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We’re doing an update on the bossing poison Rogue build for Season 1. This build allows you to skip all of your mechanics and his super cheese. But if you don’t care to learn the fight and just want the mount and the title, I’d recommend using this build. This build is fairly easy to gear. The only things that may be difficult to get are D4 Unique Items that are used, those being Penitent Greaves, Asheara’s Khanjar and Condemnation.
As normal, we’ll be going over skills, the skill tree, gear, aspects, and the Paragon Board. At the end, I’ll also talk about some tips and what to avoid when skipping her mechanics.
For the skills, I’m using Poison Trap, Dash, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Smoke Grenade, and Puncture.
We use Poison Trap for the damage multi and Smoke Grenade for the extra Crowd Control. And we use the Combo Points as our Specialization.
The idea is to stack as much CC as we can so that we can quickly stagger her and skip her phases and mechanics with our damage.
As for our skill tree, it’s pretty much your standard Twisting Blade skill tree.
We have Puncture.
We have Twisting Blades with Advanced Twisting Blades.
We put two skill points into Sturdy and three skill points into Siphoning Strikes, three skill points into Weapon Mastery, one skill point into Dash. But you don’t really need Dash for this.
We have Smoke Grenade with Subverting Smoke Grenade for even more Crowd Control.
We have Poison Trap with the Subverting Poison Trap for that 10% increased poison damage multi.
Then, we put three skill points into Exploit and three skill points into Malice.
We have Poison Imbuement (Rank 5) with Blended Poison Imbuement.
We put three skill points into Deadly Venom, three skill points into Frigid Finesse, and then three skill points in Innervation. This is where we get our energy sustained from.
We put three skill points into Alchemist Fortune and three skill points into the Second Wind for even more lucky hit chance.
We put one skill point into Adrenaline Rush and three skill points into Haste.
Finally, we’re using Close Quarters Combat.
Also Read: How To Target Farm Specific Diablo 4 Unique Items And Double Unique Drop Chance?
Onto our gear and aspects, I want to start off with our armor.
On our helmet, we want Basic Skill Attack Speed, Life, Crowd Control Duration, and Ranks of Poison Imbuement with Mangler’s Aspect to help stagger her.
The chestplate is your normal defensive chestplate with Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies and Armor percent. But the aspect we have here is an Aspect of Noxious Ice. So, when we stagger her, we have another damage multiplier for our poison.
On our gloves, get Ranks of Twisting Blades, lucky hit chance to slow, Critical Strike Chance, and Attack Speed with Aspect of Bursting Venoms. Aspect of Bursting Venoms allows us to constantly have unlimited Poison Imbuement just to keep stacking poison damage on her.
On our pants, we have Life, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies and Armor percent with Aspect of Disobedience.
For our boots, we have Penitent Greaves for the extra chill to stagger and extra damage for when she is staggered and the Crowd Control Duration.
For our weapons on our crossbow, we’re using our normal Bladedancer’s Warcaster crossbow with Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage, Core Skill Damage and Dexterity.
For our daggers, as mentioned before, we have Asheara’s Khanjar and Condemnation. The Asheara’s Khanjar is insane because it gives us up to 16 and a half percent lucky hit and so much Attack Speed to help stagger and build up poison faster. And Condemnation is also insane because it’s a huge DPS boost.
If you have enough Diablo 4 Gold, I suggest you upgrade all these weapons to the highest level. In this way, you will be stronger.
Lastly, the jewelry and hearts. I really cheaped out on the jewelry. There is only a few rolls that you really need.
On the amulet, you want at least to have Ranks of All Imbuement Skills and either Malice or Deadly Venom. If you want to go all out and min max this, get Dexterity percent and Crowd Control Duration as well. The aspect we have is an Aspect of Corruption to increase our Poison Imbuement Damage.
For your rings, you want to have at least Critical Strike Chance, and Lucky Hit Chance. If you want to have more damage, get Vulnerable Damage and Poison Damage as well. The aspects we have are Accelerating Aspect and Rapid Aspect.
For more Attack Speed, we get our energy sustained from the passive Innervation. With so much Lucky Hit, if we run out of energy, just hold Puncture down for a second and you’ll be full.
For your hearts on your jewelry, you’ll want to have at least two Devious sockets and the last can be any color.
We have The Calculated because we attack so fast that we spend that 150 energy very quickly so that five seconds done is a huge boost to our stagger.
Next is Clipshot. Again, because of our Lucky Hit Chance and Attack Speed, it’s amazing for our stagger.
The last one is Creeping Death. When she’s staggered, our damaged to skyrockets, allowing us to just do so much damage that we skip phases and all of her mechanics.
In order to help you understand our build more directly, I will directly list the aspects and gems I use.
Gems: Emerald, Ruby, Creeping Death, The Calculated, The Clipshot
Lastly, we have our Paragon Boards.
Starting off with the glyphs, we’re picking up Closer, Tracker, Chip, Turf, Control, and Ambush.
The legendary nodes that we pick up are Exploit Weakness, Tricks of the Trade and Eldritch Bounty.
Finally, we’re going to talk about some mechanics of skipping the mechanics.
So, some things that you should be aware of starting with the first phase, there really isn’t anything specific here. If you don’t stagger and phase her, then just run out of the ring and reset. For the most part, the first phase is super easy.
However, in the second phase, there are a few things to note here. As soon as she spawns in, you need to stagger her as fast as possible so she doesn’t slam down. If she does her slam, then when the area starts to break and she’s flying around to destroy it, she’ll start spawning Fireballs and makes it very difficult to finish the fight with those Fireballs because they do one-shot you.
So, what I do is I’ll drop two Poison Traps on her spawn point and then start attacking to build up some Attack Speed. And when her stagger bar is about 60%, then drop the Stun Grenade and then you’ll just DPS as normal.
If you’ve done this, then you’re set for the most part. She’ll fly around the area, destroying it. Do not stagger her again until she’s destroyed the top at the right and the left and comes back to the middle.
When she’s back in the middle, you’re free to finish the fight. However, if you do stagger her before, then she’ll start spawning her minions and Fireballs will start to spawn again.
Lastly, sometimes when she’s destroyed the arena right at the end, she’ll summon her Shadow Clone looking thing and it’ll attack you and it will one shot you.
So, when you kill her, just start running around in a circle kind of close to the edge to avoid getting hit by it. And if you’ve done all that, then you’ve officially cheesed the Lilith fight.
In Season of Witchcraft, Sorcerer class has become another powerful choice for players to explore the end-game content with the help of multiple official enhancements. Lightning Spear Sorcerer stands out with its high lightning damage and efficient clearing ability, making it an excellent choice for players to farm maps, clear high-level nightmare dungeons and The Pit in the endgame.
The core idea of Lightning Spear Sorcerer is to trigger Lightning Spear at a high frequency to form continuous damage covering the entire screen. Its burst potential comes from two key mechanisms:
Lightning Spear Sorcerer has high damage but low defense, so players need to pay attention to their health at all times. As long as you practice a little, you can quickly find the fixed order of Lightning Spear Sorcerer skill release. Since Lightning Spear Sorcerer is very good at dealing large-scale damage, it is one of the best choices for farming Diablo 4 Gold and clearing nightmare dungeons, both in the early and endgame stages.
In addition, the season-exclusive Witchcraft Powers further strengthen the strength of the genre. Here are some recommended Witchcraft Powers for you:
Lightning Spear Sorcerer still relies more on Diablo 4 items. You can go to nightmare dungeons to explore or fight bosses, and you can get equipment and gold, materials and other items through these methods.
Players can force Lightning Spear to target specific targets by quickly fine-tuning the mouse pointing, increasing single-target damage by 50%.
Drink Elixir of Precision and Elixir of Resource at the beginning to maximize the critical strike and mana recovery efficiency respectively and then switch to Elixir of Fortitude to deal with high-pressure scenarios.
Mercenaries can protect the safety of Lightning Spear Sorcerer. It is recommended that you use gold to hire Varyana and Raheir. The former provides area damage, and the latter casts a shield when the player is seriously injured, greatly improving the fault tolerance rate.
Lightning Spear Sorcerer has received some adjustments and enhancements in Season 7:
As players develop Occult Gems in depth, more variants may appear in the future. For example, with Friend of the Bog Occult Gem, the damage of the summon can be increased to a new threshold, and even the challenge of The Pit can be tried.
Lightning Spear Sorcerer is not only an efficient endgame build but also brings sensory stimulation to players. Whether it is a novice in the early farming Gold, or veterans delving into extreme output, this genre can provide a unique combat experience. As the season progresses, its potential is still being tapped.
In order to ensure the normal operation of the game and to bring you a better experience during the validity period of the current season, Diablo 4 will regularly release patches of varying sizes. Since the latest Season 7 was released on January 21 this year, it will also usher in patch 2.1.2 on February 18.
In fact, the news of this patch update was announced by Diablo 4 at the 2025 DICE Summit in Las Vegas not long ago. At the summit, the game developer also stated that although the previous DLC Vessel of Hatred had a good response, there should be no new expansion in 2025, which obviously broke the previous statement that Diablo 4 would focus on annual expansion.
But you don’t have to be frustrated because this actually shows that Diablo 4 development team will work hard to make the new DLC have better quality, rather than rushing to launch a product full of bugs. And while you won’t be able to play the new expansion in 2025, Diablo 4 season you can experience will get more attention from the game developers and become better, just like the benefits brought by this patch 2.1.2.
According to known information, patch 2.1.2 will be released on both PC and consoles after the server maintenance is over. The patch is said to fix some stability issues that began to appear in Diablo 4 during Season of Witchcraft, such as the problem of requiring twice Diablo 4 Gold to open certain special portals, and problems related to Armory loadout and Party Finder windows will also be solved in patch 2.1.2.
In addition, you will also have the opportunity to get some new experience content through this update, such as the new nightmare dungeon affix, which will make Season 7 Forgotten Altars appear more frequently. And if you like Season 7’s new pet Dorian the Raven, you will find that after the release of patch 2.1.2, you can even pet your new partner, although this may make him feel annoyed.
It is worth noting that a change made to Druid’s Lacerate skill in Diablo 4 in the previous 2.1.1 update was controversial because it prevented Druid from moving while channeling the skill, so you might have hoped that 2.1.2 would fix this problem. Fortunately, further improvements to Lacerate skill are indeed in progress, which means that Druids using Lacerate will work just as they did before the release of patch 2.1.1. In addition, patch 2.1.2 will also fix the unique power rolls of certain amulets, such as Malefic Crescent and Fractured Winterglass.
In fact, this update is not only for Season 7 but also Vessel of Hatred expansion has received some adjustments. After all, it has been online for less than half a year and is still not stable enough.
Mainly fixes a few notable bugs, such as Bloodhorn boss at the end of Forgotten Remains dungeon becoming unkillable when you transition to the second phase of the fight, or Portable Anvils created by Scroll of Forging becoming un-interactable with other interactable objects if placed near other interactable objects.
In terms of basic updates to the game content, patch 2.1.2 adds a new nightmare dungeon affix to the season to ensure that you can spawn Forgotten Altars more frequently, thereby unlocking the required lost witchcraft powers faster, but this affix only exists as an option for nightmare dungeon marks during Season 7.
Other content includes the changes we already mentioned for Dorian the Raven, and the tooltip for Decayed Enhancement will be adjusted from referring to “Effect” to “Power” to indicate that decayed enhancement works specifically on witchcraft powers, rather than something else that witchcraft powers modifies. And of course there are ongoing adjustments to Druid’s Lacerate skill.
Bug fixes are also divided into different areas, including:
Season 7:
It goes without saying that both the DLC and Season 7 will be better with patch 2.1.2, allowing you to continue to enjoy the unique ARPG experience that Diablo 4 brings!
With the continuous update of the season, Diablo 4 will not only launch new classes from time to time but also update and upgrade the classic classes that appear in almost every season, to balance the strength of each class and ensure your gaming experience.
Therefore, when you enter a new season, even if you choose to play the same class as the previous season, you should pay attention to adjusting your strategy in the choice of build. For example, in the latest Season 7, if you choose to be a Druid, it is recommended that you give priority to Druid Cataclysm Build when entering the endgame stage.
Based on this, we will introduce you how to craft this build and why it is recommended.
Since Season 7 introduces the witchcraft power, you should choose builds that can synergize well with it in order to give full play to your maximum power in this season, and Druid Cataclysm Build can do this completely, and this build also allows you to earn more Diablo 4 Gold or special seasonal currency by killing Season 7’s seasonal enemies more efficiently.
In addition, since this build can deal huge area damage, it will give you great clearing and farming potential, as well as defensive skills that are enough to resist powerful enemies, making your Diablo 4 endgame journey smoother. In fact, such a build that effectively combines offense and defense will make it easy for you to complete dungeons and world quests.
The key to making this build work is to keep Cataclysm active for as long as possible and use it as much as possible. For this purpose, it would be nice if you can have some gear or special items that can help reduce the cooldown of skills.
Maul is probably the most suitable basic skill for this build, as it helps you generate spirit and provides you with continuous protection in battle. When you hit an enemy with Maul, it will increase your durability by strengthening a percentage of your maximum health, and the additional strengthening of this skill will also come in handy when you are facing a group of stronger elite enemies.
For this type of skill, it is recommended that you first choose Pulverize, because when other skills that use spirit are on cooldown, this skill allows you to deal area damage to enemies when you in the gap. In other words, when other skills are on cooldown, Maul and Pulverize can guarantee your damage output while also providing a certain amount of defense, so that you don’t just rely on ultimate skills.
As another core component of this build, Hurricane can cause damage in the surrounding area, and it will become more useful after unlocking Enhanced Hurricane and Savage Hurricane. Among them, Enhanced Hurricane slows down the speed of enemies affected by the skill, while Savage Hurricane reduces the damage caused by enemies affected by the skill.
There are two defensive skills worth equipping. One is Earthen Bulwark, which will provide you with a shield by absorbing a certain percentage of your maximum health for a short period. If you can, it is recommended to unlock more points in Enhanced Earthen Bulwark to make this skill more unstoppable.
The second good defensive skill is Debilitating Roar, which can reduce the amount of damage dealt by nearby enemies, thus helping your allies in battle, especially when they play a more fragile class like Sorcerer. If you combine this skill with Enhanced and Innate Debilitating Roar, you will get more defense and stronger damage output when you activate them.
The ultimate skill Cataclysm can push back enemies and hit them with lightning in the form of a storm to deal damage. If you want to make this skill more powerful, you can choose Prime Cataclysm in the skill tree to increase its duration and Catastrophe to increase the damage you deal after casting this skill. Finally, don’t forget to unlock passive skill Ursine Strength to enhance your Maul and Pulverize skills.
Airidah’s Inexorable Will is a must-have for this build, as the ultimate cooldown reduction it has pulled enemies towards you, allowing you to take more damage when you use your ultimate.
Or the ring Mjölnic Ryng, which gives you extra points of Endless Tempest and gives you infinite spirit, extra movement speed, and increased damage when you use Cataclysm. In general, all the gear that increases willpower, maximum health, cooldown reduction, and overwhelming damage are great.
As for aspect choices, Stormshifter’s Aspect will buff your Hurricane and Shapeshifter skills, Aspect of Apogeic Furor will increase your ultimate damage, or Runeworker’s Conduit Aspect will increase the storm and lightning damage you deal.
If you want to harness the power of gems, use Rubies in weapons for suppressed damage, Sapphires in armor for willpower, and Occult gems in jewelry. For Druid Cataclysm Build, Voice of the Stars is a must-have Occult gem that can enhance your ultimate skill. Or you can choose other gems that can increase resistance as needed.
The above is what we introduced to you, the necessity and precautions of using Druid Cataclysm Build in Diablo 4 Season 7 endgame. I hope the info can help your gaming experience. Thank you for reading.
Whether you are playing the DLC or any related season, farming for gold or items should be one of your main tasks in Diablo 4. After all, only by accumulating enough supplies can you have the opportunity to make your game character continue to improve, to pass the level after defeating the boss successfully.
Undoubtedly, the better quality items and more Diablo 4 Gold will always appear after you win the boss battle, especially those bosses in the endgame stage or only appear after unlocking Torment difficulty. Their death will mean that you will get a lot of wealth in the game.
However, depending on the class you play, the specific content of the loot dropped by each boss is actually different, and some of these items may help you better deal with other bosses. Therefore, in order to pass the current Season of Witchcraft successfully, it is necessary to understand the loot dropped by different bosses in the season.
Based on this, we will first introduce you to the 5 main bosses and their reward lists.
The rough categories of all the loot aren’t actually very different, although the specifics vary, so the first thing worth knowing is the unique items. Since the launch of Vessel of Hatred, unique items have become increasingly important, especially in recent seasons, after they have been upgraded. So while their special effects are largely unchanged compared to the past, their affixes are much stronger than before, allowing you to use them to improve your odds even against Torment 4 difficulty.
It’s worth noting that you have to reach Torment 1 difficulty to start collecting materials and fighting bosses, and to do this you also need to complete the level 20 Pit so that you can unlock the higher Diablo 4 game difficulties. To do this, you need more powerful gear and solid builds, as well as effective unique items to help you destroy dungeons.
All Diablo 4 bosses currently have a high chance of dropping uber uniques, or mythic uniques, but if you’re really unlucky, you can use Resplendent Spark dropped by the first boss you kill to craft a special item.
This boss has been around since Season 1 and can be considered an old friend. In Season 7, he was one of the bosses in Torment 1 and was relatively easy to fight. In the past, he would reward you with Malignant Hearts after killing Elites, Grotesque Debtors, and completing Whispers’ Grim Favors, but in the new season, his death will give you the following items:
You will encounter this boss during Torment 1. After opening the treasure chest obtained from Helltides, you may get Living Steel, which can be used to summon Grigoire. Fortunately, the battle with him is not very difficult.
If you want to meet this boss, you need to have obtained Exquisite Blood by killing the world boss, completing the legion event, or defeating Helltide blood maiden boss in advance to summon him.
This boss requires Distilled Fear to summon, which can be easily obtained by running nightmare dungeons with nightmare sigils and farming them.
Although this boss is more difficult to deal with, he is also twice as likely to drop uber uniques and mythic uniques as other bosses. However, to summon him, you need to defeat Grigoire and Varshan first to obtain Shards of Agony and Mucus-slick Eggs.
If there is a loot you want to get first, you can choose to fight the boss that will drop the item first, but it is not recommended to fight a high-difficulty boss too early, because your character may not be strong enough at that time, which will cause you losses. I hope you can improve yourself quickly to defeat all bosses. I wish you success!
As you know, in order to keep the game fresh and attract new players, Diablo 4 always adds new mechanisms when launching new seasons, or adjusts and updates some existing game content. In the recent Season 7, the representative of the new mechanism is witchcraft power (lost witchcraft power is one of them), and the past Runeshards have been given a new name-Artificer’s Stones.
No matter which of them, they can provide you with additional benefits in Diablo 4 Season 7, allowing you to get a better gaming experience, so it is necessary to know how to get and use them in the current season. Based on this, we will introduce them to you one by one.
In Season 6 and older seasons, there is an item called Runeshard, which is one of the must-have items for you to enter the endgame. After storing enough Runeshards, it can help you further improve your game character in the endgame. In Season Of witchcraft, Runeshards are called Artificer’s Stones.
You can farm Artificer’s Stones by participating in limited-time events in the game, such as Legion events and World events. But the limited-time feature may make you feel tricky, so you also need to know other more common ways to obtain Artificer’s Stones.
The first way is to complete a bounty mission called Whispers of the Dead through Tree of Whispers, which is actually the core of Season 7. After successfully completing these missions, you will get extra XP, Diablo 4 Gold, and Grim Favors, among which Grim Favors can be exchanged for Whisper Caches - some treasure chests contain many Artificer’s Stones.
Other Season 7 activities that can earn Artificer’s Stones include completing dungeons. Whether it’s Nightmare, Helltide, or Kurast Undercity, exploring and fighting in them will reward you with Artificer’s Stones. In addition, Infernal Hordes also allows you to find Artificer’s Stones after obtaining high-level loot or material loot, or defeating Fell Council can also do it.
It’s worth mentioning that if you use the consumable potion Seething Opal of Torment during the game, it will help you increase the chance of all relevant enemies dropping Artificer’s Stones for you for 30 minutes.
The only use of this item in the game is to open Pit of the Artificer. This pit is actually an endgame dungeon that will bring a lot of rich loot. Completing it will upgrade your Paragon Glyphs and unlock Torment difficulty for you-Torment difficulty will increase the challenge of Diablo 4 endgame while giving you the opportunity to obtain rare loot.
To open Pit of the Artificer, head to Cerrigar in Scosglen region, where you’ll find a portal called Artificer’s Obelisk, and to interact with the obelisk you’ll need enough Artificer’s Stones.
They’re special combat perks exclusive to Season 7, similar to the vampire powers from Season 2. You can acquire and equip a total of 6 witchcraft Powers, and upgrade them to make yourself stronger, but before that you need to know how to acquire them.
To do this, you actually have to complete a series of quests. First you have to talk to Gelena in Gea Kul, and by interacting with her you’ll officially start the season to get the first set of quests: find the source of the rot, and then go to Tree of Whispers with Gelena.
There are four altars in the game, namely Altar of the Eldritch, Altar of the Psyche, Altar of Growth, and Forgotten Altar. Each altar will grant you the witchcraft power associated with its name, and Forgotten Altar will grant you the lost power.
It should be noted that unlike the other three altars located in Tree of Whispers, Forgotten Altar that can bring lost power is located in the dungeon, and their generation is random. After finding Forgotten Altar, you can collect Restless Rot to exchange for the lost power you want if you can.
It is easier to upgrade the lost witchcraft power than to find them. Go to the inventory and select the witchcraft tab. When you select the power you want to upgrade, consume the corresponding amount of Restless Rot. In addition, you can equip and replace your witchcraft power according to the combat effect you want to achieve, and use up to six at a time.
In fact, after completing the task of unlocking the witchcraft power, you can use the power you have obtained to continue the seasonal world quest to unlock more available powers. In addition, although the chances of finding Forgotten Altar are not very high, at least you will find that the dungeon it is located in is easy to clear, especially if you have obtained the witchcraft power provided by the other three altars next to Tree of Whispers.
I hope that after our introduction, you can successfully obtain these two game contents in Season 7. Wish you good luck!
Most Diablo 4 seasons will introduce a new mechanism that is only available in that season in conjunction with the new main storyline of the current season. These mechanisms generally provide you with special powers as your seasonal combat assistants in various ways to help you get a unique combat experience in the new season.
For the recently launched Diablo 4 Season Of Witchcraft, this new mechanism is the power of witchcraft. Although other new content has been introduced in this season, none of them are as attractive as the power of witchcraft. However, if you want to get these powers, you must first complete a pre-quest called Poison in the Roots, and then you can start to obtain these unique witchcraft skills to enhance your character by collecting Grim Favors and Restless Rot.
Based on this, we will introduce you how to solve this task in step-by-step order.
When you have collected enough Grim Favors through the main quest of Season 7, you can go to Tree of Whispers to start Poison in the Roots quest. Once there, you’ll see three witches trying to perform a ritual, which will allow your character to begin gaining witchcraft power, but the ritual can’t be completed without your help.
It’s worth noting that talking to Gelena in Tree of Whispers not only opens Poison in the Roots but also allows you to make Occult gems with her - provided you have enough materials for making them. But before that, completing the quest is the top priority.
The entire ritual looks like a circle of three braziers and three twisting snakes assembled by the witches, and your first step is to light the braziers around the circle in the order of the old names of Tree of Whispers. The witches will say part of the old names in the correct order, as follows:
After all the braziers are lit correctly, some enemies will appear around, and defeating them in time will drop Diablo 4 Gold and open the next step of the quest for you. Fortunately, these enemies are not very difficult.
In addition to the enemies mentioned above, you will also need to kill the writhing snakes quickly in the ritual circle the moment you light the last brazier. When they die, they will drop an in-game item called Nangri Blood, as well as health potions that can help you fight other subsequent enemies.
After obtaining all three bottles of Nangri Blood, you need to walk along the ritual circle to any of the braziers you just lit and sprinkle Nangri Blood you have along the way as you continue to walk around the circle. Immediately afterwards, as the flame of one of the braziers goes out, the area begins to rumble, which means that Nangri Blood has begun to work.
Next, the real ritual will begin, as you have completed all the steps required to start it. However, to enter the last part of Poison in the Roots quest, you must still resolve a fierce battle.
It is worth noting that the use of Nangri Blood does not need to be selected in advance from the inventory, you can directly scatter it around the ritual circle.
As Nangri Blood spreads, enemies that spawn in the area will try to disrupt the purification ritual. All you have to do is kill them to prevent them from entering the ritual circle and contaminating the ritual. These enemies will continue to spawn until the gray bar in the ritual circle is exhausted. You can adjust your attack and defense strategies based on this progress bar.
Since these enemies spawn from all directions, you must try to get as close to the ritual circle as possible to kill any enemies in time. For this reason, it is recommended that you try to use skills that can attack in a large area so that small waves of enemies can be eliminated before they get close to the ritual circle. The class that is most suitable for this stage should be Necromancer, because they can use minions to create obstacles for enemies.
As the progress bar enters the final stage, ordinary enemies will begin to give way to more dangerous elite monsters. Since they have unique properties and abilities, and these abilities will appear randomly, you need to be fully prepared before they arrive.
Fortunately, you don’t have to consume extra energy to protect the witches in the ritual circle, because they will not be attacked by enemies, so you don’t have to worry about them dying throughout the ritual. At the end of the ritual, a small boss will appear, spawning and commanding more remaining minions until the gray progress bar in the ritual circle becomes empty, at which point all enemies will immediately die and drop rewards for you, which also means the successful completion of the mission.
In addition to the normal rewards, you will also receive a Legendary Cache, which contains good loot, and may even contain a new unique item or other powerful gear in Season 7. If you talk to the witch again next, they will hint that you may encounter more rituals later.
In the following season journey, you can exchange more witchcraft power by giving more Grim Favors to these witches, and continue to advance the main storyline of Season Of Witchcraft to get more rewards by finding and completing more main quests. Good luck!
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