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Sep 06 ,2024 Author: D4gold

With the successful launch of Diablo 4 Season 5, many players are looking forward to the upcoming Vessel of Hatred DLC on October 8, 2024. Here, we will talk about the new PvE Dungeon added to Diablo 4 DLC, Dark Citadel, which we already know so far.

From what we know, this will be a multiplayer mode, which they call Co-Op Dungeon, where you can defeat a series of bosses with other players while completing different tactics, such as throwing balls at the boss to make it vulnerable.

In fact, when we first heard about this feature, our first impression was that Diablo 4 didn’t need this. Then, when we heard more details, our opinion changed to Diablo 4 definitely didn’t need this. Although we are currently waiting for its PTR test, I believe my opinion will not change. Here, we will talk about why we have such a poor opinion about this new Dark Citadel mechanism.

Why Dark Citadel In Diablo 4 DLC Might Be A Huge Failure? - My Personal Opinion

Poor Open World

First of all, you have to admit that Diablo 4 is a single-player game in every sense of the word. Although the developers have tried the concept of an open world before, they have basically failed. Because open world related activities such as World Bosses are still in a terrible state, especially when your character’s damage is compressed and you can only deal a fraction of the normal damage.

Although there are currently solutions to this problem, I believe that the poor experience caused by this absolutely overshadows the fun they brought to players when they first appeared.

Unchallenging World Bosses

In addition to this, there is a bigger joke that every World Boss will be killed in one hit as soon as it appears. The unchallenging content made Diablo 4 lose a lot of players.

Objectively speaking, the open world related content is not completely useless, but they only work in towns, where you can feel the presence of people around you, which makes the world more vivid. However, when it comes to combat, the open world completely fails because the power difference between two random players is huge. Pay to win also makes players who continue to spend time leveling feel meaningless.

Blood Maiden is also a joke in Helltides, not only because Leeching players’ thirst for Exquisite Blood makes challenging bosses just a tedious process of farming Diablo 4 Items, but more importantly, the difficulty setting is meaningless. Usually, Blood Maiden is either killed in one hit by some well-equipped players, or is too difficult for leveled players and takes a long time to kill.

You could say that the content they planned is not outdoor, not open world group play, but raids, so that you can choose your team to overcome these obstacles. The fact that you can choose your team for challenging Torment Bosses is also a joke. Because then people will only farm them for Uniques and Mythic Uniques that drop from those bosses, not because they like 5 seconds of soulless boss fights.

Low Visibility Of Boss Abilities

Let’s give the developers a chance and let’s assume that they can handle the balance of difficulty and boss health well in the new Diablo 4 DLC. But I am almost sure that there will be problems with the visibility of boss abilities.

If you’ve played Lightning Spear Sorcerer in the higher levels of Infernal Hordes, you’ll understand how difficult it is to see the boss’ abilities because the effects are everywhere.

Imagine how bad it would be if other players’ spells were 3-4 times more effective, and you had no idea. While the game could suppress other players’ abilities to make them less obvious, I honestly don’t have much faith in the developers’ ability to do this well in raids.

Dark Citadel May Become A Key Consumable Farming Location

Speaking of this, there will definitely be some Diablo fans who will say that if you don’t like Co-Op Dungeons, you can just not play them. However, if they didn’t make Dark Citadel an almost essential node for character development, this would actually be a valid argument.

According to the developers, a new consumable, Scroll of Re-Tempering, was added in Vessel of Hatred DLC, and the primary place to farm them is Dark Citadel Dungeon.

Of course, they will also say that you can get this item from other sources, but I believe that any player who has tried to farm Mythic Unique items will find this to be nonsense. The developers have always said that technically players can also get Mythic Uniques from any monster. But how does this actually work? Aside from Torment Bosses, you have almost no chance of seeing Unique drops.

Scroll of Retempering Will Allow Item Tempering Resets in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

Looking For Group Feature

Besides this, there is another new update that has received a lot of attention, which is Looking for Group feature. Many people call it some kind of savior of random groups, but I am not sure about this. I think it is very likely to become a tool in the future where the group leader only invites the best equipped players, and many times, these people have obtained their equipment through real money transactions. This may only gradually lead the game to the abyss of pay-to-win.

Final Thoughts

All in all, I think World of WarCraft is a better choice for most players if we want to experience raiding, rather than Diablo 4. Therefore, unless the development team can provide a major improvement compared to the current multiplayer and Co-Op modes, it seems to me that Dark Citadel is likely to fail like Gauntlet.

Anyway, are you confident about the upcoming Dark Citadel feature? Do you think my point makes sense? Let’s wait and see!

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