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  • How To Improve The Survivability Of Sorcerer In Diablo 4 Season 1? - Face Tank & Speed Farm 40+ Level Higher Enemies

    Aug 03 ,2023

    As a Sorcerer player, my biggest pain point in Diablo 4 has always been the survivability. I can get one shot basically at anytime and from anywhere.

    Sorcerer is still the squishiest class right now because of lack of Armor and Resistance not working great in World Tier 4. After spending hundreds of hours playing and researching, I am now able to face tank enemies that are 40 Levels above me.

    So, I am excited to share my key learnings across Aspects, Gears and Paragon Board that helped me achieve the tankiness and enjoy the game without worrying about dying randomly. Hope it can help you enhance your favorite build and have more fun in Diablo 4 Season 1

    How To Improve The Survivability Of Sorcerer In Diablo 4 Season 1? - Face Tank & Speed Farm 40+ Level Higher Enemies

    Disobedience On Amulet 

    First, use Disobedience at Amulet.

    Armor is still the number one Damage Reduction mechanism in the game. The 15% Armor difference of the Disobedience alone is a 27% Damage Reduction to enemies 40 Levels above me. 

    Aspects To The Rescue 

    Second, get the Aspect of Might for 20% Damage Reduction and the Everliving Aspect for another 25%.

    Before the 1.1 patch, Vulnerable Uptime has been low with Lightning and Fire Sorcerer as people use Frost Nova at that time. 

    But 1.1 buffed Ice Blades that the Vulnerable Uptime is close to 100% now. So, any build running Ice Blades can take the Everliving Aspect for another 25% Damage Reduction.

    Gear Stats Prioritization

    Third, get all these defensive stats on Helm, Chest Armor, Pants or Amulets.

    Each of them is around 10% to 20% more Damage Reduction, or, in other words, gets you 12% to 25% more tankier.

    And put your belt on, I am going to dive into some complicated math now. Or, you can just remember this conclusion and skip to the next section.

    Helm/Chest Armor/Pants/Amulets

    • % Total Armor
    • Damage Reduction (from Close/Distant Enemies)
    • Dodge Chance (against Close/Distant Enemies)
    • Maximum Life

    So, when you are getting a 20% Damage Reduction, it means you are 1-1/(1-20%) = 25% more tankier.

    For example, if you have 10000 HP, a 20% Damage Reduction stat is equivalent to a 2500 Maximum HP stat. Because a hit of 12500 Damage from enemy will deal 12500*(1-20%) = 10000 Damage after 20% Damage Reduction.

    So, Damage Reduction is more effective than it looks.

    As after Level 90, you will have 10000 HP. At that point, pick the 20% Damage Reductions first. That are much better than 1000 Maximum Life. 

    While the % Total Armor and the % Damage Reduction are similar to the Maximum Life, that are interchangeable. I actually hate it so much. That it is so complicated.

    The easy conclusion to remember is to get all these defensive stats. 

    One more important note is to get 2 Damage Reductions from Close Enemies as we are face tanking for most of the time. Enemies are in close range and 1 Damage Reduction from Distant Enemy on Pants or Amulet to avoid getting one shot before the fight that I am still rerolling on my Pants.

    Also Read: How To Target Farm Specific Diablo 4 Unique Items And Double Unique Drop Chance?

    Best Defensive Malignant Hearts 

    Next, get the Revenge Heart that is the best defensive heart right now as it offers flat 20% damage reduction in all situations. 

    No Glass Cannon

    Don’t add Glass Cannon after Level 70. It will just make the survivability issue even worse. 

    The one rank from Raiment is unavoidable. 

    Paragon Board 

    In addition, get the 200 Armor from Paragon Board. It will be another 18% Damage Reduction against the Level 100 enemy.

    I’ve updated the Thor Nuke Build Paragon Board to include this. If you are running other builds, make sure to get them on your boards, too. Of course, if it is very difficult for you to make builds, you can not only check the free builds here but also take a look at Diablo 4 Boosting Service. There will be professional players who tailor five builds for endgame for you.


    Last, take Armor Elixirs for a high tier Nightmare Dungeon push.

    I took this 400 Armor Elixir, and it gives me another 22% Damage Reduction vs Enemies 40 Levels above me. And if I take this 900 Armor Elixir, it will give me a 49% Damage Reduction. 

    Imagine you are twice as tanky by just taking this Elixir. This 900 Armor Elixir can be farmed in the Helltide Chests

    1.1.1 Lookahead & Summary 

    When it comes to conclusion, the cold truth is that, Sorcerer is still the squishiest class right now.

    And I hope this guide can help you adjust your favorite build to get as much tanky to face tank and sweep high level Nightmare Dungeons and have fun in Diablo 4 as a Sorcerer.

    The upcoming 1.1.1 Patch buffs the Damage Reduction on Paragon Board Nodes and Damage Reduction on Glyphs. And this new Mage-Lord aspect will be interesting to test for further tankiness.

    But to be honest, my deepest fear of getting one shot is still before the fight even starts. And these buffs would not change that situation. I’d recommend Blizzard to introduce a new Glyph to focus on Damage Reductions against Distant Enemy, like a counterpart of the Territorial Glyph.

  • Diablo 4 Thor Nuke Sorcerer Build: A Sorcerer Build For Season 1

    Jul 28 ,2023

    Hope you had fun trying out the Thor Lightning in Season 1 so far. If you don’t know what Thor Lightning is, it is a build that combines Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning.

    I am going to cover the keys that will help you dominate the mid till endgame through the Thor Lightning, or actually Thor Nuke now.

    Diablo 4 Thor Nuke Sorcerer Build: A Sorcerer Build For Season 1

    Hearts To Use

    First, for the Thor build, the best heart to use is The Barber heart.

    Since the Lightning Sorcerer has a high crit chance, it basically converts all damage into AOE damage with a 40+% improvement. Therefore, the Chain Lightning becomes Chain Nuke.

    One trick to bring The Barber to the next level is to begin a fight with Lightning Spear and Spamming Chain Lightning and raiment Teleport to pull all enemies into one spot. And finally, all monsters get deleted instantly. You’ll also get a lot of Diablo 4 Gold for it.

    For the other two hearts, use Tal’Rasha for a 36% Global Damage boost and Revenge for 20% Tankier.

    I did a thorough and complicated calculation for the Tempting Fate heart. And my conclusion is that it is not worthy as even in the most ideal case with the Elementalist’s Aspect. The damage improvement is around 20%, which is far from to the flat 30+% boost from Tal’Rasha. So, just don’t use it for now unless Blizzard updates it.

    If you don’t have The Barber yet, use The Picana, which is a great AOE for further Damage, Cracking Energy and Mana. And if you don’t have any of the hearts. Don’t worry. You can read my other guide ‘How To Progress Fast In Diablo 4 Season 1? - 3 Must-Know Tips’ to get the best heart and XP farming locations and tips.

    Gears & Aspects

    Second, for gears, always focus on these defensive stats on Helm, Chest Armor, and Pants:

    • Maximum Life
    • % Total Armor
    • Close Enemy Damage Reduction
    • Damage Reduction

    Get plus Conjuration Mastery Passive and % Total Armor on Amulet.

    Aspect wise, replace Recharging Aspect with Accelerating Aspect to get Attack Speed as conjuration benefits from Attack Speed. Especially Ice Blades, look at how fast my ult is back.

    Diablo 4 Gear & Skills

    Below are all the gear and skills of this build:


    • Aspect of Might (Helm)
    • Raiment of the Infinite (Chest Armor)
    • Accelerating Aspect (Gloves)
    • Aspect of Disobedience (Pants)
    • Exploiter’s Aspect (Boots)
    • Conceited Aspect (Weapon)
    • Elementalist’s Aspect (Amulet)
    • Prodigy’s Aspect (Ring 1)
    • Aspect of Control (Ring 2)

    Gems: Emerald, Ruby, The Barber, Tal’Rasha, Revenge

    Skills: Spark, Chain Lighting, Teleport, Ice Blades, Lighting Spear, Unstable Currents

    Enchantments: Ice Blade, Ball Lightning

    If you don’t have certain aspects, don’t worry, you can read ‘Diablo 4 Thor Tal’Rasha Summoner Sorcerer Build: Season 1 Sorcerer Build Guide’ because all aspects are dungeon unlockable and you can start from there. Or, You can take a look at the Diablo 4 Boosting Service on this site. Whether you encounter difficulties in fighting bosses or finding certain items, there will be professional players to help you solve them one by one.

    Also Read: Diablo 4 Season 1 Patch 1.1.0a Update Notes! - All Fixes & Nerfs

    Paragon Board

    Third, for Paragon Board, use the Destruction Glyph for the 1st board Paragon Board as we have high Crit Chance and the 1st board has enough dexterity to unlock the 12% Global Bonus damage at Glyph Level 1.

    Then, unlock the Enchantment Master board and walk to the Legendary Node as soon as possible that is extremely important for the build. Because all Cooldown Skills can generate 20% more Ice Blades where we will have on average 7 Conjurations at the same time. And with the plus 3 Rank Conjuration Mastery on Amulet, it is a 42% Global Damage Boost and even more to Cooldown Reduction on top of the Accelerating Aspect we just saw. And we also have more static Ball Lightning that are huge AOE sweepers.

    Then, get the Rare Nodes for more Non-Physical Damage to greatly improve our “Damage to” bucket. And get the Elementalist Glyph since the 2nd board has enough Intelligence to unlock the 15% Global Damage Bonus.

    Then, go up to unlock the Frigid Fate Board to get more Vulnerable Damage with the Tactician Glyph. And go right to the Static Surge board for more Crowd Control synergies with the Exploit Glyph to further improve Vulnerable Damage.

    For upgrading glyphs, first upgrade the Destruction, then the Exploit, then the Tactician, and last the Elementalist.

    Frost Nova Variant

    If you are new to the Thor Lightning build, you may find using Frost Nova more comfortable as it instantly freezes all enemies around. It also works with the Thor Nuke build that I made a Frost Nova variant.

    Just move 3 points from the Ball Lightning to Frost Nova, replace Ice Blades with Frost Nova on the Skill Bar and you are good to go. It has better Group Crowd Control so monsters get deleted while Crowd Controlled.

    The minor downside is that a single elite or boss fight will take slightly more time. Also, get plus Frost Nova on the boots if you are going with this variant Ending.


    Sorcerer is actually super fun to play in Season 1. But now, it feels just too powerful after using The Barber heart.

    With the lowering Nightmare Dungeon difficulty in the recent patch, personally, I have a feeling that I can pass Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon even before Level 100. I hope Blizzard balances the Barber in the upcoming 1.1.1 or it might kill the game too quickly given that Season 1 will last for 3 months.

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