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  • Diablo 4 Shadow Flurry Rogue Build: A Complete Guide To The Best Rogue Leveling Build In Season 4

    Jul 04 ,2024

    Diablo 4 Season 5 is almost here. Are you eager to upgrade your character and build as soon as possible to get a better start when entering the new season? Here, we will share a top leveling build for Rogue class, Shadow Flurry Rogue.

    But that doesn't mean it can't be used to clear the endgame. This build is able to deal a lot of AoE damage by firing Imbue Flurry, allowing you to easily clear groups of monsters. Besides this, we have used many of the same concepts and pushed them to the extreme. So if you are looking for a best Rogue leveling build in Season 4, don’t miss this guide!

    Diablo 4 Shadow Flurry Rogue Build: A Complete Guide To The Best Rogue Leveling Build in Season 4


    Shadow Flurry has always been a fun build that can quickly clear enemies, and since Season 3, it has a lot of additional clearing power in the form of Icy Alchemist’s Aspect and Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect.

    What’s more, these now trigger simply by using Shadow Imbuement skill, rather than requiring the enemy to be affected by Ailments. Combined with Aspect of Elements, we are able to deal massive amounts of damage.

    On the defensive side of things, we’re going to rely on Daze and Knockdown enemy abilities as our primary forms of defense. We’re also going to utilize Concealment and Aspect of Lethal Dusk for stealth. Not only will this give us some passive healing, but it’ll also give us more uptime on Shadow Imbuement with Nightstalker glyph.

    To round out our defense, we’re going to use a combination of Momentum Key Passive and Aspect of Stolen Vigor. These skills, when stacked, will give us a ton of damage reduction as well as a ton of in-combat healing. Since we’ll be applying Dazed constantly, we’ll often be maxing out this effect.


    Next, we’ll discuss each of the skills we use and explain what each one does and how they fit into the build.


    Puncture is always a solid base skill for Rogue to use, giving us an easy way to apply Vulnerable. Depending on the situation, in most encounters, we probably only need to use it a few times to win.


    Flurry is an exceptional skill, and paired with Aspect of Encircling Blades, we’ll hit the entire area around us multiple times. While its Lucky Hit Chance is low, the number of enemies we can hit and the number of hits we can get more than make up for it. This allows it to trigger our Lucky Hit effect frequently, giving us a lot of damage and utility.

    Shadow Step

    We mainly use Shadow Step for movement. It has a low cooldown, and it only gets shorter as we stack cooldown reduction, making it very reliable.

    More importantly, its Lucky Hit Chance makes it a great tool for triggering Alchemist procs. The only downside is that Shadow Step is a single-target, so you only get one set of blasts.


    Concealment isn’t always the best option, but on-demand stealth can go a long way in defense. We mainly use it to lower the cooldown of Shadow Imbuement and trigger a guaranteed crit to daze enemies. We’ll also get a nice boost to our defense thanks to Resistant Assailant’s Aspect and be able to reduce its cooldown fairly frequently.

    Diablo 4 Concealment

    Shadow Imbuement

    Shadow Imbuement itself increases AoE potential of Flurry, as any enemy affected by Shadow Infection will explode when defeated.

    Shadow Clone

    Shadow Clone is our ultimate of choice. With Aspect of Imitated Imbuement, it will not only echo our Imbue Flurry casts, but will also provide more opportunities to trigger Icy Alchemist’s Aspect and Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect.

    Unique Items

    This build makes use of multiple Diablo 4 Items, but here we’ll only discuss the few that provide the strongest effects to the build. These are the ones you really want to slot into the build if you have the chance. You can unlock most of these items at World Tier 3, but once you get them, the build gets a nice upgrade.

    Cowl Of The Nameless

    Cowl of the Nameless is a Unique Helm that gives us easy access to cooldown reduction and increased Lucky Hit Chance. It even has a now-rare melee damage reduction.

    However, the trade-off here is that we lose Tempering, which means less overall cooldown reduction for Concealment and generally lower defense.

    Diablo 4 Cowl of the Nameless

    Grasp Of Shadow

    Grasp of Shadow is a pair of Unique Gloves that also provides most of the features we want from gloves, namely Attack Speed ​​and Flurry Ranks. If you are lucky enough to use it with a higher Core Skill Rank affix, it will greatly increase our damage.

    Worst-case scenario, we only lose Critical Chance and a little Max Health. This is usually okay though, as the buffs it brings are usually more important.

    Yen’s Blessing

    Yen’s Blessing is a pair of Unique Boots that provide many of the features we want from boots, mainly the movement speed buff.


    Next, we’ll look at some Legendary Aspects that can maximize the potential of this build.

    • Aspect of Elements
    • Aspect of Encircling Blades
    • Aspect of Initated Imbuement
    • Icy Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Aspect of Concussive Strikes
    • Aspect of Stolen Vigor
    • Resistant Assailant’s Aspect

    Paragon Board

    Paragon Boards are a feature available at level 50. These boards allow us to spend Paragon points gained from leveling up to enhance our character.

    • Starter Board: Like all Starter Boards, this one provides general damage and defense.
    • Exploit Weakness: This will allow us to apply a stacking damage bonus when hitting vulnerable enemies, and this will affect almost every enemy in our vicinity at all times.
    • Eldritch Bounty: When we use Shadow Imbuement, Eldritch Bounty increases our Shadow resistance and Shadow damage
    • Cheap Shot: This gives us a damage bonus to each crowd-controlled enemy nearby, and we will be constantly Dazing enemies, so this helps a lot in our siege.
    • Cunning Stratagem: It does provide some conveniently placed armor and core skill damage that is also useful.

    Diablo 4 Shadow Flurry Rogue Build Paragon Board

    That’s all you need to know about this Shadow Flurry Rogue build. Mastering this guide will help you maximize your damage and overall performance. Anyway, I hope this build brings you some new fun. See you next time!

  • Diablo 4 Werenado Tornado Druid Build: How To Make The Top Build In Season 4?

    Jun 20 ,2024

    As always, the arrival of Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn brought a ton of new meta, which also affected many classes and builds to a certain extent. In the process, Werenado Tornado Druid build came into being and gradually climbed to the top of the weekly leaderboard.

    In fact, this S-Tier build has long been circulated among the player community, and if you use it properly, it will help you get through the end of the season easily.

    This build focuses on Werenado play style, where players transform into bears or wolves and release devastating Tornado to destroy enemies. The build uses various buffs and deals a lot of damage to easily deal with the hardest content in the game.

    Each season in Diablo 4 usually has different activities and different builds that are better than others. And Werenado Druid, as one of the new builds in this season, can deal a lot of damage and overcome challenges. By perfecting this build, you will reap all the rewards of this season and put those long-coveted Uniques in your pocket.

    Diablo 4 Werenado Tornado Druid Build: How To Make The Top Build In Season 4?

    Build Core Mechanics

    First, let’s talk about how to get Werenado Tornado Druid build to its full potential.

    Wildheart Hunger Unique boots are a vital part of this build. These boots reduce your cooldowns and provide a massive damage boost. However, what makes them even better is that when your Druid transforms into Werewolf form, you gain Wildheart that lasts for 5 seconds.

    Wildheart gives you a damage buff every 2 seconds and allows it to stack. This alone gives you a massive damage boost that can crush challenging bosses in a matter of seconds.

    Additionally, Legendary weapon, Shepherd’s Parashu, is also necessary for this build, as it gives your Tornado Damage a chance to cast twice, and adds its own Willpower and Damage boosts. This means you’ll most likely be summoning a Tornado Storm in Werewolf form, doubling the damage.

    Finally, Thunderstruck Legendary Node provides a massive damage boost to Storm Skills. All of this combined will boost your total damage to almost 8 times your normal damage.

    I should remind you that you need Tempest Roar for this build to work so you can keep transforming. But if you have the extra Diablo 4 Gold to get the other parts available, you can deal a lot of AOE damage and easily tear through enemies with your Tornado.

    Diablo 4 Thunderstruck Legendary Node

    Best Equipment

    While the above legendary gear is the most important, the other parts that deal a little extra damage also make a difference. Here is a list of other items you can get:

    • Helm: Tempest Roar
    • Chest Armor: Vigorous Aspect
    • Gloves: Stormchaser’s Aspect
    • Pants: Tibault’s Will
    • Boots: Wildheart Hunger
    • Weapon: Shepherd’s Parashu
    • Amulet: Aspect of Retaliation
    • Ring: Aspect of the Stampede & Accelerating Aspect

    Diablo 4: Does Wildheart Hunger have a buff?

    If you want to make the build work, you should also equip 3 pets like Ravens, Poison Creeper, and Wolves, as well as a set of skills: Trample, Petrify, and Tornado. As for gems, you just need to focus on the damage and extra HP they provide.

    Also, invest in the best gear you can get, but don’t worry too much about upgrading your armor if you have the gear listed above. With these items, you should be able to reach your maximum potential and will be close to the upper limit of certain stats for this build.

    Skill Tree

    For the skill tree, many of Werenado Tornado Druid’s skills revolve around Shapeshifting skill upgrades, as well as an upgrade or two for your pet. Most importantly, Wild Impulses should be fully upgraded, doing so will ensure that your Storm and Shapeshifting magics play a significant role. Additionally, many of the skill tree choices in Diablo 4 will give you a boost when you are in Werewolf or Werebear form.

    We start by investing 1 point into Poison Creeper to passively summon 1 Poison Creeper. Then we invest 1 point into Enhanced Poison Creeper, Brutal Poison Creeper to increase the critical strike chance of enemies affected by Poison Creeper.

    Similarly, investing 1 point into Ravens can damage enemies when they fly over them. Additionally, 2 points into Elemental Exposure, Storm Skills have a chance to make enemies vulnerable.

    Additionally, 1 point into Trample will instantly transform us into a Werebear. Invest 1 point each in Enhanced Trample and Natural Trample, which do 150% more damage and 20% Maximum Life as Fortify.

    The 3 points in Natural Disaster will make Earth and Storm Skills do more damage against certain enemies. And 3 points in Quickshift, which will do more damage when Shapeshifting skill transforms you.

    Finally, add 1 point in Bestial Rampage to increase attack speed as a Werewolf and more damage as a Werebear.

    Diablo 4 Werenado Tornado Druid Skill Tree

    Paragon Board

    Like I mentioned before, the most important part of Paragon Board for this build is Thunderstruck Legendary Node. It is the core part of this build and will improve all of these Storm Skills. Among them, the other nodes you want to activate are: Werewolf, Earth and Sky, Fang and Claw, Outmatch, Exploit, and Spirit.

    Put all of this together and you should be ready for anything the new season throws at you. Trust me, Werenado build will help you clear all enemies in the endgame with its violent whirlwind.

  • Diablo 4 Heartseeker Rogue Build: A Comprehensive Guide To The Best Rogue Build In Season 4

    Jun 18 ,2024

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn update has changed the way we play, and some classes that weren’t great before often outperform other classes when it comes to collecting loot, and Rogue is one of them. So here we are, talking about one of the best Rogue builds in Season 4, Heartseeker Rogue Build.

    For most of Diablo 4’s lifespan, builds like Rapid Fire and Death Trap dominated the meta-game. But with the rise of Loot Reborn and the introduction of new bosses, Heartseeker Build came into being and has skyrocketed in the rankings.

    This Heartseeker Build revolves around its namesake skill. Heartseeker is a bow skill that shoots a Seeking Arrow that tracks the nearest enemy, deals damage to it, and increases your critical strike chance against affected enemies.

    With Twisting Blades being nerfed in Loot Reborn, it seems like Rogue players have fewer ultimate build options than ever, but Heartseeker has quickly become the go-to build. Paired with the right Diablo 4 items, aspects, gear, and rotation, Heartseeker Build can help players clear enemies and bosses faster.

    Diablo 4 Heartseeker Rogue Build: A Comprehensive Guide To The Best Rogue Build In Season 4


    Heartseeker Rogue is one of the simpler builds in Diablo 4. The goal of this build is to deal the majority of damage by setting up the Heartseeker’s basic attacks while getting as many Victimize bonuses as possible.

    The second key to this build is to make the most of your mobility. Since Rogue has less life than other classes in Diablo 4, it’s crucial to keep your distance from your opponents, and skills like Dash, Shadow Step, and Caltrops make it easy to do that. Here are all the skills you need to unlock to get this build to its full potential.

    • Heartseeker: Deals damage to a targeted enemy by firing a Seeking Arrow and increase your critical strike chance at the target.
    • Stutter Step: Critical strikes increase movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds.
    • Caltrops: The player jumps backwards and throws Caltrops on the ground to damage enemies and slow them by 50%
    • Shadow Step: The player becomes unstoppable and gains 50% movement speed for two seconds. At the same time, any attacks from behind will deal more damage.
    • Dash: Dash forward, pushing the player and dealing damage to any enemies in the way.
    • Dark Shroud: This is a protective shroud that reduces damage by 8% per active Shadow, and there are 5 in total.
    • Smoke Grenade: A projectile that stuns enemies for four seconds.
    • Victimize: There is a 50% chance to cause an explosion when damaging a vulnerable target.
    • Inner Sight: Certain enemies will be marked, and attacking marked enemies will fill your Inner Sight meter. Once the meter is full, the player will gain unlimited energy and increase critical chance for four seconds.

    Diablo 4 Heartseeker

    Regarding rotations, your Heartseeker Basic attack will be your primary weapon in almost every encounter. Caltrops and Smoke Grenades are effective defense mechanisms, while Dash and Shadow Step can be used both as a means of escaping and dealing extra damage. Considering that Rogues usually have low health, it’s best to keep Dark Shroud on at all times.

    The main synergy for this build is between Heartseeker and Victimize, the latter of which is only unlocked at higher levels to achieve the ultimate purpose of this build being able to be invincible in the endgame.


    In Diablo 4, Aspects are items that can be attached to equipment, even ordinary items can gain legendary traits or effects. Players can obtain Aspects by completing dungeons, quests, or seasonal events.

    Once you have an Aspect, you can visit Occultist in any town to attach it to your equipment, provided you have enough Diablo 4 Gold and Veiled Crystals.

    There are currently over 114 Aspects in the game, and you can choose from them based on your class and play style. For Heartseeker Rogue, Aspects you can choose from include: Aspect of Might, Undying Aspect, Aspect of Concussive Strikes, Umbrous Aspect, Frostbitten Aspect, and many more.

    Diablo 4 Aspect of Might

    Best Items

    Since most of the best rare and legendary items in Diablo 4 rely entirely on random drops, it’s best to aim to farm Aspects rather than specific gear.

    Here, the best unique item we can get is Harlequin Crest. This unique item is particularly useful for Heartseeker Rogue as it rewards the player with 20% damage reduction, making the class more resilient.

    Again, this is a completely random drop and could come from Duriel, King of Maggots, Echo of Andariel, or any random chest in World Tier 4.

    Diablo 4 Harlequin Crest


    Gems are another type of item in Diablo 4 that can be slotted into gear to gain additional buffs, similar to Aspects with passive effects. The three best Gems available for this build are Royal Ruby for Armor, Sapphire for Weapon, and Diamond for Jewelry. Of course, you can also explore other options.

    Sapphire Gem is by far the most important Gem in this build, as it provides 20% Vulnerability Damage, which synergizes well with Victimize passive effect you unlock.


    Elixir is a consumable item that can be used in leveling and endgame activities. Elixirs that increase XP are very useful for reaching max levels quickly, but once you reach endgame content, Elixir of Poison Resistance and Elixir of Advantage become your two best options.

    Elixir of Poison Resistance increases your resistance to poison as well as the rate at which you gain XP, while Elixir of Advantage benefits Heartseeker Rogue by providing Lucky Hit. To win in the endgame, you have to accumulate all the advantages you can get, and Elixirs are definitely a great way to increase your strength.

    Those are all the tips and tricks you need to know to complete this Heartseeker Rogue Build. Try it now and stand till the end in the endgame!

  • The Best Strategies For Maximizing Your Loot In Diablo 4 Season 4 March Of The Goblins!

    Jun 08 ,2024

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn brings a lot of new content, and these changes give players more things to do and more rewards to earn when fighting enemies in Helltide.

    In addition to the new content in Loot Reborn, March of the Goblins is also a new event that takes place during Season 4, celebrating Diablo 4’s first anniversary. This event is divided into two parts, both offering different rewards and different options for players.

    Because the new March of the Goblins in Diablo 4 has just begun, everyone is looking for Goblins right now. So, that’s where this guide comes into play. We’ll cover how to complete this event and maximize the number of Goblins you can find and kill per hour to get more loot!

    The Best Strategies For Maximizing Your Loot In Diablo 4 Season 4 March Of The Goblins!

    Event Content

    The first part of the event will see Sanctuary flooded with Treasure Goblins, allowing players to get some Diablo 4 items.

    Treasure Goblins

    Treasure Goblins will be quite plentiful compared to their usual scarcity. They will appear more often, and their loot bags will be fuller than usual as well. You’ll also be able to pick up free cosmetic items from the in-game store of your choice.

    Treasure Goblins are also rumored to travel in groups, which also allows you to hunt down more loot than usual. You can get a ton of Power Level 925 legendary items from Treasure Bags they get, which can allow you to boost your new character to a more powerful level since you can store these bags and use them later.

    Additionally, this also comes with the addition of Greed Shrines. Regardless of how these Greed Shrines work, they will come with a fountain of gold and a chance to spawn more Treasure Goblins. So it’s entirely possible to grab as much loot as you can from this event and use it to craft the top-tier build of your dreams.

    Mother’s Blessing

    For the second part of the event, the main thing is that Lilith will be spreading her Mother’s Blessing on the first anniversary of her return. This buff will give you a 25% XP bonus and a 50% gold bonus. So all XP and gold you earn from any class you play in Diablo 4 will receive these bonuses.

    These bonuses will apply to all World Tiers and Seasonal and Eternal Realms. You can stack it with any other bonus you have so that you can fight your way through Sanctuary and become more powerful than ever before.

    Diablo 4 March of the Goblins Guide for Season 4

    How To Farm More Goblins?

    To become more efficient at farming Goblins, the first thing you have to do is go to Occultist and craft Nightmare Sigils. Of course, you’d better choose a tier of Nightmare Dungeon that you can easily pass.

    Next, look at Nightmare Sigil you made and check the green affix on Sigil. What you are looking for are Sigils with Extra Shrines Affix. You can salvage all the unneeded Sigils, make more Sigils, check their green affix, and repeat.

    Once you have a bunch of Sigils with Extra Shrines Affix, all you have to do is open and run the corresponding Nightmare Dungeon, completing the objectives until you reach the boss.

    In March of the Goblins, Greed Shrines have a chance to spawn Treasure Goblins when you kill enemies. So kill as many enemies as you can while you have Shrine effect on you. The best outcome is to have a Cursed Greed Shrine, as enemies will constantly spawn above you in this case.

    Besides this, you can also find pairs of Treasure Goblins randomly in dungeons. Once you reach the dungeon’s boss, you can kill it to get the loot and glyph leveling, or you can just teleport out and start the next Nightmare Dungeon and repeat.

    This method is not as strong for Sigil crafting as you might think, because you get a free Sigil after completing the boss, and Goblins themselves also have a high chance to drop Nightmare Sigil. Unfortunately, Goblins’ loot drops are really bad at the moment.

    Diablo 4 Treasure Goblin Farm

    How To Get Power Level 925 Gear The Fastest?

    So, in the end, I want to talk about what is the fastest way to get Power Level 925 gear from Goblins.

    But at the start of the event, as always, it was bugged right away: the highest level Goblin would not drop high level loot right away, but instead would drop a bag with Item Power 855 or something similar. Now, luckily, there is a way to fix this bug until the developers manage to fix this. And that fix is ​​what we want to talk about here.

    Like before, all you have to do is go to Occultist and craft a Nightmare Sigil between level 36 and 40. Next, check the green affix on Sigil you crafted, and look for Sigils with Extra Shrines Affix.

    Once you have a bunch of level 36 to 40 Sigils with Extra Shrines Affix, all you have to do is open and run the corresponding Nightmare Dungeon, completing objectives but only killing a handful of monsters to advance the dungeon all the way to the boss.

    You can also find pairs of Treasure Goblins randomly in dungeons. If your character is level 100, these, unlike Goblins in higher tier Nightmare Dungeons, drop bags containing Power Level 925 gear, so you won’t be stuck with low-level loot.

    Again, this method has lower Sigil crafting requirements than you might think, so you should be able to do this an unlimited number of times without running out of Sigil Powder.

    That’s all you need to know about March of the Goblins event. Jump in and enjoy the anniversary party!

  • How Does This Pity Mechanism Work In Diablo 4 Season 4?

    May 31 ,2024

    In this guide, I want to talk about and explain the so-called Pity Mechanism related to Tempering in Diablo 4 Season 4. I will also try to describe as simply as possible what it means to the average player, and how you can take advantage of it.

    The reason I focused on it is that the use of Pity mechanic seems to be limited to the high-end elite player base, because they are used to reading forums and theory articles and the like. And the average person either doesn’t know about it or doesn’t understand it enough to use it to their advantage.

    I hope this guide will change that, because if you are not familiar with this, you may ruin some excellent Diablo 4 items for your character.

    How Does This Pity Mechanism Work In Diablo 4 Season 4?

    Tempering Mechanism Explained

    So, to understand Pity mechanic, first we have to explain a few things about Tempering.

    Tempering is unlocked at level 15, based on finding and learning Temper Manuals, which have Weapons, Offensive, Defensive, Utility, Mobility, and Resource recipe categories. Each item has up to two slots that can hold Tempered Affixes. After each Manual is found and learned, they can be applied to gear repeatedly, infinitely, as long as you have the required materials.

    During Tempering process, you can add affixes to an item by randomly selecting them from a pool of affixes.

    Often, players want to add one specific affix to an item, while the other possible affixes are useless, or at least less useful. If you get the wrong affix, you have 5 chances to re-roll them, but if at the end of the re-roll you still don’t get the affix you want, you can’t change the wrong affix added to the item. When this happens, we call it “bricking”.

    Tempering - New Crafting System Coming with Diablo 4 Season 4

    What Does Pity Mechanic Do?

    I’ll try to explain this with an example. Let’s say we want to add “Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice” affix to our weapon. We Temper the weapon once, twice, and five times, but we still can’t get the desired stat after these rolls.

    Now the weapon is unusable, and you can’t remove this new, bad affix from the weapon. It will be stuck there forever. Your weapons are not nearly as powerful as they would be if you rolled the affix you wanted.

    However, this is where Pity mechanic comes into play. With Pity mechanic, if you play your cards right, you can increase your chances of adding the affix you want, Tempered, to your items. But only if you know how to exploit it.

    It is important to note that Pity mechanic has not yet been confirmed by the developers. It is still just a theory, but more and more evidence is piling up to prove its existence. What this means is that if you don’t get a certain affix on your Tempering roll, the game essentially pities you. To compensate, it increases the chances of that affix appearing the next time you Temper. Now this isn’t a 100% increase, but it is noticeable.

    Another important feature of Pity mechanic is that it stacks. Every time you roll an affix other than the one in question, the chances of getting the affix you didn’t roll increase. So if you roll an affix twice that is different from the one you want, your chances of getting that affix on the third roll are greater than if you got it on the second roll.

    How Does It Work More Efficiently?

    Will this mechanism be complex? Maybe, but let me give you an example again. We want to Temper this weapon with “Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice” affix. To maximize our chances, we can start Tempering with another useless weapon.

    The goal here is to get any affix except the desired affix. And the point of this operation is that because of Pity mechanism, each time we fail a roll, our chance of getting the desired affix on the next roll will be greater.

    So, to be more efficient, we Temper the useless weapon until we miss the desired affix three times in a row. This way, on the next roll, on our actual excellent weapon, the chance of getting the desired affix will increase by 3 times.

    Let’s say our average roll chance of the desired affix is ​​25%, and because of the 3 previous rolls we failed, we increase this chance by 15% each time, so the chance increases by 45%, up to a total of 70%.

    Now we don’t know the exact numbers, but this is how Pity mechanism seems to work. Based on all of this data I just explained, when Tempering high-end items for specific affixes, I recommend tempering useless items in the same slot first until you roll 3 times with an affix other than the one you want. Then, proceed to tempering your actual good items. If you do everything right, you should have a much better chance of getting the affix you want.

    Of course, I must warn you that this chance is not a guarantee, but this trick should save you from failure and losing a lot of very powerful items.

    That’s it! With these tips you’ll be on your way to getting your desired Tempering items in Diablo 4 Season 4 much faster. Hopefully, you’ve learned something from this guide. Good luck!

  • How To Quickly Craft An Uber Unique Of Your Choice In Diablo 4 Season 4? - Resplendent Sparks Farming Guide

    May 30 ,2024

    In this guide, I want to talk about the easiest ways to get Resplendent Sparks, and how you can get Uber Unique items, such as Harlequin Crest, through these methods.

    As you probably already know, if you have 4 Resplendent Sparks at an Alchemist, you can craft any Uber Unique item. So the purpose of this guide is to introduce you to the different possible ways to get Resplendent Sparks, so that you can find the method that works best for you. Without further ado, let’s get straight into it!

    Gathering 4 Resplendent Sparks

    Again, you’ll need 4 total to craft this Uber Unique of your choice.

    How To Quickly Craft An Uber Unique Of Your Choice In Diablo 4 Season 4? - Resplendent Sparks Farming Guide

    Killing Tormented Bosses

    The first Resplendent Sparks comes from the first Tormented Boss you kill. These are level 200 bosses that are much tougher to deal with than their lower-level counterparts. What’s more, summoning them not only requires 3 times as many materials but also 2 Stygian Stones.

    In my opinion, the weakest Tormented Boss is Lord Zir, so if you want to try to take on one of these bosses and win a Spark, consider him. Unfortunately, you can only get this Resplendent Spark once, no matter how many characters you level up.

    Defeat Uber Lilith

    The second Resplendent Spark comes from killing Uber Lilith for the first time. Don’t underestimate it, this endgame is much more difficult than previous seasons, but it’s easy to find a stronger character to help you get through the encounter and get some Diablo 4 Gold.

    I once encountered a bug here, where we didn’t get a Resplendent Spark as a reward when we killed Lilith. But don’t worry, this problem has been fixed recently.

    Again, this Spark can only be obtained once, no matter how many characters you kill Uber Lilith with.

    Grind Iron Wolves Reputation

    The third Resplendent Spark comes from Iron Wolves Reputation. As you kill monsters and complete events in Helltide, you’ll unlock different tiers of caches at Iron Wolf Camp, the last of which contains a Resplendent Spark.

    It’s worth noting that Iron Wolves Reputation grinding can be done once per character, so this is also a potential source of infinite Sparks. We’ll go into more tips on this farming method later.

    Salvaging Uber Unique Item

    The fourth way to get a Resplendent Spark is by looting and salvaging an Uber Unique item.

    You can get these Diablo 4 items randomly from any monster, though the drop chance is very low. You can also get them from summoned bosses, like Varshan and Beast in Ice, with slightly higher chances. Of course, the best way to get them is from Duriel and Andariel, with a 2% chance per kill. This chance increases if you kill Tormented Boss.

    Really, only Duriel and Andariel can be targeted for farming Uber Unique items, as the drop chances from other bosses are very low.

    The meta seems to be fighting Tormented version of Duriel, as it is much easier than Andariel.

    Even though these are the only sources of Resplendent Spark, you can cheat the system by recognizing that two of them are duplicates. This means you can get 4 Uber Uniques from Duriel. You can salvage them to get a Resplendent Spark, then craft an Uber of your choice. Be warned, though, that this requires quite a bit of luck.

    The same is true for Iron Wolf quest-line. You can level up multiple characters, max out Iron Wolves Reputation on each, and you’ll be able to get one Spark for each maxed reputation. This method requires no luck, just grinding.

    Farming Tips

    In summary, my suggestions for the quickest or easiest way to get an Uber Unique item are as follows: Kill a Tormented Boss to get 1 Spark. Then max out your main character’s Iron Wolves Reputation to get the second Spark.

    Then, for the remaining 2 Sparks, you have a few options:

    First, I highly recommend using your summoning materials and Stygian Stones to get into a group that takes turns summoning and killing Uber Duriel. You might get lucky and get an Uber Unique item that you can salvage. If you like collecting summoning materials and killing bosses, you can repeat this step infinitely until you get 4 Sparks.

    If your character is strong enough, or you have a powerful friend who can help you, kill Uber Lilith so you can get a free Spark.

    If none of the above methods work for you, and you like leveling up trumpets, leveling up several trumpets in Helltide and grinding Iron Wolves Reputation with all of them is also a good option.

    This way, you can actually get an unlimited amount of Uber Unique items if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. I recommend checking out our Iron Wolves Reputation farming guide to minimize the pain.

    That’s it! Hopefully, this information will help you get Uber Unique you need as quickly as possible. Do you have any better suggestions? See you next time!

  • Diablo 4 Season 4 Patch 1.4.1 Note - Quality, UI & Gameplay

    May 29 ,2024

    The May 28th, 2024 Patch for Diablo 4 has been released. Although this update apparently breaks some things in the game, don’t panic. We will discuss the solutions for the update and the detailed interpretation of this patch.It Is A Patch 1.4.1 In Diablo 4 Season 4

    The Quality Of Life Patch

    The first is the addition of the enchantment window, which now clearly states that you can’t re-roll into a Greater Affix. In addition, Diablo 4 Gold Costs will be reduced, such as:

    • Rank 1-4: Unchanged
    • Rank 5: reduced from 450,000 to 400,000
    • Rank 8: reduced from 1,000,000 to 800,000
    • Rank 12: reduced from 10,000,000 to 2,500,000.

    And now, Masterworking materials can be transferred directly without requiring the opening of a Materials Cache to receive them.

    The game will also make it clearer what Armor is, and will tell you that you need 9230 Armor to minimize damage from enemies at level 100 and above. In this update, you need Scattered Prisms in order to add sockets to jewelry.

    These Scattered Prisms are already dropping at a high rate. Treasure Goblins have an increased chance of being dropped in all World Tiers. World Bosses will also drop Scattered Prisms all the time, and in large quantities. In addition, Butcher, a pretty iconic Diablo surprise boss, will also drop Scattered Prisms during your fight.

    The UI Patch

    Besides some changes to skills and Diablo 4 items, there are also some slight changes to the game interface. When comparing items, two items will be placed side by side, which will be a little clearer visually. Then there are a lot of bug fixes, most of which are about interface clarity and in-game user interface issues. It seems that Blizzard is listening to users’ suggestions. For example, we fixed some skills that you could not search for by a core in the skill tree.

    Another issue that many players complained about but still found interesting was that when you leave Helltide, it will automatically return. During this time, it will continue to spawn Monsters, which will accumulate in the team, so players need to spend a lot of time to deal with these Monsters. Fortunately, this problem has been fixed.

    The invisible wall problem that has been bothering players for a long time has also been fixed. It also fixed the problem that players felt trapped in Pit before. After this patch, you can use Ruin Shards to leave Pit.

    There was a bug in the game that Blizzard has acknowledged. When players go to Blacksmith with Masterworking, they are told that they cannot use Masterworking. This patch also proposes a solution, which is to allow running any Pit level or transferring some materials to unlock Masterworking again.

    The Gameplay Patch

    Besides the above-mentioned problems, another controversial part of the patch notes is Bash Barbarians. If you go to the official website and read the patch notes carefully, you will find that Bash Barbarians are not included. Even when you scroll down to Skills or Class Mechanics, you can’t find the description of Bash Barbarians. But don’t worry, Bash Barbarians have not been weakened.

    Overall, I am very satisfied with this patch. I am happy to see that they continue to listen to players’ suggestions, and I am also happy that they are constantly improving the definition of tooltips because of the community’s questions about tooltips.

    For example, Frigid Fate. According to the information, Frigid Fate will cause additional damage to vulnerable enemies, which is 10% of your own additional damage. But the code shows a maximum of 30%, so when a player enters PVP combat mode, everyone sees and calculates different maximum damage, which causes errors.

    Now there are a lot of keyboard warriors arguing that I am not a mathematician and can’t really calculate the available damage. So regardless of the current public opinion, Blizzard has begun to make changes. So I am very happy to see that there are many UI and tooltip related fixes in the game in this patch.

    For now, this is the most fun I have played since the release of Diablo 4. In Season 4, I am determined to play multiple characters to level 100! This is not my usual way of playing games, which also shows that the joy brought by Season 4 is unparalleled. And I have defeated all Uber bosses with my Core Druid, especially Uber lilith is now pushing the construction of Masterworking parts in Pit!

    Speaking of Druids, if you have problems with Boer Hurricane Bill when you try to run it, don’t worry, there is a way to fix it in this patch.

    In my opinion, the game is fun as long as its core keeps looping. So I believe players will also hope that Blizzard will pay attention to improving the quality of life and eliminating more annoying things when adding more new content in the future.

    These are some instructions in this patch, and we are looking forward to the season update in a few months. I wish you a merry game!

  • Follow These Tips To Help You Unlock All Wolf’s Honor Rewards In Diablo 4 Season 4

    May 25 ,2024

    As always, the arrival of each new season brings a brand new progression system, and in Loot Reborn it is Wolf’s Honor. It is related to the new Iron Wolves mercenary group that you will fight alongside in the major story.

    By increasing your status in this group, you will obtain many rewards, including Diablo 4 unique items and some legendary weapons, to help you defeat all the terrible enemies in Diablo 4.

    But if you are currently unclear about how to do this and are looking for guidance, then this complete guide on how to quickly obtain Wolf’s Honor in Diablo 4 must be for you.

    Follow These Tips To Help You Unlock All Wolf’s Honor Rewards In Diablo 4 Season 4

    How To Advance The Progress Of Wolf’s Honor?

    There is currently only one way to obtain Wolf’s Honor in Diablo 4, and that is to participate in the various Helltide events that take place throughout Sanctuary. When Helltide is active, it will be marked in red on the map.

    During these events, killing normal monsters will earn you one Wolf’s Honor, while taking out elite monsters will earn you five to ten, and defeating Hellborn that appears at the highest Threat level will earn your 35 Wolf’s Honor.

    However, the fastest way to get Wolf’s Honor in Diablo 4 is to open Helltide Mystery Chests, as each chest rewards 100 Wolf’s Honor. Just open the map and look for the chest icon with a question mark on it.

    In the first few World Tiers, they will appear as Tortured Gift of Mysteries, and opening each chest will cost you 100 Aberrant Cinders, which are Cinders you get from killing enemies during Helltide events.

    In World Tier 3 and 4, there are several types of Mystery Chests that will spawn and reward different amounts of Wolf’s Honor when opened, instead of a fixed 100. So I recommend opening those chests where Aberrant Cinders cost more.

    Using Baneful Hearts you collect to summon Blood Maidens will speed up the rate at which you gather Aberrant Cinders to open chests. If you defeat a Hellborn on World Tier 3 or 4, Profane Mindcage it drops can also be used to increase the rate at which Aberrant Cinders drop over the next 60 minutes, at the expense of increasing the level of the enemies you face.

    You can also speed up the rate at which you earn Wolf’s Honor in Diablo 4 through Season Blessings if you assign Smoldering Ashes you unlock through Season progression to Urn of Iron. Each level of Urn of Iron boosts your reputation with Iron Wolves in Helltide event by 5%, stacking up to level 4 for a +20% boost.

    How To Quickly Farm Wolf's Honor Rewards In Diablo 4

    Farming Tips

    Farming Wolf’s Honor is not only important for your main character, but it can also be handy for your alts, as the rewards you earn from Iron Wolves can be earned multiple times across multiple characters. This means you can easily get extra Resplendent Sparks and Uber Unique items simply by earning Iron Wolves Reputation and getting rewards from the board.

    But what can you do to maximize your Iron Wolves reputation, and how can you get Resplendent Sparks as quickly as possible? Obviously, you have to go into Helltides, but there are some very handy tips that can greatly speed up the process:

    1. Go back to World Tier 2, even if you are a higher-level character. The reputation you get for completing any objectives is the same regardless of World Tiers, and you will kill monsters and bosses faster on World Tier 2.
    2. Equip Profane Mindcage, which will increase the level of monsters. But more importantly, you will get more Cinders from them, and the demon bar in the upper right corner will fill up faster, which will let you kill more monsters.
    3. Use Elixir of Holy Bolts. This Seasonal Elixir can be obtained from Alchemist for 350 Murmuring Obols, and it speeds up the farming process even more.
    4. Farming Blood Maidens continuously takes about 45 minutes. During this time, you will not only gain a reputation from Maidens, but you will also collect hundreds of Aberrant Cinders. Each Maiden killed will give you about 200 reputation points.
    5. Note that in the last minutes, open all Tortured Gift of Mysteries on the map, so that you can get more reputation, about 120 points per chest.
    6. In the last few minutes, kill Maidens a few more times if you can. This way you can gain about 9000 reputation points per hour, which is the reputation required to reach the last level of Wolf’s Honor.


    Iron Wolves Encampment is located in Kehjistan region, northeast of Gea Kul, west of Imperial Library. There should already be an active portal there, so you can use fast travel to get there quickly from anywhere in Sanctuary.

    Once in Encampment, find Iron Wolf Field Commander, Soudeh the Anvil and talk to them, and your current Wolf’s Honor Rank and progress towards the next rank will be displayed.

    If you move down to the section below, you can claim any rewards you’ve unlocked with Wolf’s Honor in Diablo 4.

    Some of these rewards are chests that, when opened, will drop legendary weapons and armor relevant to your class, while others offer Tempering Manuals that unlock new recipes for Tempering upgrades.

    When redeeming them, you’ll also receive resource items and elixirs that can be used to boost you during Helltide, so be sure to check out their effects and use them when fighting Hell’s monsters.

    That’s all you need to know about completing Wolf’s Honor progression system. Go ahead and give it a try. You’ll have fun with these coveted rewards!

  • Knowing These 8 Key Tips Early In Diablo 4 Season 4 Will Make Your Journey Smooth!

    May 22 ,2024

    In this guide, I want to talk about 8 important tips that you need to know early on when you play Diablo 4 Season 4. Whether you are a new player or a veteran returning to the game, you will find them valuable. Without further ado, let’s get straight to it!

    1. Turn On Your Auto-Cast

    You can auto-cast abilities in Diablo 4. Auto-casting skills do not require any macro, special mouse or external software. You can turn on an auto-cast with the simple use of your keyboard.

    Knowing These 8 Key Tips Early In Diablo 4 Season 4 Will Make Your Journey Smooth!

    First, go to Options, then Controls window and assign the secondary button for the skill you want to auto-cast to one of the number pad buttons.

    Next, with Numlock function turned on, hold down the designated number key and press Numlock button to turn the function off, and there you go. Your character will now auto-cast skills when they are ready! To disable auto-cast, simply turn on Numlock and press the skill button again.

    2. Collect Season Journey & Iron Wolves Rewards

    The second thing I want you to know early on is that Season Journey rewards are account-wide, while Iron Wolves rewards are character-based. So when you level up your first character, you might be wondering which Seasonal rewards to claim now, and which to save for later, or for your alts? You certainly want to claim all of Iron Wolves rewards as soon as you unlock them.

    Each character can level up and claim their own rewards from this vendor. Iron Wolves reward tier also seems to be tied to your tier when you unlock them, not your tier when you open the box. So basically there’s no need to hesitate.

    When it comes to Season Journey rewards, things are a little trickier, because they’re account-wide. This means that if you pick up some Season Journey Chapter rewards for your first character, but let’s say you decide to switch classes, you won’t be able to get Season Journey rewards on that new character.

    Generally, this isn’t a big deal, except for the cool Legendary and Unique items that might drop from rewards caches. Luckily, there are a ton of Diablo 4 items dropping in Season 4, so don’t lose any sleep over it.

    Diablo 4 Season 4: All Seasonal Journey Rewards And Objectives

    3. Favorite Feature

    My third tip for you is this: use Favorite feature. You can mark Aspects and Items as Favorites. When you mark that Aspect as a Favorite, and you select Legendary Aspects from Codex of Power, it will show up first. This is a big quality of life thing, because you’ll be switching Legendary Aspects repeatedly over time. Here’s how I like to use this feature.

    When I start a new character and have an idea for a skill or build I want to use, I go to Collection section in the pause menu. This is the only place you can mark an Aspect as a Favorite. On PC, marking is done with the space bar, by the way.

    I then go through all the available Aspects and mark the ones that seem to work for my build. This takes a little of upfront work, but can make your life a lot easier in the long run. So you don’t have to search for specific Legendary Aspects every time you want to switch items. That’s a lot of hassle.

    Now let’s talk about a piece of gear. You can also mark them as Favorites to avoid accidentally selling good items to vendors or to stop you from mass salvaging items at Blacksmith.

    To mark a piece of gear, hover over the item and press the button that marks the item as junk twice! The first press marks the item as junk, while the second press marks it as Favorite.

    Personally, I like to mark all of my current gear as Favorites to prevent accidentally losing items when trying different gear.

    4. Making Seasonal Potions

    Moving on to the next tip, you can make Seasonal Potions with Murmuring Obols. If you haven’t used Seasonal Potions yet, definitely give it a try!

    Holy Bolt is a particularly powerful elixir, as it turns you into a permanent artillery machine. Obols are the currency you normally used to gamble for items. You can get Obols from Helltide Chests.

    Considering you’ll probably be using Helltide all the time, you’ll accumulate a lot of Obols pretty quickly. Once you have a pleasant set of gear, it’s a good time to spend some Obols on making potions.

    Getting the Elixir of Holy Bolts in Diablo 4

    Be aware though, at 350 Obols per potion, the cost is pretty high. But I still recommend using Holy Bolt. Despite the high cost, the power gain justifies the cost as they can greatly increase your damage, especially when playing as a Minion Necromancer.

    5. Pay Attention To The Symbols On The Items

    The next tip I have for you is to pay attention to the symbols on the items at Blacksmith. A lot of people have questions, with an inventory full of legendary items. How can you easily know which ones to sell and which ones to salvage?

    Go to Blacksmith and salvage items that have a white icon on them. This icon means that Legendary Aspect on this piece of gear is either not unlocked in your Codex of Power, or the value of legendary power on the item is higher than what you have unlocked in Codex of Power. So in either case, you definitely want to salvage the item unless you don’t want to use it.

    There is another red icon, which means that salvaging the item will unlock a new appearance. Unfortunately, these icons aren’t very easy to see when you have your inventory open, unless you go to an NPC like a Blacksmith or a Vendor.

    Without going to an NPC, you have to hover over an item and look for an icon with a text description at the bottom of the item description. Unfortunately, this is easy to miss, especially when you have the compare feature turned on. As such, the item description rarely fits on the screen and requires scrolling down to see the icon. This is a bit annoying and I hope they change it in the future.

    6. Checking Enchanting Affixes

    Continuing with tip number six, you can check possible affixes when enchanting an item! If you get a nice piece of gear but want to change one of its affixes, then you’ll need to go to Occultist and enchant that stat.

    But how do you know if you should keep that new affix or keep rolling? That’s where the icon located in the top right corner of Enchanting Window comes to the rescue. It shows a list of all the possible affixes that can be rolled and their ranges! You can actually access this information on the console as well. To do this, just press “Triangle” or “Y” button in Enchanting Window.

    7. Spam Blood Maiden

    Coming to tip seven, spam Blood Maiden in Helltides for tons of XP and loot!

    Helltide is a great place to both level up and get tons of loot in the process. I highly recommend checking out each Helltide invaded area. There is an altar with three pillars that can be activated by inserting Baneful Hearts dropped in Helltide.

    By the way, you get to keep Baneful Hearts after Helltide ends, while any unused Cinders are lost after the current Helltide event ends.

    Blood Maiden boss locations in Diablo 4

    When all three pillars are activated, waves of enemies will spawn at that location. When enough demons have been defeated, a boss, Blood Maiden, will spawn. She is a tough enemy with three main mechanics:

    First, she spawns Disciples, which are stronger elite monsters. You definitely want to deal with them quickly so you don’t get overwhelmed later.

    She will also throw Fire Rings around random players. When you get hit by a Fire Ring, stay away from the boss and other players to avoid being killed in one hit.

    Finally, she creates an ever-expanding circle that deals pretty high damage, but you can just dodge it. After defeating Blood Maiden, she will drop a lot of items, including some legendary items and crafting materials.

    Just a reminder that players who contribute more Baneful Hearts to activate the pillars may get more loot. So don’t be stingy.

    8. Profane Mindcage

    Since we are talking about Helltide, let’s talk about the last tip we need to know, which is to use Profane Mindcage to increase XP and Cinders you get.

    Profane Mindcage increases the level of enemies in Helltide by 10 levels for 60 minutes! As far as I know, being 10 levels higher than you is the upper limit of extra XP you can get in Diablo 4, so this boost works well.

    Using Profane Mindcage is a great way to level up faster and get a lot of Cinders. Don’t be too stingy, because you’ll be dropping Profane Mindcage in Helltide, anyway.

    Here are a few things to consider: First, the boost lasts for 60 minutes, so activate it when you’re planning on having a longer session.

    Next, dying while Profane Mindcage is activated will disable the boost, so use it when the current Helltide enemies don’t pose much of a threat.

    Also, enemy level caps at 50 in World Tier 1 and 2. So if you’re in that tier and level is above 40, there’s no point activating this boost.

    These are the 8 things I wish I’d known when I started playing Diablo 4 Season 4 a few days ago. Regardless, hopefully these tips will save you precious time and make your journey through Loot Reborn season smooth and frictionless.

  • Boss Farming Can Bring Tons Of Uber Uniques In Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn

    May 18 ,2024

    Hi fellow players! Here is another Diablo 4 guide. As our journey into Season 4 begins, today we're going to focus on the bosses as there are some big changes happening. We now have access to a greater and more consistent supply of new items and materials. There's a lot to cover and a lot of important information to share, so let's get right into it!

    Boss Farming Can Bring Tons Of Uber Uniques In Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn

    Uber Bosses In Season 4

    Diablo 4 Season 4 introduces a new boss, Uber Duriel, who brings new drops, including Uber Uniques, at a higher drop rate. Additionally, there are new Tormented versions of bosses, which are essentially Level 200 bosses with even better drops.

    Then, you'll also receive 1 Resplendent Spark the first time you kill any of these Level 200 bosses. Another Spark is obtained by completing the new quest line in Season 4, and a third one is supposed to come from Uber Lilith.

    However, the third spark has either been removed or it's bugged. Regardless, we should be able to get 3 Resplendent Sparks by playing the game and completing challenges, with the hope of securing that last Spark when we encounter an Uber boss if needed.

    The new Tormented versions are also summoned in the same way. However, there's now a new tab to swap between the normal version and the Tormented version. The Tormented versions require significantly more materials and an additional new material. Despite the higher cost, they are worth it because of the greater rewards.

    In any case, you can obtain summoning materials from more sources now. They can drop in the new Helltide Reborn as random or relatively consistent bonuses. Since we've been leveling hard in the new Helltide, you’ll likely find you’ve got more than usual, with some ready to go.

    Let’s run down these Uber bosses, their new loot pools, where to summon them, and what you actually need to summon them with.


    First up, we have Andariel, the new boss, located in the Hanged Man's Hall, adjacent to the Waypoint or Zarbinzet town. Andariel is comparable in worth to Duriel and requires World Tier 4 to fight. Her Echo is Level 100, and her drops mirror those of Duriel, making her equally valuable for Uber Unique farming.

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Andariel

    The Andariel requires 2 new summoning materials: Sandscorched Shackles dropped by the Lord Zir, and Pincushioned Dolls dropped by the Beast in the Ice. The Tormented versions of Duriel and Andariel offer higher Uber Unique drop chances compared to their normal Echo versions, making it highly advantageous to summon them.

    While Andariel is relatively easy to defeat in her normal state, the Tormented version poses a greater challenge, utilizing Fire, Lightning, Poison, and Shadow damage. She spawns additional enemies and employs various tactics, such as laser beams and missile attacks.


    Moving on, let's quickly discuss the materials needed to summon the next boss , Grigoire, which is located on the west side of the maps, just below Ked Bardu. You'll find him in the Hall of the Penitent in World Tier 4.

    To summon him, you'll require 5 Living Steel, obtainable from random drops in the Helltide, primarily from the Steel Chest opened for 235 cinders. With greater numbers now dropping overall, acquiring Living Steel is easier than before. Grigoire is a Lightning type, so exercise caution. It's worth noting that Grigoire drops the shards necessary for the Duriel summons.


    Now, let's shift our focus to Duriel. Like Andariel, Duriel offers the same drops and requires World Tier 4 at Level 100. He stands as your prime destination for acquiring Uber Uniques outside of Andariel. To locate Duriel, head to the southwest point of the map near Gea Kul, where you'll find him in the Gaping Crevasse.

    For 1 Duriel summon, you'll need 2 Shards of Agony from Grigoire and 2 Mucus-Slick Egg from Vashan, as usual. Duriel remains unchanged, so prioritize maximum poison resistance and beware of Burrows on the ground. While Andariel will be a frequent target in Season 4, aim to face her in the Tormented version.

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Duriel


    Moving on, let's discuss Vashan, located at the Tree of Whispers. Summoning Vashan is a bit more complicated. You'll need one of each body part: the Gurgling Head, Malignant Heart, Blackened Femur and Trembling Hand. If you're missing any parts, you can visit any Alchemist to trade or convert hearts directly into the needed parts.

    Alternatively, you can find these parts from the Grotesque Debtors around the world, after defeating World Bosses, or by handling Whispers. Vashan is a Shadow-based enemy, and here is his loot pool again. Additionally, unique Malignant Ring powers are also dropped here. Vashan also drops the Mucus-Slick Eggs needed for the Duriel summons.

    Lord Zir

    Now, let's discuss Lord Zir, who can be found in the Darkened Way, just southeast of Kyovashad. To summon Lord Zir, you'll need 9 Exquisite Blood as usual, which you can obtain from killing World Bosses and completing Legion events.

    Additionally, they now drop from Blood Maidens in Helltide Reborn, and you may also find them randomly in Helltide events. Lord Zir is a shadow-based enemy, so make sure to bring resistance against shadow attacks. Notably, Lord Zir now drops the shackles required to summon Andariel as well.

    Beast In The Ice

    Lastly, let's discuss the Beast in the Ice. To summon this boss, you'll need to visit an Occultist. Unlike other bosses where you go to a specific location, summoning this Unique boss involves crafting sigils. Under the Ancestral tab, you'll find 2 types: the normal version and the Tormented version. Both require Distilled Fear and Sigil Powder. Crafting the sigil, activating it, and venturing into the dungeon to confront the boss is the process.

    Diablo 4 Season 4 Beast in the Ice

    Distilled Fear is now quite common, obtained from completing Nightmare Dungeons from Level 90+ dungeons, where you'll receive 3. The higher the tier of the dungeon, the greater the chance of obtaining them. Additionally, they can be acquired from World Bosses and even in the Helltide. However, be prepared as the Beast in the Ice is a cold element enemy.

    Uber Lilith

    Finally, let's discuss the Pinnacle boss - Uber Lilith. It's worth noting that she should be tackled when you're fully prepared because on your initial encounter, she'll drop a Resplendent Spark, adding a valuable item to your inventory.

    Final Thought

    In conclusion, prioritize hunting the echo versions of bosses to obtain unique items and relevant gear. Ensure that you defeat each Tormented version at least once to craft your first Uber Unique. Additionally, once you've strengthened your character sufficiently, focus on farming the Tormented versions over regular echoes as they offer better drop rates, particularly for Andariel and Duriel.

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