For all the seasons that have appeared in Diablo 4 so far, you will find that if you want to sort out all the differences between each season, it is a bit like playing a spot-the-difference game - at first glance, there is no big difference between each season except for the exclusive seasonal power, but in fact there are various changes in the details.
Take Tree of Whispers as an example. In terms of location, it is a special tree located in Hawezar Swamp. As one of the most important components of Diablo 4 series endgame system, it not only has its own story origin and background but also plays the role of providing you with achievable goals and tasks, ensuring that you can continue to carry out the necessary Diablo 4 Gold farming in the endgame stage of it.
Before Season 7, Tree of Whispers has always played such a role, but in Season 7, because of the addition of witchcraft power, the development team has tied this seasonal power to Tree of Whispers in some aspects, making the role of Tree of Whispers more prominent in this season. To ensure you get the most out of this giant tree, we’re here to tell you how it works in Season 7.
Tree Of Whispers In S7
In keeping with the theme of the season, Season of Witchcraft introduces several new features to Tree of Whispers, such as opening Headhunt zones, crafting Occult gems, and allowing you to learn witch powers by interacting with NPCs. These features are somewhat systematically linked, so their addition not only makes Tree of Whispers more useful but also gives the area itself a comprehensive overhaul and upgrade.
How Does It Work?
In fact, you can think of Diablo 4’s Tree of Whispers as a bounty system. After completing the campaign to unlock Tree of Whispers, you can earn Grim Favors by participating in various activities located throughout Sanctuary. It is worth noting that different activities reward different amounts of Favors.
Once you have completed the objective combination and received 10 Grim Favors, you can return to Tree of Whispers in Hawezar and turn in your Grim Favors to Raven of the Tree to speed up your game rewards collection significantly and select collectibles for specific inventory slots.
Whispers Of The Dead Objectives
These objectives that Tree of Whispers requires you to complete are usually called Whispers of the Dead. These special Whispers will be displayed on the map as light pink to dark red icons, depending on the number of Grim Favors that Whispers can reward, and these objectives usually rotate every hour and a half.
Depending on the type of objective, the number of Grim Favors awarded ranges from 1 to 5. There are usually 5 to 7 different Whispers of the Dead in each area, and if you complete all objectives, you can generally get 12 to 15 Grim Favors.
It is worth noting that once you get 10 or more Grim Favors, you must return to Tree of Whispers in time to hand them in before you can continue farming - you can think of this as your “Favors inventory”, and it is capped at 10. Before handing them in, your excess Favors over 10 can only be rolled to the next column for temporary storage.
What Are Grim Favors?
After learning about Whispers of the Dead and Tree of Whispers, I believe it should not be difficult for you to guess that Grim Favor is actually a special currency or points obtained by completing Whispers of the Dead goals around the world. Only when you get enough Grim Favors and hand them in for redemption can you get special season rewards.
Objectives With Different Amounts Of Grim Favors
Each Whispers of the Dead objective can provide 1/3/5 Grim Favors. In Season 7, these objectives include:
Grim Favors 1:
- Dispel - Dispel Shrouding Charms.
- Seek - Seek Hidden Headrotten.
- Cellar - Tree of Whispers will mark a cellar on the map to complete.
- Event - Complete a world event in a certain location.
- “Find the Corpse” - Search the area and defeat a specific enemy.
- Slay - Kill specific enemies within a certain area.
Grim Favors 3:
- Patrol - Slay monsters with the guard.
- Purge the Rot - Slay Headrotten.
- Scour - Search for Cleansing Herbs.
- Shepherd - Guide wildlife to safety.
- Wisps - Destroy an Exposed Root to free Lost Wisps. Slay Headrotten to gather Wisps until they are laid to rest.
- Harvest - Gather Motes from certain types of enemies within the area.
- Legion Events - Legion Event will always coincide with a Whisper.
- PVP: Purify Seeds of Hatred - Complete an Altar of Extraction Ritual in a PVP zone.
- Ritual - Perform a series of Rituals within a certain area.
Grim Favors 5:
- Fugitive - Recover head or slay Husk.
- Dungeon - Tree of Whispers will mark a dungeon on the map to complete.
- PVP: Seething Abomination - Defeat Seething Abomination within a PVP zone.
- World Boss - Occasionally a World Boss will also coincide with a Whisper.
- Blood Maiden - One Helltide will have Tree of Whispers objectives every hour.
What Can Grim Favors Be Exchanged For?
After you have 10 Grim Favors, you can return to Tree of Whispers and choose between three collection options. All collections are ranked normal, greater, or ancestral based on their rarity, and it is recommended that you always choose the ancestral option if possible. In addition to the redeemable collections, you can also get rewards including gold, gem fragments, sigils, glyphs, and runes while collecting Grim Favors.
Best S7 Grim Favors Farming Strategy
If you want to farm Grim Favors more efficiently so that you can redeem more rewards faster, the best way to do it right now is to combine Whispers of the Dead objectives with other activities, such as Headhunts or Helltides. This is because when you complete objectives in an active Headhunt or Helltides. Not only do you get more XP, you are also more likely to get more gear.
Helltides occur every hour, during which specific Tree of Whispers objectives will appear, or standard Tree of Whispers objectives can also occur at the same time as Helltides. You can even complete side quests that may appear in the surrounding area when combining events such as Whispers of the Dead and Helltides to achieve the highest farming efficiency.
After our introduction, you should have a deeper and more specific understanding of the game’s Tree of Whispers. I hope this will continue to help your Diablo 4 experience. Thank you for reading.