap or Rain of Arrows and there are a couple reasons for that.

    Rain Of Arrows

    Rain of Arrows, when imbued with Shadow Imbuement will basically cause the entire screen to explode. That happens almost anyway with Penetrating Shot and this has a much longer cooldown than Death Trap, in my opinion.

    Death Trap

    Death Trap has more like condensed damage and so it works better in my opinion for like smaller groups of enemies and it works better for bosses as well because you’ll be able to pull it off more often on bosses and you’ll hit them for more damage.

    As I mentioned earlier, bosses is kind of the Achilles heel of this build because you can’t trigger all these train reactions in a boss fight most of the time and it works very well against Elites and stuff that have a lot of enemies around them.

    But usually boss fights are Solo or they’re periodically spawning enemies that don’t spawn very often.

    A couple of great things about Death Trap as well is that it deals with Shadow damage, so it’ll trigger Consuming Shadows. If you need energy, you can drop it to just get a bunch of quick energy up, which is great.

    Prime Death Trap

    You can passively upgrade it to make it pull enemies in to get them away from you.

    Also, reduce the cooldown cost by 10 seconds if you kill an enemy, so you can get that down to 40 seconds.

    Then, if you have any other reduction cost, you can get that down to like maybe 30 or 35 seconds, which isn’t terrible.

    Exploiter’s Aspect

    And there’s also a note about the Exploiter’s Aspect as well.

    I was using this on my Cold Archer build and it seemed like increased my damage against bosses. I need more testing to verify for sure.

    But if it does indeed increase your damage, then this would be a good one to add to this build because again bosses are sort of the weak point. So, that’ll come in handy when you are facing a boss to get that extra damage.

    Diablo 4 is currently in open beta. If you know more news or guides about the game, you can continue to pay attention to the relevant dynamics of this web. If you want to improve yourself faster in the process of experiencing the game, you can also get Diablo 4 Gold and more game-related products or services here. Looking forward to your visit!

    This article introduces the Rogue build (Shadow Sniper) in Diablo 4 that specializes in annihilating groups of enemies and if you’ve been looking for a Rogue build that specializes in Shadow Imbuement, making enemies explode in death, then you might want to check this build-out.
  • Werenado Tornado Druid

    As always, the arrival of Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn brought a ton of new meta, which also affected many classes and builds to a certain extent. In the process, Werenado Tornado Druid build came into being and gradually climbed to the top of the weekly leaderboard.

    In fact, this S-Tier build has long been circulated among the player community, and if you use it properly, it will help you get through the end of the season easily.

    This build focuses on Werenado play style, where players transform into bears or wolves and release devastating Tornado to destroy enemies. The build uses various buffs and deals a lot of damage to easily deal with the hardest content in the game.

    Each season in Diablo 4 usually has different activities and different builds that are better than others. And Werenado Druid, as one of the new builds in this season, can deal a lot of damage and overcome challenges. By perfecting this build, you will reap all the rewards of this season and put those long-coveted Uniques in your pocket.

    Build Core Mechanics

    First, let’s talk about how to get Werenado Tornado Druid build to its full potential.

    Wildheart Hunger Unique boots are a vital part of this build. These boots reduce your cooldowns and provide a massive damage boost. However, what makes them even better is that when your Druid transforms into Werewolf form, you gain Wildheart that lasts for 5 seconds.

    Wildheart gives you a damage buff every 2 seconds and allows it to stack. This alone gives you a massive damage boost that can crush challenging bosses in a matter of seconds.

    Additionally, Legendary weapon, Shepherd’s Parashu, is also necessary for this build, as it gives your Tornado Damage a chance to cast twice, and adds its own Willpower and Damage boosts. This means you’ll most likely be summoning a Tornado Storm in Werewolf form, doubling the damage.

    Finally, Thunderstruck Legendary Node provides a massive damage boost to Storm Skills. All of this combined will boost your total damage to almost 8 times your normal damage.

    I should remind you that you need Tempest Roar for this build to work so you can keep transforming. But if you have the extra Diablo 4 Gold to get the other parts available, you can deal a lot of AOE damage and easily tear through enemies with your Tornado.

    Best Equipment

    While the above legendary gear is the most important, the other parts that deal a little extra damage also make a difference. Here is a list of other items you can get:

    • Helm: Tempest Roar
    • Chest Armor: Vigorous Aspect
    • Gloves: Stormchaser’s Aspect
    • Pants: Tibault’s Will
    • Boots: Wildheart Hunger
    • Weapon: Shepherd’s Parashu
    • Amulet: Aspect of Retaliation
    • Ring: Aspect of the Stampede & Accelerating Aspect

    If you want to make the build work, you should also equip 3 pets like Ravens, Poison Creeper, and Wolves, as well as a set of skills: Trample, Petrify, and Tornado. As for gems, you just need to focus on the damage and extra HP they provide.

    Also, invest in the best gear you can get, but don’t worry too much about upgrading your armor if you have the gear listed above. With these items, you should be able to reach your maximum potential and will be close to the upper limit of certain stats for this build.

    Skill Tree

    For the skill tree, many of Werenado Tornado Druid’s skills revolve around Shapeshifting skill upgrades, as well as an upgrade or two for your pet. Most importantly, Wild Impulses should be fully upgraded, doing so will ensure that your Storm and Shapeshifting magics play a significant role. Additionally, many of the skill tree choices in Diablo 4 will give you a boost when you are in Werewolf or Werebear form.

    We start by investing 1 point into Poison Creeper to passively summon 1 Poison Creeper. Then we invest 1 point into Enhanced Poison Creeper, Brutal Poison Creeper to increase the critical strike chance of enemies affected by Poison Creeper.

    Similarly, investing 1 point into Ravens can damage enemies when they fly over them. Additionally, 2 points into Elemental Exposure, Storm Skills have a chance to make enemies vulnerable.

    Additionally, 1 point into Trample will instantly transform us into a Werebear. Invest 1 point each in Enhanced Trample and Natural Trample, which do 150% more damage and 20% Maximum Life as Fortify.

    The 3 points in Natural Disaster will make Earth and Storm Skills do more damage against certain enemies. And 3 points in Quickshift, which will do more damage when Shapeshifting skill transforms you.

    Finally, add 1 point in Bestial Rampage to increase attack speed as a Werewolf and more damage as a Werebear.

    Paragon Board

    Like I mentioned before, the most important part of Paragon Board for this build is Thunderstruck Legendary Node. It is the core part of this build and will improve all of these Storm Skills. Among them, the other nodes you want to activate are: Werewolf, Earth and Sky, Fang and Claw, Outmatch, Exploit, and Spirit.

    Put all of this together and you should be ready for anything the new season throws at you. Trust me, Werenado build will help you clear all enemies in the endgame with its violent whirlwind.

    As one of the new builds in Diablo 4 Season 4, Werenado Druid can deal a lot of damage and overcome challenges. Here, we will talk about everything you need to know about building this build.
  • Boulder Storm Druid

    I eagerly anticipate sharing this Diablo 4 Season 3 build with all of the builders - the endless Boulder Storm Druid. I am confident that you will recognize the exceptional qualities of this build and its straightforwardness in acquiring the required gear.

    How It Works

    We opt not to rely on Boulder as a core skill, hence we forgo the use of Spirit. Specific gear is not a requirement. All you need is a single unique item that facilitates progression to endgame content. With this item, you'll have the capability to farm various targets, including Varshan, Grigoire and the beast in the eyes.

    There are only 2 things you need to make this build work: the first being the unique Dolman Stone, and the second is the Symbiotic Aspect. It’s very simple to gear, and since Boulder is such a powerful ability naturally, gear required for this is going to be a lot less strict. All the Uniques that enhance this build are relatively common.

    These Uniques being Vasily's Prayer, Insatiable Fury and then late-game Uniques such as Tibault's Will. So, it has a lot of potential, and then eventually, you could turn Boulder into the core skill version of this build. And prepare for some Diablo 4 Gold will benefit a lot when you do this build.


    For the abilities, you can utilize Trample primarily for movement, although it also provides a source of Unstoppable. Following that, Hurricane is employed. It slows enemies damaged by it by 25% for 2 seconds, reducing their damage output by 20%, essential for the build. Earthen Bulwark serves as our secondary Unstoppable source, while also adding extra damage to our ultimate. Petrify is utilized to stun nearby enemies in stone for 3 seconds, increasing Critical Strike damage by 30% (boosted to 50% against bosses) to affected enemies.

    As for the basic attack, Claw is chosen. It boosts attack speed by 15%, with an additional point invested to grant a chance for double attacks. This enhances the frequency of Symbiotic Aspect procs, reducing cooldowns for all abilities, particularly Boulder, which forms the cornerstone of damage output. With Boulder, its Critical Strike Chance increases by 3% with each damage instance, as it rotates around us, enhancing its likelihood of hitting enemies and further boosting its Critical Strike chance.


    For the aspects, there are several unique Diablo 4 Items to optimize the build. Firstly, Vasily's Prayer, while not essential, enhances the build significantly. It transforms Earth skills into Werebear skills, fortifying you in the process, thereby empowering Boulder with both Earth and Werebear damage.

    Quicksand, chosen for the chest aspect, ensures that our Earth skills slow enemies by up to 50%, amplifying damage with other aspects. Symbiotic gloves are employed to reduce non-ultimate cooldowns of the opposite type by 5 seconds when Nature’s Fury triggers a free skill. Disobedience leg gear grants increased armor for 4 seconds upon dealing any form of damage, stacking up to 66%. Ballistic boots bolster skills by 2 ranks when Fortify is active. Edgemaster's Aspect, selected for the weapon, offers a flat 20% increased damage buff.

    Nature’s Savagery offhand ensures that Claw triggers the Symbiotic Aspect. Craft Stone Band, our first ring choice, boosts Critical Strike damage of Earth skills by up to 40% against crowd-controlled enemies, which is always the case due to the Quicksand Aspect. Airidah's Inexorable Will, though not essential, enhances gameplay by pulling enemies towards you upon casting your ultimate, in addition to dealing physical damage. Finally, the indispensable Dolmen Stone allows Boulders to rotate around you when cast during Hurricane activation.

    Skill Tree

    Basic Attack & Core Skills: Start with Claw as the basic attack, with one point in Enhanced Claw and Wild Claw. In core skills, invest 3 points in Predatory Instinct and 3 points in Iron Fur.

    Defensive Skills: Allocate 1 point in Earth Enhanced Boulder and 1 in Earthen Bulwark. Then, assign 2 points in Ancestral Fortitude for maximum resistances and 3 points in Vigilance to progress further down the tree.

    Wrath Skills: For the Wrath skills, invest 1 point in Elemental Exposure and 3 points in Endless Tempest to extend the duration of Hurricane. Prioritize Hurricane, Enhanced Hurricane and Savage Hurricane. Allocate 5 points into Enhanced Boulder and then Savage Boulder for increased damage potential.

    Additional Skills: Invest in Crushing Earth (3 points), Safeguard (3 points), Stone Guard (3 points), and Trample (1 point) for movement. Enhance Trample for better mobility.

    Ultimate Skills: Allocate 1 point in Petrify and consider adding another point for extended Critical Strike damage duration. Invest in Defiance (3 points), Natural Disaster (3 points), Resonance (3 points), and Quickshift (3 points) for increased damage output during shape-shifting.

    Key Passive: Utilize the Nature’s Fury key passive, where casting Earth skills triggers a free Storm skill and vice versa. Combine this with the Symbiotic Aspect to reduce cooldowns and enhance skill usage frequency.

    Spirit Boons

    For the spirit boons, I’m using Weariness and Aven Wrath to gain 30% Critical Strike damage. Bolster could be moved to Obsidian Slam. More overpowers are going to cause us to do more damage, especially with the glyphs that we have set up. And finally, we’re using Calm before the Storm. Nature magic skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce a cooldown of your ultimate skill. This is going to greatly increase the uptime of our ultimate. Other good options would be Iron Feather, 14% maximum life, or Swooping Attacks. More attack speed, faster procs.

    Scythe Talons is actually not that great in this build because our Critical Strike Chance for Boulder is so high, and it increases its own Critical Strike damage is very important to this build, not chance for our construct abilities.

    Seneschal Constructs

    For the constructs, we use the Flash of Adrenaline, Tactical Support, Duration Support, and you can also have the Evernight. If you don’t, you’re just going to take Safeguard from Tempest. Then for the Tempest: Fortify Support, Efficiency Support, and if you end up moving Safeguard Support, you would be applying Piercing Support to help Tempest Rise.

    Paragon Board

    Start with the Outmatch glyph to increase resistance and physical damage against non-Elites and bosses. Proceed to the Inner Beast board, focusing on shape-shifting damage and attack speed. Then, move to the Earthen Devastation board for increased Critical Strike damage with Earth skills and enhanced damage against crowd-controlled or vulnerable enemies.

    On the top board, prioritize Ancestral Guidance for an extra glyph. Utilize the glyph to apply vulnerability to enemies when damaged, ensuring consistent application of crowd control. Head back down to the Inner Beast board and proceed for the Survival Instincts board. Acquire damage and Werebear armor while in Werebear form. Use the Spirit glyph to increase damage inflicted by critical strikes. Move to the Constricting Tendrils board. Use the Fang and Claw glyph to enhance damage dealt by most enemies while in Wolf or Werebear form.

    Finally, proceed to the Thunderstruck board and select the Overpower glyph. This glyph increases damage inflicted by 12% for 5 seconds when overpowering an enemy, contributing to the overall enhancement of Boulder damage without making it a core skill.

    This Diablo 4 Season 3 build is exceptionally easy to gear up and will propel you far into the game with minimal effort. It facilitates quick access to end-game gear, requires zero resource cost and utilizes 7 glyphs.
  • Lightning Shred Druid

    I will show you the best Lightning Shred Druid build in Diablo 4. So, at the start, I will explain how to play this class. Then look into the best skills, paragon setup, what gems and caged hearts are the most overpowered. Lastly, I will tell you what exact gear to farm and use, then you would get the highest damage.

    This build is all about dashing quickly from enemy to enemy, dealing big critical strikes that are further enhanced through the Stormclaw's Aspect. This setup has exceptional mobility and clearing speed, and that’s why it is one of the fastest builds in the game.

    It will benefit from Uniques but absolutely does not require them to play at a high level, which makes this build new player and season starter-friendly. However, it will become even more devastating in the endgame content. Don't forget to bring enough Diablo 4 Gold with you while playing.

    Leveling Build

    Let’s move over to the druid special class bonus and the druid spirits. Allow you to select a total of 5 categories from 4 spirits that act as a passive buff to your character.

    For your first 25 Spirit offerings, I recommend activating the Wolf Spirit, the Packleader.

    Then, when you collect 25 more Spirit offerings, activate it on the Eagle Spirit, the Scythe Talons.

    Afterwards, save up to 100 more spirits and spend them on the Snake Spirit, activating the Massacres.

    Next, pick up 75 more spirits and unlock the Deer Spirit, the Vines.

    Lastly, collect your last 175 spirit offerings to unlock the remaining categories and bond with the Eagle Spirit, activating the Swooping Attack.

    As far as your gear goes, leveling up in Diablo 4 is similar to most other MMOs. For the most part, this will mean that you have to constantly replace one rare Diablo 4 Item with a better one all the way up to level 50. Generally, you want to use a two-handed weapon which has the highest damage numbers. Then the others are:

    • Weapon: You want to get preferably a staff with core skill damage, vulnerable damage, and a socket.
    • Armor: Typically granting defensive and utility stats, except gloves, which will offer offense.
    • Helmet: Try to get poison creeper rings, life, cooldown reduction, and willpower.
    • Chest: Get damage reduction, life, willpower, and armor.
    • Gloves: Get shred ranks, critical strike chance, and attack speed.
    • Pants: Get damage reduction, life, willpower, and armor.
    • Boots: Get movement speed, spirit cost reduction, and willpower.
    • Jewelry: Specifically your amulet, get movement speed, spirit cost reduction, companion skill ranks, and damage increase.
    • Rings: Get critical strike chance, damage to close enemies, and life.

    Don’t forget to not upgrade armor or Jewelry while leveling. Only socket armor with rubies, Jewerly with skulls, weapons with sapphires, and save the rest of your upgrades for your level 50 build.

    Overall, for your leveling build, I recommend just enjoying each skill and getting used to the Druid gameplay. So, Shred, Storm Strike, and Poison Creep are your main damage skills. Then, Blood Howl and Debilitating Roar are your main defensive skills. Use them when you take a lot of damage or just to protect yourself.

    Endgame Build

    Let's move over to the second part where I will show you your endgame druid build. By this point, you should be familiar with the Lightning Shred playstyle, what gear stats you should look out for. As I did the most explaining at the start, I will just show you the best setup that you want to use. I personally tested multiple setups, and this one was the best one.

    First of all, for your skills, we want to use Shred, Grizzly Rage, Hurricane, Blood Howl, Storm Strike, and Cyclone Armor. For your special bonus Spirits, like we discussed in the leveling build guide, get the Varese, Sight Talons, Swooping Attack, Calamity, and Masochistic.

    As for your gear, we already discussed what stats to look out for, but if you're purely looking for the best of the best gear, then here it is:

    • Tempest Roar Helmet
    • Vigorous Primal Breastplate (Chest Armor)
    • Primal Gauntlets of the Rampaging Werebeast (Gloves)
    • Primal Chausses of Disobedience (Pants)
    • Stormshifter's Primal Sabatons (Boots)
    • Stormclaw's Necklace (Amulet)
    • Dire Wolves' Band (First Ring)
    • Band of Retaliation (Second Ring)
    • Edgemaster's Octopian Edge (Weapon)
    • Accelerating Aspect (Off-hand)

    Caged Hearts

    Then, for your gems, socket in weapons with emeralds and armor pieces with rubies.

    For your first heart, get the Caged Heart of the Barber because the enemy groups have low HP, so this will cause them to instantly explode, and this damage increase from the heart is just way too overpowered not to use.

    For the second heart, get the Caged Heart of the Revenge because getting free 20% damage reduction is again very op as well, and this is the best in slot heart for the druid class.

    Lastly, get the Caged Heart of the Prudent Heart because when you pull massive amounts of mob groups, you can sometimes get one-shotted, especially if you play in hardcore mode. So, getting the protection of this heart while using the Barber at the same time will allow you to farm a lot of mob groups very quickly and without taking almost any significant damage.

    Skill Tree

    Moving forwards and then let’s talk about skill tree. If you just came from the leveling build, then this is very similar, so just copy these exact upgrades in no particular order. Remember that by gathering all the Renown in the game, you will get 10 extra skill points.

    Paragon System

    Finally, we have the paragon system.

    At the first 25 points: We use the starting board and for our glyph select, Exploit.

    At around 64 points: We get the last of Carnage board and for the glyph select, Werewolf.

    At around 80 points: This time, we only select the Ancestral Guidance board.

    At around 120 points: You need to select the Heighten Malice board and equip the Fang and Claw Glyph.

    At around 150 points: We want to get the Thunderstruck board and select the Territorial Glyph.

    At around 197 points: Get the Inner Beast board, and for the glyph select, Spirit.


    Let’s take a closer look at each kill in the gameplay. First of all, at the beginning of the fight, we want to activate the Blood Howl or Cyclone Armor skills. Then, afterward, we want to spam the Shred skill. I would recommend trying to target distant and enclosed enemies so your dash and hit skills would connect between all enemies. This will enable us to fly between mob groups and do massive amounts of AOE damage.

    During the fight, rotate between using the Blood Howl and Cyclone Armor to keep the Vigilance passive up. Before engaging in the big monster groups, use the Hurricane skill. Lastly, for any additional spirit or for damage reduction if needed, use the Storm Strike. At the start of the rotation, use Blood Howl and Cyclone Armor because they will make us stronger and activate the Vigilance passive, which will give us plus 5% extra damage.

    From here, spam our main damage skill called The Shred. This skill will transform us into a wolf that does massive amounts of damage in three attacks. Each attack will increase its damage even more. By the way, we want to keep on using Blood Howl or Cyclone Armor every 6 seconds so we will get the plus 5% extra damage 24/7. Lastly, to finish our rotation, in between spamming werewolf or activating the damage buff, we want to finish the rotation with the Hurricane or Storm Strike to gain additional spirits or just to increase our damage even more.

    You will see the best Druid endgame build of Diablo 4 Season 2 in this guide. I will explain how to play this class, how to get the highest damage and more.
  • Pulverize Druid

    I’ve recently made some tweaks to my own Pulverize Druid build to make it more aggressive and have better survivability.

    Pulverize is Druid’s strongest and best skill in Diablo 4 Season of Blood. Season 2 has Vampiric Powers that enhance this setting’s Skill Tree and Paragon Board.

    This build can become unstoppable in a variety of ways: regain health when dealing with damage, gain guaranteed crushing hits, insane critical hits, and more. With it, you will clear Uber Lilith and Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons easily. And with new updates to Skill Tree and Paragon Board, it gets even better.

    Not only is this build capable of meeting endgame requirements, but it’s equally amazing against Helltide, Blood Harvest, Seasonal Bosses, and more. With Overpower, we can one hit or kill them with very few hits.

    But we mentioned that almost all Pulverize builds are very similar, and they will all primarily use most of the same Diablo 4 items. So a lot of times these builds will be very similar. So here we’re mainly talking about the skill tree and the standard tree, and what changes in my build made it better.

    Skill Tree

    Let’s take a look at the skill tree first. For skills, it uses Trample, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Wind Shear, Petrify and Ursine Strength. It doesn't even require any Unique gear, which is very beneficial for players on a budget with Diablo 4 Gold.

    Pulverize is your damage skill. ‍It combined Umbral and Quicksand to produce some Spirit. Try to hit as many targets as possible with it!

    Wind Shear will generate Spirit within a certain range and provide Movement Speed, a source of Vulnerable, and Damage Reduction when using Aspect of Might.

    ‍Petrify stuns affected enemies and provides a massive critical damage multiplier for its duration. It has a high cooldown, making it useful against bosses and tough elites.

    ‍‍‍‍Blood Howl provides reliable treatment. This treatment is often available at high densities due to Enhanced Blood Howl. It also restores a moderate amount of Spirit and generates Fortify via Enhanced Blood Howl.

    Debilitating Roar reduces enemy damage across the screen and can also trigger Aspect of the Umbral through its slowdown.

    Trample is your primary movement skill. When activated, it also breaks Crowd Control effect and restores Spirit.

    Ursine Strength is a key passive option to increase our damage, especially since this build has many guaranteed Overpowers. Two of these sources of overpowers come from our skill tree, namely Provocation and ‍Enhanced Pulverize.

    Paragon Board

    We need to upgrade our glyph to activate its perks with surrounding nodes. For some glyphs, we maximize our bonus by assigning every relevant node in the range. On other glyphs, we only use the minimum value required for the additional bonus.

    Since level 15 glyphs increase their damage radius, we can prioritize completing Nightmare Dungeons to upgrade them. After that, we prioritized upgrading the strongest glyphs to level 21.

    Werebear Armor

    Werebear form has an 85% reduction in armor value compared to regular armor. 43% if we transform into human form. So let’s go back to Paragon Board and we’ll delete this node,

    If I go into Paragon Board again and delete the actual 50 armor nodes I have, it’s much smaller than the 83% enhanced Werebear Armor nodes we have. So I also lost 1%. But when I enter human form, I drop to 42%. So, in this case, the actual armor nodes are even more valuable than the rare nodes.

    We take this rare node to enhance Willpower to unlock glyph slots and move some points to other places. This will give us the biggest overall boost and maximum damage output without really affecting our survivability. Because when we are in humanoid form we lose 1%. And the reality of this build is that you only want to be in humanoid form for a brief period.

    Pulverize Druid serves as a ranged powerhouse that combines incredible AOE damage with powerful defense. Dig deep into Nightmare Dungeons with this wide range of play styles. However, unless you focus on overwhelming power and multiple rare unique skills, a single target can feel overwhelming.

    Following the Diablo 4 Season 2 update, we've made some adjustments to the Pulverize Druid build, with which you'll be able to clear Uber Lilith and Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons with ease.
  • Lightning Shred Druid

    In today's Diablo 4 build, we're discuss in my opinion the best Druid build, which is currently running a Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon

    Introduction Of This Build

    This build named Lightning Shred Druid build, focuses on dashing quickly from one enemy to the next, delivering massive Critical Strikes, further enhanced with Stormclaw's Aspect. It boasts superior maneuverability and crisp speed that rivals the fastest builds in the game. 

    This build benefits from some Diablo 4 Uniques, but definitely doesn't require them to play at a high level, making it friendly to new players and season newcomers. As we go through the article, please pay attention to other gear skills to pick in the skill tree and paragon points you should put into your build as you get past level 50. 

    The build also benefits from a few other skills and passives. In addition to damage, Grizzly Rage also provides a reliable source of unstoppability, empowerment, and drastically reduces our mental drain thanks to Dire Wolf's Aspect.

    How To Play This Build?

    Gameplay is simple. Go into Grizzly Rage, then use Shred to dash from one enemy to another, every time you land a crit trigger Stormclaw, and thanks to Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast, the longer you're in Grizzly Rage, the more damage it will cause.

    Also Read: How To Quickly Level Up Necromancer Build In Diablo 4 Season 1?

    Streams And Weaknesses Of This Build

    Let's break down the streams and weaknesses of this build quickly. The mainstream so weaknesses of Shred Druid build is that there's a heavy focus on mobility an area of effect. Lightning Shred Werewolf is extremely capable of dealing with medium to large groups of enemies, however since almost all our abilities will be melee, we might sometimes stroll when the numbers of enemies gets overwhelming, or when a boss has a lot of frontal mechanics that you need to avoid

    But this is not much of a negative and able to well destroy tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons easy, it can help you farm some Diablo 4 Gold faster, I wanted to see how well a Shred Druid build will do in Tier 90 plus Nightmare Dungeon. You definitely like single target damage, but you still get high number of DPS

    This build is really fun to play in Tier 40 or Tier 60 Nightmare Dungeons or do Helltides, I still prefer Druid since it can melt bosses and has a higher damage output. 

    Once you get to a certain point in Diablo 4, getting your build close to perfect, you can solo 30 million XP per hour, which is madness in service layer or oldest cave, which means you can quickly swap out your builds level them up quickly and mix up your Diablo 4 gameplay. 


    I just tried this over the weekend, but it's worth a try if you're playing as a Druid in Diablo 4. Lightning Shred Werewolf is easily one of the fastest builds in the game, flying across the battlefield, dashing from one group of enemies to another. Stormclaw's Aspect provides Lightning Damage, and also grants it very high damage. It's one of the best speed farming builds in Diablo 4, but can also push Nightmare Dungeons fairly well.

    In this article, I discuss one of the best Druid build for Diablo 4 named Lightning Shred Build, which will help you takeout everything else in Nightmare Dungeons which I am running a Tier 100. Hope it helps you.
  • Bear Bender Druid

    Druids are a versatile class in Diablo 4 because they have a ton of options in how they’re built. Today, I invite you to join me on the road to Werebear, presenting my Bear Bender Druid build.

    Fortify & Overpower

    This Bear Bender builds fuses of Werebear’s Fisticuffs from Werebear with Earth Magic for more critical damage on enemies. In order to understand the power that Bear Bender Druid builds on, we first need to grasp two key concepts: Fortify and Overpower.

    Fortify is a mechanic introduced in Diablo 4. You can think of it as a second life bar. When you spawn Fortify, you’ll see a red layer form around your Health Orb. Once you have more Fortify than your current life bar, you actually get stronger.

    You’ll know you’ve got Fortify when the spikey iron ring surrounds your Health Orb. While in this state, you take 10% less damage.

    However, defense decays quickly when out of combat. So the attack speed buff becomes crucial to maintaining that all-important buffer. This is where the power of Overpower comes into play. Blue text identifies Overpower attacks and deals with bonus damage based on your current life plus Fortify’s life.

    So it’s important to keep our health in top shape and melee to generate more Fortify value. We can achieve insane DPS with those huge blue Overpower numbers. Or you can choose Diablo 4 Boosting Service to achieve a rapid upgrade and achieve higher damage output of Druid Build.


    Next, let’s take a look at what skills our Werebear has while running. Starting with our base skills, we’ll use Maul and Wild modifiers to increase our knockdown chance on hit. While it’s nice to have extra range and radius, you can effectively lock down most enemies in the game by constantly knocking them down.

    Our core skill range is Pulverize, a primal modifier that lasts for four seconds and reduces damage by 20%. That’s a no-brainer for me, since four seconds builds up enough Spirit to deal damage like this in a row. Pulverize is also a serious damage-dealer when Overpower builds up.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: New Lead In Search For Secret Cow Level! - An Interesting Encounter

    Also, with the higher Overpower damage, we can use another core skill, Landslide. Adding the primal modifier can maintain a high crit rate, especially for bosses. Therefore, Landslide is our main single target damage dealter.

    Our defensive and only Werebear ability is Blood Howl. In addition to being a secondary healer in a pinch, Blood Howl also provides an attack speed buff for more damage. This is another process that takes passive synergy further into Druid skill tree.

    Of course, for our ultimate, we’ll go with Grizzly Rage. It does bonus damage while taking less damage and Fortifies every second.

    The skill I tried but didn't feel quite right here is Boulder. While very interesting visually, we used it for AOE damage. As for our passives, I won’t delve into each one, but focus on a few groups of passives.

    For Spirit Boons, I went with more max Spirit, healing on Critical Strikes. This extends the ultimate duration and combines with Eagle for an attack speed buff and extra max life.

    Legendary Aspect

    As far as Legendary Aspect goes, I highly recommend grabbing Aspect of Retaliation for the offensive slot. This is unlocked by completing Seaside Descent Dungeon. Pulverize and Landslide do massive damage increases if you’re struggling to keep up your online defenses.

    A short stroll west of Ked Bardu, Seaside Descent is spooky, full of scrawny boys and ghosts who deal with lightning damage. So make sure you stockpile enough Elixirs with Diablo 4 Gold before then to avoid accidental death. 

    For defense, Aspect of The Protector in Lost Archives Dungeon in Fractured Peaks. It’s an excellent choice for any class looking for more survivability.

    What I can tell you for sure about Bear Bender is that it’s a pretty solid build. Especially when you get into Nightmare Dungeon, Bear Bender Druid build can cruise the challenge. Overall, Druid is a very flexible class. I enjoy playing it and will try out other versions again in the future.

    Here I will introduce you to my new build in Diablo 4, Bear Bender Druid. The Bear Bender build utilizes new mechanics from Fortify and Overpower to devastating effect.
  • Tornado Druid

    As someone who's tried every class in different ways, leveling a Druid just sucks. Before you get to the endgame and have a full set of uniques and aspects, the class just feels a bit clunky.

    But among all the clunky skills and build options for leveling, I personally believe this Tornado Druid is the strongest and fastest leveling option from Level 1 until World Tier 3 where you can decide what build you'd like to focus on for the endgame.

    Before I get into the guide, I also want to mention: if you're making a druid to play the Tornado Wolf Variant, this build is the best segue to start with and will have you targeting stats and legendaries that are going to directly translate into your endgame build.

    Tornado Druid Build Overview

    First, let's do an overview of the build.

    Our main source of damage in this build is Tornado. Of the core skill options available while leveling because you don't have access to the uniques and aspects (that you'd want to make some of the other core skills better), Tornado is the strongest core skill option.

    The playstyle for this build is really simple. You generate spirit and spam tornadoes. The build gets a bit more involved once you get aspects and uniques online. But while leveling, the build is very simplified.

    For our basic skill, we're using Storm Strike. Because this is going to apply some Crowd Control and it's generally the fastest spirit regeneration option while leveling.

    Then, for general skills, first we're going to take Wolves to draw aggro and give us some supporting damage. Then, Earthen Bulwark for some Fortify. It gives us defensives and also enables some of the passive choices that I've made in the skill tree. On top of that, Earthen Bulwark will give us Unstoppable that allows us to get out of Crowd Control.

    Next, we have Hurricane to apply Slow on enemies and also make them Vulnerable, which is going to increase our damage if we build correctly. Because we're planning to deal damage to Crowd Control and slowed enemies.

    For the final skill, we're going to use Trample for some much needed mobility in an additional Unstoppable. I'll also mention you could swap Trample to Blood Howl if you like as a heel and a way to get some spirit. But I prefer Trample for my build.

    So, those are the primary skills. Of course, some of these skills can only be unlocked after you reach a certain level requirement. You'd better prepare plenty of Diablo 4 Gold in advance.


    Now, let's quickly talk about some of the most important aspects.

    First, an aspect that I really value for the leveling experience is Stormchaser's Aspect. This is going to make it so Tornado is prioritizing hitting three targets rather than just spiraling out of control on its own.

    Next, we have Shepherd's Aspect. This is going to give us some nice increased damage from our two wolf companions.

    Then, Rapid Aspect is a rather important one. Our basic skill is very slow attacking without it. And seeing as while you're leveling, spirit is quite a problem. Rapid Aspect allows you to generate spirit back much faster and is very valuable to have.

    Those are the three most important aspects. But I do want to make some honorable mentions that you can go with if you find them on your journey. Those would be:

    • Conceited Aspect
    • Aspect of the Alpha
    • Edgemaster's Aspect

    Don't worry about prioritizing those aspects. But there's some nice added damage for the build if you manage to find them.

    How Do You This Build?

    Now that we’ve talked about the skills and the aspects, how do you play the build?

    It’s really simple. You’re aiming to use Tornado as often as possible. So, if I engage a pack of enemies, for example, I’ll start by activating Hurricane and then using all my spirit with Tornado.

    Then, when you’re out of energy, use Storm Strike. You might wonder when do we use our other skills.

    Trample is best used for Mobility or to Crowd Control some enemies. Earthen Bulwark is your general defensive option and also provides Unstoppable to get out of Crowd Control. You should use this when you’re in a tough situation. Finally, for the Wolves active ability, I generally use this on priority targets. Those include shield minions, Elites, and bosses.

    While you’re leveling, it is also important to know what secondary stat lines to keep an eye out for. This is what I’ll do to help you. I’ll highlight some of the most important statlines to keep an eye out for and then I’ll also highlight some important statlines on specific pieces of gear.

    Some of the most General important statlines on your Druid are:

    • Critical Strike Chance
    • Critical Strike Damage
    • Core Skill Damage
    • Damage to Close Enemies
    • Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies

    Once you get later on, Vulnerable Damage is more important, too. But early on, you don’t really have a lot of vulnerable stacking. So, it’s not as important while leveling.

    Also Read: The Fastest Way To Get Any Legendary Aspect In Diablo 4 - Doing Helltides Properly

    Important Stats To Keep An Eye Out For While Leveling

    Anyway, now let’s talk about some certain statlines on specific pieces of gear:

    • Helmets: Maximum Spirit
    • Gloves: Tornado, Attack Speed, Crit Strike Chance
    • Boots: Spirit Cost Reduction
    • Chest & Legs: Defensive Values (Defense)

    For your weapon and jewelry, you should keep an eye out for the stats I mentioned before.

    This build is relatively simple. If you’re already in endgame content, you’ll need stronger builds to strengthen your character. But making a build is not an easy process. If you are worried about this, you may wish to take a look at the Diablo 4 Boosting Service on this site. This service can not only help you achieve rapid character leveling but also provide you with Diablo 4 Builds Service, tailoring 5 builds for endgame for you. You can also find other corresponding services according to your needs. Hope it can help you.

    When I first started leveling Druid in Diablo 4, it wasn't feeling good until I tried the Tornado core skill. So, here, I will introduce my Tornado Druid build. I will expand this build from different aspects one by one, such as the aspects you need, how to play this build and the important stats to keep an eye out for while leveling. I hope it can help you.
  • Werebear Summoner Druid

    I’m going to be showing you my pulverizing Werebear, which is a drill build that focuses on the use of some Werebear skills as well as summoning skills and there’s a ton of fun to play.


    First of all, let’s talk about the main mechanic of this build, which is based around Pulverize.

    Enhanced Pulverize

    Pulverize is sort of AOE and a medium smallish AOE around you. That deals a ton of damage if you have the Enhanced Pulverized passive. Because essentially what it does is it allows you to overpower this attack every 10 seconds as long as you have 80% or higher HP.

    That means if you have the spirit and you walk up to a group of enemies and hit Pulverize, you will usually wipe them all out in one attack. Because the amount of damage this does is absolutely incredible.

    Now, the caveat to this is that you have to be above 80% health and if you drop below 80% health anytime in that cooldown period of 10 seconds, it will restart like it won’t even start again until you’re above 80%.

    So, you need to pay attention to your health very carefully with this build and getting things like raising your max HP, popping potions a little more frequently and using Earthen Bulwark, which is our damage shield for this build are very important so that you can maintain that extra damage you get from Pulverize. Because that’s really what’s going to allow you to just tear through groups of enemies.

    Additionally, getting bonuses on your gear like overpower damage or damage to healthy targets is also really good because this will allow you to get the most possible damage when you lead off with Pulverize.

    Now, sometimes obviously you’re not going to have enough Spirit to just walk up and hit full rise and you’ll have to attack with them all first. But generally speaking, you want to try and have some left over from your previous battle that you can just walk up and hit Pulverize.

    So, just make sure you know if you’re fighting like two enemies or something you don’t waste your Pulverize on them and you use them all in order to build up Spirit so that when they’re dead that you can go on and pulverize the next group very easily.


    Let’s take a look at Maul.

    Now that we’ve talked about Pulverize, this is your resource gainer. This is what you’re going to use in order to game Spirit to use Pulverize and it attacks very slowly. But it does hit in an area a little so that you can clip a lot of enemies at once with it.

    Rapid Aspect

    But what I recommend doing is getting the Rapid Aspect on your weapon in order to increase your attack speed drastically because you get double the effect if it’s a two-handed weapon.

    In order to use this much more effectively, you use this a lot during boss fights and you do use it a lot in regular fights as well. So, it’s not a bad thing to take and if you don’t want to put it on your major weapon or something like that, at least get it on winning pieces of armor so that you have some increase to your attack speed. Otherwise, it’s going to feel very slow.

    Earthen Bulwark

    So, this takes us to Earthen Bulwark.

    This is our damage shoulder barrier that we used with this build and it’s very important to have something like this with our build because you’re going to get hit and you’re going to be in melee range, but you don’t want your HP to go below 80% if possible.

    So, using that Earthen Bulwark, which only has a three second duration. You have to kind of learn when to use it and how to use it and to anticipate getting hit before your overpower comes off cooldown or whether your Pulverize comes off cooldown with that 10 second time to get that overpower extra damage.

    Because ideally, you want to use Pulverize in between your overpowers, but you also want to make sure that timer is counting down so that when it hits 10 seconds, you get that extra burst damage.

    You don’t want it to fall below 80. You didn’t notice and then all of a sudden you’re doing lots of pull rises, but you’re not getting that damage that you want. So, keeping that health above that and Earthen Bulwark is really the needs that we used to do that.

    Aspect Of Mending Stone

    The Aspect of Mending Stone actually extends the duration of this to six seconds, which I think is great to pick up. So, if you want to get that on your legendary gear, that’s really good for this build because three seconds is not a lot of time for a damaged shock. Beyond this, we also use Vine Creeper, Wolves and Ravens.

    Vine Creeper

    Vine Creeper is a kind of poison damage to a random enemy by itself passively. But then, when you use the active skill, it’ll actually root everything in a good space around you, much wider than Pulverize and deal poison damage to it over time.

    It is possibly one of the best Druid skills out there no matter what Druid build you’re using just because of this huge AOE CC that deals damage at the same time. You can root enemies with it and then walk up and pulverize very easily.


    What I like about Ravens is that it’s not the passive damage that they deal every so often. It’s the AOE damage over time that they can drop somewhere.

    Ferocious Ravens

    It gives you another AOE ability but also the fact that you can upgrade this to apply vulnerable in that area. So, you can drop it on a boss or drop it on an Elite and make them vulnerable for a certain amount of time while it’s ceiling damage and while you’re attacking them with your attacks while you’re using Pulverize on them at the same time.

    So, this is a really good effect to have, and it’s one that you should use like as often as you possibly can. It’s also good for dealing with like ranged enemies that you don’t want to walk all the way over to. You don’t have a lot of movement speed as a Werebear usually. Being able to take out ranged enemies without having to go all the way over to them can also be very helpful.


    Now, in our last spot, I alternate between Wolves and Hurricane. Wolves are really good for boss fights. In my opinion, their attack a single target is good for boss fights, but more importantly, they can tank bosses.

    I’ve done a lot of difficult bosses in this game that I think were only possible because I had those Wolves where I could sit back and arrange them with Ravens and I could use Hurricane or something like that in the distance or I could use Pulverize at a distance or hit and run tactics while I let my Wolves tank them.

    This is because even if like a wolf dies in combat, they’ll respawn and come back, so they can just sit there and tank bosses for you where you stay at a safe distance and some of the hardest bosses in this game are actually made possible by having them.


    Unfortunately, the Wolves aren’t as good out on the landscape as they are in boss scenarios, which is why I recommend also having Hurricane and swapping them back and forth maybe depending on what you’re doing because Hurricane is really good out pulling trash or in dungeons. Because it’s just AOE damage around you wherever you move and you’re constantly going into melee range, anyway.

    If you root everything with like Vine Creeper for instance and then walk in with Hurricane and then drop over eyes, everything on the screen is toast.

    So, that’s a really good one if you get into a boss fighter. You know you’re going to a bathroom. Swap it out for Wolves and you’ll have a bit easier of a time.

    Recommended Bonuses

    Things you want to look out for this build:

    • Critical Strike Chance
    • Overpower Damage
    • Damage To Close Enemies
    • Damage To Vulnerable Enemies
    • Damage To Healthy
    • Life On Kill

    Recommended Aspects

    A lot of legendary aspects:

    • Shepherd’s Aspect
    • Aspect Of The Ursine Horror

    As you know, no powerful build would exist without the support of Diablo 4 Gold. Therefore, if you want to dominate the entire game, it is very important to prepare enough Diablo 4 Gold. By the way, our build guide is still being updated, so stay tuned.

    This article introduces a Werebear Summoner Druid build in Diablo 4 that specializes in pulverizing enemies while in Werebear form on the topics of mechanic of this build, resource gainer, main skills and so on.
  • Frozen Orb Sorcerer

    In this guide, I’ll be showcasing another unique build we tested in Season 4 PTR, which is the powerful Frozen Orb Sorcerer with Fractured Winterglass unique Amulet at its core. This is an incredible endgame build that combines Frozen Orb with a spell, creating an effect that can easily reach high levels and permanently freeze enemies.

    It’s no problem with Pit of Artificers endgame newly introduced in Season 4. Personally, Pit Tier 159 was the highest we could open with this build at the time. So, at least with the scaling we have on PTR, getting all the way to Pit Tier 200 is pretty easy. So it’s safe to say this is one of the best builds out there, especially for a Sorcerer.

    How Does It Work?

    How it works is that Fractured Winterglass gives it a chance to spawn any random Conjuration whenever you cast Frozen Orb. So Ice Blades, Lightning Spear or Hydra and those Conjurations will spawn and throw their own Frozen Orbs. These Orbs can move back and forth and explode around like you know.

    Basically, you’ll see about 20 Frozen Orbs exploding all the time. What’s more, if you have Aspect of Frozen Orbit, it can also cause Frozen Orbs to explode three times.

    What this means is that you actually have a lot of Lucky Hit triggers, you have a lot of opportunities to trigger those Conjurations summon spawns, and you have Lightning Spears flying around all the time to deal a lot of damage.

    Additionally, Frozen Orb synergize well with Conjuration Mastery Passive, providing additional damage and mana regeneration. So the more Conjurations you have, the more these scales up, the more you can spam everything. So it all synergize with each other in a really crazy way, making this build powerful.

    Fractured Winterglass

    You might feel that with the build going roughly the way I’ve shown it, it might be a little weak. Since our goal in Season 4 is to get into Pit Tier 200, the bar is a little higher, but the unique Fractured Winterglass will definitely help you get there.

    This is one of the new Diablo 4 items dropped by Lord Zir in World Tier 4. It gives you a 35-50% chance of generating random Conjuration when casting Frozen Orb Explosion. If Lucky Hits, your Conjurations have a whopping 70-100% chance of launching Frozen Orbs at nearby enemies. Before getting Fractured Winterglass, Frozen Orb Sorcerer dealt mediocre damage and struggled to maintain mana.

    While this build will still work on the starting Sorcerer, we strongly recommend switching to Chain Lightning Sorcerer build before you get Fractured Winterglass. Because Frozen Orbs deplete resources quickly, starting at a whopping 40 mana, and requiring specific equipment to maintain mana to continuously cast Frozen Orbs.

    Also Read: All Itemization Changes Showed In Diablo 4 Season 4 (Codex of Power, Tempering, Masterworking, Affixes & Gems)

    Pros And Cons

    They’ve buffed Frozen Orbs quite a bit since I played it in Season 1. As I mentioned, this is pretty good, especially for leveling. When you're not looking for truly high-end content, and you don't have to fight millions of monsters like a boss, Frozen Orb Sorcerer is always the best choice.

    But like I mentioned before, Aspect of Frozen Orbit has great synergy with Frozen Orbs, so you have to find it at least once. This will change your settings for more Conjurations.

    And in Season 4, you can now choose where to detonate Frozen Orbs. When you play the game using your mouse and keyboard, it moves to your cursor. I think when you play with the controller, it just goes to your target or, like, a random set distance.

    So it’s not like there was always a fixed long range where you had to constantly reposition yourself to really cast accurately. If you want, you can even stand on top of your enemies and throw Frozen Orbs into their faces. This also makes using it easier and better. Because you are guaranteed to always explode on the target, and the radius is very large.

    But I have to say, I think this build will last a long time against all of these bosses. Therefore, boss battles are definitely a weakness of Frozen Orbs. But don’t worry, you can increase boss damage by optimizing settings. Once you are fully equipped, you can enter Pit Tier 200 and even clear speed will be fast.

    Paragon Board Explained

    We can also take a quick look at Paragon Board. We have six boards, six glyphs, and one or two very influential legendary nodes.

    First, Icefall causes you to deal extra damage to vulnerable enemies. Additionally, we have Frigid Fate here, which also deals extra damage to vulnerable targets based on your cold damage. This number may seem a bit low, but you can actually Temper the cold damage, or non-physical damage, to maximize the effect of this Frigid Fate board.

    There are also Paragon nodes that are basically just for stacking a lot of defenses. So we have a lot of life and similar damage reduction here, such as Damage Reduction from Vulnerable, Damage Reduction from Burning, Damage Reduction from Chilled. Because we need to be as tanky as possible to ensure we can survive the high-end content in Pit and those Uber bosses.

    The rest is just like you know, grab some really important stuff like damage modifiers like Winter Glyph, and Destruction Glyph which can crit scale. Additionally, there’s a Conjurer Glyph here that increases their duration, so you have a really nice damage bonus.

    All in all, this Frozen Orb build is a powerful and fun build for Sorcerer in Diablo 4 Season 4. But anyway, we still need to wait for the final patch notes. Let’s wait and see!

    In this guide, I'll be showcasing another unique build we tested in the Diablo 4 Season 4 PTR, which is the powerful Frozen Orb Sorcerer with the Fractured Winterglass unique Amulet at its core.
  • Flameweaver Firebolt Sorcerer

    With Diablo 4 Season 4 PTR over, I’m back with my brand new Firebolt Sorcerer. This is a new Firebolt build for Season 4 based on Flameweaver Unique Gloves. So in this guide, let’s talk about how this new build works and what the highlights are.

    Why Is This Build Worth Trying In Season 4?

    I believe many players know that the new season will introduce a new endgame system with 220 tiers, Pit of Artificers. Even though I haven’t fully unlocked all tiers in PTR, this build can be easily run and even go all the way through T200, at least on PTR.

    I also don’t expect this build to be significantly nerfed compared to other builds that have performed so well. So I think this will be relatively close to what we see in the live patch.

    Gameplay & Mechanics

    The build centers on Flameweaver Gloves, which allow players to unleash devastating Firebolt attacks. This Diablo 4 items will split Firebolt into multiple projectiles when you fire it. These projectiles can also fire at the same target, so you can produce pretty crazy single target damage output.

    Basically, you have these Unique Gloves and you know where to put Firebolt. It’s actually a positioning-like game where you have to try to place Flameweaver in the right spot, such as right in front of an enemy, and Firebolt will impale all enemies.

    You can also choose to keep Firebolt away from AOE and knock down the entire pack with a single attack, or you can try to place it in front of the elite and then hit them with many projectiles.

    All in all, this build has a very interesting new play style that differs completely from other builds I’ve played so far.

    Build Setup

    The way this build is setup is based on DoTs, as Firebolt actually attaches a sizeable portion of DoTs damage. You could also try to make it like a hit-crit build, but I think DoTs might be the more correct choice. Because it’s actually one of the few similar non-crit builds.

    Since your burning effect stacks on enemies, you can burn monsters easily. Then you just watch them melt as you run away, dying in your wake. So that’s really fun.

    But for a more precise setup, I guess we’ll have to wait for the final patch notes, as I expect there will be quite a few balance changes. There will be more of these builds as we progress and once we have the final patch notes.


    Beyond that, this build has incredible survivability. Because this is a basic attack build with a very high attack speed, you can have effects like starting a new life on your item with each click. But more importantly, you can also have other Legendary Powers, like Hectic.

    Hectic is something very useful in building. Every time you attack five times with a basic skill, it reduces your cooldown. Since this is basically what you’re doing all the time, you can refresh your cooldown often. Especially useful for your Flame Shield.

    Some players may be concerned that Flame Shield is at risk of being nerfed in the new season. But regardless, even if it is nerfed or even removed, you can still provide the benefits of this Hectic effect to all other skills here, such as Frost Nova, Teleport, and Inferno.

    So you can do different combinations here. It will constantly reset your cooldown with this Hectic Power. In fact, you could even try putting it on an amulet if you want to reset your cooldown faster.

    Excitingly, I also took down some level 200 Uber Bosses with this build. Because you only need to press more on your Flame Shield and Ice Armor to further increase the efficiency of your build. Even if you don’t play all the mechanics perfectly, it’s easy to survive these bosses.

    Final Thoughts

    Anyway, for now I just wanted to highlight how this new Flameweaver Firebolt Sorcerer build works. I think it’s pretty cool and definitely something to look forward to.

    While Firebolt build isn’t expected to be the absolute best in Diablo 4 Season 4, it’s expected to be one of the best-performing Sorcerer builds. Overall, Season 4 promises to offer a wider range of viable Sorcerer builds for players to explore. Let’s wait and see!

    In this guide, I’ll be bringing you the new Firebolt Sorcerer build from Diablo 4 Season 4, based on Flameweaver Unique Gloves. We’ll talk about how this new build works and what the highlights are.
  • Ice Shards Sorcerer

    I can’t wait to show you my Ice Shards Sorcerer build for Diablo 4 Season 3 today. It’s been a lot of fun to play with. However, it’s important to note that this build isn’t particularly optimized for the Gauntlet. If you’re looking to tackle the Gauntlet, you might want to consider a different build. Nevertheless, it performs admirably in other situations and gameplay scenarios.


    Teleport: This serves as our source of Unstoppable and can transform into lighting.

    Ice Armor: Provides a barrier for defense and utility. While active, 5% of damage dealt is added to the barrier. Attacking vulnerable enemies contributes 50% more to the ice armor’s barrier. While active, your mana regeneration is increased by 25%.

    Flame Shield: Grants immunity to all damage for 2.5 seconds. Also provides a 25% movement speed and mana cost reduction.

    Deep Freeze: Grants immunity for 4 seconds and resets the cooldown of all other abilities. Upon its end, gain a barrier equal to 10% of your base life for 6 seconds for each frozen enemy. It also damages all enemies around you.

    Lightning Spear: Another source of vulnerability.

    Ice Shards: Launches 5 shards that deal 25% increased damage to frozen enemies. They have a 40% chance to ricochet and always ricochet off of frozen enemies. Hitting an enemy with 5 shards makes them vulnerable for 2 seconds.

    Fire Bolt: Causes all abilities to apply burning damage, which amplifies fire damage.

    Gear & Aspects

    For the helm, use Harlequin Crest. It’s not required, but if you don’t have this Uber Unique, I would suggest using the Everliving Aspect. You take 20 to 25% less damage from crowd controlled or vulnerable enemies.

    For the chest, use the Aspect of Shared Misery. When you hit a crowd control enemy, there’s up to a 50% chance for that crowd control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy.

    For the gloves, use Frostburn. This gives you a 25% chance to freeze enemies for 2 seconds. If you do not have Frostburn, you could use gloves with attack speed, critical strike chance, and plus skills to Ice Shards. For the aspect, I would use Accelerating or Aspect of Control. Which gives you 25% increased attack speed or you deal up to 35% more damage to immobilize, stunned, or frozen enemies.

    For the pants, use Tibault’s Will. You deal up to 40% increased damage while Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after. You also gain 50% of your primary resource. So every time you use teleport, you’re going to increase your damage and gain mana.

    For the boots, use Esu’s Heirloom. Your critical strike chance is increased by up to 30% of your movement speed.

    For the main hand, use Aspect of Piercing Cold. Ice Shards Pierce up to 4 times dealing 20% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.

    For the off-hand, use Storm Swell. You deal up to 30% increased damage to vulnerable enemies while you have a barrier. Another good option would be the Accelerating Aspect.

    For the first ring, use X'Fal's Corroded Signet. Your damage overtime effects have up to a 50% chance to erupt, dealing up to 40,000 damage of the same type to nearby enemies. This is great for this build because with the Fire Bolt Enchantment, we will be applying burning damage to all enemies hit and Ice Shards ricochet toward other enemies.

    For the next ring, use Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop. For each type of Elemental damage you deal, gain up to 15% increased damage for 4 seconds. Dealing Elemental damage refreshes all bonuses. This is going to essentially be a 45% increased damage buff at all times as long as you’re attacking something.

    And for the amulet, use Ancient Flame. While both bonuses from the Esu’s Ferocity key passive are active, your attack speed is increased by up to 75%. Of course, you can also choose appropriate gear based on the amount of Diablo 4 Gold you have.

    Skill Tree

    For the skill tree, our basic attack is going to be Fire Bolt. For the core skills, I put 5 points in Ice Shards, 1 point in enhanced and Destructive Ice Shards, 1 point into Devastation, and 3 points into Elemental Dominance.

    Defensive Skills: Put 1 point into Flame Shield, Enhanced and Mystical Flame Shield, 1 point into Teleport, Enhanced and Shimmering Teleport, 3 points into Glass Cannon, 1 point in Ice Armor, Enhanced and Mystical Ice Armor, 1 point in Elemental Attunement, 3 points into Precision Magic, 1 point in Align the Elements, 3 points into Mana Shield, and 3 points into Protection. 1 point of Inner Flames and 3 points in Devouring Blaze.

    Ultimate Skills: We’re going to be putting 3 points in Permafrost or Frost and Icy Touch, and then 3 points in the Frigid Breeze. Full damage against vulnerable enemies has up to a 20% chance to generate 15 mana. For the Ultimate Deep Freeze, 1 point in the Prime and Supreme Deep Freeze, 1 point of Fiery Surge for extra mana regeneration.

    Key Passive - Esu’s Ferocity. This is currently bugged where it will buff all your damage, not just fire. Ice Shards will receive 25% increased critical strike damage and 5% increased critical strike chance against enemies that have above 50% of life. When you kill an enemy with a critical strike or hit a boss, you will be granted both bonuses for 3 seconds, which will give us the 75% increased attack speed from the Ancient Flame aspect.

    Seneschal Construct

    For the construct, I recommend using Flash of Adrenaline and Tactical Support. Then comes Genesis. If you do not have Genesis, you can also use Safeguard. Next, use Tempest. Resource Support, Efficiency Support and Arcing Support. If you have Evernight, you would replace Arcing Support.

    Paragon Boards

    Winter: Whenever you chill or freeze an enemy, you deal 3% increased skull damage for 10 seconds, up to 15%. This effect stacks and refreshes, remaining active as long as you are attacking. It also buffs non-physical damage and resistances.

    Burning Instinct: The legendary node is not taken. The glyph, Unleash, triggers after spending 50 mana, granting 7% increased damage and 7% mana regeneration. This is crucial for maintaining a steady flow of Mana between Ice Shards.

    Enchantment Master: The glyph is Elementalist. Killing fire, cold or lightning damage to an enemy increases all damage you deal to them by 5% for 10 seconds, stacking once per element. This buff stacks up to 15% of increased damage and refreshes with continued attacks.

    Frigid Fate: The legendary node is taken. You deal bonus damage to vulnerable enemies equal to 10% of the total amount of your bonus damage with cold, up to a maximum of 30%. The glyph, Flamefeeder, grants 10% increased direct damage to burning enemies.

    Ice Fall: The legendary node is also taken here. Your Frost skills deal 15% increased damage to vulnerable enemies, doubled if the enemy is also Frozen. The glyph, Control, provides 10% increased damage to slow or chilled enemies, or 20% increased damage to stunned or frozen enemies.

    Searing Heat: The glyph, Exploit, increases your damage by 1% for 6 seconds, stacking up to 10%, when dealing damage to a vulnerable enemy.

    Ceaseless Conduit: The glyph, Destruction, increases all damage the enemy takes from you by 2% for 10 seconds, up to 12%, upon landing critical strikes. This effect stacks and refreshes.

    The Ice Shards Sorcerer build is readily accessible to every player participating in Diablo 4 Season 3, as it doesn’t depend on any Uber Uniques. It offers both strength and enjoyment to those who wield it in their adventures.
  • Arc Lash Sorcerer

    The build I'm presenting today is incredibly powerful, possibly the fastest one for Diablo 4 Season 3 - Arc Lash Sorcerer. A significant advantage is that you can still use this build effectively even without any Ubers. It's absolutely unstoppable! However, if you like this build, you’d better have plenty of Diablo 4 Gold to make it.

    How It Works

    Flickerstep coupled with attacks, reduces evade cooldowns significantly. Each attack not only reduces the evade cooldown but also diminishes the ultimate ability whenever an enemy is hit. However, the rapid kill speed might create a limitation as you may not consistently hit enemies.

    Instead of relying solely on special abilities, consider utilizing the space bar, which has a 6-second cooldown. Each attack with the space bar reduces the cooldown, allowing for a sequence of 2 attacks followed by 2 more and then a Flame Shield, effectively resetting the sequence. Typically, 3 attacks suffice for a reset, but employing Unstable Current triggers an immediate reset upon activation, amplifying the build's potency.

    The synergy between the Dash, which autonomously reduces cooldowns, and Unstable Current, which randomly activates skills, significantly enhances the build's potency. Once Unstable Currents are active, the abundance of attack speed facilitates faster resets, making every Arc Lash attack serve as a reset. Even without actively using other skills, the cooldown reduction is noticeable, with Ice Armor and Flame Shield activating seamlessly without interrupting movement. Activating Ice Blades ensures the Tal Rasha, although it interrupts movement, preventing simultaneous casting with Arc Lash.


    Here's an overview of the Diablo 4 Items you'll be using. First, we utilize the Harlequin Crest. Then we have the Raiment of the Infinite, offering enhanced AOE and a potent skill. Tibault's Will grants us temporary invincibility and mana, although mana isn't crucial for this build but is essential for the ball lightning build. Flickerstep is another key component, followed by Rapid Aspect for basic attack skill. Attack speed is prioritized once again, while cooldown reduction holds significant importance.

    The Aspect of Adaptability serves as an additional aspect, providing a resource boost and multiplying our capabilities. Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop is utilized for its multiplier and cooldown reduction benefits, which could be further enhanced with additional cooldown reduction. As for the amulet, the focus is on the ball lightning build, hence mana cost reduction isn't necessary. Mastery passive or DPS-focused abilities are preferable.

    Seneschal Constructs

    Now, let's discuss the construct stones. Opt for Tempest with Efficiency and Breaking Support and Evernight. If Evernight isn't available, you can consider Safeguard instead. Flesh of Adrenaline with tactical duration and Genesis for 1.5 second is consistently powerful and is a staple in almost every build in Season 3.

    Skill Tree

    We have a lot of skills and like Lightning spells because our Unstable Currents proc them and they do a lot of damage actually like just all the accumulated procs. And we also have Fireball max, which we use the enchantment off together with teleport enchants for even more DPS. You might want to take some points off because it’s doing too much damage and the monsters are dying too fast. So you can’t really reset your Flickersteps that easily.

    Max teleport, extra cooldown, which is really good and then max Glass Cannon. We don’t need this one anymore because we’re not spending mana. Lightning Spear, and enough Flames for more Fireball damage. You can also get rid of this and take, like movement speed or damage reduction. Then we have Unstable Currents, Esu's Ferocity, this is for the attack speed. It also works for your Lightning skills and ball lightning, more procs and good DPS. And Shocking Impact whenever we stand an enemy, which our lightning spear and our teleport do, we are doing another 45 base damage.

    Paragon Board

    Wwe prioritize destruction and utilize Ceaseless Conduit with Control. Then, the Frigid Fate is maximized. Moving up, we incorporate Enchantment Master to enhance our cooldown on teleports by 20%, a crucial aspect. Charged glyph aids in generating crackling energy through our Unstable Currents.

    Additionally, Enchanter boosts our multiplier for Frigid Fate, resulting in higher DPS. The setup is quite comfortable, achieving the desired 1.3 multiplier. This setup includes the Pargon board and incorporates Searing Heat for added fire damage, coupled with Exploit for another 1.3 multiplier. We leverage our pet to proc vulnerability, making it one of the fastest and most enjoyable builds currently available.

    The Diablo 4 Season 3 build I'm going to discuss is the formidable Arc Lash Sorcerer. You can swiftly build this one which offers a remarkable gaming experience, allowing you to dominate the endgame with ease.
  • Minmax Blizzard Meteor Sorcerer

    Here, I will share this Blizzard Meteor Build. It melts everything so fast in Diablo 4 Season 3 that it melts an Uber Duriel in 7 seconds and an Uber Lilith in 4 seconds without even needing Uber Pet Stones. If you have them, that’s great!

    This is my first time trying a Blizzard build, and it has a bit of a learning curve. So in this guide, I’m going to cover all the lessons I learned and the key synergies so you can put together this Blizzard Meteor Build with ease.

    Plus, you’ll learn how to easily get the new Unique Helm, Starfall Coronet, and why it’s so great in Blizzard builds.

    Before I begin, I want to assume that you are in endgame, say level 90+. If you’re looking for a fun and efficient progression build before this, don’t miss this guide. You can easily switch to this Blizzard build by just swapping 3 gear pieces. Let’s get started now!

    Blizzard Build Mechanics

    The first major mechanic built into Blizzard is Glacial Aspect, where Ice Spikes will spawn at Blizzard’s location and deal massive amounts of damage. So the longer Blizzard lasts, the more Ice Spikes it gets.

    Meanwhile, we will also use Mage’s Blizzard Passive to increase our Blizzard duration and get more Ice Spikes.

    The second key mechanic is an Aspect of the Frozen Tundra. The important thing here is that the blast radius is increased by 50%.

    Initially, I made a Blizzard build without this aspect, but it didn’t do as much damage as I expected because a lot of Ice Shards wouldn’t hit enemies. Therefore, you can think of this aspect as the 50% damage increase of Ice Shards, which is a must-have.

    Although it has synergy with Deep Freeze, we don’t need to use it. Because we have enough defense and can achieve full DPS in the build.

    It’s important to note that Blizzard level does not affect Ice Spikes’ damage, as Blizzard Ice Spikes themselves have tremendous damage scaling. So we only need one level here, which will save us a lot of Diablo 4 Gold and improve the build progress.

    Starfall Coronet

    But there’s a problem, the initial damage of this build isn’t very impressive. This is because we need more time to cast several Blizzards in the same location to generate enough Ice Spikes to melt everything.

    Fortunately, a new Diablo 4 item was introduced in Season 3 to solve this problem, Starfall Coronet. It makes Meteor a Cooldown Skill, so we have enough mana to cast Infinite Blizzard and deal lots of instant AOE damage to burn small groups of monsters. This way we don’t have to wait for Ice Spikes.

    In addition, we will further synergize with Devouring Blaze using Wizard’s Meteor Passive to trigger immobilized bonuses. The passive skill also allows all Meteors to quickly stun the boss.

    Finally, we’ll use Esu’s Ferocity Key Passive to increase meteor damage. Combining this with Aspect of Ancient Flame increases the attack speed by a further 50% and even increases the damage of our Ice Spikes, since we cast more Blizzards in the same period.

    We will use Aspect Of Concentration to get enough mana generation to cast Infinite Blizzard, since casting more Blizzard requires more mana.

    We’re not using Avalanche Key Passive here because it doesn’t increase Ice Spikes’ damage and we have enough mana.

    All things considered, this build has excellent performance in fast farming and is capable of extremely fast boss clearing.

    How To Get Starfall Coronet?

    To get Starfall Coronet, we need to farm Uber Beast in Ice Boss. We need these materials to make an entrance ticket. These materials will be randomly dropped when completing Nightmare Dungeon.

    In my experience, I farmed Uber Ice Boss more than 15 times before I saw a Starfall Coronet drop, which required stacks of 135 of this material. So be aware that it will take some time to get your hands on this new Sorcerer Unique.

    Blizzard Meteor Build Variants

    I also made 2 versions of this Blizzard Meteor Build. One for T100 Nightmare Dungeon and Nightmare Vaults, and another for maximum DPS in boss fights.

    In T100 Nightmare Dungeon version, I used Snowveiled Aspect plus Aspect of Disobedience to build enough armor, and used Ice Armor to increase our survivability. So we can tank the Butcher head-on until it staggers and melts it in 5 seconds.

    Switching to the boss fight version is very easy. We just need to switch to Raiment of the Infinite and Tibault’s Will for further damage, and update our skill tree to use Flame Shield to avoid the one-hit mechanic. Also, we can remove Ice Blades Passive and get Glass Cannon to deal further damage.

    Paragon Board Setup

    One note on Paragon Board is that we will be using Stalagmite Glyph to increase Ice Spikes’ critical chance and damage in this build.

    We’ll also be using Flash of Adrenaline Governing Stone for a 20% multiplier to damage, and Tempest Governing Stone to improve Crit Chance, Mana Regeneration and to apply Vulnerable.


    While this Blizzard build is powerful, running pure Blizzards can be a little boring. This build is interesting enough because we can throw Meteors at monsters from time to time and burn them instantly instead of waiting for Ice Spikes to take damage.

    I also like how well it works for farming Uber Bosses, but it does require the bosses to remain static. It would be exceptional if we could trick a boss into staying in the same spot and melting it in just a few seconds!

    Here, I will share my Blizzard Meteor Build in Diablo 4 Season 3. I'll cover all the lessons I learned and the key synergies so you can easily assemble this build.
  • Blizzard Sorcerer

    If you want to farm Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir Dungeon easily, you’re going to love the Blizzard Sorcerer build.

    Contrary to the existence of the Ball Lightning build, this is still entirely viable. It’s strong in some scenarios and it’s weak in others. However, if you like this build, you’d better have plenty of Diablo 4 Gold to make it.

    Core Aspects

    Starting out, you need to get core aspects.

    The Glacial Aspect, which gives you Ice Spikes underneath your Blizzards. This is not one that you can get from dungeons.

    You can’t get Aspect of the Frozen Tundra from dungeons, either. Now, Frozen Tundra kind of does the same thing, but another modifier that it has is that it increases the radius of those Ice Spikes.

    These kinds of go hand in hand, and if you try to run Glacial Aspect without Frozen Tundra, it’s kind of bad. I don’t really like it that much, so I wouldn’t recommend it for anybody out there.

    It’s in your best bet to farm with either Ball Lightning, Firewall, Chain Lightning, or any of the others until you can get your hands on both Glacial Aspect and Frozen Tundra.

    Offensive Aspects

    The rest of the offensive aspects that you want to use are:

    • Conceited Aspect, which gives you damage whenever you have a barrier active
    • Aspect of Control, which gives you more damage to frozen or stunned targets
    • Aspect of Piercing Cold, as it gives Ice Shards more AOE
    • Prodigy’s Aspect, which gives you mana regeneration every time you use any one of your cooldowns, which is basically your entire bar
    • Defensive Aspects

    For defensive aspects, you’ve got:

    • Aspect of Disobedience, which gives you armor every time you deal damage
    • Everliving Aspect, which gives you damage reduction from anybody who is Crowed Controled or Vulnerable
    • Snowguard’s Aspect, which reduces your damage taken while in or outside of your Blizzard after a couple of seconds
    • Snowveiled Aspect, which makes your ice armor grant you even more armor in the end

    End Game Uniques

    Once you’ve played with this enough and you’re starting to farm for your endgame unique items, the things that you’re going for are Raiment of the Infinite, for the teleport, pull, and stun to bolts, because it’s going to work hand in hand with Metamorphosis to give you a big damage modifier.

    For the boots, you can go Esu’s Heirloom for the damage or Flickersteps, so you can spam your invulnerability alt.

    For the rings, choose the two rings below. The Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop ring can give you more damage every time you use any kind of element in your build. And the Blue Rose ring has a huge boost to your Ice Spike Damage, bonus Critical Strike Damage, and has built-in mana cost reduction, which is one of your most important stats.

    Offensive Stats

    Speaking of stats, the most important stuff you’re looking for on all of your gear is cooldown reduction, mana cost reduction, any kind of damage adds like critical strike chance, critical strike damage, attack speed, damage to vulnerable targets, or even intellect.

    Defensive Stats

    Then, for defensive stats, if you find yourself dying often, look for any damage reduction modifier or plus to maximum health.


    Now, for the skills on this build, the main thing that we use is Blizzard, with the Wizard modifier, which extends the duration if you cast it above 50% mana.

    In addition to that, we have:

    • Mystical Frost Nova, with the vulnerability modifier
    • Shimmering Teleport, with its damage reduction
    • Enhanced Ice Armor, enhanced for mana regeneration
    • Flame Shield, as probably one of the best oh buttons in the game
    • Deep Freeze for the ultimate

    Also Read: What You Need to Know About Diablo 4’s New Endgame Abattoir Of Zir?

    It has huge AOE clear and a long invulnerability window, which means you can get as many Blizzards out as you want and then sit in your bubble for a solid couple of seconds.

    For the key passive, we go Avalanche for the free casts and the big damage that it adds. And then you want to enchant Ice Shards for the added AOE and then Firebolt to add burning damage. This is hugely beneficial as you gain both damage and damage reduction depending on your gear and paragon from any mobs affected by your burning.

    Most of the other passes on the skill tree are up to you, but I generally pick things that prevent you from dying as often, like Mana Shield and Protection, for example.

    Paragon Basics

    As for paragon, you can, of course, do whatever the hell you want to do, but the few glyphs that I recommend for this are:

    • Destruction, as it gives you more damage
    • Frostbite, which gives you more damage and damage reduction Reinforced, which gives you damage reduction and boosts the rare nodes around it
    • Flamefeeder, which gives you the benefit of more damage to burning targets, which should be everybody
    • Stalagmite, which is going to boost your Ice Shards damage from your Blizzard and your Deep Freeze


    The play style for this one is actually pretty straightforward. You drop a bunch of Blizzards above 50% mana and kite everything you possibly can all around them and just basically run in circles until they all die.

    If you find yourself needing more mana or not wanting to die, that’s when you can start weaving in your defensives. But to keep it basic, it’s a lot of running in circles and coring mobs.

    My Opinions

    Objectively, this build is definitely slower than things like Ball Lightning and Arc Lash, especially on bosses, but it doesn’t feel useless. It can still do Ubers. It can still be tanky, and it can still AOE clear.

    In my opinion, it’s super fun and I’m a huge fan of cold skills in pretty much any game. It really isn’t as strong as it once was, but that doesn’t make it incapable of having fun or farming pretty much anything in the game.

    Have you tried the Blizzard Sorcerer in Diablo 4?

    The Blizzard Sorcerer is so strong in Diablo 4 Season 2 still. I didnt use Arc Lash, but Arc Lash is entirely still viable. Ball Lightning is capable of taking down any content sure, but Blizzard is so much fun. I think Abattoir of Zir will be no match for the Blizzard Sorcerer.
  • Ball Lightning Sorcerer

    Here I want to introduce you to a very tanky Ball Lightning Sorcerer build using Temerity, Chill and Chain Lightning Enchant. This is a tank build that can clear consistently, and even the explosions from Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon won’t kill you easily.

    In Patch 1.2, Ball Lightning’s damage per tick has been reduced, while it has increased the tick rate so that the total damage remains the same. The patch notes claim this is just a change to the tooltip. But the in-game behavior has also been changed to match. So, keep in mind that they will probably fix Ball Lightning during the season.

    Scaling Damage

    Now, what about Ball Lightning’s damage scaling? It increases the tick rate of Ball Lightning through Enhanced Ball Lightning. Vampiric Powers Ravenous maximizes movement speed and attack speed.

    Mana Issues

    Spam Ball Lightning also has mana issues. It can be solved by picking up Crackling Energy generated. You can generate a lot of Crackling Energy from Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning.

    In addition, Focus Ring has “Resource Generation”, as well as “Maximum Mana” for helmets and Aspect of Concentration. If you haven’t taken damage in the last 2 seconds, it increased your mana regeneration by 40% - 50%.

    As long as barriers do not collapse, this aspect is valid. This means that mana regeneration is almost always 1.5x higher. We don’t even need Prodigy’s Aspect. It solved the mana problem.

    Frost Bolt Enchant

    Next, why is Frost Bolt Enchant needed? This is due to a total reduction of nearly 40% in damage to cold enemies in Paragon. Glyph level 15 Chain Lightning Enchant can also inflict cold on distant enemies. That’s why I chose Frost Bolt Enchant.

    Legendary Aspects

    We also need to scale the damage via Legendary Aspects. What’s unusual about Ball Lightning is Elementalist’s Aspect and Accelerating Aspect. Among them, Chain Lightning Enchant can trigger Accelerating Aspect. Elementalist’s Aspect is also easy to activate when the mana is over 100 because there is a lot of Crackling Energy.

    Alternatively, if you have enough Diablo 4 Gold budget, you can also use Esu’s Heirloom to increase your critical hit chance. It also has synergy with Vampiric Powers Ravenous, as it can convert movement speed into an increased critical rate. It increased movement speed by 75% after dodging, and you can increase movement speed to 200% cap.


    For the defense part, this build can easily achieve 70% of all resistance. Paragon supplements Fire, Lightning and Cold, which can naturally reach 70%.

    The ring’s sub-status should be Poison or Shadow. But it’s okay if not. Then the target armor value is above 13500. To increase armor value, always add the option “+Total Armor” to every rare piece of equipment, and amulets are no exception. You can achieve 13500 armor by equipping the highest level Diablo 4 items possible.

    The rest of the time, you need to add long-range and short-range damage reduction. Damage reduction takes priority over armor. After that you need to add Distance DR and Close DR. It also stores all damage reduction via Vyr’s Mastery and Mage-Lord’s Aspect.

    We also need Sanguine Brace’s damage reduction. In terms of recovery, Temerity will generate enchantments, and Undying will quickly restore the enchantment so that the enchantment will not be cut off.

    Paragon Board

    Finally, I will explain a little about this Paragon Board. Currently, this build equips items with chief power, but may lack resistance. If you don’t have enough resistance, change the partial Paragon node to 1.5% of the total resistance. Or, add intelligence to focus. Intelligence can also give you a little more resistance.


    This concludes this tank Ball Lightning Sorcerer build guide. I think a lot of Ball Lightning builds in other guides ignore tank ability. With this build, you can easily pass NMD100. Of course, you can also quickly defeat Uber Lilith with this build. Good luck!

    Here, I want to introduce you to a very tanky Ball Lightning Sorcerer build for Diablo 4 Season 2 using Temerity, Chill, and Chain Lightning Enchant. With this build you can easily pass NMD100!
  • Blizzard Sorcerer

    Today I will be introducing you to one of the best builds in Diablo 4 Season 2, Blizzard Sorcerer. The reason I think it will stand out in Season 2 is because it’s already one of the best builds in Sorcerer class, and it’s going to get some pretty significant buffs in Season 2. Let’s take a look at how this is built.

    First, we will discuss the required skills, then we will discuss the required Aspects, Diablo 4 Items, and Paragon Points. And finally, I will give some tips on gameplay aspects.

    Skill Tree

    Now let’s take a look at the skills required for this build. First, we placed two points in Fire Bolt, but we won’t be using Fire Bolt or its enchantments in this build, we only want to get into the second set of nodes. Here we will use Devastation and Elemental Dominance and we will maximize these two nodes.

    The next set of nodes are defensive skills. Defense skills are very important in almost all Sorcerer builds, and this build is no exception. So we’re going to place points in Flame Shield, all the way up to Shimmering Flame Shield.

    We will also place a point in Teleport, all the way to Shimmering Teleport. Then we’re going to put one point in Ice Armor and only go into Enhanced Ice Armor. We’re not going to use any other improvements.

    Also Read: How To Optimize Minmax Chain Lightning Sorcerer Leveling Build In Diablo 4 Season 2?

    The reason we’re going to max out Frost Nova is that we want to get maximum Frost Nova with the lowest possible cooldown. And we’ll also get into Mystical Frost Nova.

    Now we want to place two points in Elemental Attunement. Most Sorcerer builds only place one point here. However, in our build, the main damage dealer will be Blizzard, and Blizzard has a very low Lucky Hit Chance. So compensating for this, we use two points in Elemental Attunement. In addition to this, we also added three points to Glass Cannon to increase our damage.

    Continuing on with Conjuration skills, we’ll add a point to Ice Blades. As you can see, every 40 seconds of cooldown we summon an Ice Blades that will hit the enemy. Every time Ice Blades hit an enemy, they reduce the cooldown of our other abilities.

    In terms of Mastery Skills, we’re going to work a little on Blizzard and work our way up to Mage’s Blizzard. The reason we only put one point in Blizzard is because the damage doesn’t come from Blizzard itself, our major damage isn’t based on Blizzard.

    In addition to this, we’ve added some points to Cold Front and Icy Veil nodes to increase duration of obstacles and increase cold damage when there are obstacles.

    Next we’re going to move on to the ultimate skill, and we’re going to have Deep Freeze without any enchantments, and we’re going to have these Frost passive skills.

    Some build variants do not use Frigid Breeze, you can exit Frigid Breeze and put the points into Teleport later. However, at the beginning and even mid-game, you’ll need mana regeneration from Frigid Breeze. That’s why I recommend putting these points into a Frigid Breeze node first.

    Vampiric Powers

    Now let’s take a look at the new Vampiric Powers in Season 2.

    The first one was Feed the Coven, which helped us a lot with the resource starvation issues for this build.

    Another important one is Domination, which helps us deal damage to frozen enemies. Call Familiar is also very useful, it is always useful to increase our resources by summoning Lucky Hit’s bat ally.

    The last two are not that important. They are Ravenous and Terror.

    Legendary Aspects

    Now let’s start with Glacial Aspect and review Legendary Aspects required for this build. If you don’t have Glacial Aspect, you can’t play this build. This is where the vast majority of our losses come from. If you put Glacial Aspect on your neck, it can help us resist 50% of the damage.

    Now let’s introduce our other offensive aspects, starting with Conceited Aspect in hand. This allows us to do more damage when there are obstacles.

    We use Aspect of Frozen Memories on our weapons because it saves us mana. So when the key passive Avalanche triggers, we cast Blizzard one extra time. And this Blizzard does extra damage and requires no mana. This way, we can save mana. As I mentioned before, mana regeneration is crucial in this build.

    The next offensive aspect we are going to use is Aspect of Control. This helps us quickly clear all frozen enemies on the screen to harvest massive amounts of Diablo 4 Gold.

    Finally, we also used Aspect of the Frozen Tundra on one of our rings, which was also a key aspect. This helps us do more damage by using Glacial Aspect of the neck to get Ice Spikes’ blast radius.

    Now let’s move to another ring, this one with Prodigy’s Aspect. This means that if we use the cooldown, a certain amount of mana will be restored. This is where most of our mana regeneration comes from.

    Paragon Board

    For Paragon Board layout, I will only mention the most important parts. We’ll start with a starter board with a Control Glyph. Then we move to Icefall board with Reinforced Glyph.

    After that, we moved on to Frigid Fate board using the new Stalagmite Glyph. This is Glyph added in Season 2. With this Glyph we expect our damage to skyrocket and this build to be top tier because of this Glyph.

    After that, we move to Enchantment Master with Frostbite. Then use Destruction to move to Burning Instinct board. Finally, with Exploit glyph, we move to Searing Heat board and that’s it.


    Finally, when it comes to gameplay, a general rule of thumb is as follows.

    If you want to fight a group of mobs, you first need to cast Blizzard once or twice on the mobs. Then you teleport between them and stun them. Meanwhile, Blizzard starts to strengthen, and if they are still alive, you can cast some more Blizzard.

    Then you freeze them with Frost Nova, and if they are really tough elites, then you can use other defenses, move on and start over. If all other defenses fail, you can use Deep Freeze. Just hit a Blizzard mob and you’ll gain mana. When you use each defensive stat, you also gain mana.

    That’s it, this Blizzard Sorcerer build guide comes to an end. Hope it helps you. See you next time!

    Here I will introduce you to one of the best builds in Diablo 4 Season 2, the Blizzard Sorcerer. We'll discuss the skills, aspects, gear, and Paragon Points required for this build. I'll finish by giving some tips on how to play the game.
  • Frost Lightning Sorcerer

    Hello friends and welcome to my Frost Lightning Sorcerer build guide. Today I’m going to explain to you everything you need to know about how to play this build effectively on Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons and tips on how to farm in low level Nightmare.

    In this guide, I’ll cover Aspects, Skill Tree, Malignant Hearts, and Stat Priority and some gameplay.

    Before I get all set up, let me say that I highly recommend this build. Since it requires no farming for Raiment of the Infinite, it only requires a few Aspects and Diablo 4 items to complete.

    You also get a good and simple range play style. It can blitz real CCed mob groups and kill bosses quickly to farm massive amounts of Diablo 4 Gold. No matter what type of creature you face, you can defeat it with this build.

    How Does It work?

    But first let’s see how to use it. For our major source of damage, spam Chain Lightning, which applies burn and spawns Frozen Orbs. Frozen Orbs make enemies vulnerable and apply ultimate freeze damage.

    We can also use Lightning Spear to perform large-scale chain stunts. And the extra stun and freeze generated by Aspect of Shared Misery will spread to all CC through Chain Lightning hits. We also use Flame Shield for invincible teleportation for repositioning. Meanwhile, Frost Nova can be used to deal with enemies at close range, while Unstable Currents will give you a huge damage buff.


    The build uses the following Aspects:

    • Everliving Aspect
    • Aspect of Shared Misery
    • Elementalist’s Aspect
    • Aspect of Disobedience
    • Exploiter’s Aspect
    • Aspect of Frozen Orbit
    • Aspect of the Unbroken Tether
    • Accelerating Aspect
    • Recharging Aspect
    • Aspect of Control

    Skill Tree

    Let’s see which skills to choose first. We put two points into Fireball. This way, we can unlock its enchantment effect to burn targets we hit with Chain Lightning.

    For the core skills, we put a little in Frozen Orbs and then Enchanted and Greater upgrades. For Chain Lightning, we invested five points and upgraded it to Enchanted and Destructive’s passive skills. We put two points in Devastation and three points in Elemental dominance. If you don’t have all the extra skill points, just place one in Devastation.

    For defense, we put a little in Flame Shield and upgraded it to Enchanted and Mystical. Place a dot in Frost Nova to get Enchanted and Shimmering upgrades. We put two points in Elemental Attunement for extra defense and three points in Glass Cannon for extra damage.

    Within the spell, we upgraded Lightning Spear to Enchanted and Invoked, which allows us to create a large amount of stun on a short cooldown. We’ve also placed three spots in all three defensive passives. When we activate any skill with a cooldown, they give us a nice damage reduction and additional obstacles.

    On our ultimate, we gained Unstable Currents through Prime upgrade, so it also increases our attack speed. Finally, we have Vyr’s Mastery as our passive skill.

    Also Read: Best Starting Classes In Diablo 4 - Class Options, Recommended Builds & Essential Tips

    Malignant Hearts

    Next, let’s review Malignant Hearts. First, we take down Caged Heart of The Barber, which gives us a huge damage increase. This heart’s effect stores critical damage we deal for 2 to 4 seconds, then explodes to store all damage. This extra time gives us a chance to spread all of our CCs well.

    Note that shorter duration Malignant Hearts are more beneficial for killing mobs. Hearts with longer duration are better for dealing with bosses. Because this build deals all three types of damage. And we can also get additional Shadow damage from Barber Heart. We’ve quadrupled the damage of Caged Heart of Tal’Rasha. Finally, we took a Caged Heart of Tempting Fate, which significantly increases critical hit damage.

    Stat Priority

    As you can see, this is the optimal launch priority for this build, the closer the better. We’re looking at critical hit chance and critical hit damage and health gain as our primary stats. Beyond that, we also need to get as close as possible to the statistics being displayed. That’s it for this guide. Good luck!

    Today I will explain to you everything you need to know about how to effectively play this Frost Lightning Sorcerer build on Diablo 4 Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons as well as tips on how to farm in low level Nightmare.
  • Chain Lightning Sorcerer

    Chain Lightning has been buffed greatly in 1.1.1 and it opens up a good number of ways to play it.

    I made this Chain Lightning core build through the popular Frost Nova that I find most comfortable to play. It requires less brain power to run than the Thor Conjuration build. But it instantly deletes Elites 30 levels higher before they can even react.

    This build can stagger boss super fast and nuke bosses in 30s that are 30 levels higher. It auto aims and wipes enemies 360 degrees around you, too. Finally, it has Infinite Mana and 0 Ultimate Cooldown.

    If you are using the Thor Conjuration build, it only needs minimal gear and skill changes, as a lot of the synergies are shared. You can save a lot of Diablo 4 Gold by doing this.

    I will cover the skill tree, gears and the Paragon Board one by one in this guide.

    Infinite Mana

    First, a short recap for achieving Infinite Mana.

    The Recharging Aspect in 1.1.1 makes it recover Mana whenever the Chain Lightning bounces, instead of just bounces off you. With the Aspect of The Unbroken Tether that makes Chain Lightning bounce more, it is even easier to cast infinite Chain Lightnings.

    From my testing, with the lowest 1.5 Recharging, the Unbroken Tether, 25% Crit Chance and 7% Mana Cost Reduction, I have no trouble throwing unlimited Chain Lightnings, as long as I run around to collect the Crackling Energy, which recovers 12 Mana.

    So, don’t forget to move around to get Infinite Mana through this finger muscle work out.

    Skill Tree Walkthrough

    The skill tree is very similar to the Thor Conjuration build. If you are using it, just move points from Hydra to Frost Nova and Hoarfrost and you are good to go, and skip to the next section.

    For the full skill tree walkthrough, first, no basic skill is used. So, put 2 points in whatever basic skill you like.

    Then, put 5 Ranks to Chain Lightning as it is the Main DPS skill.

    And make sure to use the Destructive Chain Lightning, don’t use the Greater Chain Lightning. I will lay out the reasoning in the next section.

    And put skill points to Teleport and Frost Nova and get Vulnerable for Frost Nova. One point to Elemental Attunement is enough.

    Then, pick Precision Magic for 15% Lucky Hit Chance, Ice Blades for further Vulnerable State and Cooldown Reductions, and Ice Blades Enchantment to synergize with all Cooldown Skills. This is just like instant 4 Ice Blades at the beginning of a Boss Fight For 100% Vulnerable uptime and 0 Cooldown Ultimate.

    And then, pick Lightning Spear for Stable Stun and Conjuration Mastery for a 42% Global Damage Boost as we have on average 7 concurrent conjurations when the Ultimate is active.

    Then, we pick Mana Shield for an extra 21% Damage Reduction and Protection for 100% Barrier Uptime.

    Next, put 2 Ranks to Ball Lightning as it is the main AOE DPS. We use it in the Enchantment only since this build focuses on Crit Chance. A single Teleport can sometimes trigger 3 static Ball Lightnings for insane AOE damage. It also generates Crackling Energy for Infinite Mana.

    And, we pick Static Discharge for further Crackling Energy and Invigorating Conduit to enable all Crackling Energy to generate 12 Mana (which is the main source for Infinite Mana.

    Next, we put 3 points into Hoarfrost for an 18% damage boost to Frozen enemies since we run Frost Nova and 9% damage boost to Chilled enemy since we run Ice Blades (Correction Ice Blades doesn't chill).

    Finally, we add points to the Ultimate, Unstable Currents and Coursing Currents for more Crit Chance. What's more, we pick Electrocution for another 15% Damage Reduction and Overflowing Energy to enable Crackling Energy to reduce Skill Cooldowns.

    Destructive Chain Lightning VS Greater Chain Lightning

    I tested using the Greater Chain Lightning in this build, but the Mana is not sustainable. Because I have the lowest value Recharging Aspect and basically no Mana Cost reduction.

    After comparing the pros and cons, I end up choosing the Destructive Chain Lightning for 2 main reasons:

    One, I don’t need Mana related stats on gears and I don’t need to run another Mana Aspect, like the Prodigy on top of the Recharging. This means that I can use this build on day 1, and can use full damage stats and aspects on gears for more overall damage.

    Two, and more importantly, I lose more than 80% Crackling Energies if I choose the Greater Chain Lightning. Without the Crackling Energies, I lose a lot of Cooldown Reductions, that I cannot continuously Teleport to engage or disengage and I cannot cast the Ultimate freely to largely boost my damage.

    So, I recommend picking the Destructive Chain Lightning over the Greater Chain Lightning 2 Gear Versions.

    2 Gear Versions

    For gears, I made two versions: one is the All-Rounder version, and the other is the Full DPS version.

    In the All-Rounder version, I put Chain of Disobedience at the Amulet for an extra 27% damage reduction and use the Esu’s Heirloom for a 10% flat crit chance boost and 30+% crit chance boost after using evade. It will be more balanced between damage and tankiness, so that it will be a smoother experience leveling up.

    In the Full DPS version, I put the Choker of the Unbroken Tether at the Amulet and have one more offensive aspect, the Control aspect, for another 35% damage boost. It will have higher damage numbers, but the survivability can be an issue after level 65 if you don’t have good gears.

    Both versions use the Barber heart as it is the most important damage amplifier in the build. From my calculation, it at least doubles my farming speed.

    Good news is that a hotfix has been deployed that greatly increases the Wrathful Invoker drop chance. I got 7 Diablo 4 Items of this type after running a few Tier-64 Nightmare Dungeons.

    So, don’t wait on a perfect Amulet or Ring before committing your Barber heart. Use it on a decent one to double your farm speed first and you may find another Barber heart before you find a better Amulet or Ring.

    Many people are also curious about what seconds is best for the Barber heart. From my research, the sweet spot is 3+ seconds.

    I will then quickly scan through each piece of gear and put the Stat Priority on the left side. The higher the stat is on the list, the higher the priority it is.

    One important note is that I replaced the Control Aspect with the Storm Well Aspect in this build because Frost Nova makes all enemies Vulnerable Instantly. So, it has 100% uptime for normal monsters, Unstoppable monsters, and bosses while the Control Aspect only has uptime for Stunned or Frozen monsters and Staggered Bosses.

    Paragon Board

    For the Paragon Board, I created one board designed for level 70 with non-level 15 Glyphs; one for level 85 with some level 15 Glyphs; and one for level 100 with all level 21 Glyphs. Use them according to your current status.

    The glyph upgrading order will be Destruction, Exploit, Control, Elementalist, Tactician and Enchanter. Upgrade them one by one to level 15 first and then upgrade them to level 21, following the same order.

    Skill Rotation And The Burst Window

    This build is pretty flexible in terms of Combat Style, where you can fight enemies both Melee and Ranged. On top of that, I have 2 tips that may help you further enjoy the build.

    First, cast the two conjurations, Teleport then evade right after Teleport, use Frost Nova and spam Chain Lightning. At the point of using Frost Nova, all enemies are stunned that they take the damage to Stunned Enemies bonus and frozen that they take another 18% more Damage from Hoarfrost. And since we used evade, Esu’s Heirloom gets us another 30+% Crit Chance in this window. And all conjurations and Chain Lightning benefit from this burst moment that Elites are instantly wiped.

    Second, there will be many static Ball Lightnings on the ground. You can teleport to pull enemies into them, triggering massive damage Ending.

    I like this build because everything is direct: the instant Crowd Control from Raiment Teleport and Frost Nova, the direct damage from Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning and every enemy is wiped with ease.

    Given the big buff to the Storm Well Aspect in Diablo 4 Season1 Patch 1.1.1, I made a screen-wipe Chain Lightning core build with Frost Nova. This is a build for Sorcerer. And I will cover the skill tree, gears and the Paragon Board one by one in this guide.
  • Lightning Conjuration Sorcerer

    With hours of researching and testing, patch 1.1.1 has finally come. I made this Tier S Lightning Conjuration build that:

    • Oneshot Elites that are 30 Levels Higher
    • Take down Bosses that are 35 Levels Higher in 28s
    • 0 Cooldown Ultimate that the Ult is 10s uptime and just 10s on Cooldown

    This build is fast and has:

    • Infinite Mana: Speed Farm Dungeons in 3 minutes.
    • Auto Aim: you just cast skills. Both Chain Lightning and Conjurations do the heavy lifting and auto crush enemies in 360 degrees for you.
    • Tanky: You can face tank enemies 20 Levels higher easily.

    I will cover the Infinite Mana, Skills, Gears and Paragon Board one by one.

    Infinite Mana

    First, 1.1.1 made it super easy to achieve Infinite Mana for Chain Lightning build. The Recharging Aspect has been updated to gain Mana each time Chain Lightning bounces, instead of bounces off you.

    From my testing, even with the lowest 1.5 value on Recharging, as long as I have 35% Base Crit Chance and 10% Mana Cost Reduction, I am able to cast Chain Lightning freely.

    I will cover the specific skills and gear in the following sections. But you can start using this build right after entering World Tier 4, Like Level 65 or even earlier.

    One extra note: There is a need to move around to collect the Cracking Energy on the ground because each of them gives 12 Mana. So, make sure you spend time exercising your running skills to get Infinite Mana.


    For Skills, this build doesn’t use any basic skill.

    So, put 2 points in whatever skill you like. Then put 5 Ranks to Chain Lightning as it is one of the Main DPS skills in the build. And make sure to use Destructive Chain Lightning to get enough Crackling Energy for Infinite Mana. Don’t use Greater Chain Lightning. And we are running only one Defensive Skill, Teleport, in the build.

    This build has pretty good survivability that doesn’t need 3 defensive skills because the build has massive Crowd Control skills and high Armor.

    With the Raiment of the Infinite unique chest armor, Teleport becomes Frost Nova that Crowd Control everything around. If you don’t have this Diablo 4 Item, please check the related services on this site. There will be professional players to help you solve this problem.

    Next, put 5 Ranks to Hydra as it is another Main DPS of the build. Make sure to take the Invoked Hydra as it is a direct 35% damage boost if you have 35% Crit Chance and 300% Crit Damage, while the Summoned Hydra is just a 2% damage boost each second.

    Then, pick Precision Magic for 15% Lucky Hit Chance, Ice Blades for Vulnerable State and Cooldown Reductions, and Ice Blades in Enchantment to synergize with all Cooldown Skills. Like instant 4 Ice Blades at the beginning of a Boss Fight, what a beautiful start! This is also why the build has 0 Cooldown Ultimate.

    Then, pick Lightning Spear for Stable Stun and Conjuration Mastery for insane damage boost. On average, this build has 8 Conjurations at the same time. So, it is a 48% global damage boost.

    Then, pick Mana Shield for an extra 21% Damage Reduction, and Protection for 100% Barrier Uptime.

    Next, put 2 Ranks to Ball Lightning as it is the Main AOE DPS. We use it in the Enchantment only since this build focuses on Crit Chance. A single Teleport can sometimes trigger 3 static Ball Lightnings for insane AOE damage. It also generates Crackling Energy for Infinite Mana.

    And, pick Static Discharge for further Crackling Energy, and Invigorating Conduit to enable all Crackling Energy to generate 12 Mana, which is the main source for Infinite Mana.

    Finally, we add points to the Ultimate and Unstable Currents. And we pick Coursing Currents for more Crit Chance, Electrocution for 15% Damage Reduction, and Overflowing Energy to enable Crackling Energy to reduce Skill Cooldowns.

    Gears & Aspects

    First, I want to summarize all the Gears and Skills used in this build. If you want to become more powerful, then you need to prepare enough Diablo 4 Gold to upgrade them quickly.


    • Exploiter’s Aspect (Helm)
    • Raiment of the Infinite (Chest Armor)
    • Accelerating Aspect (Gloves)
    • Everliving Aspect (Pants)
    • Esu’s Heirloom (Boots)
    • Conceited Aspect (Weapon)
    • Aspect of Disobedience (Amulet)
    • Recharging Aspect (Ring 1)
    • Aspect of Control (Ring 2)
    • Serpentine Aspect (Offhand)

    Gems: Emerald, Ruby, The Barber, Tal’Rasha, Revenge

    Skills: Chain Lightning, Hydra, Teleport, Ice Blades, Lightning Spear, Unstable Currents

    Enchantments: Ice Blades, Ball Lightning

    Here, I will mainly cover the keys of all the Gear Stats Priority and Aspects.

    First, always get % Total Armor on Helm. If you find one that has Ranks of Hydra, it is even better. Use Raiment for the Chest Armor to enhance Teleport to be Group Crowd Control. And get high Crit Chance on Gloves. And get Lucky Hit to Slow because this build is very good at triggering Lucky Hit. It crowd controls enemies to trigger the 25% Damage Reduction from the Everliving Aspect more easily and staggers Boss really fast for further DPS.

    Next, get 4 Defensive Stats on Pants:

    • % Total Armor
    • Damage Reduction (from Close/Distant Enemies)
    • Dodge Chance (against Close/Distant Enemies)
    • Maximum Life

    Use Esu’s Heirloom for a constant 10+% Crit Chance Boost. And after using the Evade, it will be 30+% Crit Chance Boost. If you don’t have the Esu’s Heirloom, use the Fortune Aspect for Lucky Hit Chance and get Movement Speed and Mana Cost Reduction first for stats. If you are running the Frost Nova variant, get plus Frost Nova stat.

    For Main Weapon, make sure you have High Item Power, Intelligence and Vulnerable Damage. Make sure you have Mana Cost Reduction and Crit Chance on Offhand. And make sure you have High Crit Chance and the Revenge Heart for one Ring and High Crit Chance and the Tal Rasha Heart for the other Ring.

    And finally, make sure you have Movement Speed, % Total Armor and Disobedient at the Amulet with the Barber Heart.

    Gear Stats play an extremely important role in the endgame.

    Paragon Board

    For Paragon Board, start with the Destruction Glyph in the first Board.

    Then, get the Enchantment Board and get the Enchantment Master as soon as possible to enhance both Ice Blades and Ball Lightning Enchantments.

    Then, get the Rare Nodes on the path to further improve Non-Physical Damage and use the Elementalist Glyph since the build deals all 3 Elemental Damage.

    Then, move up to Frigid Fate Board for the Control Glyph and further Vulnerable Damage Nodes.

    Then, move right to the Static Surge Board and use the Exploit Glyph.

    Afterwards, it will be the Crackling Energy Board and the Burning Board While I will be using the same Glyphs, there will also be a few Glyph Position Changes. So, update your glyph position as you level up.

    Skill Rotation

    This build is pretty flexible in terms of Combat Style, where you can fight enemies both Melee and Ranged.

    On top of that, I have 2 tips that may help you further enjoy the build:

    First cast 2 Hydras before the fight. Teleport then evade right after Teleport. And spam Chain Lightning. In this way, all conjurations and Chain Lightning will benefit from the 30+% Crit Chance buff from Esu’s Hairloom.

    Second, usually there will be many static Ball Lightnings on the ground. You can teleport to pull enemies into them, triggering massive damage.

    I've spent long hours testing this minmax Lightning Conjuration Build and made it S tier through the Diablo 4 1.1.1 buffs. To help you better understand the build, I will cover the Infinite Mana, Skills, Gears and Paragon Board one by one.
  • Thor Nuke Sorcerer

    Hope you had fun trying out the Thor Lightning in Season 1 so far. If you don’t know what Thor Lightning is, it is a build that combines Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning.

    I am going to cover the keys that will help you dominate the mid till endgame through the Thor Lightning, or actually Thor Nuke now.

    Hearts To Use

    First, for the Thor build, the best heart to use is The Barber heart.

    Since the Lightning Sorcerer has a high crit chance, it basically converts all damage into AOE damage with a 40+% improvement. Therefore, the Chain Lightning becomes Chain Nuke.

    One trick to bring The Barber to the next level is to begin a fight with Lightning Spear and Spamming Chain Lightning and raiment Teleport to pull all enemies into one spot. And finally, all monsters get deleted instantly. You’ll also get a lot of Diablo 4 Gold for it.

    For the other two hearts, use Tal’Rasha for a 36% Global Damage boost and Revenge for 20% Tankier.

    I did a thorough and complicated calculation for the Tempting Fate heart. And my conclusion is that it is not worthy as even in the most ideal case with the Elementalist’s Aspect. The damage improvement is around 20%, which is far from to the flat 30+% boost from Tal’Rasha. So, just don’t use it for now unless Blizzard updates it.

    If you don’t have The Barber yet, use The Picana, which is a great AOE for further Damage, Cracking Energy and Mana. And if you don’t have any of the hearts. Don’t worry. You can read my other guide ‘How To Progress Fast In Diablo 4 Season 1? - 3 Must-Know Tips’ to get the best heart and XP farming locations and tips.

    Gears & Aspects

    Second, for gears, always focus on these defensive stats on Helm, Chest Armor, and Pants:

    • Maximum Life
    • % Total Armor
    • Close Enemy Damage Reduction
    • Damage Reduction

    Get plus Conjuration Mastery Passive and % Total Armor on Amulet.

    Aspect wise, replace Recharging Aspect with Accelerating Aspect to get Attack Speed as conjuration benefits from Attack Speed. Especially Ice Blades, look at how fast my ult is back.

    Below are all the gear and skills of this build:


    • Aspect of Might (Helm)
    • Raiment of the Infinite (Chest Armor)
    • Accelerating Aspect (Gloves)
    • Aspect of Disobedience (Pants)
    • Exploiter’s Aspect (Boots)
    • Conceited Aspect (Weapon)
    • Elementalist’s Aspect (Amulet)
    • Prodigy’s Aspect (Ring 1)
    • Aspect of Control (Ring 2)

    Gems: Emerald, Ruby, The Barber, Tal’Rasha, Revenge

    Skills: Spark, Chain Lighting, Teleport, Ice Blades, Lighting Spear, Unstable Currents

    Enchantments: Ice Blade, Ball Lightning

    If you don’t have certain aspects, don’t worry, you can read ‘Diablo 4 Thor Tal’Rasha Summoner Sorcerer Build: Season 1 Sorcerer Build Guide’ because all aspects are dungeon unlockable and you can start from there. Or, You can take a look at the Diablo 4 Boosting Service on this site. Whether you encounter difficulties in fighting bosses or finding certain items, there will be professional players to help you solve them one by one.

    Also Read: Diablo 4 Season 1 Patch 1.1.0a Update Notes! - All Fixes & Nerfs

    Paragon Board

    Third, for Paragon Board, use the Destruction Glyph for the 1st board Paragon Board as we have high Crit Chance and the 1st board has enough dexterity to unlock the 12% Global Bonus damage at Glyph Level 1.

    Then, unlock the Enchantment Master board and walk to the Legendary Node as soon as possible that is extremely important for the build. Because all Cooldown Skills can generate 20% more Ice Blades where we will have on average 7 Conjurations at the same time. And with the plus 3 Rank Conjuration Mastery on Amulet, it is a 42% Global Damage Boost and even more to Cooldown Reduction on top of the Accelerating Aspect we just saw. And we also have more static Ball Lightning that are huge AOE sweepers.

    Then, get the Rare Nodes for more Non-Physical Damage to greatly improve our “Damage to” bucket. And get the Elementalist Glyph since the 2nd board has enough Intelligence to unlock the 15% Global Damage Bonus.

    Then, go up to unlock the Frigid Fate Board to get more Vulnerable Damage with the Tactician Glyph. And go right to the Static Surge board for more Crowd Control synergies with the Exploit Glyph to further improve Vulnerable Damage.

    For upgrading glyphs, first upgrade the Destruction, then the Exploit, then the Tactician, and last the Elementalist.

    Frost Nova Variant

    If you are new to the Thor Lightning build, you may find using Frost Nova more comfortable as it instantly freezes all enemies around. It also works with the Thor Nuke build that I made a Frost Nova variant.

    Just move 3 points from the Ball Lightning to Frost Nova, replace Ice Blades with Frost Nova on the Skill Bar and you are good to go. It has better Group Crowd Control so monsters get deleted while Crowd Controlled.

    The minor downside is that a single elite or boss fight will take slightly more time. Also, get plus Frost Nova on the boots if you are going with this variant Ending.


    Sorcerer is actually super fun to play in Season 1. But now, it feels just too powerful after using The Barber heart.

    With the lowering Nightmare Dungeon difficulty in the recent patch, personally, I have a feeling that I can pass Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon even before Level 100. I hope Blizzard balances the Barber in the upcoming 1.1.1 or it might kill the game too quickly given that Season 1 will last for 3 months.

    This is my Diablo 4 Thor Nuke Sorcerer Build for Season 1. I will introduce this build from various aspects, such as what hearts to use, Gears & Aspects, Paragon Board, etc.
  • Thor Tal'Rasha Summoner Sorcerer

    When I progressed to Lv50 in Diablo 4, I optimized Tal’Rasha Summoner build with Thor Build. And made a viable Thor Tal’Rasha Summoner build based on it.

    I tried to test its limits and tried to upgrade to level 51. We have tested this build to complete level 70 Capstone Dungeons in 10 seconds and kill all level 58 bosses. So if you want to try out a new high crit build of Sorcerer, then this build is for you. Next, let’s take a look at the specific production method of this construction.

    The Build

    First off, it’s important to note that all these Aspects I use are obtained in dungeons that are unlockable. So even if you’re not investing more Diablo 4 Gold, you don’t need to worry about any Aspects you can’t get mid-game.

    In this version, I use Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning as the major damage. Because Diablo 4 patch 1.1 added some Hybrid Core and Mastery Skills buffs.

    Also, I will use Ice Blades to maintain High Vulnerable Up Time. Because in patch 1.1, Vulnerable chance increased from 20% to 40%. And Lightning Spear stabilizes Crowd Control, dealing further damage to enemies of Stunned and Crowd Control. With Conjuration Mastery, average global damage increased by 15%. Because we have about 5 Conjurations at the same time.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: More Stash Space Confirmed By Developers! - Season 1 Information

    Skill Tree Progression

    For this build of Skill Tree, we’ll start with Tal’Rasha Summoner. Since survivability is less of an issue for this path, I also optimized for its offensive aspect early on.

    There are also mid-term skill changes, such as Arc Lash changed to Spark, and the critical strike rate reaches 8%. So be aware that the process ends with the max level 50 Tal’Rasha Summoner. When your gear supports more than 20% of the base crit chance, switch to Thor Tal’Rasha Summoner build for further damage. Because the crit chance is enough to trigger a considerable amount of static Ball Lightning.

    At last, you also want to make sure you have Caged Heart of Revenge, and replace Hydra with Ball Lightning. Not only does it increase your tank’s damage by 20%, but it also does massive AOE fire damage. This makes up for Tal’Rasha Summoner’s lack of Fire Elemental.

    Gear Stats

    For gear, you need to always focus on gloves and the crit chance on the two rings. And do as much damage as possible against Melee, Crowd Controlled and Stunned enemies. You need to always focus on Helm, Maximum Life for Chest Armor and Pants, Total Armor percentage and Damage Reduction, and Movement Speed for Boots.

    For weapons, I recommend you use two handed weapons instead of one handed weapons for more double damage stats. Because the cooldown reduction stats for two-handed weapons were nerfed in patch 1.1. And two-handed weapons have a lower attack speed, so mana usage is more efficient.

    I got 700 pieces of equipment and a drop of Diablo 4 Items by beating Capstone Dungeons. This will be another massive increase in DPS. One thing to note is that you may not need to pursue short-term rapid upgrades. Because maybe a week from now there will be a buff to Sorcerer. So take your time and even come back to play Sorcerer a week later for the most fun.

    Finally, hope you have fun with this mighty Thor Tal’Rasha Summoner Sorcerer build. See you in the game!

    Here I'll introduce you to the new Thor Tal'Rasha Summoner Sorcerer Build I created in Diablo 4 Season 1, and discuss in detail the skills, gear, and stats needed to optimize this build.
  • Bouncing Fireball Sorcerer

    I’ve recently become very interested in Bouncing Fireball Sorcerer build in Diablo 4. Because usually, Sorcerer meta build with Ice Shards uses too limited skills. In the process, I discovered that Fire skill might make Sorcerer build more possible, so I made this build.

    Next, I’ll walk you through this build. I will mainly divide it into four parts to explain: Mechanism, Skill, Item & Aspect, and Paragon Board.

    Build Mechanism

    With Gloves of the Illuminator, Fireball rebounds quickly. We should note that Fireball will not disappear on walls or other places, and has penetrating power to objects. So you can hit more monsters multiple times than you can hit once with Fireball.

    Because of the enhancement of Fireball, as the distance increases, the attack range also increases, and it can hit more monsters. Enchanting Frost Bolt applies Chill to direct damage. And this time, if you use Aspect of the Umbral. Whenever an enemy hit by Fireball, you will spawn Chill and mana will be restored. So this can solve the problem of insufficient mana when dealing with many monsters.

    You can also use Gloves of the Illuminator and Crippling Flames respectively to stun and immobilize monsters. Therefore, every time you give CC to a monster, the mana will be restored. In addition, status abnormalities such as Stun, Immobility, and Freezing caused by the accumulation of Chill are also related to the increased damage of Aspect of Control.

    As mentioned before, if we hit the monster multiple times, you can get 10% of Burning damage as direct damage from the larger Fireball. The more Burning damage you do, the more damage you can do. So I recommend you invest a lot of Diablo 4 Gold on Burning damage with this build.


    First, we use Frost bolt and Fire Bolt for enchanting. As mentioned earlier, Frost bolt is used to provide Chill and Freezing, while Fire Bolt is used to deal Burning damage.

    In low level Nightmare dungeons, Burning damage got through enchantment is enough to use Fireball. But as you get into higher level Nightmare instances, Burn damage is so minimal that Hydra’s Burn damage becomes more and more important.

    So Hydra does Burning damage, and Fireball does bonus damage. If you can restore enough mana without Enchanting Frost Bolt, you can use Chill or other Crowd Control Effect instead of Frost bolt.

    You can also use Flickering Fire Bolt in battle to restore mana, or use Flickering Fire Bolt to deal more Burning damage to monsters gathered in one place in hell.

    In fact, on-hit damage is helpful in low-level Nightmare dungeons. But in high-level Nightmare copies, the damage is a much smaller percentage. Therefore, there are cases where Fireball points are deducted and invested elsewhere. But whenever Fireball hits an enemy, it deals 10% of Burning damage as direct damage.

    As a defensive skill, I will use 1 Teleport to achieve movement. Teleport lets you out of Crowd Control, so you can use it in various battles.

    Hydra is the key to Burning’s damage. Using a summoned Hydra can deal Burning damage. I use Mana Shield for damage reduction as well. In mastering the skill, using passive nodes, Inner Flames and Crippling Flames is essential. Especially with dense monsters, these skills are often of great help in restoring health.

    Finally, I use Combustion as a key passive node to increase Burning damage. Hoarfrost can also be used to increase damage against Chilled or Frozen enemies.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: More Stash Space Confirmed By Developers! - Season 1 Information

    Item & Aspects

    Next, I would like to introduce Diablo 4 Items required for this build. Of all armors, Intelligence is the most important. This is to increase our Burning damage in Paragon Board. Armor and Pants also gives us the option to reduce the damage of close range, long range and Burning enemies.

    As Defensive Aspects, I use Everliving Aspect and Aspect of Disobedience. Also, I use Aspect of Shared Misery, which works great for propagating CC.

    I’m using Aspect of Control here to add a lot of damage. Such as DoT, Critical damage, Fire damage, and Maximum Life and other options. For weapons, I use options like DoT, Critical damage and Intelligence.

    In focus, I use Smiting Aspect to extend the enemy’s Crowd Control time. With options like reducing damage done by Burning enemies, reducing mana cost, or restoring primary resources with Lucky Hits.

    Paragon Board

    I use 6 Glyphs and 2 Legendary Nodes on Paragon Board. We can also change some things depending on the situation.

    On the first starting board, I use Conjurer to increase Hydra’s damage. You can also use Enchanter instead of Conjurer.

    The second board is Burning Instinct. I took down this Legendary Node. Also, because of this node, Critical damage and Intelligence become very meaningful.

    The third board is Searing Heat Node. As for Glyphs, I’m using Pyromaniac, which only requires 25 Willpower for extra bonuses.

    The fourth board is Elemental Summoner. I use Torch Glyph to increase Fire damage. I spent 54 Willpower, maxing out Glyph’s efficiency. Hydra’s damage increased through Conjurer's rare node.

    The last Board is Enchantment Master. This Legendary Node increases Burning damage of Fire Bolt used to enchant it. Imbiber Glyph is used here. But this Glyph can be replaced with Frostbite as it can do more damage.


    That concludes my detailed guide to build Bouncing Fireball Sorcerer. Best to refer to this guide if you want to try it out for the rest of the preseason.

    Sorcerer has many problems, such as balance problems between skills, and meaningless elemental resistance. As a user who mainly plays mage, I hope Blizzard will do their best to solve these problems. This guide ends here, looking forward to Diablo 4 Season 1.

    Here I will detail my Bouncing Fireball Sorcerer Build in Diablo 4 for you. I will mainly divide it into four parts to explain, namely Mechanism, Skill, Item & Aspect, and Paragon Board.
  • Chain Lightning Nuke Sorcerer

    Recently my Chain Lightning Nuke Sorcerer Build has reached level 83 and can do a million burst damage with Chain Lightning. I don’t think there will be any enormous improvement near level 100.

    But I can still do 6 million burst damage per chain at level 98. Each Chain Lightning can deal 30 million damage. It can shoot Elites in Tier 65+ Nightmare Dungeon and kill them instantly when the boss staggers.

    So I want to share what I’ve learned during the endgame progression. Hope it helps optimize the damage of your favorite builds. I’ll also suggest some tips at the end of the guide to address the problem of Sorcerer Nuke’s high cooldown. I’ll start with damage basics, with a quick recap.

    Level 83 State

    The million damage I did a combination of Stun, Freeze, Vulnerable and Immobilize. With all Aspects and Skills, I could achieve about 180,000% damage, including:

    • 600% “Damage to” Bucket
    • 330% “Crit Damage” Buckets
    • 250% “Vulnerable Damage” Buckets
    • 170% Intelligence Buckets

    Gear Changes

    Elementalist’s Loop is one of my additional Diablo 4 Items. It has nearly full value for every damage stat, and they’re all good damage stats. But it has a big problem, which is the lack of Vulnerable Damage.

    Assuming we replaced the maximum 24.8% damage to Crowd Control enemies, Vulnerable Damage would be as low as 26.2%. So I put in about 10 million Diablo 4 Gold to re-roll and get it to 63% Vulnerable Damage.

    Damage Boost Principal

    A simple rule to remember is that it will always increase the damage in the lowest Damage Buckets first. For Sorcerer, the lowest Damage Buckets are Intelligence, Vulnerable Damage and Crit Damage.

    So always prioritize Vulnerable Damage on weapons and rings, Crit Chance and Crit Damage on boost rings. Because these categories are “Damage to” Bucket and are additive.

    Paragon Board gives a lot of “Damage to” Bucket data, including Glyphs. One note for Rare and Magic Nodes Glyphs is to follow the same rules. And put Glyphs of Vulnerable Damage and Crit Damage on the most dexterous Board, Burning Board and Crackling Energy Board. Because the number of these two Damage Buckets is the lowest.

    Level 98 State

    Now I’m level 98 with 6 Glyphs, most of them up to level 21. Coupled with some extra Rare and Magic Nodes, we can get further amazing and non-physical damage. I have 764.7% on “Damage to” Bucket.

    My “Vulnerable Damage” Bucket has 386.6% when I update my weapons, rings and level up my Tactician Glyph. My “Crit Damage” Bucket has 362.5%.

    Also, I got about 180 Intelligence from the progress of Paragon Board Aspects. I replaced Accelerating to Retribution for more efficient mana usage and higher burst damage.

    I can further leverage the basic skills to get better support. Finally, gain elemental advantage in skills, another 9% increase. So now I have in total:

    • An extra 10% Multiplicative from Flamefeeder Glyph
    • An extra 38% Multiplicative from Retribution Aspect
    • An extra 30% Multiplicative from Expectant Aspect
    • An extra 9% Multiplicative from Elemental Dominance

    All of this adds up to 860,000% damage, roughly 5x the damage at level 83. This increases my damage per Chain Lightning from 1.2 million to 6 million. This instantly kills Elites and Bosses in Tier 65+ Nightmare Dungeons.

    Also Read: Diablo 4: New Lead In Search For Secret Cow Level! - An Interesting Encounter

    Addressing High Cooldown Tips

    Before wrapping up the guide, I also want to share a tip for solving the high cooldown issue of this Nuke fighting style. Arc Lash is the savior here, as it reduces the cooldown of stunning enemies with each hit.

    For example, hitting 5 enemies will reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 0.75 seconds. This works really well with Raiment Teleport, as it can pull a group of enemies to a single point. And an Arc Lash Slash can easily hit more than 5 enemies. So it can be reduce the cooldown of Teleport Frost Nova and Flame Shield Nuke, and can be used every few seconds.


    But I would only recommend Arc Lash over Spark if your base crit rate is over 35%. Because if it doesn’t crit, it only does about 1/10th the damage. Hopefully, this knowledge helps you improve the damage of your favorite builds in the endgame.

    Here I want to share what I learned from my Chain Lightning Nuke Sorcerer Build in Diablo 4 endgame progression, and tell you how to fix the pain point of the Sorcerer Nuke high cooldown.
  • Fireworks Lightning Sorcerer

    I’m really excited to share this new Fireworks Lightning Build that I recently developed. The build is too satisfying, both visually and audibly.

    Build Feasibility

    Charged Bolts’ base damage has increased by 7% after Diablo 4 patch 1.0.3 update. It has also increased the damage of Piercing Charged Bolts from Staff of Lam Esen by 7%. This has increased damage by 14.8%.

    In addition, Charged Bolts deal 25% more damage to stunned enemies wearing Raiment, Teleport Enchantment and Boots. This build has a powerful stun source of up to 5 Teleport Charges. Like Static Surge, Raiment Teleport fully restores mana with a single cast.

    We also have 5 Teleport Charges plus Prodigy’s Aspect. This grants additional Mana Regeneration with 4 cooldown skills, making it infinite Fireworks.

    For further damage, Raiment Teleport can pull enemies to an arbitrary location. Deal massive burst AOE damage to every enemy by using Piercing Charged Bolts and Lightning Nova. An additional note is that you need to use Aspect of Control on your Amulet. Because default often fixes as Staff of Lam Esen the weapon.

    Also Read: Thoughts On Diablo 4 Gameplay! - Dungeons, Campaign, Endgame And More

    Boss Fighting

    Unfortunately, Staff of Lam Esen is bad for boss fights, as it reduces the damage to Charged Bolts. But we can prepare another weapon to switch in front of the boss, I recommend using Conceited Aspect. For boss fights, you can also use all Crowd Control skills and Evade Teleport to knock back the boss and smash it.

    I highly recommend that you start the boss’ battle after reaching a certain level. But if you’re desperate to get started but suffering from low damage. You can choose Diablo 4 Boosting Service to help you upgrade quickly, to increase the damage output for a short time.

    Gears And Skills

    For most gear and synergies, it will be the same as Thor Build. One difference is that Fireworks Lightning Build gloves will use Charged Bolts Stats and Aspect of Retribution, since we have a lot of stun sources. Another difference is that Fireworks Lightning’s Teleport is level 5, and it will reduce the cooldown of Evade Teleport from 17 seconds to 13.9 seconds.

    Paragon Board

    For Paragon Board, it will be Destruction Glyph of the initial Board. Then there’s Burning Board with Tactician Glyph. Next is Static Surge Board with Control Glyph. And there is Frigid Fate Board with Territorial Glyph. Finally, there is an Enchantment Master Paragon Board with Exploit Glyph.

    Survival often becomes challenging for players above level 80. So I recommend you can get these tools through Diablo 4 Gold, using these can improve your Survivability.

    Survivability Tips

    First, since we have almost unlimited Teleport abilities, you get a steady 30% Damage Reduction from Shimmering Teleport every 3 seconds of using it.

    Second, you can update your key passive skill to Vyr’s Mastery, which gives you another 25% Damage Reduction. Third, we can also use Tactician Glyph to double Damage Reduction of burning enemies.


    Ultimately, this Fireworks Lightning Sorcerer build helped me beat a level 66 Nightmare Dungeon at level 85. So, if you want to try out a new Sorcerer build, or have a headache because of the difficult Nightmare Dungeon. I recommend you try this new build. Believe that its effect will not let you down.

    Here I will share with you my newly developed Fireworks Lightning Sorcerer Build in Diablo 4. I will introduce how to build it in detail from the damage, equipment, skills and Paragon Board of this build.
  • Thor Lightning Sorcerer

    Recently, I’ve devoted a lot of time to improving Endgame Lightning Sorcerer. Therefore, I want to share this fully optimized Lightning Endgame build. It has extremely high burst damage, and One Shot Elites visuals are all over the screen. Single target damage similar to Ice Shards, knocking down bosses in 10 seconds.

    This is Thunder God mode. So I named it Thor in this guide. I’ll cover how to enjoy this synergy breakdown of build gear with Aspects, Stats Priority, Skills and Paragon Board.

    Synergy Breakdown

    Let’s start with Synergy Breakdown. It’s a bit complicated, but it’s the fastest way to increase damage as I’ve concluded. Of course, you can also choose Diablo 4 Boosting Service to increase the level. Long story short, let’s start with the simplest case.

    All my gear defaults to +50% crit damage. I got 129.5% crit damage and 87.19% crit damage. This results in 216.5% critical damage. Plus 93.1% crit damage from Destruction Glyph and 24% crit damage from Gems. This makes it 333.6% critical damage.

    Also, Fire Bolt in Enchantment will create Devouring Blaze’s burning effect, which is fixed from Flame Shield. This, combined with a 150% multiplier for critical strike damage, makes it 834% critical strike damage against elementalists.

    Also Read: Blizzard's Response - Does Each Season Need A New Character In Diablo 4?

    We can think of the first Chain Lightning as an almost 100% critical strike. This makes it do 834% damage in Amulet’s Aspect of Control instead of critical hit damage. 53% increased damage per status.

    We’re applying all three stats in one second, which makes it nearly 3000% damage. And Tactician Glyph casts three defensive skills will increase its damage by 1.33 times. This makes the Control Glyph deal almost 4000% more damage.

    There are three other multiplicative 20 damage boosts, making it closer to 7000% damage. Hoarfrost gives it another 18 damage boost. This makes it deal 8000% damage. That’s how the 1 million damage figure came about.

    The second biggest synergy is attack speed. I put Ball Lightning in the enchantment so that every critical hit has up to 25% trigger Static Ball Lightning. Static Ball Lightning is great for consistently dealing high AOE damage since enemies are Crowd Controlled.

    How To Enjoy This Build?

    All you need to do is Teleport to the center of the enemy, then press Frost Nova and Flame Shield and spam with Chain Lightning. You’ll see the most One Shot Elites ever. Because it designed this combination for Elites.

    For normal enemies, you don’t even need to use your ult. Just choose one of the three. Ultimate is great to use when all three abilities are on cooldown.

    For mana, you don’t need to worry at all. Because both Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning can generate Crackling Energy. And Crackling Energy will generate 12 points of Mana. We’ll also be using Prodigy’s Aspect, and all four of our cooldown abilities will generate a maximum of 25 Mana.

    Gears, Aspects & Stats Priority

    Next, I will introduce Gears you need one by one. For Helm we need to get Aspect of Might for 20% damage reduction. Its Stats Priority is Max Life Total Armor Cooldown Reduction and Active Barrier’s Lucky Hit Chance increase. This build has almost full-time barrier uptime, as each cooldown skill will generate 30% of your max health by protecting the chest as a barrier.

    We’ll also use Raiment of the Infinite. Teleport by adding pulling and stun, and get Accelerating Aspect with starting gloves. Its Stats Priority is +4% Chain Lightning critical strike chance.

    An extra note is that you can grant barriers through potions when you take damage. So before you start your adventure, it is very necessary to get enough potions with Diablo 4 Gold.

    Also, you need to utilize Flame Shield to get Aspect of Binding Embers to Immobilize enemies. Added 4 Frost Nova to reduce its cooldown as it is our only source of weakness.

    We can focus on improving our DPS and mana cost reduction or weapon stats, getting Two-Handed Weapons and using the aforementioned Conceited Aspect. Also deals Vulnerable damage to enemies in close range or Crowd Control.


    I covered some skills earlier, here are some additional points for the basic skills.

    Instead of using Arc Lash, we use Spark. Because Spark increases critical strike chance by 8%. It synergizes better with the crit damage from the first part and generates more Crackling Energy.

    With infinite Crackling Energy on screen, it can increase DPS Synergy to Hoarfrost by 3 points. The other 18% burst damage doesn’t add any points in Flame Shield.

    Paragon Board

    For Paragon Board, use Control Glyph from the first Glyph slot. Then go to Burning Board and use Destruction Glyph to increase the crit damage. Then go left to Frigid Fate Paragon Board and use Tactician Glyph to double the rare node gain. Thus spawning 40 Vulnerable nodes and gaining all other Vulnerable nodes.

    Then head to Enchantment Board, just the area that unlocks the new Glyph slot and further boosts Vulnerable damage when you reach level 90.

    I really like this build, it gives me a lot of fun. If you’re also interested in Thor Lightning Sorcerer build, give it a try.

    Here I want to share a fully optimized Thor Lightning Sorcerer build in Diablo 4. I'll cover how to enjoy this synergy breakdown of build gear with Aspects, Stats Priority, Skills and Paragon Board.
  • Chain Lightning Sorcerer

    Today I want to share with you a new build, Sorcerer Chain Lightning. I’ve reached level 74 now, and in between, I’ve tried a lot of Lightning build variants.

    But I still find Sorcerer Chain Lightning to be one of the most comfortable builds to play. It has significant damage, diverse melee and good survivability in ranged combat. And all the important Legendary Aspects are farmable.

    In addition, you can also choose Diablo 4 Boosting Service to help you quickly upgrade your level and bring you a better gaming experience.


    Let’s start this build with the skills first. One important thing is that you understand Crackling Energy synergy with some passives first.

    Crackling Energy reduces skill cooldowns and restores mana. Some skills generate Crackling Energy on their own, while all Lightning skills can generate Crackling Energy. So it would be a cycle where skills or skill crits would generate Crackling Energy, which would cause mana regen and cooldown reduction. At the same time, skills can be used again.

    One thing to note is that Crackling Energy DPS is negligible. So we need to avoid the increased Crackling Energy damage stat on gear.

    Our main DPS ability is Chain Lightning, which generates Crackling Energy on its own. Then there’s Lightning Spear, which inflicts a steady stun on enemies. At the same time, it also improves survivability and damage output.

    Next we use Ice Blades in Enchantment. It has great synergy with all cooldown skills and Fire Bolt. As a second Enchantment, that applies burning to all enemies. It synergizes with Devouring Blaze to deal another 30% multiplier crit damage.

    For our Renown skill points. We give the first 3 points to Glass Cannon, which is another multiplier damage boost. Another 3 points will go to Ice Blades Enchantment and Unstable Currents’ Conjuration Mastery. We can easily cast 7 magic skills that increase the damage of Hoarfrost by 21% and Ice Blades by 9%.

    There are also 3 points added to Frost Nova, which will give an 18% damage boost. We give the last 3 points to Course Currents. It increases critical strike chance by 30% and deals with 200 critical strike damage.

    Paragon Board

    Next is Paragon Board. It works by using Destruction on the first Glyph for further crit damage, then using Exploit on the second Board to burn.

    Act as a vulnerable second glyph while dealing bonus damage to burning enemies. You can then walk left to open Frigid Fate Paragon Board, but you’ll only get vulnerable damaged Nodes.

    Gears & Aspects

    For Gears, there are two most important things about endgame survivability. First, add sockets for Amulet and Rings, and 200 Armor with Skull, each for roughly 10 damage reduction.

    The second is to use Topaz as Armor. It reduces a lot of damage while controlling damage. It saves me a lot of resources and Diablo 4 Gold. Defensive gear prioritizes total armor when I can’t move, but survive. While the max health damage reduction comes from the damage reduction from both close range and distant enemies.

    All Aspects of Offensive Gear are farmable. You can prioritize vulnerable damage crit chance and several damage class Aspects, like Wind Striker Aspect

    I recommend these options and use the controls in Amulet as it will stack. For example, if an enemy is frozen and stunned. It gets an 82% damage increase. Because the boots prioritize reducing movement speed and damage when injured.

    Combat Style Tips

    Finally, some helpful fighting style tips. First, we’re going to start the fight with Lightning Spear, which stuns enemies and burns them. Let Chain Lightning behind get Devouring Blaze effect.

    Second is grabbing Crackling Energy at a reasonable rate and using Chain Lightning in between. Not only does this maximize the effect of Elementalist’s Aspect, but it also increases the critical strike chance of each Chain Lightning by 40%.


    Finally, the above is the leveling guide for my Chain Lightning Sorcerer build. Hope it helps you to create your own Sorcerer build faster.

    Today I want to share with you a new Diablo 4 build, the Sorcerer Chain Lightning. I will give a specific introduction from its skills, Paragon Board, Gears, Aspects, and combat style tips.
  • Ice Shard Barrier Sorcerer

    This is an Ice Shard Barrier build, which is one of the best builds on Sorcerer. The reason why this build is so good is that it shreds through every content in the game and you don’t need any specific legendaries to make this build work. What you need is only a few aspects.

    Since this build is focused on Barriers, this build uses four cooldown skills. Also, because Ice Shards are the key to this build, all of our chosen skills can focus our damage into Ice Shards.

    Frost Bolt With Glintering Mod

    The first skill we take is Frost Bolt.

    We’re speaking all the way into Glinting Frost Bolt for extra Mana Regeneration. At lower levels, Mana Regeneration is going to be very important to upkeep our damage. But the second reason why we take it is that against bosses, this skill has really good stagger against mobs. This is a Mana Regeneration skill and only does slightly less damage than our Clash.

    Later in the game, when you have a really good cooldown and Mana Regeneration, you can drop this skill for another skill or an ultimate. But for now, we’re going to keep Frost Bolt.

    Ice Shards With Greater Mod

    Second, we take another skill called Ice shards.

    Much of the credit for this build being so powerful goes to the Ice Shard. It’s our machine gun. Ice Shards release 5 waves and five Ice Shards, which does bonus damage against Frozen enemies. With this build, everything will be frozen. So, you will always be doing 25% more damage.

    We’re taking Enhanced Ice Shards, which we can get by using Diablo 4 Gold, so we can ricochet to other targets. Also, we’re taking Greater Ice Shards whilst you have a Barrier active, casts of Ice Shards treat enemies as if they were frozen.

    With this one perk, this changes our entire build and makes our build insane. You’re going to have a Barrier up most of the time, meaning that Ice Shards will always be dealing 25% more damage.

    Teleport With Shimmering Mod

    Next, we take three defensive skills Teleport with the enhanced cooldown reduction and the shimmering part for the extra damage reduction.

    This is basically a no-brainer in every Sorcerer build.

    Ice Armor With Enhanced Mod

    We will also take Ice Armor.

    This is a barrier that naturally synergizes with our build. So, we’re going to be taking the Enhanced Ice Armor for extra Mana Regeneration for 6 seconds.

    Frost Nova With Mystical Mod

    Finally, we have Frost Nova.

    With the mystical perk, this makes it one of the only sources of vulnerable on Sorcerer. So, we have to take this to maximize our damage.

    Frost Nova is one of the most important skills in this build if you can spam more skill ranks into this skill or get armor that increases the strength or has cooldown reduction. Reducing cooldowns is one of the most important things to make this build work effectively in the higher tiers of the game.

    Frost Nova freezes everything around you and makes everything vulnerable, making you pump out way more damage. You can opt to take Flame Shield as your fourth defensive skill. But I find the cooldown is a bit too long. And since we’re always going to have a Barrier, you won’t need Flame Shield.

    Ice Blades With Summoned Mod

    Ice blades is one of the only other ways of applying vulnerable targets and have a relatively short combo down compared to Flame Shield. So, we take Ice Blades.

    Fireball Enchantment For Early Levelling Only

    Now, you can have some enchantments.

    At level 15, you should spec into Fireball. since this is one of the best enchantments by far early in the game. So, taking Fireball, you’ll get insane area effect damage.

    Firebolt Enchantment

    Later in the game, you’ll be dropping Fireball and you’ll be picking up Fire Bolt Enchantment instead. With Fire Bolt Enchantment, your direct damage will apply up to an additional 23% burning damage.

    Ice Shards Enchantment

    Second, you should pick Ice Shards Enchantment. Because the Ice Shards in this enchantment will not only automatically conjure the frozen enemies but also fly directly to the frozen enemies.

    And you’ll always have Ice Shards flying around everywhere in frozen targets since you’ll have a barrier all the time.

    Protection Passive + Synergy

    Now, let’s talk about one of the most important passives for the Sorcerer.

    That is Protection: using a cooldown grants 30% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 2 seconds. While you have a Barrier active, casts of Ice Shards treat enemies as if they were frozen.

    Ice Shards deal 25% extra damage to Frozen enemies and Ice shards will always ricochet off Frozen targets. Ice Shards will also automatically conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies. This means that when you use one of your four cooldown skills and use Ice Shards, Ice Shards will fly everywhere across the screen and blast everything.

    Also Read: 5 Tips You Need to Master When Diablo 4 Release Hits

    Icy Veil Passive

    Another passive though pairs naturally with Protection is Icy Veil.

    Icy Veil makes it so that your Barriers have an increased 15% duration. This also means that your skill ice armor, which normally lasts 6 seconds, will now last 7 seconds.

    Elemental Attunement Passive

    The Elemental Attunement passive will make it so that lucky hit critical strikes have up to 15% chance to reset one of your defensive cooldowns. And this can only happen every 10 seconds.

    This means that you’ll also be able to have a defensive skill up more often so that you can apply more Barriers and deal more damage with Ice Shards.

    Firebolt Enchantment Passive Synergy

    Now, with the enchantment effect that applies burning, there are two passives that synergize with this.

    The first we have is Devouring Blaze. You deal 30% increased Critical Strike Damage against burning enemies. And the other is Fiery Surge. Killing a burning enemy increases your Mana regeneration by 30 for three seconds.

    This will make it so that we’re dealing more damage and also having increased Mana Regeneration that we are starving in the early to mid stages of the game.

    Avalanche Capstone Passive

    Finally, with our Capstone Passive, we’re taking Avalanche.

    Lucky Hit: Your Frost Skills have up to 10% chance to make your next cast of Ice Shards, consume no Mana and deal 40% increased damage chances doubled against vulnerable enemies.

    This will allow us to save more Mana. So, we can spam Ice Shards and deal more damage as well.

    Legendary Aspects

    Now, let’s talk about some legendary aspects that will really help out this build.

    We have Aspect of Piercing Cold, which will make your Ice Shards pierce. This means that your Ice Shards have a higher chance of ricocheting as they’ll hit multiple targets. And this just makes your Ice Shards so much stronger as a skill. You will feel the difference with this legendary aspect.

    The other is Aspect of Control, which means that we’ll deal more damage to frozen enemies. We’ll be freezing things all the time with Frost Nova. This damage will always be in effect.

    In addition to the above two aspects that I think are more important, I also chose Aspect of the Protector, Aspect of Might, Aspect of the Expectant, Aspect of Disobedience, Wind Striker Aspect, Conceited Aspect, Storm Swell Aspect and Edgemaster’s Aspect. Please see the picture below for details.

    Note that most of the legendaries I’ve put in the build are legendaries that you can reliably get from aspect dungeons, not legendaries that you need to find out in the open world. But there are more legendaries, such as Conceited Aspect that combos with Barriers. So, if you get those, that will really make this build take off.

    Skill Rotation

    The last thing to go through is just the basic skill rotation. It’s very simple. You cycle and you’ll go down skills. I usually teleport into a mob or a boss and use Frost Nova. This will apply freeze and vulnerable for which I can benefit from all of the damage passives. Then, I use Ice Shards and just blast everything down.

    Since Diablo 4 was released not long ago, most players are still working hard to level up their characters. If you think this process is too time-consuming and laborious, you can take a look at our Boosting service. This way, you can focus more on strengthening your characters.

    This is one of the best builds for Sorcerer in Diablo 4, which is called Ice Shard Barrier Sorcerer Build. And I will tell you everything you should know to help you make this build.
  • Hydra Sorceress

    I‘m going to be showing you the Hydra control Sorceress build and this is a build that primarily focuses on using the Hydra skill as its main source of damage, but also maintains control of the battlefield via the Blizzard and Frozen Orb skills.


    First up, let’s take a look at the Hydra skill.

    This is a conjuration skill that is our primary means of DPS and it’s going to attack enemies wherever you summon on the battlefield for a certain amount of time, independent of your actions. So, you’re free to go about other things while it attacks them.

    Enhanced Hydra / Invoked Hydra

    If you take the Enhanced Hydra upgrade, it’s going to deal further damage, and the Invoked Hydra upgrade will increase its attack speed when you critically strike, allowing it to deal more damage.

    Serpentine Aspect

    Something that can make this build even more powerful is the Serpentine Aspect.

    If you get this aspect on a legendary piece of gear, it’s going to allow you to summon two Hydras at once, which will double your damage with Hydras or if you get it on a two-handed weapon like a staff for instance, it will actually allow you to summon two extra Hydras.

    You’ll be able to summon three, and that’s what you’re aiming for. So, look to get this aspect on your staff and use the Occultist to slot it there if you can.


    Next, let’s take a look at the Blizzard skill.

    This is a Mastery skill, and this Blizzard has a huge area of effect on the battlefield and it deals damage to enemies and continues to pour ice down onto the battlefield that continues to chill enemies over time.

    Enhanced Blizzard / Wizard Blizzard

    We’re going to take the Enhanced Blizzard upgrade here as well as a Wizard Blizzard upgrade, which decreases the cost of Frozen Orb while Blizzard is active because we’re going to be using Frozen Orbs and horrible Wizard is active.

    But also remember that you can summon multiple Blizzards at the same time, and they stack. If you throw out your Hydras and then cast a bunch of Blizzards, you’re going to be able to freeze enemies a lot more quickly than if you just throw one Blizzard. So, make sure you throw out several Blizzards before you switch to Frozen Orbs.

    Additionally, your position is really important for this because enemies will walk towards your Blizzard if you’re standing on the other side of it.

    So, make sure you try and keep the Blizzard between yourself or multiple Blizzards between yourself and the enemies so that they have to walk through your Blizzard in order to get to you.

    Frozen Orb

    Next, we come to Frozen Orb, which is our core skill.

    This skill is perfect for dealing with groups of enemies and able to spam it while your Blizzard is coming down and your Hydras are already out. Because it’s going to allow you to do an attack that will also deal damage and freeze enemies on top of the Blizzard that’s chilling them away as well.

    Enhanced Frozen Orb / Greater Frozen Orb

    If you take the Enhanced Frozen Orb upgrade, it increases the explosion damage, which is great for this build and the Greater Frozen Orb upgrade adds Vulnerable to enemies hit by this.

    Vulnerable increases the damage that enemies take by a base of 20%. You can increase this through bonuses on your gear, so you should be looking for those. But this is great and in order to deal with them even more quickly.

    There is also a note about Frozen Orb: because we are maxing out Frozen Orb for this build, we’re taking it all the way up to five points and it’s going to be the primary means that we deal damage with our character while the Hydras are the primary immune the build uses damage. But they do it kind of passively after you put them out.

    This is the way we’re going to be doing. You’re going to put this skill in your enchantment slot because when you have it in your enchantment slot, it has a chance to cast whenever you use a non-basic skill. So, you can actually cast this for free sometimes when you’re using your other abilities.


    Moving on to other abilities we use in this build, the next one is Teleport. This is a defensive skill that allows you to teleport forward in a direction and get away from enemies most of the time.

    Most Sorceress builds are going to have this ability in them because it allows you mobility and positioning, so you can get away from enemies, get your Blizzards back up, get your Hydras back out and start casting Frozen Orb again at a safe distance when enemies were on top of you before.

    Shimmering Teleport

    You can upgrade this a couple of times and take the Shimmering Teleport upgrade to give you damage reduction for five seconds after you come out of that teleport.

    But you generally don’t need it with this build because you have a lot of survivability, anyway. But if you want more protection, you can absolutely do that.

    Frost Bolt

    When it comes to our basic skill, we have Frost Bolt here. This deals all cold damage and slows enemies.

    If you don’t upgrade this skill at all or put anything into the passive abilities of this skill, it’s basically there for a backup with your out of Mana completely and you don’t have anything else you can do, so you can still get to tax off. But you definitely won’t use it that much because the way this build is set up it should absolutely wipe everything out.

    Frost Bolt is a lot better in boss areas where you just don’t have the Mana to sustain all these spells constantly and you’ll need it to attack losses.


    Lastly, we come to Inferno, which is our ultimate skill, which means it has a very long cooldown.

    Prime Inferno

    When you upgrade this to Prime Inferno with a Prime Inferno upgrade, it will actually pull enemies towards the center of it, which is great for this build.

    Cast Inferno, group enemies up, then throw your Frozen Orbs in their cast Blizzard down on top of them. They’re going to freeze really easily in a nice little ball for you. In that Frozen Orb, all those flows in orbs explode. They’re going to deal damage all over those enemies that you’ve grouped up really nicely.

    Glass Cannon

    So, that wraps up our active skills. But I want to talk about one passive skill that’s really good for this build and just generally Sorceress builds in particular, which is Glass Cannon.

    This passive skill increases the damage that you deal by six percent per point, but increases the damage you take by three percent. This is really good because Sorceress has good mobility with Teleport and they have a lot of Barriers they can do and things like that.

    Generally speaking, the best defense is a good offense here. If you wipe enemies out quickly enough, they can’t touch you. So, getting that extra damage is actually very good for this build and I highly recommend taking glass cap.

    Protector Aspect

    Talking about legendary aspects for this build that are good for this, the first one is Aspect of the Protector.

    This gives you a Barrier whenever you attack an Elite enemy for 10 seconds every 30 seconds. This is great on just about any build in the beta particularly good here.

    Conceited Aspect

    If you get the Conceited Aspect as well, this allows you to deal increased damage when you have a Barrier active. Sorceress has Ice Armor also that can give them a Barrier so if you slotted that somewhere, you can get a Barrier on command besides the Aspect of the Protector. But this is good whether you have Ice Armor or you have Aspect of the Protector or bow.

    Aspect Of Deflecting Barrier

    Finally, you have Aspect of Deflecting Barrier and this is while you have a Barrier active, there’s a 20 chance to ignore incoming direct damage from distant enemies.

    So, this allows you to shrug off some damage when you have a Barrier up, which is going to be a lot of the time if you have something like Ice Armor and Aspect of the Protector. But it’ll still happen pretty frequently with Aspects of the Protector.

    Aspect Of The Umbral

    Other legendary aspects that are really good for this build are Aspect of the Umbral, which restores Mana whenever you crowd control an enemy. This is really good because you’re constantly crowded controlling enemies in a big group with Blizzard and Frozen Orb. So, you’ll get that Mana back, allowing you to keep your thing going.

    Aspect Of Control

    Another aspect that’s really good for this build is Aspect Of Control that allows you to deal more damage to a Immobilized, Stunned or Frozen enemies because you’re constantly freezing enemies with this build. This is just more damage for you to have.

    As you can see, some skills in this build require Diablo 4 Gold to upgrade. Therefore, you must prepare enough gold when making this build.

    This article introduces my DPS Sorceress build in Diablo 4 (that specializes in lightning damage obliterating enemies in my way) on the topics of different needed skills, such as Hydra, Blizzard, Frozen Orb and so on.
  • Metamorphosis Barbarian

    Hi, gamers! Allow me to present a guide on the Metamorphosis Barbarian build in Diablo 4 Season 3, which currently dominates the Gauntlet. If your goal is to achieve a score exceeding a million, this build is essentially a must-play. The support of a large amount of Diablo 4 Gold is essential for this strong build.

    About Metamorphosis

    The new Metamorphosis aspect enhances your mobility significantly and substantially reduces the cooldown of your dash ability. Observe how quickly it resets when you continuously spam your Wrath of the Berserker skill.

    Metamorphosis proves incredibly useful, especially during transitions between long intervals or when faced with a lack of monsters. Unlike Charge, which requires hitting a monster to reset, Metamorphosis eliminates this necessity.

    Gear & Aspects

    First and foremost, obtaining Metamorphosis is of utmost importance. Serving as the key to the build, it's indispensable to equip it on your amulet. Despite only reducing evade by 3.3 seconds, it significantly bolsters evade cooling, making it pivotal for enhancing mobility. Prioritizing Shrine Buff Duration and Movement Speed is crucial for optimal performance in the Gauntlet.

    We will rock the Bold Chieftain’s Loop. This one is just to reset our charge with our shouts, and whenever you shout, you also proc Artillery Shrine, which is basically the key of this build. Then we also have the Ring of the Ravenous like charging applies bleed and also just makes you switch your weapons, which we use in combination with Earthstriker’s Dead Mace.

    Next, we have the Grandfather, a very standard weapon. I’m still playing Overpower on my weapons, but there is a good argument to add crit damage here because you have the Lethal Shrine almost, and you have Artillery Shrine. And it has a lot of value to stack crit damage.

    Instead of Overpowering, crit damage makes a lot of sense. You can also go with swords because that’s further boosting your crit, and the Shrine will always crit with the Lethal Shrine. Then we have the Brawler’s Aspect. This is also changed. This just basically procs your charge in a bigger AOE and also kills all the monsters consistently.

    Then we have the Ghostwalker Runic Cleats boots, and with this we can add Movement Speed. Even though we are already at capped Movement Speed whenever we have Berserking and Unstoppable up, we are already at 200%.

    This is a very important change because you’re going to be spinning a lot, and you’re going to just basically spam it. If you’re moving a few frames more because you have Movement Speed, it helps you. Also very important to have attacks reduce evade cooldown. This is like the only way we can reset our Metamorphosis and evade.

    Then we have Tibault’s Will. Obviously, like you get Unstoppable from your charge all the time, which is very standard. This is standard as well. Ideally, you want main stat here instead of Overpower.

    At last, we have the Rage of Harrogath. This one reduces the charge cooldown even further. In combination with Ring of Ravenous, we always end up using our slashing weapon, and that counts as a weapon switch.

    Seneschal Construct

    Now, let’s turn to the pet aspect of the build. The Pet Construct comprises several essential components. The inclusion of Tempest, Efficiency and Fortified is crucial, as it provides the sole means to obtain Fortify, which is highly advantageous. Additionally, the presence of Flash of Adrenaline, Genesis, Tactical Support, and Duration further enhances the pet’s effectiveness and utility within the build.

    Skill Tree

    We’re basically like HotA, and then we have 2 points in Whirlwind, just pretty standard stuff. You don’t really need damage. It’s just to proc your cooldown and to proc your Artillery. Then we have a bunch of support skills. You can go for more damage like Heavy Handed or something.

    Then obviously, you want Unconstrainted. And in this build, we play rough the Berserker because it still snapshots Berserker as long as you don’t drop your Berserker. This run where you spend Fury is still snapshotted. So, you’re gaining about 50% more damage from your Berserking because you get another double multiplier on the multiplier that you currently have. So, that’s pretty insane.

    Paragon Board

    Then, there is the Paragon board. We'll first rocking the Exploit glyph, make everything vulnerable. We don’t need Warbringer because we get our Fortify from our pet, still have the Maximum Fury for the HotA. We are rocking Mortal Draw because we are switching our weapons all the time again.

    Next, we’re dropping Bone Breaker for extra Overpower. We are rocking Ire with big berserk multipliers with Decimator and Dominate. We have Crusher for more Overpower damage because you still want to one-shot those bosses, especially at the start and whenever you’re dropping your Artillery Shrine.

    Then we have Blood Rage, and up we have the Marshal. This is very important, just reduce your cooldown even further. We stack some physical damage as well because getting extra physical just helps you because you’re not Overpowering with every hit all the time.

    Welcome to this new build guide! For those diving into Season 3 of Diablo 4 and aiming for sky-high scores in the Gauntlet, the Metamorphosis Barbarian build is the go-to choose. Don't miss out on this amazing build.
  • Bleed Barbarian

    The Bleeding Barbarian build I'm about to introduce to you is surprisingly powerful. It's hands down the quickest setup I've ever assembled, boasting not only incredible speed but also the highest and most reliable damage output in Diablo 4 Season 3.

    This build operates with seamless efficiency. It effortlessly plows through tier 100 challenges, annihilating foes with a single blow from the Ring of the Ravenous. If by any chance the enemy survives, use Rend to quickly dispatch it. It's also the setup I started off with in the Gauntlet. I think you're just as obsessed with this build as I am right now.

    Build Overview

    This build stacks a ton of bleed damage by picking up the Hemorrhage node in the Paragon board. We can easily get multiplicative scaling on our bleeds. It then unleashes all of this bleed damage with Rend, using Ring of the Ravenous for destroying bosses. It also uses Rupture.

    The build shoves this ability, making your enemies explode with ease. For staying alive, the build also uses Iron Skin. When combined with the Disembowel and Marshal glyphs, we can keep up Iron Skin permanently.

    Gear Setup

    Let’s take a look at the gear and aspects making this build possible. If you have any issues with survivability, then I recommend swapping on Diablo 4 Items for more defense.

    I’ll first show you items for the helmet. You definitely need the Shako. However, it is difficult to obtain. As an alternative, you can grab Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty, which is equally good.

    As for the chest, you want to get the Juggernaut's Archon Armor. For the Gauntlet, you can also use Rage of Harrogath. We need a good defensive chest for Tier 100 farming or else we’ll die.

    On our gloves, you should look for the same as I have with 1 exception: you don’t need the crit chance. Swap it for all stats if you can, since damage over time abilities can’t be crit. As for aspect, take Aspect of Elements for insane DPS.

    For pants, we’re using Tibault’s Will. This is pretty important as it's our main source of Fury in this build, and the increase in damage is absolutely insane.

    When choosing boots, we need to consider movement speed and resistance. The Ghostwalker Aspect is great, as we will be permanently unstoppable in this build. The stats that we want on them are all stats, strength, damage while berserking, and vulnerable to damage.

    Then, let's talk about weapon. On the hammer, you’re going to want to imprint the Conceited Aspect. If you’re only interested in pushing Gauntlet and not Tier 100 farming, then you can drop the Conceited Aspect and Iron Skin to instead grab another aspect. You would then also pick up Leap.

    For the dual wield weapons, just grab the correct stats. You also want to imprint Aspect of Ancestral Charge and Aspect of Berserk Ripping and easy-to-hit charges. If you have the Doombringer, then you can replace Aspect of Berserk Ripping.

    As for the slashing weapon, you want to get a two-handed sword for the bleed damage and imprint Aspect of Limitless Rage. If you have the Grandfather, then you can use it as well for higher survivability, but since we can’t crit, the damage it brings is huge.

    For the amulet, we can get some stats. We definitely want cooldown reduction and movement speed. I also recommend grabbing Brawling Skill ranks in case you miss a charge and need the cooldown reduction from it. Other than that, the Counteroffensive passive is a great damage option as well. For aspect, you’re going to want to imprint the Edgemaster’s Aspect. If you have any issues with survivability, then you can easily grab some defensives as well.

    For rings, you first need to grab Ring of the Ravenous, as it is pretty much mandatory. For the other ring, we can get Ring of Starless Skies. It’s so good that it can double your damage if you find it. The stats that you can grab are damage to close enemies, damage while berserking, vulnerable damage, and max life. You can also use Aspect of Unrelenting Fury to more easily spam.

    Seneschal Construct

    Here are some stones I recommend: Tempest, Evanite, Resource, and Bleeding Support. These stones are not only enjoyable but also incredibly powerful. I utilize Bleeding Support to amplify my bleed damage and Resource to maximize my Rend spamming capabilities.

    On the flip side, I employ Flash of Adrenaline for increased damage output, accompanied by Duration Support and Tactical Support, to prolong its effects. While I currently use Safeguard, I plan to switch to Genesis once it becomes available.

    Skill Tree

    Let's optimize our skill selections for maximum effectiveness. First, prioritize maxing out Rend and selecting Enhanced and Violent Rend for added damage. In terms of defense, focus on bolstering your defenses with skills like Rallying Cry for continuous resource generation and Fortify, alongside Iron Skin and Enhanced Iron Skin to ensure its effectiveness.

    Transitioning to brawling skills, prioritize War Cry for significant damage output, and maximize Charge for reduced cooldowns and increased damage. Additionally, acquire Power Charge for easy Charge resets. For those opting for speedruns and skipping Iron Skin, Leap becomes a viable alternative. Battle Further, our primary source of berserking, is also crucial for maintaining permanent uptime as long as we utilize Charge. Lastly, incorporate Swiftness to enhance our mobility significantly.

    Let's delve into Weapon Mastery skills, which can prove highly valuable. Prioritize acquiring Rupture and Enhanced Rupture for potent boss-killing potential. Don't overlook key passives to enhance our damage output significantly. Moving on to ultimate skills, prioritize Invigorating Fury for self-healing upon using Rend, followed by Wrath of the Berserker for added offensive prowess.

    When it comes to key passives, we consider Unbridled Rage, offering substantial damage boosts, albeit limiting Rend usage to twice before exhausting Fury. This remains my preferred choice for most scenarios, especially with Starless Skies equipped.

    Alternatively, Unconstrained becomes viable for those prioritizing Rend spamming and facing Fury depletion issues. However, unless facing specific circumstances, Unbridled Rage typically remains the optimal choice.

    Paragon Board

    Let's then turn to the paragon board. Starting with the Exploit node on the initial board, prioritize acquiring as many dexterity nodes as possible to maximize vulnerability. Transition to the Blood Rage board next, securing the legendary node to amplify damage during berserking and socketing for additional damage while berserking.

    Proceed to the Carnage board to obtain the legendary node for increased attack speed and slot the Marshall glyph for continuous cooldown resets, offering significant advantage. Moving to the Decimator board, prioritize acquiring the legendary node for enhanced damage and select Disembowel glyph, not only for its damage boost but also for its ability to reset cooldowns upon killing bleeding enemies.

    Transitioning to the Hemorrhage board is essential to make vulnerability damage multiplicative and to secure additional damage nodes. On the Warbringer board, focus on acquiring maximum Fury nodes to allow for an additional Rend press and conclude by selecting the Mortal Draw glyph for its high damage scaling. This strategic skill tree progression ensures maximum damage output and efficiency.

    Check out this unstoppable Bleed Barbarian build, designed to conquer every content of Diablo 4 Season 3 and leave no challenge undefeated, including dominating the Gauntlet leaderboards!
  • Charge HOTA Barbarian

    The decision between using Charge or HOTA in Diablo 4 Season 3 Barbarian builds often presents a dilemma. Many existing builds force you to focus solely on one ability, thereby missing out on the potential of the other. However, I'm here to introduce a groundbreaking solution: the hybrid Charge HOTA Barbarian build, which combines the strengths of both abilities.

    Overview Of Charge HOTA Barbarian Build

    This unique build empowers you to tackle all the challenges in the game, whether facing bosses or delving into dungeons, with unparalleled efficiency. By incorporating both Charge and HOTA, you maintain the devastating power of HOTA's massive hits while still benefiting from the agility and versatility of Charge.

    What sets this build apart is its seamless integration into your existing skill tree, paragon board, and aspects. You won't need to make any adjustments when transitioning between different encounters. Furthermore, unlike many other builds, this one doesn't rely on rare Uber uniques or unique stones to excel.

    One of the most satisfying aspects of this build is its ability to handle formidable foes like the Butcher or Malphas in nightmare dungeons or vaults without compromising the swift pace of a Charge-centric approach. For Barbarians this season, this build stands as the premier choice, offering unparalleled versatility and effectiveness.

    Gameplay Loop

    Let's examine the gameplay mechanics of the build, dividing it into 2 distinct sections.

    Firstly, let's discuss boss encounters, where achieving substantial damage output is crucial. Our primary skill in these situations is Hammer of the Ancients, amplified by significant overpower damage bonuses to deliver devastating blows. To ensure these hits, we rely on the Banished Lord's Talisman. By expending 300 Fury, our next HOTA strike becomes an overpower.

    Furthermore, the Talisman grants a substantial 120% damage boost if the overpower results in a Critical Strike. To guarantee this critical hit, we combine it with another accessible unique item, the Ring of Red Furor. Spending 100 Fury within 3 seconds guarantees a critical strike on the subsequent HOTA cast. By investing 210 Fury before engaging a boss (a manageable task in most encounters, with the aid of the skill bar), we only need to execute three consecutive Hammer of the Ancients strikes, ensuring the third strike lands as a massive overpower critical hit.

    Following the setup, we activate all cooldowns, including our shouts for bonus damage, and Wrath of the Berserker for additional berserking damage, before executing three Hammer of the Ancients strikes. With gear specialized for overpower damage, and a paragon board featuring glyphs like Dominate for substantial overpower damage boosts, combined with Diablo 4 Items like the Godslayer Crown and Tibault's Will, which provide additional damage bonuses, we can stack numerous damage buffs to achieve monumental hits, even surpassing the 200 million mark.

    The alternate gameplay loop involves running dungeons or vaults, where Charge takes precedence in our rotation. We sporadically use Hammer of the Ancients between charges to dispatch enemies. Charge grants us Unstoppable, complemented by Tibault's Will, providing 50 Fury and a 40% damage bonus. Power Charge reduces the cooldown of Charge by 3 seconds for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. This typically results in a short 3-second cooldown between Charge uses.

    However, thanks to the Marshal glyph on our paragon board, we can chain three to four charges consecutively without delay. Additionally, using our shout skill reduces non-shout skill cooldowns by 4 seconds, allowing us to maintain a continuous Charge cycle. This synergy between skills and gear maximizes our damage output with Charge, facilitated by the same skill tree, paragon board, and gear setup. The only adjustment required when transitioning between content is swapping out Godslayer's Crown for Tuskhelm Of Joritz The Mighty, capitalizing on Charge's berserking effect to achieve multiple consecutive charges and benefit from its cooldown reduction.

    The beauty of this setup lies in its consistency across various content, seamlessly integrating elements of both HOTA and Charge builds. Whether facing formidable bosses like Malphas or the Butcher in vault runs, we maintain our efficacy, ensuring swift and efficient elimination.

    Skill Tree

    Let's delve deeper into the skill tree.

    Begin by allocating 1 point into Lunging Strike and 1 point into Enhanced Lunging Strike. More than 2 points here are unnecessary, as they suffice to unlock the subsequent segment of the skill tree.

    Following this, invest 5 points into Hammer of the Ancients, 1 point into Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients, and 1 point into Furious Hammer of the Ancients.

    Proceed with 1 point each into Rallying Cry, Enhanced Rallying Cry, and Strategic Rallying Cry. The latter grants us benefits such as movement speed, resource generation, Unstoppable, and fortify.

    Allocate 1 point into Challenging Shout for damage reduction against enemies and another point into Enhanced Challenging Shout.

    Next, assign 3 points into Imposing Presence for increased life, 1 point into War Cry, and 1 point into Enhanced War Cry to trigger Berserking upon casting.

    Additionally, add 1 point into Booming Voice and 3 points into Raid Leader, providing healing benefits to both allies and oneself, which significantly eases dungeon exploration.

    Distribute 5 points into Charge, 1 point into Enhanced Charge, and 1 point into Power Charge.

    Allocate 3 points into Aggressive Resistance to enable damage reduction, thereby enabling 2 points into Battle Fervor to attain Berserking upon Charge usage.

    Proceed with 3 points into Pit Fighter, 1 point into Thick Skin to accommodate 3 points into Counteroffensive. Allot 1 point into Wrath of the Berserker, followed by distributing points among its modifiers.

    The subsequent focus should be on 3 key passives, facilitating substantial damage output: 3 points into Heavy Handed for Critical Strike damage, 3 points into Wallop, and 3 points into Brute Force for increased overpower damage.

    Lastly, the pivotal passive for this build is Unbridled Rage, chosen to enhance the impact of HOTA strikes.

    Gear & Aspects

    Let's discuss our gear and aspects in more detail.

    Starting with your helmet, the Godslayer Crown is ideal for boss encounters, granting a significant 60% increase in damage when engaging bosses. However, for dungeon runs, I highly recommend swapping to the Tuskhelm of Joritz. This alternative offers enhanced damage, increased Fury generation, and cooldown reduction, particularly beneficial during Charge sequences and Berserking phases. Additionally, this change provides added damage reduction through increased ranks of Aggressive Resistance.

    For the chest piece, opt for the Juggernaut aspect, providing substantial armor. Since Charge offers excellent mobility, evade stats are unnecessary. Focus on acquiring stats such as damage reduction from nearby enemies, total armor, and maximum life, aiming to maximize total armor to reach the armor cap.

    Choose Aspect of the Element for gloves, granting a significant 30% bonus to physical damage every 7 seconds, synergizing well with both Charge and HOTA. Prioritize stats such as Hammer of the Ancients damage, Critical Strike chance, overpower damage, and strength.

    Tibault's Will is ideal for pants, offering Fury generation and a 40% damage increase upon ability usage, granting Unstoppable. This synergizes with Charge, Rallying Cry, and Wrath of the Berserker, providing additional Fury and damage.

    For boots, consider the Ghostwalker aspect for enhanced movement speed while Unstoppable. Prioritize armor rolls with movement speed and three resistances to ensure adequate defense, aiming for around 60% resistance across all damage types.

    Your amulet should feature a high roll on the Banished Lord's Talisman, targeting as close to 112% overpower damage as possible. The Ring of Red Furor guarantees Critical Strike chance, while the second ring with Aspect of Unrelenting Fury refunds Fury upon HOTA usage, enhancing efficiency.

    Weapon selection is crucial. Your two-handed bludgeoning weapon, utilized during Charge sequences, benefits from the Wallop passive. Always equip a two-handed mace for HOTA. Prioritize overpower damage, damage while berserking, and strength, ensuring a balanced distribution of stats.

    Consider the Aspect of Ancestral Force for HOTA damage on your two-handed mace and Aspect of Limitless Rage for increased damage on your two-handed axe. The Aspect of Ancestral Charge on one-handed weapons enhances Charge, summoning ancients to charge alongside you, while the Edgemasters aspect boosts damage at maximum Fury.

    Use Rubies for maximum life bonus on armor and overpower damage bonus on weapons, except for the amulet and rings where resistance gems are preferred. Aim for the two-handed axe technique for increased damage against vulnerable enemies, synergizing with glyphs on the paragon board to ensure enemy vulnerability.

    Paragon Board

    Let’s examine the paragon board briefly, providing a concise overview of the desired unlocks and their optimal order.

    Commence by allocating the Marshal glyph to your first slot. This glyph holds paramount importance in facilitating the functionality of our build, thus prioritizing its swift acquisition is essential. Subsequently, introduce the Bone Breaker board, pivotal for delivering substantial blows via overpowering enemies. Leveraging this legendary node, we manifest overpower strikes every 12 seconds, underscoring the significance of accumulating overpower damage bonuses.

    Proceed to unlock the Blood Rage legendary node, underscoring the centrality of damage while berserking in our build’s efficacy. This node effectively augments such damage by 25%, amplifying its potency. Disregard the bleed aspect; its omission does not hinder the advantageous effects of enhanced berserking damage. Integrate the Crusher glyph to bolster mace-induced damage and overpowering potential.

    Transition to the Carnage board, embedding the Ire glyph to fortify damage while berserking and procure a 10% reduction in damage incurred during such states. Subsequently, deploy the Warbringer board, embedding the Exploit glyph to render adversaries vulnerable, thus capitalizing on our axe technique.

    Return to acquire the Decimator board, embedding the Dominate glyph. This step underscores the importance of accessing every willpower node to amass a formidable reservoir of overpower damage. The culmination of these efforts yields overpower damage in excess of 400%, pivotal in achieving substantial numerical outputs. Conclude by securing the Hemorrhage board, integrating the Brawl glyph to amplify charge damage by 18%.

    Seneschal Construct

    It is highly advisable to level from 50 to 100 in Nightmare Vault rather than regular dungeons or the overworld. This allows for simultaneous leveling of your stones.

    Opt for Flash of Adrenaline with Tactical Support, Duration Support, and Initiative Support to maintain a consistent damage bonus. Utilize Tempest with Swift Support, Resource Support, and Safeguard Support to ensure rapid firing of your Tempest every 0.7 seconds, bolstering Fury generation and enhancing damage reduction.

    Fury generation holds significant importance as it activates our Aspect of Limitless Rage, providing a substantial 60% damage boost. While unique stones can enhance the build, they are not indispensable.

    Uber uniques further amplify the build’s effectiveness. Consider substituting the Harlequin Crest helmet for the other recommended options across all content. Replace our legendary ring with the updated Ring of Starless Skies, as it also reduces resource costs. Additionally, opt for the Grandfather sword instead of the two-handed axe in our slashing slots. However, integrating these changes could potentially escalate damage output to an excessive 400 to 500 million, surpassing practical requirements.

    In this guide, we present the premier endgame Charge HOTA Barbarian build in Diablo 4 Season 3, capable of effortlessly conquering all content - from boss encounters to dungeons, vaults, and helltides. And we delve into gear, aspects, paragon board, seneschal construct and more, facilitating mastery with this unified build, eliminating the need for any alterations.
  • Thorns Barbarian

    The Thorns Barbarian build in Diablo 4 Season 3 has attracted the interest of many builders. So in this guide, I will delve into everything of this build that you need to know. Get ready with enough Diablo 4 Gold and then let's dive into this guide.

    How It Works

    This build is particularly intriguing because it incorporates many of the new aspects and unique Diablo 4 Items available. The core mechanic revolves around the Paingorge's, where passive damage sources such as Thorns, Burning Rage, and Doombringer can apply the Paingorge's effect to enemies. This enables you to echo your basic skills, resulting in a tremendous amount of damage.

    The Thorns damage inflicts a considerable amount of damage, making it capable of effortlessly clearing everything with very few weaknesses. While it may lack the ability to one shot bosses, it doesn't require Uber Uniques or even a one-handed weapon equipped. Additionally, setting up your pet with healing abilities allows you to stand in the midst of tier 100 encounters, pressing no buttons and still emerge victorious.

    When utilizing the Wrath of the Berserker and Kick combo, the objective is to maximize damage output. By activating Wrath of the Berserker when at full Fury and then using Kick to expend the Fury, you reach the maximum damage bonus provided by Wrath of the Berserker.

    Gear Setup

    Let's delve into the gear setup. When it comes to selecting helm, we opt for the Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty. While it may not be the absolute best choice, it remains a viable option for this particular build. However, the optimal scenario would be to utilize Andariel’s Visage. The choice between these 2 options offers flexibility to cater to individual preferences.

    Moving on to gloves, the Paingorge‘s Gauntlets emerge as a pivotal component of the build. Equipping these gloves is crucial to maximizing damage output, making them an essential inclusion in our gear setup.

    As for pants, the Iron Blood Boneweave Faulds take center stage. These also play a significant role, but an oversight led to the incorrect aspect being equipped. It may offers a permanent 20% damage reduction with basic skills, Iron Blood was mistakenly chosen.

    For our boots, we opt for Ghostwalker Warlord Boots. These boots enhance movement capabilities, while the Rapid Bonebreaker focuses on increasing attack speed. This strategic alignment with the build's goals ensures optimal performance on the battlefield.

    Basic skill damage is exceptionally potent this season, as evidenced by the performance of my rings - Circle of Adaptability and Ring of Burning Rage, which are of exceptional quality.

    You don’t even need to equip Doombringer. Regular one-handers suffice. However, acquiring a Ramaladni's Magnum Opus isn’t particularly challenging and significantly scales up your basic skill damage, making it a valuable addition to the build, especially in the early stages.

    The inclusion of Doombringer serves a specific purpose within the build. Its AOE effects, such as burn and damage reduction, apply the Paingorge's debuff, allowing our basic skills to echo across all enemies affected by these effects. Similarly, Needleflare Aspects ensures that our Thorns spread out effectively, maximizing damage potential.

    As for the Grandfather, it's not the most ideal choice for this build. In this case, opting for a regular 2-handed sword would be more beneficial. However, if you happen to have one available, it can still be utilized effectively.

    Pet Buff

    Now let's discuss the Pet buff setup, which is considered the gold standard for enhancing your character's abilities through pet buffs. If you're inclined to take a break and passively progress through the game, this setup allows for just that. Simply insert Reconstruct into slot, opting for Tactical and Duration enhancements.

    The Duration technically extends the healing process without augmenting its effectiveness. However, this configuration ensures a consistent stream of healing over an extended duration, mitigating any potential gaps in your defense. In essence, it grants a form of immortality, enabling you to effortlessly navigate through the game, even conquering Tier 100 encounters with ease. It's a viable option worth considering.

    Regarding weapon choice, the 200-handed axe reigns supreme. It's imperative to wield Two-handed Axe Expertise during Lunging Strike to fully capitalize on the benefits of the Magnum Opus. This setup maximizes Fury scaling, significantly enhancing your Combat Prowess.

    Skill Tree

    Let's quickly go over the skill tree. We're focused on maintaining our Berserking state, ensuring its permanence, hence the term 'Perma-Berserk'. This build boasts significant tankiness, particularly suited for Thorns-based strategies. Prioritize maximizing Tough as Nails, but avoid investing 3 points into it, as only the flat amount of Thorns increases with ranks, not its health-scaling aspect.

    Utilize Power Kick to efficiently expend Fury, while shouts serve as standard combat enhancements. We bolster our defenses through Thick Skin and Strategic Rallying Cry, providing ample fortification. As you can observe, our defenses remain consistently reinforced. This build operates with an unconstrained approach, effectively leveraging the scalability of Thorns damage. Maintaining a state of Berserking is crucial for optimizing its effectiveness. Failing to do so would negate this significant benefit entirely.

    Paragon Board

    For the Paragon Board, this is probably the most work-in-progress part of the build, but this is 100% functional. I’ve picked up practically max Health, which makes it tanky, makes the Thorns hit harder. We have Ambidextrous powering up all the blue nodes nearby. I like having this one cause you get the berserk damage and the damage reduction. I am running Carnage.

    Max Fury, because we’re scaling with Magnum Opus. Then we have Wrath and this is mainly a pick because I’m using Grandfather. If I didn’t have Grandfather, this would be territorial. Max Life and then Resistance. This is nice cause it allows you to drop that on the gear or not have to have as high rolls on your gear. Imbiber for some healthy damage and some more HP healing, but it’s actually one of the best choices for us. Then finally, we have Exploit with Decimator.

    I was surprised at how much fun I had with it. It’s also going to farm everything. Even I think Uber Bosses are going to be absolutely fine with this. But this is definitely an amazing build for AFK.

    Many People are interested in building Thorns Barbarian in Diablo 4 Season 3. This build is cool because it incorporates many of the new aspects and unique items, leading to a significant increase in damage output.
  • Charge Barbarian

    In Diablo 4 Season 3, the Charge Barbarian reigns supreme as the epitome of speed, strength, and destruction. I will unveil an endgame build of this build that not only excels at Level 100 but also dazzles from Level 50 to 100 without the need for any Unique items. Next, I’ll cover everything you need to know about this powerful build.

    Build Overview

    Introducing this ultimate Level 50-100 Charge Barbarian build, designed to dominate World Tier 3 and Tier 4 content effortlessly. By combining the power of HotA with Charge, we'll go through both mid-game and end-game challenges. Then I combine the AOE power of Charge with Battle Shout so you can spam Charge infinitely, have constant healing, and 100% uptime on Berserking.

    Besides, this build also combine the power of Charge with Hammer of the Ancients, and not only our AOE damage is insane, but we also have very respectable single-target DPS right out of the gates. So I'll cover the skill tree for the build, the aspects you need for that build, the gear you want, and the Paragon board for the build as well.

    When embarking on this build, it's essential to ensure you have a sufficient amount of Diablo 4 Gold available.

    Skill Tree

    Let’s go over the skill tree in more detail. You want 1 point into Lunging Strike and 1 point into Enhanced Lunging Strike. You do not need anything more than 2 points, as that’s enough to unlock the next portion of the skill tree. I’ve then put 5 points into Hammer of the Ancients, 1 point into Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients, and 1 point into Furious Hammer of the Ancients. I’ve then got 1 point into Rallying Cry, 1 point into Enhanced Rallying Cry, 1 into Strategic Rallying Cry, which gives us movement speed, resource generation, Unstoppable, and Fortify.

    1 into Challenging Shout, 1 point into Enhanced Challenging Shout, and 1 point into Tactical Challenging Shout. Then put 2 points into the passive Imposing Presence for more life, 1 point into War Cry, 1 point into Enhanced War Cry for the Berserking bonus. 3 points into Booming Voice and 3 points into Raid Leader for the healing, which while leveling from Level 50 to 100, is very useful for speeding through Dungeons and Vaults.

    5 Points into Charge, 1 point into Enhanced Charge, and 1 point into Power Charge. 3 points into Aggressive Resistance for the damage reduction, so we can put 3 points into Battle Fervor and 3 points into Prolific Fury for more Fury Generation. 3 points into Pit Fighter, 1 point into Thick Skin, so we can put 3 points into Counter Offensive, 1 point into Wrath of the Berserker, and then 1 point into each of the modifiers. 4 points into Wallop and finally 1 point into our key passive, Unconstrained.

    Gear & Aspects

    I placed the Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect, which gives us a chance to become fortified on damage while Berserking. Fortify gives us a 10% damage reduction, which is very useful. In terms of stats, you want cooldown reduction, damage while Berserking, maximum life, total armor, or maximum Fury. With the aspects we use, we hit the armor cap very quickly, which is around 14,000 for max-level monsters. So you do not need total armor on more than 1 piece of your gear because once your 2 armor aspects kick in, you’ll double the armor, which is already overkill.

    For your chest piece, put the Juggernaut Aspect, which provides a massive flat chunk of armor. We don’t use Evade in the build because Charge provides us with amazing Mobility Aspect. In terms of stats, you want damage reduction from close enemies, damage reduction, maximum life, or other damage reduction types, or total armor, depending on what your other armor’s roll.

    For your gloves, I placed the Aspect of Limitless Rage, so when we use our hotter ability at maximum Fury, we can increase its damage even further. In terms of stats, you want ranks of Hammer of the Ancients as your number one priority, and then Critical Strike Chance closely behind.

    For pants, I placed the Aspect of Obedience for even more armor stacking. Then go for ranks of Charge as your priority, damage reduction from close, damage reduction, and maximum life. I’d avoid total armor in this slot.

    For boots, I placed the Ghostwalker Aspect, so whenever we’re unstoppable, we have even more movement speed. And 3 of our abilities in this build give us unstoppable, so we have this up nearly all the time. Fire and Poison explosions seem to be the most common in most Dungeons and Vaults, so I prioritize those resistances on my boots.

    For amulet, this is where I placed the Aspect of Ancestral Force. This is so we get more Hammer of the Ancients damage, and so HotA gets more of a cone AOE effect, making it much more usable.

    For your rings, you want to place the Bold Chieftain’s Aspect and Aspect of Echoing Fury. This reduces the cooldown of your shout skills and provides lots of Fury when you use your Shouts. You ideally want Critical Strike Chance, resource generation, damage while Berserking, and maximum Fury or maximum life for your ring rolls.

    For your weapons, you want your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon to be the weapon you use when you use Charge, so it benefits from the Wallop passive. If you focus your highest DPS weapon for your Two-Handed Mace specifically while leveling, and then your other weapons are basically stat sticks with aspects on them. So for your Two-Handed Mace, you want damage while Berserking, all stats, strength, damage against close enemies.

    For your gems, and also for your armor and weapons, you need Rubies. Rubies give percentage Overpower damage and they give percentage life. Then for your jewelry, put on gems that give you resistances against the elements not really covered by your boots.

    Paragon Board

    Let’s go over the Paragon Board briefly. Start off by placing the Marshall glyph in your first slot. It’s the most important glyph for making this build work, so we want to unlock it as quickly as possible. Then place the Bone Breaker board down. This is one of the major ways we cause massive hits with this build. When an Overpower hits enemies, we Overpower every 12 seconds with this legendary node, which is amazing, which is why we stack all those Overpower damage bonuses.

    Then unlock the Blood Rage legendary node. This is why damage while berserking is one of the most important stats for this build because it’s essentially multiplied by 25% with this Paragon node. I then place the Crusher glyph so we cause even more damage with maces and we cause even more Overpower damage.

    Then we want to use the Carnage board and place the Ire glyph so we gain more damage while berserking and 10% damage reduction while berserking. Go across and next place the War Bringer board down and place the Exploit glyph so we do more vulnerable damage. Then go back and get the Decimator board and place the Dominate glyph.

    Your final Paragon board will be the Hemorrhage board. You don’t need to unlock the legendary node here, but you just place the Brawler glyph for even more Charge damage.

    Seneshcal Setup

    Your pet is actually really powerful, so I highly recommend leveling from 50 to 100 in Nightmare Vault rather than regular dungeons or overworld. So you can level up your stones at the same time. You want Flash of Adrenaline with Tactical Support, Duration Support, and Initiative Support, so you have a constant damage bonus applied to you.

    Then you want to use Tempest with Swift Support, Resource Support, and Safeguard Support so your Tempest fires every 0.7 seconds now, and you get Fury and even more damage reduction really quickly.

    Final Thought

    This Level 50 to 100 and beyond Charge Barbarian build will help you destroy absolutely everything in sight and requires no Uniques at Level 100. A more HotA-focused build does become more powerful once your focus goes towards bossing and you start adding more Uniques and perfect gear into the mix, but for Level 50 to 100, especially focusing on Charge, is just way more fun and way quicker to speed through Dungeons.

    Charge Barbarian is the fastest, strongest, and most destructive build in Diablo 4 Season 3. I will bring you an endgame version of this build that is absolutely amazing from Level 50 to 100 and requires no Uniques.
  • HotA Whirlwind Hybrid Barbarian

    In this guide, I’m going to show you a very unusual build that really smashes the Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir Dungeon - the HotA Whirlwind Hybrid.

    Before we start, I’d like to briefly explain why we are combining these two skills.

    We are going to use Earthstriker’s Aspect. And since Whirlwind can’t overpower, we will always overpower with HotA. We’ll also be very stable because we’ll be carrying the Melted Heart of Selig.

    Skill Tree

    But first things first, I’ll show you the skill tree and explain the most important things.

    In Whirlwind, 1 point is enough, but the upgrade is important for us to generate Fury.

    With the Furious Hammer of the Ancients, we knock out the damage, so 5 points here. The more Fury, the more damage. So, we will collect maximum Fury in the paragon system and on the Diablo 4 Items.

    Then, we play Tactical Rallying Cry and Tactical Challenging Shout, each at 1.

    Power War Cry is also at 1.

    The passive skills we use are:

    • Guttural Yell (Rank 3)
    • Booming Voice (Rank 3)
    • Aggressive Resistance (Rank 3)
    • Prolific Fury (Rank 3)
    • Pit Fighter (Rank 3)

    The ultimate is Supreme Wrath of the Berserker. And in addition to Invigorating Fury, we also play Furious Impulse here. We’ll be switching weapons very often and benefit from any Fury generation.

    Warllop and Brute Force are, of course, also fantastic for HotA.

    The central passive skill is Unbridled Rage.

    It is important that we execute Whirlwind with the one-handed weapons, so the weapons change with the attack every time. Hammer of the Ancients always hits with the mace. The Expertise is a two-handed axe.

    Paragon System

    In my paragon system, the glyph Ire is on the starting board.

    Then comes Bone Breaker with a glyph Crusher. On that board, we get a lot of overpower damage. And the legendary node regularly overpowers our attacks.

    I have the Dominate on the Blood Rage board. The legendary note is very strong because it’s a multiplier. So, we prefer Berserking damage on the items and also in the paragon system to increase the bonus.

    We also go for the board Carnage, and here we use the new glyph, Tears of Blood.

    The last part is Warbringer, because here we get a lot of Maximum Fury and also 45 by a legendary note. Here I have played a glyph Wrath.

    In total, we only have 4 boards plus the starting board.

    As a variant, you could also save a few points and attach Decimator to the top of the second board just to take the legendary node.

    Vampiric Powers

    Briefly, the vampiric powers we use are:

    • Ravenous, which gives attack speed
    • Blood Boil, which gives additional overpower hits
    • Metamorphosis, which is a must-have because it’s a stun breaker.
    • Pray on the Weak, which makes enemies vulnerable
    • Resilience, which gives you a little more stability when injured


    Of course, good equipment is also very important.

    Harlequin Crest is, of course, the best. Otherwise, you should pick a helmet with life, armor, and cooldown.

    For a defensive chest, pick Warlord Plate of Disobedience with Aspect of Disobedience.

    For gloves, pick Edgemaster’s Bonewave Gauntlets with attack speed, crit chance, HotA skills, and resources for lucky hits. I have put Edgemaster’s Aspect here.

    Tibault’s Will is also mandatory for generating Fury on evade.

    And on the shoes, we want movement speed, cost reduction, and resistances. So, pick Relentless Berserker’s Archon Greaves.

    On the weapons (Earthstriker’s Penitent Hammer), we prioritize strength, all stats, overpower damage, and berserking damage.

    In the two-handed weapon (Rootfist of Ancestral Force), we play Earthstriker’s Aspect.

    In the one-handed weapons (Crag Hammer of Limitless Rage), I have Ancestral Force and Limitless Rage.

    In addition, there is definitely The Grandfather and a Ring of Red Furor.

    On the other ring, I play Bold Chieftain’s Loop. Here, we want crit chance, max Fury, and resource generation.

    Last but not least, pick the Melted Heart of Selig.


    The play style is straightforward: whirl a bit, and then strike with HotA. So, in having a good rhythm, every fourth or fifth hit with a hammer will overpower. Because the Whirlwind can’t overpower.

    A few monsters are also enough to keep up Fury while whirling. And if you run out, you can easily recharge by evading.

    The boss fights at the end of the Abattoir of Zir are sometimes difficult because you quickly lose your Fury, so you have to move skillfully and use your shots wisely.

    Have fun with this build, take care, and may the loot and Diablo 4 Gold be with you.

    This guide will present an exceptionally effective Diablo 4 build specialized for dominating the Abattoir of Zir Dungeon. It is called HotA Whirlwind Hybrid. And I will delve into the skill tree, paragon system, Vampiric Powers, items, and the gameplay of this powerful build.
  • Double Swing Barbarian

    Here I bring you a new Diablo 4 build guide, Double Swing Barbarian. If you follow this, you’ll never even need the other Barbarian builds in Diablo 4.

    Double Swing Barbarian has a ton of Crowd Control, damage, and survivability. Even better, this build requires only a handful of unique Diablo 4 Items, making it achievable even if you’re on a modest budget. Next let’s take a look at what makes this build work, and why it’s such a horror for those pesky monsters in Nightmare Dungeons.

    Key Terms

    First, let’s take a look at some terms we’ll be using in this guide and what they actually mean.

    Fortify: Fortify is damage reduction. Let’s take an example: If you have 4,000 defense, but your max health is 10,000, you will take full damage until your current health drops to 4,000. When your health drops below the current amount of Fortify, you will start taking 10% less damage.

    You become Fortify when your amount of Fortify equals your total health. This means that it reduced all the damage you take by 10%.

    Berserking: Berserking is a buff that appears above your health bar when activated. While you are Berserking, it increased your damage by 25% and movement speed by 30%.

    Unstoppable: You are immune to Crowd Control effects for the duration of this buff. When you’re Unstoppable, a giant golden sigil will appear above your head. This means you cannot be Crowd Controlled. You’ll also occasionally see enemies with this effect.

    Skills Decomposition

    Now that we understand some basic terminology, let’s take a look at some skills we use in this build.

    First up, we have Lunging Strike, a Barbarian basic attack that allows us to close the gap on those pesky ranged enemies we all hate. Lunging Strike also allows us to be Berserking for a second and a half after using it to strike an enemy. We can clear all enemies and harvest a lot of Diablo 4 Gold in a short time.

    Ground Stomp is an AOE Crowd Control ability that stuns enemies around the player. Deals a small amount of damage, but the main thing is that it can Double Swing, causing more damage to stunned enemies.

    War Cry gives us Fortify and Berserking, and increases our damage output. Best of all, War Cry’s damage bonus also applies to nearby allies. This is a powerful ability that enhances your build and supports your close allies.

    Rallying Cry is great for increasing movement speed and assisting our Fury spawn. Just like War Cry, it also works on nearby allies and increases their primary resource generation.

    Challenging Shout is a taunt. It puts you in the spotlight and forces enemies to attack you. During Challenge Shout, you get a ton of damage reduction, which makes you an amazing tank.

    Double Swing is the foundation upon which we build. This is our resource hog and will deal a lot of damage to enemies standing directly in front of you.

    The actual power of this build comes from pairing Double Swing with Ground Stomp and other stun sources. If your target is stunned by Double Swing, you spawn 25 Fury. This means you can cast Double Swing infinitely as long as the enemy is stunned.

    Skill Tree

    Before we get bogged down in specific mechanics and how to play builds, let’s take a look at the skill tree and get an overview of builds. Put your first point into Lunging Strike, take Enhanced Lunging Strike, then we’ll choose to take Combat Lunging Strike. It will allow us to gain Berserking in the critical strike when using the ability.

    Next, we’ll select Double Swing by placing all five points here. We’ll then pick up some passives that help us gain extra max life to reduce the extra damage from elites. Don’t worry too much about the increased Fury cost from the passive, as their damage is worth it.


    In addition, you can also pay attention to the following two Aspects to help Fury spawn.

    Bold Chieftain’s Aspect

    Whenever you cast a Shout ability, each nearby enemy reduces the cooldown by 1-1.9 seconds, up to a maximum of 6 seconds. This means we can have greater uptime across all Shouts, which is invaluable to our builds. And means we get less downtime for the powerful buffs we get from Shout.

    Aspect Of Echoing Fury

    Your Shout ability generates 2-4 Fury per second while active. This helps mitigate some of our Fury generation issues. Because every time we use Shout, we get up to 4 Fury points per second.

    At this point, the build is complete. Hope it helps you find an interesting Barbarian build. Looking forward to seeing you next time.

    Here I bring you a new Diablo 4 Season 1 build guide, Double Swing Barbarian. Here we take a look at what makes this build work, and why it can tank everything in Nightmare Dungeons!
  • Rend Barbarian

    We’re going to be taking a look at the Rend Barbarian, which is a beginner Barbarian Build that focuses on the use of the Rend ability to set bleeding and finish things off with a Death Blow ability.

    Death Blow

    Let’s get into the abilities. The first one I want to take a look at here is Death Blow.

    Death Blow does a ton of damage to like a cone in front of you and if it kills a target, then it instantly refreshes its cooldown. It normally has like a 15 second cooldown, so you definitely want to make sure that you’re killing targets with us. Otherwise, you’re going to have to wait in order to use this.

    What’s great about this is you can lead off with this sometimes when there are a lot of weak enemies in order to build up Fury easily. And then, you can use Rend off that Fury that you gain and you don’t have to sit there and use Frenzy to build it up or use your basic attacks. So, just use Death Blow to kill enemies to gain Fury and then attack.

    Now, sometimes it doesn’t always go according to plan or maybe there are no squishy targets for you, so you’ll have to use Frenzy first in order to build up some Fury and then you can use Rend and then as enemies get weakened, you can finish them off with Death Blow and then sort of starts a chain reaction.

    The idea here is that you use Death Blow to kill a weak enemy. Then, it hits multiple enemies if you’re positioned correctly and that is then weakened that you can then finish off with another Death Blow. Hopefully hitting more enemies and then those enemies are weakened and then you start this chain reaction of Death Blows. And then, if there’s nothing that you can death blow easily, you use Rend to soften them up and just keep chaining this process.


    Next, let’s talk about Rend. This does an AOE in front of you that does a little of physical damage and then it does a bunch of bleeding over time.

    The reason bleeding is important here is that by using the Hamstring passive, you can actually slow the targets that you’re hitting with this. But what’s more important is that is that you can get damage to slowed enemies on your gear, increasing the damage that you do and allowing your Death Blow to deal more damage.

    So, as I just mentioned, the strategy is to kind of alternate back and forth between Rend and Death Blow. While you go in there, you hit with Rend, everything takes some damage starts bleeding.

    And when it gets close to death, you run in with Death Blow, finish it off, hopefully hit some other targets, finish them off, kind of repeating this alternating between these as necessary.

    And it’s kind of hit-and-run tactic. Sometimes you’re not always just hanging in there like you would with the Whirlwind build. You’re running in hitting backing off waiting for the bleed to do more damage or hitting with Rend waiting for the bleed to do more damage backing off and then hitting with death flow again and again.

    Furious Rend

    Another great thing here too is that because we’re using Furious Rend, the morph of Rend. We’re gaining Fury each time we hit enemies with Ren as well.

    So, between Death Blow gaining it when you kill an enemy and Furious Rend giving you Fury, you never have Fury problems. You shouldn’t have to basic attack very often with this build.


    Next, let’s talk about Frenzy, when you use Frenzy and why we have this spell.

    Obviously, we need a basic attack here because sometimes you don’t have resources Etc, things don’t go to a party plan we need that and Frenzy just gets faster and faster as you attack being able to attack very quickly.

    So, when you’re using it, you want to use it for longer than three swings. Ideally, that’s the maximum. And Frenzy is really good when you muff up Death Blow and you need to get more Fury somehow or when you’re facing like a single difficult target. Because you can’t death blow it and rend. Maybe you don’t have enough Fury to kill it with rats, so when you’re sitting there in between Rends, you’re going to be wailing on it with Fury.

    Combat Frenzy

    And because we’re using the Combat Frenzy, morph of this, we’re having good damage reduction while we’re doing this as long as it’s kind of like face tank bosses.

    So, when you’re sitting there fighting those bosses, you’re going to use Combat Frenzy and you’re going to keep using it. And then, when Rend comes up, you’re going to hit Rend every time Rend cools down. You’re going to hit it and Death Blow if you can work in a Death Blow here and there to get some increased damage even though it’ll go back on cooldown.

    You should use it unless you know that you’re going to be within that kind of Striking Distance to finish the thing off. You want to use Death Blows on bosses as soon as they’re up in order to just get as much damage on a boss as possible.

    Pressure Point

    Pressure Point here gives us 30% chance to make enemies vulnerable when we hit them with a core skill, which is Rend. So, Rend has a chance to make enemies vulnerable, which is great because that’ll increase the damage we do to them.

    So, if you’re sitting there waiting on a boss, hit him with Rend, make him vulnerable, keep attacking, and then you know hit him with Rend again, make them vulnerable sometimes. It’s a really good strategy and you definitely want to hit with that Death Blow if you can while that vulnerable is up in order to get even more damage on the boss.


    We also have Leap here. I really only have one point in Leap and that’s just for maneuverability. Sometimes you get knocked away from a boss and allow you to get back to him or sometimes you’re in a really bad spot, like you’re about to get frozen by some stuff or you’re trapped somewhere and you need to get out.

    Leap is just a great way. It’s good for mobility to get you out of a bad situation or maybe you want to Leap into a bunch of enemies and hit with Rend.

    Challenging Shout

    Beyond this, we have Challenging Shout and the reason for this is because it increases your damage reduction by 40 for almost 10 seconds with a 25 second cooldown.

    This is great for those scenarios where you’re fighting a lot of the enemies that can protect you and save you but also when you’re fighting like a single boss being able to reduce the damage this boss does too. While you’re just sitting there face tanking it with Combat Frenzy can be a lifesaver, even 10 out of every 25 seconds reducing the damage that you take is really strong.

    Iron Skin

    Lastly, we have Iron Skin here.

    This is the sort of flex spot you can put whatever you want in here, if you want another offensive ability you can or a different defensive ability or shout or whatever you want, an ultimate can go here.

    But I like Iron Skin here because it’s another defensive ability that allows you to create a barrier for 50% of your missing HP. So, when your HP starts getting down at the bottom you’re out of potions or maybe you just want to conserve potions, you can pop Iron Skin.

    Tactical Iron Skin

    And if you have the Tactical Iron Skin morph, this is going to heal you back up while that barrier remains, so you can actually use it kind of like a potion every 15 seconds or so to heal yourself. And between that and Challenging Shout, you’re not going to die very easily.

    And you have tons of DPS with Rend and Death Blow, so you don’t really need much more. But this will allow you to survive in scenarios where maybe you wouldn’t.

    Aspect Of Anemia

    One really good legendary aspect for this build is the Aspect of Anemia. This allows you for a chance to stun enemies when you hit them with direct damage.

    If they are bleeding, which happens quite frequently, remember that Rend does direct damage as well as bleeding damage, so if you hit a bunch of enemies with Frenzy and then hit him at Rend again even if you don’t use Death Blow. You can stun them and that’ll allow you to get an easy Death Blow or at least back away while they’re stunned to delete it.

    Also, remember that aspects gain double the bonus if they are on two-handed weapons versus one-handed weapons or armor, so you’re going to want to try and put this on your two-handed blade if possible. That’s what you use for this skill when you use it. So, try and find that on a 200 blade or make sure that you go to the Occultist and slot it on there in order to get even more chance to stunt enemies.

    A strong build is actually inseparable from the support of a large number of Diablo 4 Gold. Therefore, when you make this build, you must prepare a lot of gold in advance. In this way, it will be more convenient for you to upgrade your skills.

    This article introduces how to build a Rend Barbarian build that can mow through enemies while doing substantial damage in Diablo 4 on the topics of different skills and abilities.
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