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News Tag: Diablo 4 Ghost Horse Mount

  • A Quick Guide To Get Ghost Horse Mount In Diablo 4 - Ghastly Reins & Spectral Charger

    Jun 07 ,2023

    Ghastly Reins are an item in Diablo 4 that can be used to unlock Spectral Charger Mount. This guide will explain how to get yourself Ghost Horse Mount.

    Gathering Legions

    Ghastly Reins have an infinitesimal chance to drop at the end of any Legion Gathering live event. These events occur periodically in the open world and can occur in one of five different locations scattered across the map.

    Two of these locations, Kor Dragan and Crusader’s Monument, require Garrison events to be completed first at each respective location. 5 minutes before Gathering Legions event starts, an icon and countdown timer will appear on the map at the upcoming location.

    This means you’ll want to check your map regularly to best catch these events before they happen. Additionally, in order to consistently reach each Gathering Legions location, you’ll need to activate a waypoint near it for faster travel.

    Diablo 4: How to unlock Horse Mount?

    Bonus Tip - Campfires Buff XP Gains

    As a quick tip, if you show up before the event, try to find and stand by campfires while you wait.

    It will temporarily increase the experience points you gain from defeating monsters. If you successfully complete all objectives in Gathering Legions event, it will give you the best chance of getting Ghastly Reins. So let’s cover how to do this.

    “Gathering Legions” Live Event Explained & Walkthrough

    They divide the first phase of the campaign into two parts. The first is to enrage Servants of Hell by killing enemies within a certain amount of time.

    Once you’ve completely filled the progress bar, you’ll enter the second part of the first phase, where Servants of Hell will appear. You have to beat it within the time limit. Servants of Hell will spawn next to 3 structures, represented by diamond symbols in the minimap. We must destroy these before Servant is damaged. Once these are dealt with, Servant pursues suit.

    Diablo 4: Gathering Legions Event

    After the first Servant is defeated, you will have to prepare for the second Servant. Finally, a third Servant will start the process all over again.

    While the process is similar, the difficulty of enemies will be increased and the time limit will be reduced. You’ll want to do your best, as the number of chests rewarded at the end of the event depends on the number of Servants defeated, up to a maximum of 3 chests.

    After defeating all 3 Servants, the second crucial phase of the event will begin and Overlord will spawn at the location indicated on the minimap. For the best rewards, all major bosses need to be defeated.

    If your team isn’t doing enough damage, focus all damage on a single boss to have the best chance of defeating at least one boss. If you’re eager to level up quickly to beat the boss as quickly as possible, perhaps getting Diablo 4 Power Level Boosting is a better option.

    Diablo 4: How To Get Ghastly Reins?

    Odds Of Finding Ghastly Reins

    Even with a flawless completion of Gathering Legions event, your chances of finding Ghastly Reins are very low. And the amount of activity completion required to finally get it varies from person to person.

    For example, I was a full team most of the game, and the first of us to get this Mount was level 38. Meanwhile, I didn’t find one for myself until level 57. At that point, all 3 of my team members had already gotten it a few hours earlier.

    Regardless, Gathering Legions events are a pretty unimpeachable source of XP and loot, especially early on. So please be patient and participate in these events as you see them. Eventually, you’ll find your Spectral Charger Mount. Once you’re done, use the item in your inventory, then head to any town’s Stables to equip it.

    Diablo 4: Unlock Spectral Charger Mount

    Equip Spectral Charger

    You can equip Spectral Charger with any armor or loot, including the appropriately themed Bonemail, which is only obtainable via the in-game store with Diablo 4 Gold. I personally like Pale Barding, which I found in Tortured Gifts of Mysteries Chest just outside of Kyovashad during my time in Helltide.

    Also Read: Diablo 4 Patch 1.0.2d Update Notes! - Changes & Nerfs

    Of course, you can equip the appropriate equipment according to your preferences. All in all, I hope this guide helps you find Ghost Horse Mount as quickly as possible in Diablo 4. Good luck.

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